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Mastermind Strokes: Alizeh Midori vs Mindy Midnight

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2025 4:53 pm
by Bare
Match Type to be unveiled when both participants are in the ring.

Alizeh sighed softly as she stretched backstage in preparation for the match ahead of her tonight, mostly in that this was the only thing she could do to prepare. After all she had no idea who her opponent was or what the match type was. All she did know was that someone was deadset on facing her but quote, "wanted it to be a surprise" including the match type. Most people would probably be intimidated to agree to such uncertain terms but Alizeh was at a point where she didn't care, she was out to prove herself as one of the best LAW had to offer and that meant taking challenges anytime, anywhere, against anyone.

So she agreed and here she found herself. Looking up at the clock and realizing that it was nearly time for her match against whoever she was supposed to be against. Picking herself up and cracking her neck Alizeh would make her way to the guerilla position, waiting until being given her que to head out and nodding as the crackle of lightning and thunder that signaled her entrance came on preceding her entrance music proper.
Stepping out from the curtain and posing for the fans Alizeh would smile out at them with confidence brimming out of her with no end in sight. Dressed in her classic white and orange attire Alizeh would begin to head down the ramp, slapping high fives with fans on her way down to the ring, showing no signs of worry or stress over the lack of knowledge heading into this match. In fact it seemed as she was using it as fuel as she hopped onto the ring apron and spun about, posing for the fans before hauling herself up and vaulting over the ropes and into the ring before heading over to the corner to wait for her opponent.

Re: Mastermind Strokes: Alizeh Midori vs Mindy Midnight

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2025 6:10 am
by Fairy Dragon
It didn't take long for Alizeh to find out if she made the right decision, soon a few camera men moved up closer to the ramp in anticipation of who would come next as the lights dimmed. Finally her music started to play, but it wasn't a theme that anyone was familiar with, some were wondering if it was the rise of a new face but then how could they have gotten this arranged if they did? No, it wasn't anyone new but it may have been someone reborn as the ominous music continued, picking up just when a spotlight opened in on a sole human being who rose up from the darkness...not that they were ever a fan of leaving it in the first place.
Mindy Midnight blew the camera's a kiss before looking up at Alizeh with a vindictive smirk on her face before she would start to slowly strut down the ring, letting the crowd take her in. Mindy hadn't been seen for a while, after her match with Kate she'd taken some time off to shoot something with some rumors even going around saying she had retired from wrestling. That may have been true for Karen Meadows but it was clear Mindy Midnight never let wrestling leave her, and something about her looked more dangerous than before even if she was in the same attire. For one it looked like her laid back attitude she carried to her previous few matches was gone and as she entered the ring she already looked more focused and wicked than she did in a long time. "Hello again Alizeh....miss me?" Mindy asked, her smirk not dropping for even a second to pretend to be nice. Her mind was clearly filled with evil thoughts for whatever plan she had in mind for the Emerald Storm.

Re: Mastermind Strokes: Alizeh Midori vs Mindy Midnight

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2025 2:39 pm
by Bare
As the unknown song began to play Alizeh raised an eyebrow, wondering who it could be. Based purely on the song alone it sounded mysterious and even ominous, which definitely narrowed down options of who it could be that would come out. 'What someone with a spooky gimmick or something?' Alizeh thought to herself before the beat dropped and a spotlight lit up the stage... and revealed exactly who it was Alizeh was facing tonight.

Mindy Midnight. Immediately Alizeh's face shifted downwards into a glare at the woman as she made her way down with a pompous smirk that made Alizeh want to slap it off. After Apex Alizeh thought that their paths wouldn't cross again, that the thrashing she gave her there would be enough, and if nothing else after her bout with Kate that Mindy would no not to mess with the greenette or people she cared about. Yet here she was. Back for more. Well fine.. if that's what this lunatic wanted Alizeh would give it to her.

As Mindy entered the ring fully she spoke, proving she wasn't a delusion of phantom before Alizeh who sneered in response. "Please... Like anyone would miss a disease they got rid of." Alizeh shot back coldly, not at all pleased to see Mindy, but more than willing to do what it took to beat her again. "You really must be crazy though, thinking this will go any better for you than the last time..." Alizeh said softly with clenched fists, body tense as if just waiting for the chance or an excuse to lunge at Mindy.

Re: Mastermind Strokes: Alizeh Midori vs Mindy Midnight

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2025 3:09 am
by Fairy Dragon
Alizeh's face turned to a glare of disgust and recognition the moment she saw Mindy and confirmed it was her, after almost a year she hadn't forgotten her, good. Mindy had too much to show her and it wouldn't be fun if she hadn't, not that she thought anyone could forget someone like her so quickly and she was beyond ready to prove her point even though Alizeh was as confident as ever that she could win. "Last time I had you within a hair's breath of defeat, I think I like my chances with this type of match over our last one." Mindy said, then stepped in close with a growing smirk while the announcer told everyone the match. "This contest will be a Loser Gets Fucked match as requested by Mindy and accepted by Alizeh." The announcer spoke and while everyone was processing those words Mindy would grab Alizeh's head and pull her in for a kiss. She'd keep the kiss for a few seconds assuming Alizeh was too shocked to pull away just like how she started the first match between them and then pulled away.

