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Micaiah Wilson vs. Laura - Hardcore Havoc
Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 2:31 pm
by PrinceArjuna332
Hardcore Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Anything goes. No disqualification.
Another night for a payday, another night for a match. Micaiah Wilson laced her boots, preparing herself for her match for tonight. While she might be wrestling for the money, the thrills of the battles kept her invested in them. While preparing herself, she was smoking a cigarette, but as soon as she was ready, she would drop the cigarette before crushing it underneath her boot. She would also use a perfume to cover the scent of the cigarette.
Already wearing her wrestling outfit which consisted of the tight bra and bottoms, she would wait for her cue to make her entrance. Once her music was played, she would step out into the ramp, showered by boos and a handful of cheers from the crowd. She flipped a bird to one direction, gaining more heat as she walked down the ramp, heading over to the ring.
Once she reached her destination, she would climb up the apron, slipping under the ropes. Stretching up as she entered the ring, she would show off her athletic figure to the crowd, which was something that they truly appreciate despite them booing her. Not that she really cared about what they thought about her, though.
After she's done stretching up, she would wait for her opponent to show up. Whoever her opponent was, she couldn't wait to beat her up and walk out of the ring with another win under her belt. Sure, getting paid was nice, but winning a match was something that brought satisfaction for Micaiah as well. Since winning allowed her to get more money, so she would prefer winning.
Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Laura - Hardcore Havoc
Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 5:53 pm
by Rougue
Laura sighed as she looked at her claws which she was holding in her hands. She was happy that her next match was a hardcore match where she didn't have to hold back against her foe but she couldn't use her weapons in that fight. That also meant she had to wear her normal outfit. Her special outfit without her weapons would just look ridiculous Laura thought.
"Maybe next time. I will definitely use you one time just not now."
The brunette would then grab her fighting attire and put it on.
"Yes, that should work."
Laura then jumped up and down and made a small warm up before it was her time to enter the stage. It took at least five more minutes before someone from the staff would come to her and ask if the UK fighter was ready for her entrance. Laura nodded and walked out of the locker and towards the stage.
She waved to the crowd and headed straight for the ring. Then she grabbed the middle rope and stepped into the arena. Laura walked in the corner and stepped on the middle ropes to give the audience one final greeting.
"From the United Kingdom, she arrived. She has mastered the leopard fighting style and according to our information, she can use them very well in her fights and nearly every single one of her opponent's got knocked out by him. Some people even say she is a human-leopard. So welcome with a height of exactly 6'5 feet and a weight of 165 lbs, please greet the brunette animal, Laura."
Laura smirked after she got introduced like that and the crowd even started to cheer louder than before.
After that, she turned around to face her opponent. Laura walked towards her and before even getting really close she was able to smell her perfume. The brunette would cover her nose with one hand.
"Did anybody tell you that less is sometimes enough."
Laura would say while she would slowly walk closer to her and attempt to ignore the smell from her opponent.
"Anyway. I think you got my name from that introduction but just to get sure. My name is Laura pleased to meet you."
Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Laura - Hardcore Havoc
Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:35 am
by PrinceArjuna332
Micaiah scoffed as she heard the introduction of her opponent. She phased out everything that came out afterwards, focusing on keeping to herself as her opponent made her appearance. She didn't care about who her opponent was, and the only important thing for her in this ring was to defeat her and walk out victorious.
Then she noticed that her opponent was talking to her. "Huh?" She gave a disinterest look at Laura, and frowned as she heard what she was saying. Shrugging, she then responded to her, "Yeah right, whatever..."
They would be fighting each other in a hardcore match. Soon, both wrestlers would be called to the center of the ring. Both of them were free to use any kind of dirty moves on each other, so the referee didn't explain much about the rules to them. Then, the bell was called, starting the match between the two of them.
Micaiah would start by taking a stance, observing Laura's movement as she prepared herself for a clash with her.
Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Laura - Hardcore Havoc
Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 8:18 am
by Rougue
Laura's opponent seemed to be on of the unkinder ones. Nothing that really surprised the brunette considering that Micaiah's smug face already told her she was a bitch. That made things a lot easier for her. Laura might be not the nicest person on earth but when her opponents wouldn't be able to do much more she would stop. In this case, however, she wouldn't be so nice.
