A New Pair of Rivals! Hiyori Tsukada vs Sakuri Kunikai

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A New Pair of Rivals! Hiyori Tsukada vs Sakuri Kunikai

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Smother match
Attire is just panties

Bouncing in place with excitement, a topless Hiyori Tsukada allowed her titanic tits to jiggle as she eagerly awaited the beginning of her next fight. Another topless smother match for the pigtailed shorty, with plenty of stagehands leaving trails of drool on the ground, looking dumbfounded as they oggled the former champion as she stood with an innocent grin on her face. The match against Niko could have gone better, but Hiyori still walked away with a friend and looked good in the ring, so she couldn't complain. Hopefully this time, Hiyori could walk away with a new friend and a better performance.

Hearing her theme begin to play over the loudspeakers, Hiyori strolled out onto the ramp with a cheerful pep in her step, boobs bouncing as she did. "BITCH! I look like I'm fresh off the runway! BITCH! I go crazy, the dumb way! BITCH! Bitches wanna be me, one day!" Singing along to her theme song, Hiri shook her goods at the crowd who erupted in cheers for the silly shorty! In just a brief time at LAW, Hiyori had made quite a name for herself, her big personality and rockin' body garnering quite a fanbase for her.

Stepping into the ring, Hiyori made sure to wiggle her butt a little while on the ropes, before sliding into place. Then, all there was, was to wait for her opponent. Who she would be facing was a big unknown for Hiri. However, Hiyori was hoping it would be another shortstack, someone who she could really have an even match with.
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Re: A New Pair of Rivals! Hiyori Tsukada vs Sakuri Kunikai

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With another match about to begin, Sakuri hung backstage with a grin on her face, preparing for the action ahead of her. She hadn't been in LAW for very long, but already she had a couple of matches under her belt, and even though she was far from being a big star, she had managed to garner a respectable fanbase for herself. And those fans would surely be quite happy with her next match, where she was set to compete in a topless smother bout. Some girls might've considered it an embarrassing prospect, but Sakuri couldn't care less. Money was money, and it wouldn't be the first time she'd had her boobs out in front of a crowd. Granted, before it had been in front of a small underground crowd of people who knew the right people the right questions to get in on the action, and here she would be on TV in front of a bigger audience than ever...but she wouldn't let that stop her, either. She'd been made quite aware that she had the body for it, and she wasn't going to turn back now!

When her name was called to come to the stage, Sakuri stepped out onto the entrance ramp, her hands held high in the air as she greeted the cheers and camera flashes of the fans. She was dressed in the same skimpy blue bikini she had worn in her previous fights...but this time, she wanted to put a twist on things. As she sauntered down the ramp, her hips swaying, she hooked her thumbs under the strap of her top and pulled it over her head, revealing her hefty bosom to the world! Of course, she made sure to strike a pose afterward - and predictably, the crowd went wild!
Once she was done playing to the fans, however, Sakuri continued to the ring, where she slipped in under the ropes and rose to her feet. It was there that she got the chance to size up her opponent - and there, she grinned. Hiyori was, if anything, even more well-endowed than she was, and her curvaceous figure seemed tailor-made for a smother match like this. It was no wonder the bookers had selected the two of them for such a match. But Sakuri wasn't going to complain - already, she could tell this was going to be a fun one!

"Eheheh..." Sakuri giggled to herself, placing her hands on her hips as she leaned in closer and bumped her chest up against Hiyori's own. "Hey there! Name's Sakuri. You new here too?"
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Re: A New Pair of Rivals! Hiyori Tsukada vs Sakuri Kunikai

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The smile didn't leave Hiyori's face as she stood in the middle of her ring, hands on her wide hips. Like she'd done backstage, the silly shorty bounced in place, excited for the appearance of her opponent. Like the many stagehands that had glared at her jiggling bust backstage, the audience kept their eyes on Hiyori's impressive chest.

