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Natsumi Ozora vs Chloé Guillaume - Bundled Up

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2024 12:58 am
by Deus001
Match Rules: You must tie your opponent's from neck to feet in rope, there is a bundle of rope on each corner of the wrestling ring to use.

Natsumi would admit that she hadn't expected to be sitting in a Buddhist temple anytime soon since she left her own temple some time ago to take up wrestling, not that she hadn't abandoned her beliefs. Far from it, her departure was more due to her desires of finding enlightenment more than anything else. Case in point it had come to her attention that LAW had wanted someone of her......background to have a match done in a Buddhist temple.

Natsumi couldn't help but find the whole idea to be rather intriguing and well......she was owed a favour or two by a temple in town so with the monks all out on a little trip to the waterfalls Natsumi had let the LAW staff make the wrestling ring in the grand entrance hall and also set up some discreet cameras all around the place for the people's viewing pleasure. It must have been about 9PM now by Natsumi's estimations, the monk was currently resting in half sleep and half meditation by the wrestling ring. In fact you couldn't miss her considering she was sitting right in front of the thing, her head was concealed by her large conical hat and bundled up white monk robes.

The monk was wondering when her opponent may show themselves for the evening, that was the thing Natsumi forgot to ask the LAW staff when they spoke with her over the phone. So caught up in the entire idea was the seeker that she had no clue who it was, save for the fact they got the message and should be coming soon at the very least. This was being contemplated by Natsumi, among many other thoughts as she lightly touched them and then let them go in her meditation......
The monk herself

Re: Natsumi Ozora vs Chloé Guillaume - Bundled Up

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2024 11:44 pm
by Harem Girl
Chloé Guillaume
It was early in the night as the French farmer drove her old beat up toyota and parked it in the middle of the nearly empty parkinglot in the middle of the city and looked over at the budest temple she was to be having her match at. Honestly, this felt less like a wrestling match and more like a meeting up with some strange stalker. Chloe would turn and look at herself in her reviewmirror to make sure she was presentable. Her long blonde hair was tied back in a high ponytail, and she was wearing her usual white wrestling outfit. Thinking about how strange it was that she was going into a place of worship that wasn't that of her Lord's felt weird but it was part of the match she had agreed to, so after taking a few seconds to calm herself down, the girl left her car and made her way into the temple.

Entering into a large worship room after wandering around the property for half an hour, Chloe would find a huge ring in the center of the room with ropes at the edge of each corner, with an imodestly dressed woman at the center of it all. The woman was sitting in a meditative stance. At first Chloe recognized this stance as a version of prayer, and would allow the woman to continue as she put down her purse and proceeded to collect herself and stretch for about 5 minutes. If nothing happened durring that time, The blonde would turn to face the monk woman and narrow her eyes. Taking a note of how she was breatheing, Chloe would realize something and go to the side and grab one of the lighting candle sticks that would be used to light candles that one couldn't reach normally. She would then take the stick and head over toward the monk. Once she was about the length of the stick away, Chloe would slowly raise the stick up and move it closer toward the monks face, slowly and gentely proding the monk as she was dozing off with the stick, trying to awake her from her slumber.

Re: Natsumi Ozora vs Chloé Guillaume - Bundled Up

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2024 11:51 pm
by Deus001
Natsumi was often one that stepped out of the events of the world during her meditations, such as it was that even in the midst of a storm so long as a roof was over her head she'd not be deterred by the downpour. Still if so much as a drop of water touched her she'd be roused back to the physical realm, or in this case being poked by something long and hard. Natsumi's eyes jolted awake and her right hand swiftly clamped firmly on the stick so she could see who it was that approached her.

She smiled warmly at the sight, truly someone that could be attested as beautiful indeed. Blonde haired, curves there in a fetching one piece. A kind expression, Natsumi knew that the beauty on the outside could conceal a demonic soul on the inside but so far not bad. "Greetings, you must be my opponent for this evening yes? Allow this humble monk Natsumi to entertain you......." Natsumi said as she casually flicked the stick away from her before standing upright and casually disrobing in front of her foe. In one fluid motion the white robes of the seeker came undone, revealing Natsumi's attire of a simple white two piece and leggings.