As both fighters came together in the ring Laura smirked at Micaiah. She licked her lips and would go into her fighting stance. The back haired woman didn't seem to have any intentions of attacking at first so the UK fighter wanted to take the first step.
"Let's go!"
With that, Laura would make a half-fist with her hand. Then the brunette would charge forward at her opponent. Laura would attempt to hit her opponent with the second knuckle of her four fingers into her throat and weaken her with that. With that attack, Laura wanted to get a first impression from Micaiah to see if she really was a good opponent for her.
Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Laura - Hardcore Havoc
Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 12:54 am
by PrinceArjuna332
As Micaiah took a stance, she saw Laura coming over to her, aiming to drive her knuckle into her throat. Micaiah would jump aside, avoiding the strike altogether, though Laura's hand would brush against the side of her neck as she avoided the hit.
"Tch!" Micaiah hissed, feeling the stinging sensation from having Laura's hand brushing against her neck, but she would dip down, lowering her body as she would try to land an uppercut right into her stomach, hoping to knock some air out of her lungs.
Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Laura - Hardcore Havoc
Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 10:09 am
by Rougue
Laura charged straight at her opponent but missed her just by a few centimeters. The brunette could feel how her hand touched her opponent's throat but she didn't hit her. Laura was surprised that her opponent dodged the hit even when it was really close. Then the UK fighter felt a pain in her stomach as Micaiah hit her with an uppercut.
Laura would moan and take a few steps back as she got hit into her stomach. She would wrap both arms around her belly and bend slightly forward.
Then the brunette would look her opponent into her eyes and growl.
Again Laura would attempt to charge at her black haired foe but this time she would attempt to do a kick into her opponent's side with her right leg. She wanted to get revenge for the mean uppercut from her opponent with that.
Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Laura - Hardcore Havoc
Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 10:20 am
by PrinceArjuna332
Smirking at Laura, Micaiah could tell that her uppercut earlier had dealt a damage on her, and she aimed to continue her momentum in this match as she planned to show how outclassed Laura was before her. Carefully observing Laura's movement, she saw that her opponent was going for a kick to her left side with her right leg, and Micaiah would catch the leg with her left arm.
"Heh, amateur..." Micaiah taunted as she would attempt to drive her elbow into Laura's calf, looking to hurt her a bit before releasing that leg. Hopefully, she was fast enough to deal the damage before Laura could follow up with another attack.
Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Laura - Hardcore Havoc
Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 12:34 pm
by Rougue
Laura thought that this time she would get her opponent with a sidekick. She got surprised as Micaiah just casually grabbed her leg like it would be nothing at all. To make matters even worse the black haired woman called her an amateur. Who did that bitch even think she is, Laura would think. She got really pissed that her opponent showed her off like that.
"Grrr...Shut up!"
The brunette growled at her opponent and would then attempt to jump right at her. The brunette would try to pull herself really close to Micaiah and giving her barely any chance to do something with the leg. When Laura would get close she would attempt to punch her opponent into her head and also try to knee Micaiah into her side.
Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Laura - Hardcore Havoc
Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 3:09 pm
by PrinceArjuna332
Now grabbing Laura's leg, Micaiah planned to take her down. She enjoyed the looks on Laura's face after she called her an amateur earlier, but before she could actually do anything about her opponent's leg, Laura suddenly pulled herself close towards her before she delivered a punch into her head.
Micaiah yelped, head recoiling back from the punch. Thanks to this, she released Laura's leg as she would then stagger back. One hand would go to her head while she would bring up her other hand in order to shield herself from any attack that her opponent would launch at her next.
Re: Micaiah Wilson vs. Laura - Hardcore Havoc
Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 9:40 am
by Rougue
Laura didn't have the best start. The black haired wrestler showed her off pretty good and humiliated her a bit in the process. Laura got angry at her and the only thing she wanted to do was to pay that bitch back.
With the hit on her opponent's head, Laura was finally able to do a bit in the fight instead of getting her ass kicked. Micaiah released her leg and let the brunette women go.
"Aww Sorry. Did that hurt you?"
Laura didn't want to give her for any time to recover so she would attempt to walk closer to her. The brunette woman would walk towards Micaiah. She might have her hand up for a defense but that wouldn't prevent Laura from attacking. When she would be close enough the brunette would attempt to lift up her leg and make a front kick at Micaiah. Perhaps her foe would defend herself but she hoped that a bit damage would get through to the black head.