Danielle Degardin vs. Jessica Wright - Humiliation Match

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Danielle Degardin vs. Jessica Wright - Humiliation Match

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Match Type: Humiliation Match
Rules: Victory by verbal submission only
Danielle grinned wide, looking in the mirror as she fixed her hair to make sure everything was in perfect order. This was a match where she would truly shine. Yes, her skills at actually wrestling were...questionable at best, not that she would ever admit to that of course. She'd glossed through everything in her training, and the lessons didn't stick. And she didn't bother putting much effort into getting herself in shape, or building her strength. But this time? She was being given full reign to beat down and humiliate her opponent, and the match would only stop when the bitch was crying for mercy, when she would know that she stood no chance against the epitome of grace and style Dani was. She could just see the moment of truth coming, and she couldn't wait. It would be one step closer to having the entire LAW roster at their knees before her. And this was a match she actually stood a good chance of winning. Getting ahead in the fashion world, Danielle had seen great success being as ruthless and cutthroat as possible in cutting down all her rivals, using blackmail and bribery to make sure they knew their place. This time, she could do that again. Only this time, she was getting paid to do it, and she wouldn't have to worry about any legal repercussions, and she'd be doing it all in front of a captive audience! It was only the best she could ask for.

"And coming first to the ring, from Cannes, France...DANIELLE DEGARDIN!
She emerged onto the entrance ramp as her name was called, standing as tall as her admittedly somewhat short stature could allow as she planted one hand on her hip and threaded the fingers on the other through her hair, striking a pose just as naturally as she would on the catwalk. Her expression soured as the fans inevitably booed her - it seemed that no matter how hard she tried to establish herself in this ring, she still couldn't get these boors to know true beauty when they saw it! Turning up her nose with a huff, the Frenchwoman stormed off towards the ring. She would be sure to have some words for them, she thought, as she kicked off her shoes and slid in, taking her place as she turned to face the crowd.

"All of you. You're nothing but a bunch of slack-jawed inbred simpletons!" she said, the boos already starting around her - which only made her angrier, as she narrowed her eyes to them. "I'm a professional model, and an exquisite one at that, if I dare say so myself! Is there anyone here in the audience that can boast of that? No? I didn't think so. I've got more class in my little finger than all of you unwashed, sweaty, overweight lowlifes have between every single one of you combined! And I'm going to prove it! Once this other girl gets here...Jennifer, or whatever her name was, it doesn't matter! I'll put her in her place, and I'll make sure she fears my name! Then, perhaps, you'll see who's worthy of your respect?" Leaning in with her hands on her hips, Daanielle looked towards the entrance for when her promised opponent would show up. There was no sign of her, though. And that made Dani even happier, as her grin grew wider. "Oh, what's that? I don't hear anything from in there...perhaps this tarted-up little tramp already knows she doesn't stand a chance?"
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Jessica Wright - Humiliation Match

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Jessica's punches sliced through the air. She did not take this match because she wanted to. She took this match because she felt like she had to. And that was not a good place to be in. One, two, three. The combo went off like a charm when she was going against an opponent who was entirely imaginary, and she knew it would be a bit different once she actually stepped into the ring. Truth be told, she used to love this match type. Going against the other woman, giving her everything she had until whoever had the misfortune of going against her had to admit her inferiority. Jessica finished shadowboxing with a powerful right hook, and used the torque from the spin to wheel around to begin her march towards the door.

The Violent Violet tried to keep her purple eyes forward. There was a goal tonight. Assault the other woman until she could no longer take it. Jessica had been putting in her hours at the gym, and the long climb back up to the top was going to begin now. Even if it was going to have to be over the body of her opponent. Jessica was loose and lumber, ready to go into the battle. Physically, at least. The mental and emotional aspects of her readiness were something else entirely. She tried to push her doubts out of her head as she neared the staging area.

She heard what her opponent was saying. It pissed her right the fuck off. Her face crackled with rage. She took a deep breath in and punched the air a few more times, hoping to regain her focus. She could still do this. Jessica knew that she could not afford to fight like an idiot.