Once Hiyori's opponent made her appearance, though, all eyes were on her. Raising an eyebrow at her appearance, Hiri could immediately tell that this girl would be a good match for her, but she was a little confused by her attire. It was stipulated that both fighters would go topless, yet, this girl was sporting a bikini top. Soon enough, though, Hiyori's confusion would be alleviated, when her foe stripped off her top! Hiyori was impressed by the showiness of it, though, she did feel a little overshadowed. Ultimately, it wouldn't matter, though, as long as she beat this girl.

As the short-haired girl joined the pigtailed cutie, Hiyori sized up her foe. She definitely had a tight little body going for her, with some especially big boobs, but anyone could see that Hiyori had her beat in that department. With her foe approaching her, Hiyori sauntered forward as well, placing her hands on her hips as both busty shortstacks came tit-to-tit, nipples rubbing together.

Learning that her foe's name was Sakuri, Hiri could tell that they were just as eager as each other to go at it, the thought getting her pumped. "Hehe. Well, I'm Hiyori." Things had been nice enough between both girls so far, but there was an undeniable tension between them, both filled with pride in their bodies and a determination to smother the other silly. Still, Hiyori didn't think there was any harm in some good-natured taunting. "Gotta say, you sure do know how how to show off your girls and get people looking at you, but from looking at you I think it's pretty obvious you can't take me. So I hope you're ready to be smothered, Sakuri!" While her comments were certainly stoking competition, Hiyori didn't think there was anything wrong with what she said, figuring Sakuri would take it well, even as they were pressing chests.
Last edited by Mysterdio on Mon Dec 16, 2024 8:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A New Pair of Rivals! Hiyori Tsukada vs Sakuri Kunikai

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Sakuri certainly got a few cheers as she whipped off her top, deciding to put some theatrics into it. She looked all around her, flashing a wink and a smirk to the fans - she even decided to place her hands behind her head and thrust out her chest to pose for a few photos, with cameras flashing all around her. Hiyori had definitely made a strong showing with her entrance to the match. But Sakuri wanted to go the extra mile to make sure she'd be remembered. If this was one of her first matches in LAW and if she was going up against a girl who had the rare distinction of beating out even her in the cup size department, she wanted to make that entrance something special. Her manager had taught her plenty about that. And it seemed like it was working!

Sakuri could feel the warmth of her skin against Hiyori's own as the two leaned against one another, and it just made her smile grow even wider. Already, she could tell there was an electric connection between them, and she was ready to ride that lightning. Hiyori had issued a challenge, but Sakuri would be ready for it! In fact, that only fired her up further - with motivation to prove her wrong! Her eyes narrowed into a glare, and she shoved her chest even harder into Hiyori's, in a stern show of defiance! "Hmph! I don't think so!" Sakuri did have her pride, after all - and she wouldn't see that pride be challenged.


Sakuri was ready right out of the gate! As the bell rang, she would instantly thrust her chest forward with a sneer, trying to drive it into Hiyori's to try and steer her back - and to show her the sort of force she was packing!
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Re: A New Pair of Rivals! Hiyori Tsukada vs Sakuri Kunikai

Unread post by Mysterdio »

Though, Hiyori teased Sakuri, and did believe her body to be superior, the pigtailed shortstack didn't believe Sakuri's body was unimpressive. While Hiyori was the thicker of the two, and even bustier, Sakuri's body was far tighter, slimmer and more fit. With their titties pressed close together and nipples stiffening, it was evident Sakuri had a rockin' body, regardless of which of the two was better. All that was to say, it caught Hiri off-gaurd a little, to hear this seemingly bubbly foe suddenly seem frustrated by the silly shorty's words.

Still, Hiyori didn't think much of it. Before the bell could even ring, Sakuri tried to push her around, entering into a shoving match using their tits! Even though her opponent clearly now had something to prove, Hiyori didn't think some more (mostly) friendly poking was bad. Standing her ground, Hiri pushed back against Sakuri, feeling the heat of her body as their tits rubbed together! "Oooo. The truth hurts, huh, girl? I mean we both know your titties ain't beatin' mine."
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Re: A New Pair of Rivals! Hiyori Tsukada vs Sakuri Kunikai

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Even before a single blow had been thrown, the tension between the two girls was thick in the air as they stared each other down, skin to skin and body to body. Neither of them wanted to so much as blink if it meant taking their attention off one another. Sakuri was normally a kind-hearted girl, but she knew that Hiyori wasn't taking her seriously - and that meant she had to teach her a lesson. Sakuri had pride in herself in her strength, and she was going to make sure that her opponent knew that firsthand!

