The woman? None other than the lovable luchadora, Black Swan!

The crowd gave the luchadora a warm reception as she burst through, mic in hand as she came out to give a warm wave to the crowd, smiling and extending a hand out for the crowd to touch as she made her way down to the ring, leaping up onto the apron before flipping over the top rope into the ring!
Waiting for the crowd to quiet down, Swan would give them all a smile, before raising it to her lips and beginning to speak!
"Too kind as always Japan! You're simply lovely! And indeed, it's because you're all so lovely, that I've got a special treat for you here tonight! After taking inspiration from a few others, I've decided that tonight, just for you, I'm going to extend an open challenge to the back room, that's open to any and all comers!" Swan said, the crowd roaring in approval as she announced it, all eager to see the luchadora take on whoever would decide to answer her call!
"That's right! So to everyone in the back, this is a challenge to anyone..."