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The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2025 3:20 am
by Pegasus
Author’s Note
I’m currently on break from all forms of social media due to some extremely personal issues. I’m collabing with Highfly and APlaying on this so I’m going to try and tag them so they can see it. Check your notifications you two. DM me on here if there are any troubles. @APlaying @Highfly If you aren’t one of those two reading this, just disregard it and enjoy the match!
Match Type: Tag Team Match
Rules: Victory is obtained by pinfall, submission, count-out, DQ, or knockout. Normal tag team rules apply.

A highly anticipated tag team match was up next as Kennedy could be seen putting on some expensive aviator sunglasses along with a yellow sports coat. Boos came from the crowd as Kennedy was busy prepping her henchwomen for their upcoming match. Kennedy’s latest enemy Snow was going to take part in this match with a new friend she made and with her creative control powers, she wanted to make sure she didn’t even have to deal with Snow. Kennedy made a special stipulation on both Snow and her new friend which is if they even dared try laying a finger on her, they’ll shortly find themselves looking for new jobs. That’s right, Kennedy used her powers to deem that if she is touched by Snow or Svetlana, both would be fired from LAW. Unless they want to toil down in the indies, they better behave themselves.

Freya and Elm were warming up as they wore their new purple body suits along with purple arm bands, their stylish belts, and their black wrestling boots that are the best money can buy. The backstage worker told them they were on and they made their way towards gorilla as The Glamorous One demanded her music be hit. The sound technician gulped and immediately set on putting on Kennedy’s track.
Kennedy’s Theme Song
You should’ve had my music playing the minute I was in the hallway. That’s sloppy work. Your next paycheck is going to have a few less zeroes on it. Be lucky you still have a job!” Kennedy scolded the worker as they slunk underneath the table.

The crowd booed wildly as Kennedy pushed through the curtain waving and blowing kisses to the crowd with her henchwomen staying near her to guard her from any sneak attacks. She felt unstoppable with so much management power the Cyber Legacy protections gave her. If a fan acted out of line, she had free rein to handle them. She had complete control as to the rules of her matches. She could do things without repercussions unless it was serious enough. DeFranco might own the place, but Kennedy rules the roost with an iron fist. The Canadian sisters made their way down with Kennedy trailing behind to mock the crowd.

The following contest is a tag team match set for one-fall! Introducing first, being accompanied by “Glamorous” Kennedy Lee, they are Freya and Elm Ederne!

When Kennedy heard the announcement, she froze and asked for her music to cut. She stomped right out to the ring and got on the apron eyeing up Misa Otomura. Kennedy barked “You forgot their nicknames! Are you that incompetent?! Do I have to settle you too?!” Misa widened her eyes and raised the microphone to correct her mistake.

My bad! A slight correction! They are “Mastadon” Elm Ederne and “Battleship” Freya Ederne!

Better!” Kennedy barked as Freya and Elm came ringside starting to head up the steel steps as their boss stepped down. “Your next paycheck is still getting cut by 10 percent!

Misa blushed and stepped back to a neutral corner as Freya comes in glaring the Ring announcer down and Elm comes through the ropes. Both sisters raise their fists and shout out to the crowd as Kennedy crosses her arms and smirks widely ready to see her girls tear these rookies down to paper shreds.

Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2025 12:27 pm
by Highfly
Svetlana was backstage stretching as she checked herself in the mirror. her wrestling gear fit perfect and while she had some muscle and size to her she was tiny compared to the two women she was about to face alongside Snow. "I didn't think this would happen for our tag team match did you?" Svetlana asked. "It is like the brass want us to get squashed. Let us go out and out-wrestle them. We can outmaneuver them and be smart. Use holds to wear them down yes?" Svetlana said going over a game plan along with Snow.

Truth be told Svetlana was quite nervous about this, not wanting to look bad against more experienced much larger opponents. She was also trying to mask her nervousness for Snow, not wanting to look afraid or intimidated. She took a deep breath and once Snow was ready the two made their way out towards the arena.

Once they appeared and heard the crowd cheer much of her anxiety disappeared. Svetlana waved to the fans and pointed out at them before clapping her hands and strutting down that ramp adding some sway to her hips as she walked. She was all smiles as they reached the ring, walking up the ring steps and climbing through the ropes to strike a pose with Snow before looking over to her. "Okay... so who will start things off for us?" She asked, willing to go along with starting the match or staying outside on the apron to start.

Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2025 2:12 pm
by APlaying
Snow could hardly process all this, she felt bad for having unintentionally brought Svetlana into this affair. It was the first time she had seen Freya and Elm in person, two women who in size made Kennedy look small, and she was about four inches taller than Snow herself.

Aside from the stipulation Kennedy added for the match, it turned the whole scenario against her. If Kaori hadn't quit as her manager, she would no doubt be doing everything she could to level the playing field at this point, and just imagining this made the actress realize how much she was missing. But she wasn't nervous at all, because despite having everything against her, this situation only made her very excited.

Maybe it's simple madness not to be nervous in this case, but if there was something that Snow loves, it's to measure herself against opponents bigger than her. Besides that she would see again the face of the girl who almost killed her when she debuted in the first line, Kennedy this day would have to see a better version of the actress. That despite not having Kaori on her side, she wouldn't be alone today, because she has her friend and rival on her side... Literally.

