Slayer Squad Originals (Moon/Kagami) vs The Fabled Ravens

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Slayer Squad Originals (Moon/Kagami) vs The Fabled Ravens

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Melissa Moon and Sofia Kagami as the half of the Squad Originals were talking to each other about their first time working together while walking around the backstage area, in direction to the entrance area of the arena, behind the curtains. The Rider and the Latina-Japanese girl chose themselves to go in a tag team match against The Fabled Ravens. They had no idea of who they are, but they know that they must do anything for the win... or trying.


After the Squad Originals's started to play, Melissa and Sofia appear and show up together and walk over the ramp until reaching the ringside floor. After stepping on it, both go to different metal ladders, each one for each side and climb over those to get inside the ring. Later, they go to different corners and climb them up to the second rope, just to raise her closed hands while getting cheered until the music stops, as Melissa and Sofia go down of the corners to turn around and wait for their opponents.


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Re: Slayer Squad Originals (Moon/Kagami) vs The Fabled Ravens

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Marne and Hide both were backstage, right by the entrance ramp, preparing mentally for their match. After the debut of their team despite a positive reception they had a issue that forced them out for a bit, but it was now time for them to have another chance to show off what they could do, to impress the top brass and make a strong impression on the LAW world as a whole! Nodding to each other as their music started to play they would nod and head out
Striking their signature pose together at the top of the ramp and getting a round of applause as a result the two would come down the ring, Hilde with her signature wild and energetic look while Marne sported a more terse but still present smile as she accompanied her partner down to the ring. Hopping onto the apron and posing once more they would both slide into the ropes and into the ring proper.

Looking to their opponents and nodding Marne and Hilde would head to their corner, pounding fists with each other before Marne would slide between the ropes to allow Hilde the chance to start things off. After all she was the most eager to get things going after their time away.

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Re: Slayer Squad Originals (Moon/Kagami) vs The Fabled Ravens

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After Melissa and Sofia finished their first entrance together, they were in a corner while looking at the entrance part of the arena until the Ravens's music started playing in the field and they did their taunt. In the meantime in which Marne and Hilde were approaching to the ring, both girls of the Squad were talking to each other about strategies while going to the face-sided corner of the ring and waited there until their opponent's entrance ends.

After it finished, Melissa and Sofia talked to each other one last time, and they agreed with Sofia as the first of both to start. Melissa stands on the apron aside to their corner, while Sofia stands inside with Hilde to start things off as well.


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Re: Slayer Squad Originals (Moon/Kagami) vs The Fabled Ravens

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Smirking eagerly at her opponents Hilde would wait as soon it seemed that Melissa would wait outside while Sofia started the match. Perfect for Hilde since she believed she and Sofia were a bit closer in terms of strength and size. Of course that would only be a slight benefit to her. Aside from that Hilde was still planning on leaning on her natural advantages, namely being her speed and explosiveness! So as the bell rang the Dark Raven would dash forward, picking up speed as she ran at Sofia, swinging her leg up as she neared to start off the bat with a round house kick aimed at Sofia's side!

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Re: Slayer Squad Originals (Moon/Kagami) vs The Fabled Ravens

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Sofia moves inside the ring as walking in circles around Hilde and getting into a stance with both hands raised up, as hoping to start this with a test of strength until the Dark Raven ran at her for the Roundhouse Kick. Although, Sofia has reflexes and avoids the kick by ducking under her leg and make her lean against the ropes after turning around.

Later, Sofia kicks Hilde's right leg a few times as a way to make her stagger at a corner, then she follows her and throws some quick but effective right-handed chops on the Dark Raven's chest!

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Re: Slayer Squad Originals (Moon/Kagami) vs The Fabled Ravens

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Eager as can be to get started Hilde would run right at Sofia, forgoing normal engagement strategies to swing her leg up for a roundhouse kick! Unfortunately however the blow wouldn't connect, leaving the dark raven to spin into the ropes. A position that Sofia would take quick advantage of, sending kicks into Hilde's side and legs that gradually forced her into the corner. Wincing and growling softly though Hilde would raise her arms up as Sofia went for the chop, trying to grab her arm and spin around to trade positions with her opponent and get Sofia into the ropes before going for a big overhand chop herself to Sofia's chest!

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Re: Slayer Squad Originals (Moon/Kagami) vs The Fabled Ravens

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Sofía was taking Hilde against the corner by kicking her thigh and was going for the chops but those got blocked with the dark raven guarding herself with both arms up, getting shocked after her arm was taken and after she got put against the same corner by Hilde before the chops of her own.

Sofia was going to get hit in the chest by Hilde with chops of her own but she ducks under her arm to make her miss and rolls forward to the center of the ring to stand up and turns around to look up at the dark raven.

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Re: Slayer Squad Originals (Moon/Kagami) vs The Fabled Ravens

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Despite getting bullied into the corner Hilde wasn't about to be woman handled. As such she was able to not only reverse her position with Sofia, but start responding with chop after chop to the luchadora's chest! Unfortunately however the girl rolled past her towards the center of the ring! Turning quickly Hilde would run as well, hoping to leap up and catch Sofia off guard as she turned around with an attempted dropkick at the girl!

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Re: Slayer Squad Originals (Moon/Kagami) vs The Fabled Ravens

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Sofia did a quick roll to go away from the corner and gets up with the back given to Hilde, but when she turned around, she finds a running dropkick from Hilde aimed at ger chest.

Sofía didn't expect the dropkick coming and gets hit in the chest by Hilde, getting thrown to the opposite corner. Sofia grunted due to the impact, but she somehow still stands up.

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Re: Slayer Squad Originals (Moon/Kagami) vs The Fabled Ravens

Unread post by Bare »

Managing to connect her dropkick to Sofia and sending her into the opposing corner Hilde would smirk softly as she back up a few steps.. Before dashing towards her opponent, leaping up as she neared, trying to extend her knees out and drive them into Sofia's face for a running double strike!

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