Tag-Team Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent after an orgasm.
Normal rules apply.
Hentai moves are allowed and encouraged.
Eirina never thought that she would be paired up with Kyoko Akan, the women whom she considered as her bitter rival after her defeat days ago, but that's how it went for tonight, as the two of them would be the tag-team partners for the night against goons of a newcomer, Tessa Warren. Well, it's not like she's going to complain, considering that her rivalry aside, she did acknowledge Kyoko as a skilled wrestler, and having her as her partner would benefit her more. Not that she really needed her help, because she could just beat these two posers without problem.
Eirina Makishima

Eirina would be the first to go, stepping to the center of the ring as the referee would start the explanation. While hentai moves were allowed and encouraged, bringing someone to orgasm didn't count as a fall, as one had to quickly go for the pinfall or submission first. Still, that should be more than enough to show these posers to never underestimate those who had made their names in this ring.