Her dark music blared over the loudspeaker, and Jessica made her way down to the ramp. The crowd did not know here half as well as they thought they did, and Jessica was going to show the world tonight. She strided down to the ring as if she had never lost a match before in her life.
She jumped into the ring, and stared straight through her opponent. "Listen, honey, you better shut your mouth. Unless, of course, you want me to shut it for you. And I promise you I am going to make good on that promise." Jessica flipped her long hair to the side. "And the name is Jessica by the way. Memorize it. Or I will get it tattooed on your fucking forehead."

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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Jessica Wright - Humiliation Match

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Almost immediately after she had finished her spiel, Danielle looked up to see her opponent exiting from backstage - and oh, this would be a fun one. Just from the way she walked, each step heavy and tense, and her breaths labored, Dani could already tell that this woman was angry - and that meant that her words had struck a sore spot with her. If she was this easy to mess with, the redhead thought, then humiliating her and forcing her to forfeit the match wouldn't be hard at all. But what it would be was fun. Watching her make her way to the ring, Danielle could hardly bite back the urge to chuckle at her misfortune.

As the purple-haired woman slid into the ring, Danielle soon became aware that her attitude matched her posture, as her words dripped with frustration - a frustration that she was eager to exploit. She crossed her arms, watching her with a coy smirk as she retaliated. She kept her eyes on Jessica, nodding a few times - but she wasn't really listening, of course. Just mockingly putting on the appearance that she was, yet paradoxically making it all the more clear how little she cared about anything she had to say. "Hm? Ah, yes, okay," Danielle muttered. "Whatever you say. Though, I don't think a tattoo would really suit me, non? I'm far too classy for that look." Punctuating this, she gave a pause, raising her eyebrow as she regarded her opponent. The two were almost perfect opposites in terms of their appearance and attitude - while Dani was more slender, and had carried herself in a matter to flaunt her wealth and status, Jessica was well-built, tough, brusque, and pulled no punches in the way he spoke. Of course, Danielle was going to exploit that. "I'm not filthy-mouthed trailer trash like you, of course," she finally added.
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Jessica Wright - Humiliation Match

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Jessica watched, leering at her opponent with her bright purple eyes. After launching a bomb like that, surely there was going to be some recourse if Danielle was not a total pushover. And judging from everything that she was now witnessing, that was not terribly likely to be the case. Jessica took it all in. The crossed arms, the raised eyebrows. All of it was the hallmark of someone who had more money than sense. This girl was privileged, hilariously so. She had long known that being more with a silver spoon in your mouth wasn't much help when you were getting the living snot kicked out of you. And Jessica was more than willing to share that bit of wisdom.

"You gotta do better than that, sweetcheeks. Trailer trash? Come on. I heard worse. From better people." Jessica tilted her head to the side. "See, I heard that you were just a little faker. Some stuck up kid who shuddered out of some big fancy house to find her way to the fuckin' real world." Jessica tilted her head to the other side. "And you are going to find that the real world is going to get real nasty. Real quick."

Jessica eyed her opponent up and down. The Violent Violet had the clear advantage when it came to size, and presumably strength. Her experience told her that this woman was probably fast. A high-flyer. A show stopper. Jessica was going to have to ground her in a hurry. And then keep annihilating her until she just gave up.

"Enough fucking talking. Time to fight." Jessica declared simply. To underline her murderous intent, she raised her fists, and approached Danielle.

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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Jessica Wright - Humiliation Match

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Hearing the girl's retort, Dani huffed, crossing her arms as her eyes narrowed. It would appear that her attempt to cut Jessica down was less than successful, with the purple-haired girl remaining stern in her defense. Not even going after her status or class! That always seemed to work when she was trying to cut down her rivals in the modelling world, but it seemed it didn't work in wrestling. In fact, Jessica almost seemed proud of her blue collar mannerisms and lack of refinement. Disgusting! If she actually thought that being such a filthy cretin was something to celebrate, Danielle would have to show her where she belonged. Luckily, this was just the match for that.