"Hope this match peeks your interest, I know we have unfinished business with how...eager your body was the first time we met." Mindy said with a wink before she'd turn around and bounce to her corner. She had little interest in Alizeh like that of course, even if the woman was cute. This was mainly mind games for her revenge and she was sure Alizeh knew that...that didn't mean it wouldn't work, and an early lead could still work out for her.

Re: Mastermind Strokes: Alizeh Midori vs Mindy Midnight

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2025 3:45 am
by Bare
Alizeh continued to glare at Mindy as she opened her mouth and talked, already clenching her fists in annoyance at her words and attitude. Just like before and just like before Alizeh would beat Mindy again, regardless of whatever this match type was. Or at least that was what Alizeh was thinking up until the match type itself was announced... Making Alizeh's eyes widen and her jaw drop. Sure she had taken part in such bouts before but usually that was when she had a full scope of the match itself and usually a bit of approval over who it was she'd face... Not so much here.

Needless to say her being in a stunned state allowed for Mindy to reach in, closing her jaw and then planting a firm kiss on her lips, just like their last match. One that again left Alizeh paralyzed in the moment and unable to push Mindy away until she chose to let go of her own accord. Of course after she did it is when Alizeh would snap back to her sense and glare once again. "Shut... up.." Was all the greenette could say back to starlet before turning and marching back to her corner, turning to lean against it and take a few deep breaths to calm herself down, knowing she couldn't play into Mindy's games.

Re: Mastermind Strokes: Alizeh Midori vs Mindy Midnight

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2025 10:06 pm
by Fairy Dragon
Mindy's tactics were working, Alizeh was surprised and shaken by the thought of what Mindy was willing to do to her. Mindy had hoped to exploit that surprise with a kiss and when she departed she could finally hear Alizeh talk, with a slight shake in her voice that gave her a sign that it was working. Mindy simply blew her a kiss and went to her corner, preparing herself to start the next few phases of her plan while she stretched in the corner. Seemingly just waiting for the bell to ring.

That was until the match was about to start and she was sure Alizeh was looking at her, where Mindy quickly pulled out a thing of lipstick and made a show of slowly applying it to her lips moments before a match was about to start then placing it back. She made sure to look at Alizeh after doing this. "It tastes better after the match that way, trust me." Mindy said winking at the Emerald Storm just when the bell rang where Mindy would carefully step to the middle of the ring to prepare for a starting lock up.

Re: Mastermind Strokes: Alizeh Midori vs Mindy Midnight

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2025 2:50 am
by Bare
Already annoyed and angry at her opponent before the match even began proper Alizeh would try and take a few calming breaths, knowing that she was playing into Mindy's hands and trying to stop it. As she looked up though it was just in time to see Mindy very showily applying lipstick to her lips. Those full and supple lips that were now even more shiny and noticeable and 'Agh! NO! Stop it!' Alizeh thought to herself with a blush before glaring at her opponent.

"I'm sure it'll look great on my ass after I make you kiss it once I've beaten you." Alizeh growled out before the bell rang out, starting the bout and prompting Alizeh to march forward, and unlike what Mindy may have been expecting Alizeh would look to start things off fast and furiously, coming right up to Mindy with one hand coming up to try and grab her by the hair while her other arm would start swinging around to lay in some forearm strikes to the face!

Re: Mastermind Strokes: Alizeh Midori vs Mindy Midnight

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2025 4:44 am
by Fairy Dragon
Mindy was prepared to do some mental damage and risk Alizeh's anger to bring her down, Alizeh was at her weakest when she was angry and flustered. It was only natural that Mindy would pick up on that fact and then go on the attack, seeing Alizeh blush motivated her to keep going stepping in and trying to lock up with the lady. Alizeh brought in the risk of her strategy by going for forearm strikes early in the match.

"Ooow! Ough!" Mindy screamed, backing up from the repeated elbows but staying close because of the hand on her hair, holding her still and forcing her to to take each hit. Mindy knew that this kind of aggression was coming and it still hurt a lot! The only thing she could do was grab Alizeh's head and throw her own forearm strikes back at her...reminding Alizeh why she had to abandon a fist fight the last time they met.

Re: Mastermind Strokes: Alizeh Midori vs Mindy Midnight

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2025 6:28 am
by Bare
Immediately and aggressively Alizeh wasted no tome in grabbing hold of Mindy’s hair wnd unloading forearm after forearm into her face. Between the teasing, this hidden match type and the woman’s presence in general Alizeh was determined to shit her up once and for all. However Mindy aeemed just as determined to win and began retaliating with forearm strikes of her own!

”Ugh!” Alizeh cried out, temporarily stunned from the blow, but less from the pain and more so as a flood of memories came to her mind of their first match, the way Mindy’s fists had collided and ultimately nearly broken her…

”Ngh!” Snapped oit as quickly as she was put into it by another forearm strike Alizeh would quickly let go of Mindy’s hair, ducking forward to try and get behind the woman, wrapping her arms under Mindy’s own before, if able throwing herself, and her opponent backwards to try and land a dragon suplex!