Natalia Nowak (D) vs Alison Seong - Oil Wrestling

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Natalia Nowak (D) vs Alison Seong - Oil Wrestling

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Oil Wrestling
Rules: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission or Knock Out
Attire: Bikini
Ring: Pool filled ankle deep with baby oil

This was an interesting debut to say the least. Natalia hadn't thought her debut here in LAW would be something this...soft? Though of course that wasn't easy to say, she didn't know anything about her opponent, so it was just a matter of waiting to see who she'd face. This was an interesting set up though. They'd wrestle in a pool filled with oil, as they'd both be oiled up and have to tussle and struggle until one of them was just too spent to continue. Natalia sort of enjoyed that idea.

For her debut she'd be allowed to fight another hottie in a bikini and take her down in oil, Slippery sliding against one another until one of them would submit or be pinned for a full three count. Natlia was getting a bit excited at the thought as she stood up behind the curtains and waited for her cue.

When her music hit, the beautiful purple haired woman began to walk down the ramp. Her amazing body that had men and women desiring her, or simply be jealous of hers. A body that was just insane, put on display as she walked down the ramp. Her generous rack bouncing with each step she took, within the confines of their tight bikini top prison.

Once she reached the pool she would stand with her by her side, gesturing for the referee to give her a bottle of baby oil, as she would start by pouring out a healthy heaping off it onto her generous rack, she'd take her free hand and start to rub and massage herself, from breasts to abs to thighs. Making sure that her entire frame was shiny and slippery from the oil, as she made sure to nearly empty to bottle, she'd then stand outside of the pool, awaiting her opponent.

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Re: Natalia Nowak (D) vs Alison Seong - Oil Wrestling

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Alison was irritated about the choice of tonight's match, having been thrown into a debut match with some other bitch the officials deemed it necessary to have them battle it out in oil as Alison made sure that her white bikini was snugged on her body. She wasn't completely thrilled with wrestling in oil, but she was not going to be seen as a coward by backing out of this fight as her theme began to play. Her entrance continued as her bikini clad figure stepped in front of the flashing lights as she walked forward, lights shining down on her and her white body as she glared out into the crowd, cheering at the sight of her body as she had a slight smirk curl on her face with the attention.

She would make her way down to the pool, seeing that her opponent was already lubing up for the confrontation as Alison would walk right up to her opponent, slamming against her chest to oily chest. "Sucks to be you. Having to be thrown to me on your debut match. Don't worry, if you're lucky, you might still have something left for your next match." she sneered, trying to intimidate the beautiful woman as she was handed a bottle of oil, refusing to back off from her opponent as she would begin to unload the contents of oil onto herself, rubbing it into her body as she continued to lock eyes with the debuting woman.

Once she had coated her upper torso, she would step back and began to rub onto her thighs and legs so that she would have a slick shine on herself before stepping into the pool, ready for action!

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Re: Natalia Nowak (D) vs Alison Seong - Oil Wrestling

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Natalia had just finished oiling herself up as she would hear the music of Alison Seong, her opponent for the night, her attention turned up towards the ramp, with but a glancing gaze. She watched through the corner of her eye as Alison made her way down towards the pool and then instead of doing things proper, she decided to move in and press her non oiled chest up against the large oily mounds of the purple haired beauty.

The Polish woman would stand and look on at Alison's face with an unimpressed look, as she would listen to the words that the vixen was spewing out. She was facing this kind of woman then, that mean that this was going to be no different than it had been in her old life.

Natalia would let out a sigh as Alison stood pressed against her, she would bring her hand up and with it grab at the lovely Alison's chin, palm cupping it as her fingers and thumb would squeeze against each cheek of Alison' Smooshing her face up a little. " Listen here, try not to act tough. It makes you seem weak." Natalia spoke as she would then shove that face back and move to get into the pool. She would steady herself in the oil as she would then beckon Alison towards her. " I'll show you just what I mean."

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Re: Natalia Nowak (D) vs Alison Seong - Oil Wrestling

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Alison's features scrunched up as her intimidation had no effect on the new wrestler, smacking the hand off of her chin as Natalia grabbed at it. Such a response had no problem angering Alison as they stood in the oil, "Watch yourself bitch." she hissed out angrily as she would hear the bell ring out and signalling the start of the match.

Alison could see the smug look on Natalia's face, that assured look in being able to best her in combat. Maybe oil wasn't the best environment for Alison, but she wasn't going to let that stop her as she would lunge in, wasting little time in starting off the match as she attempted to double leg takedown by wrapping her arms around the legs, feet sliding through the oil as if she was successful in taking down Natalia, the normal thing was for Alison to start swinging for the face with fists.