But to say that Danielle didn't know what she was doing? To call her fake!? That really got on her nerves. Snarling, Dani's hands balled at her sides. That comment really stung her, and it showed in the agitation that grasped her now, as she stared across at Jessica with a tremor going through her body. "Nngh-! Why, you..!" she said. "You talk awfully big, for not even being in the ring with me yet! Why, by the end of this, you're going to learn a thing or two about how I handle bitches who don't know what they're getting themselves into!" She looked around, trying to gauge the crowd's reaction to her retort. It was...less than warm. Danielle didn't exactly have the best comeback to that. Even if she knew she was right! "...Well?! You know I'm right, you simpletons! Don't tell me you're stupid enough to stand for this! Philistines, all of you! Simply unacceptable!" she shouted, turning to the stands and jabbing her finger in their direction.

Nevertheless, Jessica wanted the fight to get over with - and Danielle would agree. If her words wouldn't serve her, maybe her fists could do the talking. With a sigh, she turned to look back at her opponent. "Whatever!" she huffed. "You'll see for yourselves how I handle things..." Jessica raised her fists, but so did Dani as she stepped in closer. She looked like she would meet the offer for fisticuffs - but instead, when the time was right, she would kick out with a knee into Jessica's stomach!
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Jessica Wright - Humiliation Match

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Crowd pleaser. That is what this one was. There were certainly worse ways to get the belt, to be sure, and Jessica was not going to blame Danielle too much for going that particular route in order to make a name for herself. But that was not to say that she particularly liked it. It felt undignified to her to pander to the crowd, to ask for their permission. You had to do it from time to time, fine, but she never wanted to rely on it. So as she heard Danielle's voice cracking, and saw that she was not getting the reaction that she wanted to get. The finger jabbing was downright priceless. Had she not wanted to break this woman into thirty pieces, she would have found it slightly endearing. But luckily for her, she did.

Jessica eyed the woman warily. This woman did not seem like she could handle a whole lot, but it is hard to know what you don't know. Jessica inched forward, wondering why Danielle was going for a brawl at first. Jessica had a clear advantage when it came to strength. Perhaps she was so mad that she was going to play Jessica at Jessica's game. That would be a mistake. Jessica drew her fists back, ready to launch it forward to meet Danielle's violence with head-on violence.

Then a kick rose up and hit her right on the abs. Immediately, Jessica doubled over in pain and stumbled backwards a bit out of shock. She was genuinely pretty surprised that the woman had that amount of cunning. The look in her eyes was one of hurt. But then she sprang right back up. "You wanna do that?" That was the only warning that Danielle got before Jessica launched a lightning fast kick, only this one was not aimed at the stomach. It was aimed at the head.

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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Jessica Wright - Humiliation Match

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Ah, mind games. Dani might not have been the most physically strong woman there was - but if there was any trick she had up her sleeve, it was fighting dirty. The redhead had little regard for morals or standards, as long as there was a way for her to get ahead. If she needed to fake her opponents out, she'd do that - and luckily for her, it worked. Even as Jessica advanced on her, Danielle only responded with a coy smirk, knowing full well the implications - if she wanted to fight head to head, it only meant that she had fallen right into her trap.

And it was even better when the blow actually landed, sending Jessica stumbling straight back in pain. Her smile grew wider, and she had to lift a hand to her mouth to cover a rather unladylike laugh at her opponent's expense. "My my," she said, "if that's all you can take, you must truly be all bark and no bite. Good to know that acting all tough doesn't mean a thing when you can't back it up." She struck a pose, having had plenty of experience in her modelling career, to really drive the point home - she was smug, confident, and she wanted everyone to know that, particularly Jessica.