Bearing her gentle smile Natsumi would then clamber onto the apron and enter via doing the splits on said apron, before then crawling underneath the bottom rope. It was done to demonstrate Natsumi's flexible nature and also to entice her foe and give them a glimpse of they might be getting themselves in for once the match started as Natsumi then walked to her corner and waited to begin.......

Re: Natsumi Ozora vs Chloé Guillaume - Bundled Up

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 9:06 pm
by Harem Girl
Chloé knew it!

Since she had been 6 years old, Chloe had always been in charge of making sure her younger siblings never feel asleep during mass or during adoration. At task that was quite difficult to determine if they were supposed to be in mediation or another form of prayer. However, if one was in such a trance with their lord that they couldn't notice small sounds around her and make any sort of gesture in response to that they were clearly not conscious to their surroundings. That combined with how the monk showed no outward hostility to her opponent after awakening her from her trance led Chloe to one conclusion and one conclusion only:This monk had to be sleeping instead of meditating.

At least that is the conclusion Chloe had come to.

"Bonjour!" The French woman would respond with her thick accent. "Yes, I am your opponent the evening, you can call me Chloe. It is a pleasure to meet you." Chloe would then twirl the candle stick she had in her hands, and for a second one might even think she was about to use it as a weapon, before she carefully put it down where she had found it before.

As Natsumi entered into the ring in a rather showy manner, the French woman couldn't help but admire the alluring figure of the asian woman. Of course Chloe didn't find any sexual attraction towards woman (or atleast that is what she told herself.) But the thought did cross her mind how devoted the other monks in Natsumi's order had to be if they were able to focus on scripture rather than the temptations of flesh when she was around. Taking off her glasses, Chloe would enter into the ring herself in a not as nearly provocative manner. Instead, Chloe would simply slip in between the middle and bottom rope and make her way to her corner.

"OK Ms. Natsumi. I hope we can have a clean and fun....." Chloe would start but then would pause, she would take in a deep breath before pausing. There was something in the air. It was faint, but there was a familiar scent that filled the french woman's nostrils as she breathed in the air. Basic religious candles? No, this scent was different. "Um... madam? I'm sorry, but is it just me, or do I smell some strange aroma in the air?"

Re: Natsumi Ozora vs Chloé Guillaume - Bundled Up

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 1:06 pm
by Deus001
Natsumi might be the first to admit that doing a match like this in a temple was unusual to say the least, nevermind the fact that had the actual monks found out what she was truly doing here they might just flip out and try to strike her down themselves. A good thing none of them used the internet at least. As it stood the seeker was more focused on the task at hand, such a delightful one at that too. Chloe was indeed a fetching frame that could likely make any weak willed individual well......weak in the knees as it were. Still Natsumi simply warmly smiled after disrobing until Chloe remarked upon the scents in the air.

At this Natsumi gave a light chuckle and gestured to a table on the far end of the hall with dozens of lit candles of odd and different colours, there was 2 rows of them and the monk would then say "Ah yes, you'll have to accept my apologies for not mentioning this but I wanted to add a little....extra to our bout. These candles contain scents that can induce......well rather help induce anyway certain feelings of euphoria. Monks use a similar thing to aid in meditation however I've....adapted them to suit my own methods, so much so I've built up a tolerance for them. But they should help make things more enjoyable. Now then, lets begin. I'll even give you the first move how about that?"

With that Natsumi simply sauntered out to the middle of the ring and stood with her arms outstretching in a sort of opening of a hug. No intents of deception clear on her face that beamed like an angel, but rather one of excitement at being able to try this project out with someone.

Re: Natsumi Ozora vs Chloé Guillaume - Bundled Up

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2025 12:53 am
by Harem Girl
Chloe would follow her opponent's gaze to see the candles, and at first was going to shrug it off as nothing but normal religious candles, until Natsumi started to explain the effects. "Wha! Merci Me? My lady? You can't be serious? What sort o religious order attempts to induce such a thing during prayer hour?"

