Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission or Knock Out
Attire: Bikini
Ring: Pool filled ankle deep with baby oil

This was an interesting debut to say the least. Natalia hadn't thought her debut here in LAW would be something this...soft? Though of course that wasn't easy to say, she didn't know anything about her opponent, so it was just a matter of waiting to see who she'd face. This was an interesting set up though. They'd wrestle in a pool filled with oil, as they'd both be oiled up and have to tussle and struggle until one of them was just too spent to continue. Natalia sort of enjoyed that idea.
For her debut she'd be allowed to fight another hottie in a bikini and take her down in oil, Slippery sliding against one another until one of them would submit or be pinned for a full three count. Natlia was getting a bit excited at the thought as she stood up behind the curtains and waited for her cue.
When her music hit, the beautiful purple haired woman began to walk down the ramp. Her amazing body that had men and women desiring her, or simply be jealous of hers. A body that was just insane, put on display as she walked down the ramp. Her generous rack bouncing with each step she took, within the confines of their tight bikini top prison.
Once she reached the pool she would stand with her by her side, gesturing for the referee to give her a bottle of baby oil, as she would start by pouring out a healthy heaping off it onto her generous rack, she'd take her free hand and start to rub and massage herself, from breasts to abs to thighs. Making sure that her entire frame was shiny and slippery from the oil, as she made sure to nearly empty to bottle, she'd then stand outside of the pool, awaiting her opponent.