Instead she would try for an open hand slap across Natalia's face.

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Re: Natalia Nowak (D) vs Alison Seong - Oil Wrestling

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Natalia let out another sigh as it seemed as if Alison didn't want to listen to her words of advice, she watched Alison as the two buxom oil clad combatants were in the oil. Getting ready to square off against one another. The bell soon rang and with it the two looked to be ready, Natalia watched Alison as she would see her lunge towards her, Natalia was swift to do the same.

The two women having the same kind of thinking as Natalia went in low and clashed with Alison, shoulders to shoulders, large breasts rubbing against one another as Natalia would take to her knees. Having stopped Alison and with them both on their knees in the oil. Natalia would swiftly try and wrap her arms around that head, pulling towards the right as she tried to then swiftly push and throw that face right into the oil!

Trying to dunk Alison's face into the ankle deep oil and then keep it pressed into it for a second or two only to then try and roll Alison over onto her back, smirking towards the raven haired woman.

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Re: Natalia Nowak (D) vs Alison Seong - Oil Wrestling

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Alison's attempts at going in low to sweep Natalia out from underneath her was foiled as her opponent thought the same tactic as they smashed together, oiled body to oiled body! Alison growled out as breasts mashed and arms wrapped around the other as they began to battle for dominance as they struggled in the oil.

Alison felt the arms wrapping around her head as she immediately brought her arms up to try and slip out of the hold. But it was too late as she ended up getting a face full of oil! Gritting her teeth as she struggled, she wasn't there for long as Natalia rolled her over onto her back, her angry eyes looking up at her opponent as she brought her hands up to try and shove Natalia off of her!

"Get off of me!"

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Re: Natalia Nowak (D) vs Alison Seong - Oil Wrestling

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Natalia met Alison's charge and grabbed the raven haired woman as she would toss her down onto the mat after she had downed the head of Alison' into the the oil real quick. She smirked as she looked down on Alison's face as she would then feel the woman shove her backwards. Causing the purple haired woman to fall down onto her butt, letting out a soft grunt.

She would rise up towards her knees again, " Come on, it's your own fault hun. You're a predictable little hot head." Natalia let out as she would push forward and try and grab two handfuls of Alison's wet, and slippery black hair. She would try and throw her head forward, aiming to drive her head into the bridge of Alison's nose with a brutal headbutt.

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Re: Natalia Nowak (D) vs Alison Seong - Oil Wrestling

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The oily mats and bodies made it easy for Alison to escape out from underneath Natalia, shoving her off as Alison slid herself back to a neutral position on her knees. Growling out she sized up her opponent, already being a hassle more than Alison wanted her to be and her taunts was not making it any better as Alison sneered back at her opponent. "Shut up! I'm going to rip your head off!" she hissed out as the two slid into each other, within arms reach as Natalia grabbed a hold of her slimy hair!

"Nnnn!" she let out, attempting to reach up and grab onto Natalia's hair in return, but what she got was a quick headbutt to the face! Her head snapped back, eyes shut tightly as pain shot through her face as the forehead slammed into her nose, Alison's hand reaching up to cover it as she hung low to the mat, trying to get her bearings after the violent hit!

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Re: Natalia Nowak (D) vs Alison Seong - Oil Wrestling

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Natalia's head smacked in at the bridge of Alison's nose, snapping the head of the beautiful woman back and allowing Natalia to take control of things again. She would try and use her hold on that hair to yank and throw Alison onto her back on the mat, and quickly try and follow that up by clenching her right free hand and try and throw a strike down into Alison's tits. Trying to flatten one of those orbs as she would try and stun Alison.

Should it work, the beautiful Polish woman would move up and try and straddle the body of the raven haired woman. Natalia would then try and bring her hands down to grab them at Alison's head. Holding it tightly a she would try and lift that skull up from the oil pit and then try and bang the back of her head against the mats.

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Re: Natalia Nowak (D) vs Alison Seong - Oil Wrestling

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Groaning out as she felt her nose to make sure it wasn't bleeding, Alison couldn't tell with the coating of oil on her hand as it allowed Natalia to have her way with her as she was pulled by the hair, twisting and slamming into the oil! Before she had a chance to recover, Natalia's fist found her tit and crushed it into her chest, sputtering and coughing for air as the fist smushed her womanly pride!

Natalia easily got on top of Alison, too busy coughing for air to try and stop her as she easily took two handfuls of hair again and added to Alison's dizzy state by smashing it against the oily mats!

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