Abdominal Anihilation - Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Tara Jaeger

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Abdominal Anihilation - Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Tara Jaeger

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Match type: Belly match
Victory Conditions: Knockout, pin or submission immidietly following a move targeting the abdomen.

What Kate was about to do didn't quite sit right with her. It's been some time already since she intervened in Alizeh's fight for the title against Kyoko, or rather since she stopped the champion's attempts to attack Alizeh after the match. Still, what happened there did not leave her mind, while she didn't directly challenge Kyoko there, what she did was basically synonymous and though she had her reservations about being ready, nobody else around her seemed to share them and she wasn't one to go back on her word, even if it was teryfying. Fear however was not the issue, it could burn your house down, sure, but if you knew how to use it, it was an irreplaceable tool and Kate knew it well enough. No, the issue had nothing to do with fighting and everything to do with business and showmanship.

She made the first move then, didn't even have to think about it, now she had to follow through and everyone expected her to strike back at someone around Kyoko. Not surprising, it would make sense for Kate to want to go eye for an eye, remind the champion of what she said that night and send a message. Kate however found the idea uncomfortable, her issue wasn't with any of the champions cronies but with the woman herself. That didn't matter though, people wanted to see what they wanted to see and it was her job to deliver that.

It was easier to think of it as just another match. Go out there, fight, that's what you do best after all. She told herself backstage as she was getting ready, trying to convince herself to ignore how particular the opponent and the stipulation was, tailor made to be a statement. It didn't work but she did it long enough already to hide the fact that it bothered her from the audience at least as her music started, announcing her entrance.
Entrance Theme
She walked at a brisk bace into the center of the stage, pointing her arm straight up before bringing it the side and flexing. As she posed there for a moment, she took care to put her abs on full display, it felt appropriate given the focus of the match. Then she walked down the ramp and after climbing the apron, jumped over the ropes, making one circle inside the the ring, waving to the fans before going to settle into her corner. Taking a deep breath she awaited her opponent, even if nobody but her knew, the next few moment would decide how this night was really gonna go.

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Re: Abdominal Anihilation - Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Tara Jaeger

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It had been a hot minute since Tara had stepped into the ring, a result of a light ankle sprain that kept her out of action for a bit. Now it was time for her to make a return and in a big way. While out Fight The LAW had happened, with her leader Kyoko fighting and taking down Alizeh Midori, as she knew she would.

Likewise Kyoko was going to send a message, maybe a bit far for her tastes, but ultimately if Kyoko decided to do it than it was probably for the best. Not that it was followed through on since Midori's little girlfriend Kate had come out to save her, embarrassing Kyoko in the process. Now it was Tara's turn, cleared and boasting a whole new look as well she was instructed to send a message to Kate, and she was gonna make damn sure that she did. That's what a knight did.
As her music started up Tara would come out of the smoke with purple and silver lights streaming about as she did so. Strutting forward with swaying hips Tara would stand proud while raising both arms above her head and jutting her torso forward, putting extra emphasis on her abdominals as she did so to a fairly loud reaction. Sashaying down the ramp towards the ring Tara would look proud and confident as could be as she hopped up on the apron and turned around, smiling out at the crowd with a smile before stepping between the ropes and into the ring proper.
Climbing onto the corner and posing with her arms in the air Tara would bask in the moment for a bit before hopping down and turning towards her opponent, her expression turning sour as she began removing the prop armor around her arms and dropping them outside the ring. Once done she would approach her opponent with a glare on her face. "You're gonna regret getting involved in the Abdominion's business." Tara said before going for a slap to Kate's face before she could react!

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Re: Abdominal Anihilation - Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Tara Jaeger

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As Tara's music dropped, Kate felt her own anxiety spike, more than usual, the anticipation not so much of the match itself as what kind of person her opponent really was. The wait for them to finally come face to face seemed to last forever. It was a strange feeling to wish her opponent would turn out to just be another asshole, as a whole, Kate liked fighting, despite all its stresses and a lot of the best people she ever met, she met just like that, today chances of leaving the arena in as much as speaking terms with another woman were close to none. Question remained, who'd be at fault?

While to the crowd, Kate might have looked relaxed, confident even, up close she was clearly nervous as she took a single step forward seeing Tara approach her. Hearing the words she somehow knew what would be next, a flash of movement, then... nothing. Without realizing it, Kate got her hand up to block the batch of Tara's slap, merely half an inch from her face by grabbing the woman's wrist. Her eyes travelled to the offending hand, then the woman herself, expression turning in near an instant from anxious to cold, she held her gaze for a second before a thin smile formed on her face, like a crack through a sheet of ice.

"I seem to have given you too much credit" She said, squeezing the woman's wrist tight for a second before pushing it away. All the tension leaving her now she gave a slight chuckle, tho there was nothing warm or friendly about it, if anything it seemed out of place for her at least for someone who first saw her actually angry. "I got to thank you though, won't have to feel bad about today after all." She finished, making a gesture for her opponent's corner so they could get properly started now that she really was out for blood.

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Re: Abdominal Anihilation - Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Tara Jaeger

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Tara was a loyal person. When she dedicated herself to somebody, as a partner, friend, team mate, whatever you wanted to call it, she did so all the way and regardless of how that person may change or behave. As long as they continued to treat her the way she wanted to be treated, she'd be there for them. Which was why when Kyoko began to act more... ruthless she supported it. In fact the only reason she hadn't been in Austria to help with the attempted beat down of Alizeh post match was because had been injured at the time. Now it was time to make up for that, to humble the little bitch that had gotten in her way.