Even the first move of the match saw the two of them pitting bust against bust as each of them rammed and shoved their chests into one another. Their breasts flattened against each other as they battered together, rubbing and grinding across every inch of their bodies. Sakuri hissed under her breath, her brow narrowing in frustration as she struggled to hold back Hiyori - but that frustration would only come in stronger when Hiyori began to tease the short-haired girl. At first, Sakuri's jaw dropped in a silent gasp - but then, her whole body stiffened as she pushed back against her opponent with an even harder shove. If Hiyori thought she could get away with showing her that sort of disrespect...then Sakuri would only use the anger she stirred up in order to find the strength she'd need to tip the scales!

"Dream on! You think you're so great just 'cuz you have big tits? So does a cow, and you don't see them bragging!" Bringing her hands up to Hiyori's shoulders, Sakuri would shove at her with her hips and shoulders as well, going for a full-body push!
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Re: A New Pair of Rivals! Hiyori Tsukada vs Sakuri Kunikai

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It seemed that for as sexy as both girls present in the ring were, they would get off to a petty start. Shoving each other back and forth, Hiyori was getting the sense this girl was more rude than what she looked like. The pigtailed shorty wasn't particularly bothered by this smaller chested girl's cold attitude, right now, but Sakuri seemed cold and confrontational, beyond just having a bit of fun with the match.

Tensions raised to a boiling point, however, when gearing up for a particularly forceful shove, Sakuri let her anger loose on Hiyori! The jackpot cutie was left stunned upon hearing Sakuri's venomous words. Stumbling back from the anger fueled shove, Hiri could barely process what she had just heard. At first, Sakuri had seemed like a fun girl who would be an eager and friendly opponent. Now, she was calling Hiyori a cow?! Hiyori was shocked, and feeling a bit fired up herself now, but she didn't wanna get to ahead of herself. "Did you just call me a cow?! Geez, don't get so mad just because I teased you about my boobs being bigger." Annoyance was in Hiyori's tone, but she still tried to clarify, hoping it would cool things down.
Last edited by Mysterdio on Sun Feb 02, 2025 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A New Pair of Rivals! Hiyori Tsukada vs Sakuri Kunikai

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From the moment the match began, both girls were in fierce competition, pressing their bodies up against each other as they shoved into one another with their chests and shoulders. Sakuri was determined to make her mark on LAW, and she wasn't going to let anything get in her way - she needed to dominate Hiyori and come out on top, to set herself up as a capable wrestler with a bright future in the company. To that end, she was throwing herself into the competition at full force, pushing against Hiyori with all her might. But Hiyori would refuse to budge. And with both of them as passionate as they were, it didn't take long for things to escalate.

Sakuri had teased Hiyori about her chest - and that, it seemed, had struck a nerve. In fact, she was accusing Sakuri of having insulted her! At that, she gasped. She was really just playing around. For a moment, the thought of apologizing passed through her head...but she shook that aside. She wasn't going to yield any ground to Hiyori. If she wanted to outdo her, then the last thing she needed was to back down from this conflict. If that was how Hiyori wanted to take it, fine - she'd give her what she wanted! "Yeah, cow! Did you not hear? Do you need to get your ears checked?" she spat. "If you're gonna act like I'm not perfectly happy with these maybe you should get your eyes checked too while you' at it!" Stiffening her stance, she puffed her chest out; her eyes narrowed in a glare as she snapped at Hiyori again. "What, did you not bother doing that because you were too focused on your back pain?" Sakuri definitely had an impressive rack of her own, but Hiyori had even that beaten out - and Hiyori was only drawing more attention to it in the name of breaking down her opponent's confidence. It made her eye twitch and her teeth grit - was she trying to set herself up as being better than her? If Sakuri had any say in the matter, that wouldn't matter - she still had the spirit to bring the fight to her foe!