But things didn't go exactly as according to plan; Jessica got back up quicker than expected. Dani started to get on her guard, preparing for what would come next, but nothing would ready her enough to stop the blinding speed of Jessica's kick, which struck her head and sent her stumbling back with a shrill cry of pain, clutching her head to try and still the pain. As she fell against the ropes, she cursed at her opponent from behind her hands. "Careful with that, you brainless brute-!"
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Jessica Wright - Humiliation Match

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The kick was annoying, sure. Jessica was a tough enough woman that the single strike was not going to keep her out of the action for that long. But the pose. The fucking pose. Jessica was not about to get showboated on, especially by some little punk who only got a chance in the ring because of her looks. So when she launched the kick forward, there was a sense of righteousness that rose alongside that strong leg of hers inasmuch as a woman like Jessica could feel righteous at all. Sententious, morelike, as her path of virtue only claimed its stake in that the strongest one made the rules, and Jessica had something that she could vie for.

Jessica blinked. "No," she replied curtly, before launching into action once more. Jessica was not going to dish out clemency nor would she brook anyone giving it out here in the ring. There was only a short distance between the two women, and Jessica's great size meant that she could close the gap quickly. She was done being angry. This woman showed that she was not nearly as dumb as she looked, which meant that she had to go forward with a plan.

And what a plan it was. Jessica's arm extended out and then forward for a clothesline. When she did it, she put all of her weight behind it, but more importantly, up. Danielle was against the ropes, which was fine. But Jessica would much prefer that Danielle be on the concrete floor of the arena, especially if it was a hard shot that got her there. Luckily for Jessica, she had the power and the fury to get Danielle there...

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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Jessica Wright - Humiliation Match

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That kick hurt, and Danielle really felt it. Her head was still pounding as she tried to recover from Jessica's lightning-fast assault. Though she shook her head to and fro - much to her dismay, causing strands of red hair to slip out of their careful arrangement - she could only do so much to steady herself, and Jessica was bearing down on her. Dani peered from beneath her fingers as she parted them somewhat, coming to see Jessica readying a charge. The intent was clear - she was going to deliver the hurt at the first opportunity she had!

Danielle wasn't about to let that happen. Snarling to her foe, the girl raised a knee off the ground, trying to hold it in front of her with the aim of having Jessica charge straight into it. She hoped that her defense would work as a counterattack - but Jessica had a lot of force behind her. Even if Dani's trick worked, she would still take on the brunt of the blow, and Jessica's clothesline slammed into her chest at the same time she posed her counterattack, causing the ex-model to go stumbling backwards. The ropes stretched as she bent against them, and at last she went over the top, tumbling out of the ring and to the floor below.

But Danielle remembered one thing she had thought in applying for this position. They just know how to fall right. It couldn't be that hard, could it? If nothing else, her defenses would buffer her against the fall and give her more time to react, to steer herself in order to minimize the damage. Rolling her weight over and putting her hand out behind her, Danielle attempted to brace her fall and give her more time to take action in response.
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Re: Danielle Degardin vs. Jessica Wright - Humiliation Match

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Danielle was snarling. That took Jessica aback for a half second. The Violent Violet was not aware that this woman had much fight in her at all, so when she growled at Jessica as if she were a junkyard dog, Jessica paused for a bit. But only for a bit. Jessica pressed on, and two things happened simultaneously. First, Jessica's hardened shoulder slammed into Danielle's chest with the force that only a cannonball could muster, causing Danielle to fly up and back, just as Jessica wanted to. Then, something hard was rammed into her gut.

That sent Jessica reeling back a little bit, and made her double over a bit. In one move, Jessica had seized the advantage, and now it was stripped of her. Jessica grumbled a bit and then peered over the ropes. The fall had not hurt Danielle as much as she would have liked it to, and Jessica cursed under her breath. Her chance to get this match swinging in her favor from the very outset was frustrated. But Jessica was not about to take this sitting down.

Far from it. In one bound, Jessica was over the ropes. And in the next, she was flying off of it. The Violent Violet was not accustomed to going flying, but she decided that now was the time. Both of her legs were extended forward as she tried to collide with her opponent in an abrupt and painful fashion. Her long purple hair flowed behind her as she soared through the air.

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