Talia Chavez [D] vs. Jenna Barns

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Talia Chavez [D] vs. Jenna Barns

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Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout.
At last, the day had arrived. Talia Chavez had her first match since she'd been signed to LAW. Her career had its highlights up to this point. She'd made a stir in the world of reality TV when she had cemented herself as an agent of chaos in Season 2 of The House Show, and she had ridden the notoriety that brought her to a few indie appearances. But Talia was a big fish in a small pond, and she could only reach so many people that way. This would be different. Now, Talia was back on TV, landing in a major promotion, and ready to show her stuff to the world. There would be perhaps more eyes on her than ever before. And as someone who lived for the attention...Talia couldn't have asked for anything better!

"Coming first to the ring, and making her LAW debut tonight! Standing at 5'7, weighing 135 pounds, from San Antonio, Texas! As seen on The House Show! Please join me in welcoming TALIA CHAVEZ!"

The moment her name was called, the arena plunged into darkness, lit only by circling strobe lights going off around the room, as though it was in the middle of a rave. The speakers began to pump with the beat of the music, and smoke billowed up from below the ramp, right as Talia stepped out, slowly raising both arms to point her fingers to the sky!
Entrance Music
"WHAT IS UP, BITCHEEEEEEES?" Talia called, cupping a hand to her mouth to amplify her voice. Some people recognized her, and some didn't. Some cheered - fans of her from the show, or people who were excited to see a newcomer compete, or people who were just charmed with her good looks. Some booed - many of them die-hard wrestling fans who were familiar with her antics on TV and brushed her off as going into business for herself. The truth of the matter was, of course, that those people were exactly right. Talia was in it for the attention. Whether people cheered or booed...it hardly mattered to her. Right now, she was the biggest thing on everyone's minds. And that was an honor she would wear with pride, as she made her way to the ring, her hips shaking with every step she took!

As Talia came to ringside, she climbed up onto the apron, turning to blow a kiss in the direction of the fans, which won her a few more cheers. Then, she rolled through the ropes, leaning back against the corner as she did some stretches in preparation for what was to come.
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Re: Talia Chavez [D] vs. Jenna Barns

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The tensions were high in the locker room as Jenna was just finishing getting ready for her match. She was pulling on her tight denim blue jeans, the denim fabric stretching to pull around her peach shaped bussom hugging it nicely. She then slid her cowgirl boots on and clicked her heels togeather before putting on her cowgirl hat on and making her way to towards the ramp for her entrance as her theme began to play

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Jenna made her way out to the ramp. She placed one hand on her belt buckle and one on her hat and tipped it to the crowd.

She then made her way down the ramp to the apron. She climbed up the apron and placed one leg over the top rope and performed her signiture bull ride on it before bending over and shaking her jeans covered booty before hoping in the ring. She then made her way to the corner as she stared down her bratty opponent. "You seem pretty confident in yourself dontcha hon'. Well aint no pushover either!" Jenna said as she then walked towards the center of the ring face to face wity her opponent.
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Re: Talia Chavez [D] vs. Jenna Barns

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As Talia's opponent came to the ring, the redhead had the opportunity to size up the competition - and as she did, a smirk came to her face. Jenna might not have been one of the bigger names in LAW that Talia would've recognized off the cuff, but she definitely had a lot of style - not only playing up the cowgirl look with her hat and belt, but also hopping over the ropes and bucking up and down on them just to show off! Talia raised an eyebrow, watching her curiously - and indeed, Jenna got plenty of cheers for her display. Although Jenna was her opponent for this match, Talia could respect her knack for showmanship. She was sure this was going to be a thrilling match no matter the outcome - but she was determined to win regardless!

Placing her hands on her hips, Talia stepped out to the center of the ring to meet Jenna face to face, while the referee checked them over for any foreign objects. "Hope ya can back that up," she added with a wink. "Until then, Iiiiii'll be waiting."


Once the bell rang, Talia cracked her knuckles and dropped down into a stance, bending at the knees and raising her hands as she watched her opponent for any moves. Whatever Jenna did, she thought, she would be ready for it! Until then, she'd strafe around her, waiting to see if Jenna would take hold of her for a lockup.
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Re: Talia Chavez [D] vs. Jenna Barns

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Jenna met her opponent in the center of the ring as she locked eyes with Talia while the referee checked them. Hearing Talia's reply made Jenna smirk knowing it was all sarcasm. "Ohh I will Hon'.

Jenna then waited as the bell rung loud! Jenna then raised her arms as so did Talia as they circled around eachother wating for the other to strike. Jenna then would quickly step her left foot out before quickly shooting to the right in a fake aiming to get behind the girl to wrap her arms around her waist. If successful Jenna would then attempt a quick German Suplex to gain an early lead.
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Re: Talia Chavez [D] vs. Jenna Barns

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As the match began, Talia maintained a close eye on Jenna. Anything could happen next, she reminded herself - she just had to be ready for it. But this was her first match in LAW, and her first opportunity to show off her skills for the world - she was determined to start things off on the right foot, and she couldn't leave anything to chance! In fact, she was so caught up in monitoring Jenna's every action that when the blonde suddenly reversed directions and circled behind her, Talia didn't see it coming!

