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Scout's Honor - Mary-Ann vs the Ashgrove Twins

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 8:01 pm
by Kookio
Match: Handicap Hentai - POW - Maid Themed

Match Types: First to Pinfall after orgasm

Backstage, a brunette with long brown hair, tan eyes was seemlessly putting on her maid outfit. Although the outfit she was wearing would be humiliating for some, it reminded her a lot of that time she worked in a maid cafe to earn one of her badges so she felt rather comfortable. She had also signed up for this match to be a POW match because she had never done one before and thought that maybe she could get better at her sexual nature that way if she managed to win.

Although she had to admit... She was quite nervous. She could handle a lot of wrestlers in a one on one scenario. But two might be a bit much for her. Additionally, she never thought about fucking two people at the same time... Or what it would be like to be fucked by two people at the same time. The images that raced inside the innocent girl's head made her blush heavily.

"D-dont think such lewd thoughts, Mary-Ann! That kind of mindset will make you lose for sure!"

She told herself and smacked her own cheeks. After shaking her head, she decided that she was done waiting and went over to make her entrance. The crowd roared while the announcer announced Mary-Ann's entrance, she stepped into the spotlight, holding her hands in the air and cheerfully waving towards the crowd while she darted for the ring while her music played in the background.
After a lot more showboating and cheerful waving in various areas around the ring, she would run over to the corner and wait for her opponents to enter the ring.

Re: Scout's Honor - Mary-Ann vs the Ashgrove Twins

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 6:49 am
by Harem Girl
The Ashgrove twins
"I still don't understand why you had us agree to this match, sister."

The Ashgrove twins were alone in the back in the makeup room, finishing up putting on a light amount of makeup and makeing sure that the two's maid outfits were properly on. Lillith Ashgrove, the taller of the two red heards, would be examineing her face up close in the mirror, while Hazel, the shorter and slightly more muscular of the twins, would be sitting cross legged on a stool as she was playing some handheld video game.

"I mean its simple if you think about it." Hazel would explain, her fingers rapiditly tapping the screen that was in her slender hands. "Rent's due next week, and after Ms. Akari cancled on us, we are going to be short unless we do something drastic. And I don't think either of us want to wrestle at that old gentleman's club again"

"You would be correct with that sister." Lillith would explain as she would put on the last bit of her makeup. "However, did you have to agree to such a.... lewd match type?"

"Aw! Don't be like that Lilly!" Hazel would say as she would close up her device and jump off the stool,moving over to the counter and trying to get her sister to look her into her eyes which Lilly woudn't do, trying to finish up her makeup. "Adding Hentai and lewd stakes stipulations to matches means MUCH bigger pay checks!! And besides, our opponent isn't a guy tonight. so you are happy to do it, right?"

"Don't try to twist my words." The taller Ashgrove would say, as she would nervously close up her makeup kit and finish buttoning up her maid outfit. "You make it sound like I'm some sinister lesbian. I said I would be willing to do those types of matches, not happy to do them." Finishing putting on her maid outfit, she would then turn to her sister and stare daggers into her. "Besides, that isn't what I was referring to. I more was asking about the desicion to make this into a Prisoner of War Stipulation. Also.... I'm sorry, but why are we fighting in our maid attire?"

Sighing, Hazel would break eye contact with her sister and wave off the accusiasions. Walking off and toward the back stage position as if this was no big deal, "Oh! Don't be like that! The POW stip has no real barring on th match. As long as we win, we can just choose not to enforce it! It was something our opponent wanted to add to the match to comphensate how the match is two on one! That seems reasonable to me. Don't you think?"

Lilly would start to follow her sister, quite annoyed at the whole thing. "Did it not cross your mind, that if our opponent wanted a two on one prisoner of war match, that it is very likely that she is willing and able to takeon two women at the same time. Also, that still doesn't explain the maid outfit."

"The maid outfit was my idea, I felt like you would enjoy it more than those rachey wrestling fits that our manger found for us." Hazel would explain. Making their way into the backstage position, a light would turn on over the currtin, showing it was the two's turn to enter the arena. "And don't worry about our opponent. Its just some Masochistic teenager with a hot bod that probably gets a kick out of being a slave to two women at the same time."

"I pray you are right sister."

Entering into the arena, the crowd would start to go wild seeing the twins enter to generic music. Of course the Ashgrove twins weren't signed full time to LAW, and as such only got generic jobber music as they made their entrances towards the ring. Hazel would walk slowly and nervously, trying to ignore the fact that the crowd was there. Contrast to her, Hazel would wave at the crowd and would try to pump the crowd up more. Eventually the two would make their way into the ring, stepping foward to meet their opponent. Shorter than both the twins, Lillith would take note of how lewd and imodest the bunny/maid hybrid outfit was on the scout. Hazel on the otherhand would really think about how cute it was. "Hey! Mary Ann, right?" Hazel would ask, sticking out her hand in a friendly manner to their would be opponent. "Hazel Ashgrove. I'm so happy I can have our debut against you! The girl behind me is my twin, Lilly." Leaning in, Hazel would whisper in such a way that it would sound like she was trying to keep this hidden from her sister, but was saying it loud enoug that Mary could hear. "Don't worry about her if she seems cold, she can have a stick up her ass." Hazel would wait to see if her opponent would have anything to say, and if nothing major was exchanged, would return and step out of the ring and into her corner, grasping onto the tag ropes as she let her sister be the first one to start off the match.

