Eirina Makishima & Kyoko Akan vs. Tessa's Goons - Unlikely Partnership

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Eirina Makishima & Kyoko Akan vs. Tessa's Goons - Unlikely Partnership

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Continued from here.

Tag-Team Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent after an orgasm.
Normal rules apply.
Hentai moves are allowed and encouraged.

Eirina never thought that she would be paired up with Kyoko Akan, the women whom she considered as her bitter rival after her defeat days ago, but that's how it went for tonight, as the two of them would be the tag-team partners for the night against goons of a newcomer, Tessa Warren. Well, it's not like she's going to complain, considering that her rivalry aside, she did acknowledge Kyoko as a skilled wrestler, and having her as her partner would benefit her more. Not that she really needed her help, because she could just beat these two posers without problem.
Eirina Makishima
"For the record, I never thought this gonna happen..." Eirina told Kyoko who was standing outside the ropes and at the apron. "I guess we'll be partners for tonight, though you'll probably end up staying there without me tagging you in, since I can beat these two posers alone..." she said as she glanced at both goons, whose names she didn't bother to remember.

Eirina would be the first to go, stepping to the center of the ring as the referee would start the explanation. While hentai moves were allowed and encouraged, bringing someone to orgasm didn't count as a fall, as one had to quickly go for the pinfall or submission first. Still, that should be more than enough to show these posers to never underestimate those who had made their names in this ring.
Last edited by PrinceArjuna332 on Mon May 21, 2018 1:47 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Eirina Makishima & Kyoko Akan vs. Tessa's Goons - Unlikely Partnership

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Kyoko grumbled at her latest rivals words, not like Kyoko thought she needed help to deal with Tessa's...help but she of course should have figured the girl would be snappy. "Just be grateful this time there isn't an additional rule on this hentai match. I'd hate to see anyone else but me working over that belly of yours." She said just looking to say something back while reminding her of how there first meeting ended in the first place.

That being said she was just fine letting her start, hentai wasnt her forte but it was Eirina's so tactically it made sense for her to start and try to work these two up. Maybe even finish them off herself...then maybe Kyoko could show Tessa a thing or two herself. "She may be a bit worn out when this is done but i assure you ill be perfectly capable to show youa real champ when this is done." She said speaking to the girl hrself rather then her goons.

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Re: Eirina Makishima & Kyoko Akan vs. Tessa's Goons - Unlikely Partnership

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Tomoko smiled at seeing Eirina was first, as she thought she was a bit cuter than Kyoko. "Hey! Stay focused!" The blonde-haired goon known as 1 (for the moment) told Tomoko. "Right!" She tried to look serious as she got in stance. She was visibly hyper though, ready to enact her fantasies out on Eirina. Tomoko bounced a bit, in her anticipation.

Meanwhile, Tessa sat at the announcers table. When asked if she had any words to say about Eirina, Kyoko, or her two cohorts, she merely shrugged and said "No". She put her feet up on the table, crossing her arms. 'Those two idiots better not fail me...' She thought.
Last edited by Jman2113 on Tue May 15, 2018 6:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Eirina Makishima & Kyoko Akan vs. Tessa's Goons - Unlikely Partnership

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Eirina grumbled when Kyoko reminded her of her loss. She still wanted a rematch with Kyoko in the future, but for now, she needed to focus on beating up these girls. Seeing one of them, tentatively called Tomoko, got into a stance, Eirina would also got into a stance as well, preparing for the match. The ref had called for the bell, starting the match between both teams.

As soon as the match began, Eirina would come closer to Tomoko, looking to lock up with her in a collar and elbow tie-up, but at the last second, she would dip her body a bit lower as she would try to wrap her arms around the goon's torso. Planting her foot on the canvas and twisting her own body, Eirina was planning to lock her opponent up in a waist lock, adjusting her position so that she could end up behind her, pressing her own busty chest against her back.

