Sweet Stretches: Sakura Hagiwara vs Chalia

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Sweet Stretches: Sakura Hagiwara vs Chalia

Unread post by reini »

Match type: Submission
Rules: Single round, loser determined by either tap our or verbal surrender

Chalia steps onto the stage, her bare hips swaying, drawing in the most attention from audience. Her toned, tanned stomach glistens under the lights, proudly displaying the snake tattoo slithering across her hip.
She didn't care about whether people were, or weren't looking, more interested in meeting her enemy - Sakura Hagiwara. From information she managed to gather, her opponent was supposed to be an "idol", a concept strange and unfamiliar to Chalia. To her, it sounded saccharine and derogatory. Some stupid girl, dressing up in colorful, effeminate clothes and acting overly sweet had no place in a fighting area, and she was ready to show her that.

There is no place for people like her, she thought to herself as she cruckled her knuckles. I'm gonna beat her into retirement.
Last edited by reini on Fri Feb 28, 2025 7:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sweet Stretches: Sakura Hagiwara vs Chalia

Unread post by Bare »

Sakura took a deep breath in preparation for her upcoming match. Ever since meeting and agreeing to work with a LAW talent manager by the name of Benny she was getting more of them lately, and with wins finally under her belt she was determined to keep her forward momentum going. Having finished her preparations and making sure her red and pink gear was on correctly she would nod to herself. 'Lets do this.' Sakura thought to herself, getting up and approaching the entrance curtain as her song began to start up.
Coming out and posing for the fans Sakura would smile brilliantly, putting forward as much confidence as possible as she began to jaunt happily down the ramp towards the ring. Jumping up onto the apron and turning to face the crowd Sakura would then perform a back flip over the ropes and into the ring, her gear flashing as she did so, landing and looking good in the bright red and pink two piece attire. Turning towards her opponent and approaching the center of the ring Sakura would extend her hand out to offer a handshake towards Chalia before the match could begin as a sign of respect and good sportsmanship.


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Re: Sweet Stretches: Sakura Hagiwara vs Chalia

Unread post by reini »

Chalia rolled her eyes at her enemy's joyous entrance and the way she was engorging her fans. However, as she arrived at the ring Sakura extended her hand in asimple, polite gesture. A handshake.

“Aw, how sweet,” Chalia smirked at the naivety Sakura seemingly carried herself with. She leaned in just a little, her scarlet eyes locking onto Sakura’s with a playful yet challenging glint.

“Are you gonna take good care of me?”

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Re: Sweet Stretches: Sakura Hagiwara vs Chalia

Unread post by Bare »

Finishing her entrance and now standing across her opponent Sakura would try to hold her hand out for a handshake with the woman across from her, trying to show some respect and sportsmanship.

Unfortunately however it seemed that Chalia was not interested in doing so, ignoring Sakura's hand and instead speaking with a sickly sweet tone while practically boring a hole through her with those crimson eyes.

"Well... that'll depend on you." Sakura said as she lowered her hand, maintaining eye contact all throughout, her gaze determined and cool as she refused to back down to Chalia. In fact she would just put up her fists, preparing out the gate for the bout to begin.

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