Re: Scout's Honor - Mary-Ann vs the Ashgrove Twins

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 7:11 am
by Kookio
Mary-Ann watched as the two came out into view, her smile widening a little. They looked so cute! Were they twins?? Mary wondered if they were the type to have synchronized speech that she had always found adorable in Japan! Though for a hentai match, they looked at more modest than what Mary had expected... Did she under-dress for this? She shook off those random thoughts in her head once the two had made it to the ring.

"Yeup! That's me! Nice to meet'cha!"

She replied, waving a hand happily towards the both of them. Though Lilith didn't respond which dampened Mary-Ann's feelings about this match a little. She's never seen anyone so disinterested looking before.

"O-oh! Okay! I guess she must have had a bad day! Ehe~"

She replied to Hazel and chuckled, rubbing the back of her head and regaining that happy energy she had earlier.

"Well you better not hold back against me! I have been winning a lot of matches lately and I think management wants to see me lose! So that means I'm kinda strong!"

She warned them as she leaned forwards with her hands still hanging onto the corner ropes to keep herself from falling, prepared to start the match.

A few seconds after their banter ended, the bell rang and Mary-Ann, being the competitive girl she was decided to be the first to run in towards Lilith, a smile on her face as she would attempt to turn around and leap up, bending her body forwards so that her ass raised on the air to hit Lilith backwards into their turnbuckle again! She went with this move because even if she had missed, the only thing that sould happen would be hurting her tailbone a little and getting a little caught in the turnbuckle instead.

Re: Scout's Honor - Mary-Ann vs the Ashgrove Twins

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2025 6:39 pm
by Harem Girl
Lilith would tile her head in surprise as the teenager mentioned that she was on a winning streak. The taller maid would look back at her twin and look at her in an unapproved manner. "Hey! It was just a guess! Besides, that doesn't change the fact that rent is due in a few days!" The more charismatic twin would reply.

Lilith would turn back to her opponent, just to see her screeching across the ring with her rear in the air. Yes, this was clearly a hentai style match. If this was Hazel that was in the ring, surely the strike would find its mark before the shorter twin even noticed the strike coming at her. But the more quiet twin was significantly more alert than her party hard sister, and would step to the side to avoid the flying rear of her opponent.

The American would slam her rear right into the corner, of the ring, which normally wouldn't be to bad, except for the fact that it was the corner of the ring Hazel was stationed at. Instantly understanding the situation she was in, Lilith would charge after her opponent and tackle her deeper into the turnbuckle and attempt to hold her there, using her body to hopefully pin Mary-Ann's arms to her body, keeping her up in the air so it would be more difficult for her to escape.

If this were to work, Hazel would smile and lean in and tag her sister on the back, before grabbing hold of the top rope. Using it as a spring board, the shorter twin would bounce over the top rope, and with a fierce kick, attempt to strike the head of the short teenager. A fairly underhanded tactic, but completely legal in a handicapped match like the young scout found herself in.

Re: Scout's Honor - Mary-Ann vs the Ashgrove Twins

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2025 7:51 pm
by Kookio
To Mary's surprise, she wasn't fast enough to catch the red haired wrestler off guard as she simply landed ass first into the turnbuckle, her back recoiling forwards a little as she gasped out in pain, a pain that would only be stacked up on when Lilith tackled her back into it and her sister would finish the combo by jumping up and kicking Mary-Ann with enough force to send the Scout to the floor on her stomach.

She groaned on the floor, not used to being hit with so many attacks back to back while shaking her head to get rid of all the static that was made from the kick to the head. Though if one of the sisters decided to get close to her, she would raise her foot up and attemps to jolt it outwards to try and kick the sister the attempted to follow up on the assault in the stomach hard enough fro Mary-Ann to at least get back up.

Re: Scout's Honor - Mary-Ann vs the Ashgrove Twins

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2025 8:46 pm
by Harem Girl
Lilith would step out of the ring as her opponent would fall to the ground, where as Hazel would giddiness make her way into the ring. "Ow! Wow that had to hurt! Hope you are ok Mary!" Hazel would say in a half joking manner, but also half serious. Hazel would approach the American from behind, when suddenly the girl would lash out with her leg. Thankfully though, the scout was on her stomach, so the awkward positioning would mean that the kick had barely any power, so Hazel would instead just catch the kick, and would giggle to herself. "Wow Marry-Ann, that was so helpful of you! Thanks for helping me do this!"

The redhead would fold up her downed opponent, using the one leg she had to put her into a single leg Boston crab submission hold! Clenching it in deep, The red head would hold it in for about 30 seconds, before loosening it a little bit, and attempt to drag the scout about two or three feet until she was within arm's reach of her partner. Lilith would tag her sister while the submission hold was applied, while Hazel would continue to tease. "You know, you really need to get out of this corner, I don't think this is going to go well for you."