The blonde knew she didn't have much time, she personally had quite a few bad experiences with this sort of drug back when she was fighting in the nightgames as a teenager. She knew that the longer the match went on, the more it would effect her. At the same time, the blonde knew without a staff team to help clean up the air, the only way to get out of this situation was to forfeit, or to win before she was overly effected by the smell. "Ahhhh! All right, ok. Lets get things started." "

Natsumi would open her arms as if going for a test of strength, which was weird with what she had just said, but Chloe didn't think to much of it. Normally, in the spirt of fair competition, Chloe would respond in kind unless she knew for a fact that she was at a massive disadvantage. However.... with the threat of the candle's in the air, Chloe knew she needed to work quickly in this match. The blonde would make it look like she was going to accept the challenge, before suddenly lashing out with left foot, attempting to drive it in a low-blow stlyle fashion into her opponent's midsection. If this worked and her opponent realed from the strike, Chloe would immediately wrap one of her arms around her opponent's neck, and fall backwards, delivering a DDT style of attack to her opponent! Prehaps not the cleanest way to start off the match, but a legal one none the less!

Re: Natsumi Ozora vs Chloé Guillaume - Bundled Up

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2025 10:08 am
by Deus001
Natsumi was known for being a bit......unorthodox when it came to her ways to induce pleasure and meditate. She simply tilted her head to one side at Chloe's words and gave a chuckle before saying "Well its just me that does that my friend, you could say I'm a.....bit of a trailblazer when it comes to seeking pleasure through spiritual means. Now let us embrace~" and Natsumi bore a disarming smile as she attempted to lock up with this adorable blonde beauty. When in reality Natsumi had hoped to cope a feel of Chloe's breasts and take her off guard with a bit of massaging~

Still suddenly Chloe struck out and kicked the monk right into her stomach, Natsumi didn't have time to tense up her abs and the next thing the seeker knew she was slammed right into the mat with a DDT. Natsumi gave a loud grunt and then rolled on her stomach with her eyes blinking as the monk struggled to realise what just happened, this was not the seeking that she had in mind and her foe had the cunning to resist her attempts?! This wasn't good already and the match had just gotten started to boot!

Re: Natsumi Ozora vs Chloé Guillaume - Bundled Up

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2025 8:17 pm
by Harem Girl

To Chloe's surprise, her early strike actually ended up working and dropping her opponent. As she collapsed, Chloe would reposition herself behind the opponent, taking a seat on her back. Reaching over and grabbing hold of her opponent's chin, Chloe would arch her back while pulling her opponent's neck, putting her into a camel clutch!

As she was doing this, Chloe wasn't done with her theological assault. As she did this, the girl would speak up, stumbling over her words as she was speaking. "Pl....pleasure through spiritual means? Madame.... I.... I think you may have misunderstood what spiritual fulfillment is! This isn't the style of pleasure you are supposed to get through prayer...."Chloe would say as she would keep on the hold on the budist.

Re: Natsumi Ozora vs Chloé Guillaume - Bundled Up

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2025 12:02 am
by Deus001
Okay Natsumi was left a bit reeling by that sudden attack from Chloe but she was certain that her new friend in the ring was going to refrain from being too much of a rough-house right out the gate, the seeker was no stranger to getting rough with someone but she'd like to at least get the chance to cop a good feel of the blonde's bountiful chest. Which probably made Natsumi lower her guard to get attacked in the first place!

"Hnnnn d-don't knock it until you try it." Natsumi said in response to Chloe's words, the monk would love to debate in a reasonable fashion but she was quite sore as she became aware that she was being cinched into a camel clutch! Natsumi moaned lightly, then louder as her eyes rolled upwards and she even began lightly humping the ground.

The move hurt sure however Natsumi was adept at contorting her body, having frequently done yoga in her years as a monk and finding pleasure in how she could make her body bend. In fact it'd become apparent that Natsumi was finding this more enjoyable than anything else and perhaps Chloe may wish to rethink her approach if she wished to get her point across!