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Re: Eirina Makishima & Kyoko Akan vs. Tessa's Goons - Unlikely Partnership

Unread post by Jman2113 »

Tomoko fell for it, easily. Eirina was able to bait and switch the girl. Tomoko didn't give up that easy though, grabbing her hands and prying. "Silly...you don't fuck me! I fuck YOU!" She grunted, her muscles bulging a bit, as Tomoko tried to free herself. 1 cheered her on, and even Tessa was nodding slightly. She knew Tomoko and 1 weren't exactly tacticians in the ring, but they had power. Maybe one day she'd get through those thick skulls and they would learn something.

If Tomoko managed to pry her arms off, she would give Eirina a strong hip bump, hoping to knock her back a bit. If this worked, she would try to twist Eirina's arm, getting behind her. One arm would be using Eirina's to choke herself, while the other would tease her, rubbing the crotch area of her wrestling outift.
Last edited by Jman2113 on Tue May 15, 2018 6:57 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Eirina Makishima & Kyoko Akan vs. Tessa's Goons - Unlikely Partnership

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Eirina was planning to work on Tomoko some more now that her arms were wrapped around her body, but before she could do anything, the goon managed to pry her arms off of her before she went to grab her arm, twisting it and using it to choke Eirina. "Ngh!" Then, Tomoko used her other hand to rub her crotch area, causing Eirina to shudder a bit.

"Aahn...!" Eirina let out a squeal. But this wasn't a hold that she couldn't escape. Making use of her own footing, she would try to bump herself backwards, pushing at Tomoko's body. And then, she would attempt to twist herself out of the hold, looking to push her opponent away so that she could distance herself from her. Well, perhaps this poser had some skills in her, after all. Eirina better watched out, or else she might end up humiliating herself in front of these posers and her rival, Kyoko.

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Re: Eirina Makishima & Kyoko Akan vs. Tessa's Goons - Unlikely Partnership

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It worked, making Tomoko back away. Tessa, while disgusted by this match idea, would be lying if she said she didn't find a little enjoyment of seeing the 'dissenter' being taken advantage of. Tomoko was happy, getting to elicit some sexual pleasure from Eirina. 'Ok...that moan was good...can't be getting too ahead of myself, though. Boss is watching...' The girl thought. After a bit of thought, she decided what was next, offering a test of strength.

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Re: Eirina Makishima & Kyoko Akan vs. Tessa's Goons - Unlikely Partnership

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Seeing Tomoko going for a contest of strength, Eirina would accept it, holding both her hands as she would push back. Fully intending to show the girl who's the expert here, Eirina would twist around, looking to move behind Tomoko while still holding her arms. Then, she would let go of one of her hands as she would twist the other arm behind Tomoko, planning to put her in a hammerlock, bringing that arm on Tomoko's back.

As a payback, Eirina would hold the twisted arm with one hand while her other hand would wander down, going to Tomoko's crotch so that she could start rubbing her fingers against her covered sex.

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Re: Eirina Makishima & Kyoko Akan vs. Tessa's Goons - Unlikely Partnership

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Tomoko tried to resist, but soon found herself twisted. She found herself grunting and straining, which soon had a moan added to it. Her free hand would try to grab the back of her outfit, yanking up, to give her a wedgie. 1 cheered her on. "Come on, don't let Doktor Bitch do that you! YOU are the prime female here!" She yelled. "Ugh...y-yeah!" She responded as she made her effort.

Tessa watched, hoping Tomoko's lust wouldn't get the best of her.
Last edited by Jman2113 on Wed May 16, 2018 3:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Eirina Makishima & Kyoko Akan vs. Tessa's Goons - Unlikely Partnership

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

As Eirina put Tomoko in the hammerlock, the goon yanked at the back of her bottoms, giving her a wedgie. "Aah!" She yelped when she felt her bottoms digging into her skin, but she would not let it stop her as she would proceed to transition the hammerlock into a hammerlock suplex, throwing Tomoko over her and slamming her down into the mat behind her.

Right after that, she would turn around as she would fix the wedgie. That was a childish move, she thought.

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