"Ah..?" she muttered in confusion - mere moments before Jenna grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her off the ground! Talia let out a gasp as her feet left the canvas, and her legs kicked at the air in an attempt to fight back. But it was hopeless - Jenna had already hurled her behind her, leaving her to slam into the mat head-first with a loud thud!

The impact sent the ring shaking, and Talia sank down against the canvas with a groan, rubbing at her aching head. Slowly, she looked up at Jenna, and her eyes narrowed in a glare. That, perhaps, was a little more trouble than she was willing to contend with. But she wasn't about to let Jenna get the better of her again. For now, she'd roll herself back toward the ropes, hoping she could create enough distance to recuperate. And if Jenna was to pursue her...she was sure she could set a trap for Jenna!
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Re: Talia Chavez [D] vs. Jenna Barns

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Jenna managed to outmanauver her opponent as she quuckly made her way behind Talia wrapping her arms around her waist before bring her back hard in a German Suplex! Jenna felt the canvas shake from the impact as she released her grip. She then stood up watching as Talia crawled toward the ropes. Jenna smirked as she began to slowly walk towards Talia.

"What? Ya all out of steam hun? Thought you were tougher than this." Jenna said as she reched down to grab Talia by the hair planning to bring her to her feet for more.
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Re: Talia Chavez [D] vs. Jenna Barns

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As a matter of fact, Talia was tougher than this. Sure, after being slammed onto her head, she was going to be a little sore - but this match was only just now getting started, and Talia wasn't about to slow down now! She had to keep up the pressure on Jenna, to prove that she wasn't going to let herself be pushed around so easily. And even now, as she looked up through a wince to see Jenna close in on her, Talia was preparing her next move. If Jenna came close enough, she thought, she would be in the perfect position to counter!

Talia hissed through her teeth as she felt Jenna grab onto her hair, jerking her head up. But as she was being lifted up to her feet, Talia would suddenly go to grab Jenna's legs, hooking her arms around her thighs! As she was pulled higher, she would yank forward to try and pull Jenna off her feet and drop her to her back. And if that worked, she would have her foe's legs in her grasp - setting things up perfectly for her to roll Jenna onto her face, and lean back while hauling on her legs to stretch her spine in a Boston Crab!

"This answer your question, puta?"
Last edited by CaptainL on Tue Aug 13, 2024 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Talia Chavez [D] vs. Jenna Barns

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Jenna strolled over to the dazed Talia smirking as she bent over grabbing onto Talia's hair as she began to pull her to her feet. However just as Jenna almost had her on her feet she felt as Taila wraped her around her lower body and flip her onto her back! Jenna was in shock as suddenly Talia held onto her legs and forced Jenna onto her stomach.

"NO WAIT! IM SORRY!" Jenna yelled before Talia sat down and pulled back hard on her legs in a Boston Crab!!! Jenna groaned in pain as she squirmed around. "YOULL PAY FER THIS YA BIT-ACKKKK!" Jenna was cut off again from the pain.
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Re: Talia Chavez [D] vs. Jenna Barns

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Jenna only thought she had Talia under control. She was starting to pull her up the rest of the way - but it was just then that the redhead grabbed her by the legs, flipping the two of them over and taking the top position! And with Jenna's legs still firmly in her grasp, Talia had her in the perfect position to lock in the Boston Crab, pulling her legs back even harder to contort her spine into a painful arc. Now, the tables had been turned!

In the throes of pain, Jenna alternated between begging for mercy and cursing Talia out. But both of those fell on deaf ears - she only answered them with a shake of her head, flipping her hair back over the shoulder and winking at the camera. Dominating Jenna was all fine and good, of course, but it meant so much more to Talia to know that she could look good doing it - and to have the cameras on her all the while, catching every moment of her glory!

"Ohh, no! I think it's about time I got to enjoy this niiiiice and easy..." Talia taunted, giving another crank back on Jenna's legs to dish out even more pain! At the same time, she ground her hips from side to side to rub her behind up against Jenna's back for a little bit of added disrespect.
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Re: Talia Chavez [D] vs. Jenna Barns

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Jenna was caught in a bad situation as Talia had turned the tables and was now cranking up the heat as Jenna was locked in a Boston Crab. Jenna groaned in paij as the girl arched back even harder! Jenna also noticing the cocky wrestler pose for the camera's as the flashes came from all angles.

Jenna then again felt as Talia arched back rubbing her butt against her back really putting on pressure. "Get yer big dumper offa me!" Jenna yowled as she tried to quickly think of a way out. Jenna then would attempt to power her way towards the ropes looking for that rope break that she desperately needed. Jenna would manage to drag her way towards the bottom rope as she reached out to grab it!
Last edited by Lucia the dominant on Sun Aug 18, 2024 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Signiture: Double Underhook Piledriver

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