Victory Conditions: Victory can only be achieved by knocking out your opponent.
One more match. Just one more.
Betsy came out from the curtain and made her way down to the ring, as her blared out of over the loudspeaker. The audience reacted to her, but not overwhelmingly - pretty much the sort of standard fanfare that any hot blonde would get from a crowd filled with horny teenagers.
She did her best to keep up appearances and hold her head up high as she made her way down to the ring, even enough to slap hands with the occasional fan as she descended, but she would be lying if she said her heart was in it. It wasn’t anyone’s fault but hers - in truth, her LAW career had been nothing short of a bust up until now. She’d come in hot with her husband, thinking they would set the world on fire - mixed sex tag teams were a rare thing in the company, even rarer for them to be a husband and wife, so they had that going for them. Japan was supposed to be a new start for them as a couple, someplace where they could grow and build.
Instead, it had been a year of trainwrecks. After Betsy’s first, humiliating loss, she’d suffered one after the other, to the point where management rarely booked her unless they needed someone to fill in for a no-show. That meant less money, less exposure, less everything. It strained their living situation, which was worsened in recent weeks when Troy had to travel back to the States for his aunt’s funeral.
Now, Betsy found herself coming out to another match, contemplating the point of it all as she entered the ring and gave the crowd a quick pump of her fists. She supposed she was glad they’d given her a ‘Knockout’ match, which appealed to her history as a boxer and her skills, but there was only so much excitement she could muster for even that.
It was a bummer, and the longer this continued, the more she thought about just packing it up, calling it quits, and returning home to recharge her batteries. LAW wasn’t for everyone, right? It was okay to know when to tap out.
Betsy kept contemplating as her music began to die out, as she leaned against the corner and stared at the lights. She’d find her focus in a minute, but for now she was fine with just spacing out a little and relieving her stress.
Salute the Flag