The two of them continued to push and shove at one another. Their struggle hung in a delicate balance - as worked up as the girls were getting, neither of them could overpower the other. But then, Sakuri decided to make her move. She would reach out and grab hold of Hiyori's head - and then, swing up a knee to aim it for her gut. If all went well, Sakuri would force her opponent to double over, and then shove her face right into her chest!

"You can see for yourself how small they really are!"
Last edited by CaptainL on Sun Feb 02, 2025 10:30 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: A New Pair of Rivals! Hiyori Tsukada vs Sakuri Kunikai

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Sakuri's sudden aggression had been unexpected for Hiyori. While Sakuri hadn't been around for very long in LAW, she had always seemed like a sweetheart eager to have a good time. However, it seemed that Sakuri had been more prideful and built more of an ego that what she had let on, as Hiyori was now finding out. Initially, the bigger chested girl had tried to diffuse things, wanting to believe Sakuri's intentions weren't so cruel. That notion would be proven false, though, as with the next shove that was delivered to Hiri, Sakuri went full-force with her insults, doubling down and calling Hiyori a cow!

Confused and now pissed off at her opponent, Hiyori wanted to respond but before she could, her foe would deliver a sharp knee right into her gut! Gasping and hunched over, the jackpot cutie's big tits hung low, before Sakuri pulled Hiri's face into her own pair!

Trying to catch her breath as her arrogant rival stuffed her face between two pillowy breasts, Hiyori had taken this girl's bad attitude this whole time. Clearly, Sakuri's ego was bruised, but Hiyori didn't have to take this just because she tried to stoke some friendly competition! Sakuri's bruised ego wasn't Hiyori's fault, but now it had gotten Hiyori equally as riled up!

Pushing against her foe's slender body, the jackpot cutie would eventually reach up and claw at her foe's face, forcing her back before gasping in air. Looking at Sakuri with an angered expression, Hiyori lashed out with a hard slap. "For someone so unbothered, you sure have a fragile ego, bitch! But if that's how it's gonna be then I'll gladly smother you out with my bigger boobs!" Hiyori declared boldly, stoking at Sakuri's main point of annoyance.
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Re: A New Pair of Rivals! Hiyori Tsukada vs Sakuri Kunikai

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Normally, Sakuri was indeed a kind-hearted, sweet-natured girl. But even she had a few buttons she didn't take kindly to having pushed - and when Hiyori started talking smack, it didn't take long for tempers to fly. Competing in underground fight clubs against girls who were desperate for cash had taught her that she needed to be ruthless if she wanted to stay ahead once she was in the thick of a fight against a heated rival. And Hiyori was definitely a rival who was stoking her competitive instincts! Sakuri usually wasn't the type to get too invested in these things...but Hiyori had left her with no other option. She wasn't going to allow herself to come in second place, compared to her! She had to outdo her with everything she had, just to show her she was wrong about her!

She was going to give Hiyori a piece of her mind when she shoved her head forward, burying her face right in between her breasts. For a moment, as Hiyori's groans were muffled against her chest, a smug smirk came over her face - she'd managed to outdo Hiyori at her own game, dealing her some comeuppance with the very breasts she had mocked. However, her satisfaction was short-lived. Just then, Hiyori reached up and raked her nails across Sakuri's face, causing her to squeal in pain as she jerked herself away!

"Hiiiii-!! Oww!" she wailed, bending over forward and clutching at her face to dull the stinging pain in her cheeks - only to swiftly take a slap that landed across her breasts, causing them to jiggle as she stumbled back and let out a yelp. This time, when Sakuri took her hands off her face, her eyes were narrowed in on Hiyori in an angry glare, and her teeth were clenched in a grimace. She planted her hands on her hips, standing her ground against her rival. If Hiyori thought it would be that easy, then Sakuri was going to have to prove her wrong!

"I'd like to see you try! You won't even get close with those fat floppy tits of yours!" she boasted. Then, just to pay Hiyori back, she swung a slap of her own across the girl's chest. If that hit, she'd follow it up just as swiftly with a backhand aimed at her face as she swung her hand back the other way!
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