Attempting to make it known out the gate what type of match this would be Tara had tried for a slap across Kate's face, only to instead have her wrist grabbed just shy of her opponent's face. Eyes widening from this Tara would glare at her opponent who only smirked back at her in an admittedly unnerving way. "Tch, please... you'll be regretting today soon enough." Tara growled out as she pulled her hand away and backed off to the corner along with her opponent, preparing to handle this the best way she knew how.

In face... once the bell rang Tara wouldn't waste a moment, blitzing forward and rushing towards her opponent, leaping up as she approached while bringing her legs about to try and deliver a dropkick to Kate's chest out the gate and force her to start off unbalanced!

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Re: Abdominal Anihilation - Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Tara Jaeger

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Once her opponent stepped back into her corner, Kate cracked her knuckles and rolled her shoulders. Once the bell rang and her opponent went into a full charge into her, Kate took a single step forward and seeing her take to the air so early in the match, simply slid to the side. Her hand, never unclasped from when she cracked her knuckles went up before crashing down on top of her airborne opponent with a double axe handle strike, aiming to send her straight to the ground.

In most fights, Kate was already uncompromising and rather ruthless, especially for how she was typically placed by fans as one of the "good guys" so to speak. Today though any reservation she usually might have had about certain moves and when to use them went completely out the window. And so, as Tara would fall down onto the mat, the first thing to greet her would be a soccer kick from Kate aimed directly at the woman's head!

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Re: Abdominal Anihilation - Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Tara Jaeger

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Making it clear to her opponent that this would not be a friendly affair Tara was determined to send a message on Kyoko's behalf, dashing forward out the gate as soon as the bell rang, attempting to leap up as she neared to go for a dropkick! Unfortunately however this wouldn't work quite as she hoped, and was met with a axe handle while she was mid air instead!

"Ugh!" Tara cried out in pain smacking against the mat and bouncing up off the mat before falling down, turning on her side and holding her chest where Kate had smacked her. Unfortunately however Kate wasn't done anytime soon. Sitting up a bit she would be almost immediately met with a soccer kick from Kate! "GAH!" Tara cried out in pain, a thud sound echoing out from where the kick had connected, falling onto her back in pain!

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Re: Abdominal Anihilation - Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Tara Jaeger

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Having sent Tara down to the ground and made sure she'd stay there for a bit, Kate brought her foot up, bringing it down onto Tara's stomach with a stomp and grinding it into the woman's midsection for a long moment. It was time to properly put her back into sending the message she intended and for that she'd leaned down, grabbing a handful of Tara's hair and forcing her up to her feet whereupon she'd manoeuvre the woman into the corner.

With her opponent set in position, she would walk back, standing in the middle of the ring, raising her hand as if to signal something. Then, she bolted forward, dropping low to slam her shoulder full force into the woman's midsection with a spear! Not the most overt but those who watched the last of Kyoko's title defences would remember that as the same move Kate intervened with after the match

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Re: Abdominal Anihilation - Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Tara Jaeger

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Tara was not off to a great start in this match against Kate, that much was obvious. Initially intending to try and ambush the woman with a lightning fast dropkick it backfired on her completely, knocking her down to the mat and leaving her vulnerable for Kate to start working on her belly right away! "Ngh!" Tara grunted out as Kate dug her heel into her stomach, pushing air out of her lungs and burning her stomach from the grinding.

Unfortunately this wouldn't be all Kate had in mind as she grabbed and forced Tara up to her feet, forcing her into the corner and leaving her open for the Polish girl to launch herself shoulder first into Tara's stomach with a spear! "GUAHHH!" Gasping out loudly in pain and leaning forward Tara would dry heave a bit, unable to really respond, let alone breath after such a heavy impact!

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Re: Abdominal Anihilation - Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Tara Jaeger

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Kate was getting off to a dominant start, much reminiscent of her initial matches in LAW with one important distinction. Back then, she was fighting the best she could in fear of not keeping up, this time she was doing so with intent. She might have come into this doubting if the course before her was right but now she was certain and the only way through was to crush her opponent as thoroughly as she could.

"Weren't you gonna make me regret something?" She taunted as she stood up, getting her arms behind the woman's neck as she'd bend her slightly forward. Then, not intent to show any mercy for her opponent she'd start sending knee strike after knee strike to her midsection, targeting the focus of this match with laser-like precision!

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Re: Abdominal Anihilation - Katarzyna Zawiślak vs Tara Jaeger

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Tara was off to about as bad a start as you could be. But hardly through fault of her own, it stood more as a testament to the sheer physical dominance and skill of her opponent, moving too fast and too powerful for Tara to properly counter or do anything against. A position that Kate was all too aware of as she stood over Tara taunting her. "Ngh... Shut you damn.. UGH!" Before she could finish Tara felt her head trapped by the woman before knee strike after knee strike started to shoot upwards into her stomach, driving the air from her lungs and already starting to do some major damage to her abs! 'Need to do something fast!' Tara thought to herself, shooting her arm down to try and grab Kate's leg the next time it came up. if successful Tara would duck down to get free of Kate's arms before turning and twisting as she fell, trying to send Kate over her with a dragon screw leg whip to damage her leg on top of creating some distance!

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