Lilith would climb up to the top rope, before jumping off and over her sister. She would sail over and land, slamming her boot right into the back of Marry-Ann's head, delivering a flying curbstomp to the back of her head and slamming the American face first into the mat!

Re: Scout's Honor - Mary-Ann vs the Ashgrove Twins

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2025 8:59 pm
by Kookio
Mary was too dazed from the strike to the head to properly respond to Hazel's teasing and comments while her opponent would walk over to her while she was attempting to crawl away. But she was ready for Hazel to follow up and attempted to throw a foot back. But to Mary's surprise, her kick didn't have a lot of power behind it because of how she was positioned. Thus, the red head simply caught her foot and yanked Mary to the floor.


She cried out as the girl sat on her back, putting her in a tight one legged bostone crab hold! Her head naturally rose up in pain as she would let out a wail of agony, her hand reaching up to grip onto her brangs as Hazel would drag them both over back to the corner of the ring, allowing Lilith to leap in and land directly onto her head, bouncing it off the ring floor and taking further steps into keeping Mary dazed right before she could gather the strength to break out, her leg weakly slammed against the ground in protest as the two started to use Mary-Ann as their personal ragdoll for a bit. A feeling the Scout hadn't felt until this point.

Re: Scout's Honor - Mary-Ann vs the Ashgrove Twins

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2025 9:33 pm
by Harem Girl
"Ok! Thats enough Hazel, let her go! 1.... 2...."

The match was starting to spiral out of control, so obviously the referee needed to set in. Hazel kept the submission hold in, but she knew she had seconds to let go! "Lilith! Hurry up!"

Lilith wasn't used to being on the top rope, using the curbsromp more as an impromptu attack, which had amazing results, but the maid felt like she had twisted her ankle from the fall, but it wasn't sprained so the taller twin kept going. She quickly made her way over to the fallen scout, and had to think about what to do for a second as she wasn't trained as well as her sister and didn't have a submission to use herself, but desperation took over and Lilith would try something. Grabbing hold of the teenager's wrist, Lilith would lay on her back infront of the scout and shove her feet into the American's face, and yank on her victims arms to shove her deeper into the maid's boots.

Hazel would let go of her Mary'-Ann's legs as she felt her sister getting into position at the count of four. "Hey! Great job Lilly!" Hazel would say and start to act like she was about to leave the ring, before suddenly turning around and grabbing the dress of the scout. The girl would yank on it and with a loud 'RIPPPPPPPP' sound, would tear the Americans dress off, exposing her panties or whatever she was wearing to cover her bottom half under her clothes. Hazel would then give Mary a firm slap on her rear, before scurrying off before the referee would start to penalize the two of them.

Lilith would continue to shove her feet into her opponent's face, starting to groan from the effort. Once Hazel was back outside of the ring, she would joyfully start to cheer her sister on. "Come on Mary! How about you lick those boots! I'm sure the crowd would love it!!!!!"

"Sister..." Lilith would respond to these cheers through heavy breathes. "You know... the teasing isn't necessary..."

Re: Scout's Honor - Mary-Ann vs the Ashgrove Twins

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2025 10:35 pm
by Kookio
Mary was still reeling from the curb stomp into the floor as one of her opponents grabbed onto her hands, Mary couldn't entirely tell what was going on and her vision was blurry to the point where she couldn't even tell which sister was the one grabbing onto her arms. Not that she would get much time due to having to feet shoved in her face.


She cried out while her lower body began to squirm helplessly within her opponent's grasp. The next thing she would hear is the sound of her dress ripping apart and revealing her bright red panties underneath, her ass well chiseled from years of working out. Hazel could see how red Mary's face was getting from the humiliation.


She let out a muffler yelp as her ass was spanked one last time. Even though her position wasn't enviable in the slightest, the hold would give Mary just enough time to recover as she would use her knowledge of the human body to get her out of this predicament.

Lilith could feel Mary Adjust turn her hands slightly and begin to hold onto her's her thumbs pressing down into the bottom right corners of Lilith's palms on the pressure points where it would hurt the most, attempting to switch who the hold was for by that action alone.

Re: Scout's Honor - Mary-Ann vs the Ashgrove Twins

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2025 11:15 pm
by Harem Girl
"Lilith, tag me in!"

The taller red hair twin would look up at her partner, very confused. "Why sister? She isn't going anywhere any time soon. So why would I..... Agh!"

Lilith would suddenly feel her hands screaming out in pain as she would see Mary shoving her fingers into Lillith's pressure pointpoints, which would force her to let go. Groaning out in pain, Lilith would pull her hands back, letting Mary get out of the submission hold. Lilith would launch a swift kick to Mary to get a bit if distance from her, which would pull her further away from her sister. In pain, the taller Ashgrove twin would slowly start to get up, giving her opponent time to get out of the corner if she so wished.