One week. It had been one week since Alizeh had fought Lauren in what was a last minute thrown together match, one that people thought would be forgettable. But surprisingly Lauren had a hot start against Alizeh and it caused ratings to spike and the crowd demand was surprisingly high to see them up against each other again. Maybe it was the novelty of someone like Lauren having Alizeh on the ropes, or the feeling of a underdog victory for a likeable face like Alizeh, or maybe Lauren had more people interested in her then she gave herself credit for.
Regardless of the reason, when asked if she'd be ok with having a rematch against the blonde Alizeh gave an emphatic yes. Standing up and walking down the halls with a smile. Wearing a green, aztec themed halter tap and trunks to differentiate her attire from the last time they had fought Alizeh was ready and even eager for the bout ahead of her as she made it to the entrance curtain, waiting just a few moments before the sound of her music would ring out accompanied with the sound of lightning.