“Huh?” Snow didn't seem to listen carefully to Svetlana, as she was focused on the monitor showing the entrance of her opponents. “Yeah... Hehe, I think even if you carried me on your shoulders we could barely make it to Elm's height.... What I don't care about is Kennedy's stipulation, she doesn't even participate in this match.... Is she afraid of me?” joked the actress to try to lighten the mood.
Snow Attire(AI Example)
Once she finished adjusting the suit Svetlana gave her, she stood up with a big confident smile on her face. “How does it look?” she asked excitedly, the costume by itself is beautiful in itself, but wearing it is another thing and she hoped that Svetlana's opinion would be favorable.
Entrance Theme
Once both girls were ready, they let the sound technician choose the entrance theme she wanted, as she didn't want to have too much trouble today. Since Snow is an even more popular wrestler than Svetlana, she saw fit to use her entrance theme for the occasion. Snow's choice made the crowd erupt in cheers, as fans of the actress, fans of Svetlana and Kennedy's haters roared and shook the stage.

Svetlana's anxiety seemed to suddenly vanish as she saw the total support of the audience, something that made Snow smile with satisfaction as she saw that the Polish girl was more focused now. Both girls came down greeting the fans, Svetlana's warmth added to Snow's charisma as she followed her friend's game stole the hearts of more than one. Besides the swaying hips and thighs that both girls gave with each step stole the attention of the audience.

Once the two arrived in the ring they posed together for the cameras, Snow was momentarily reminded of the chemistry she had with Emma when posing for the New Year's Eve photos. It felt just as exciting to do this on this stage.

After delighting the audience, the actress turned her attention to her opponents. Seeing Kennedy in the background made her blood boil with anger, but she took a second to breathe as Svetlana asked her how they would come out. “Hm... They both look pretty strong, I'd actually like to take them both on at the same time...” Snow thought things over for a second analyzing Elm and Freya at the same time, and after watching them carefully she approached Svetlana to speak in her ear.

“Elm is the bigger between the two, if she comes out first I recommend you to be the one to face her. I'll take care of Freya.” She said as clearly as she could, she stayed behind the ropes to anticipate.

Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2025 3:13 pm
by Pegasus
Kennedy saw her haters rise up for the movie actress and DnD enthusiast as she had to scoff. The last time she saw Snow was when Snow decided to step up to Kennedy and purposefully start a backstage brawl that ended in a squash match in the ring. Kennedy admitted she had the Bulldog Choke on a little too hard, but her anger and fury carried her to knock Snow into a brief coma. Snow needed to know that it was an unwise gesture to come against someone that stepped on her turf and ultimately does it better. Kennedy’s latest spy film drew big millions at the box office and was green lit for a sequel in the near future so Kennedy had another project already on hand. She also started producing for Ana’s anime idol show and had a few talk show interviews coming up in America so she virtually had no time for Snow’s antics. That’s why Freya and Elm will dump the actress and her partner on their heads.

Freya and Elm talked things over with each other as Elm decided to go first. These two hulks were going to have an easy time dismantling these two at least from a first impression glance. They outsized both Snow and Svetlana so to think this wasn’t going to be a squash match was a little hyperbolic. The crowd knew better and knew Snow and Svetlana, even if they didn’t have too much experience in wrestling compared to other mainstream stars, had their own unique styles to carry them through. Kennedy got on the apron and barked at the babyfaces.

You two don’t get much charity to decide anything. Sevtlana starts against Elm! Referee, ring the bell!” Kennedy ordered with a firm tone as she dropped off the apron and the nervous official relayed the orders telling Snow to get on the apron.

Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2025 10:57 pm
by Highfly
Svetlana shook her head at Kennedy. This woman was quite a pompous bitch. "Yes send her to me. I will make her regret getting into this ring. Svetlana said as she heard the bell ring. She cirlced Elm, not wanting to get into close. At least not yet. Right now she was going to try to lure Elm in then reach out to take her by the arm using Elms momentum against her for an arm drag!

Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2025 1:13 am
by APlaying
Snow rolls her eyes at Kennedy's antics, hops up on the apron and taunts her. “Really, you're going to be the referee now, Princess!?” Snow shakes her head as the bell rings. It was even ironic that the first time she confronted Kennedy, she told her that she would look great in the role of sleeping beauty, only to have the one who ended up sleeping at the end of their encounter be Snow herself.

Elm would be the first one out, which meant that Svetlana would be the one out. Snow cheered for Svetlana, it was their first team match after all, so she would have to be on her toes at all times.

Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2025 2:48 pm
by Pegasus
Even if Elm was the slightest conflicted of having to work alongside Kennedy and her sister for reasons she didn’t agree with, she knew defecting would bring her more than she can bargain for and she’s only one woman. Better to side with the enemy for now until she can build her own strength up to stand on her own. Elm started the match as Svetlana tried goading her into attacking and Elm came forward only for Svetlana to try and grab the arm for a Japanese arm drag, but Elm used her size and weight to stand firm right as Svetlana tried pulling on her arm! Elm would bring Svetlana in and shove her hard in her team’s corner!

Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2025 1:55 am
by Highfly
That failed horribly. Svetlana felt herself launched into the turnbuckle smashing against it painfully as she slumped into the corner in a heap after being tossed that way by her towering opponent!

Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2025 2:40 am
by Pegasus
Freya clapped on her teammate shaking the rope excitedly as this was set to be an uphill battle for both Snow and Svetlana. They had no prior experience as a team so their chemistry was more or less going to be on the spot tonight and they had two muscular women to try and overcome. Elm easily dispatched Svetlana into her team’s corner as Elm tried running in for a huge corner splash to further flatten the DnD expert!

Re: The Glamorous Coalition vs. Snow and Svetlana Zynski

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2025 4:06 am
by Highfly
Svetlana looked like hapless dead weight as she kept getting crushed! She was smashed against the turnnbuckle, slumped to the floor in a heap afterwards like a jobber rookie! She moaned in pain unsure of how she could stop the painful onslaught.