Love must hurt: Locura vs Himiko

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Love must hurt: Locura vs Himiko

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Match Type: Caged 2/3 falls Hentai match
Winning Condition: Make your opponent cum 2 times
Special Condition: They fight inside a cage, NHB


Ready for this! would be played in the arena when the red dressed cat would step out form the back. She would standing there on top of the ramp and couldn´t await the start of the match. Her eyes would fall down to the ring, over that the cage was hanging. She would smile and slowly let her hands wander down her body, feeling how it was shaking. This was about to be great, the two best things combined in one and then even concentrated in a small cage… brutal hardcore fighting and sex!

She would start to walk down to the ring and slide into it jumping back to her feet looking around. She would look up seeing that some special toys were tied to the roof of the cage and handing down, so the two had only to climb up the cage walk and get them down for the special needs. The cat would jump up and spin around looking up the ramp waiting for her opponent to finally throw it down. Under her mask she was already licking over her lips.

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Re: Love must hurt: Locura vs Himiko

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Himiko was in her locker room and undressed herself. It was her first hentai match. To her luck it even was part hardcore. So she could beat down her opponent to a pulp and fuck her until she gets borred of her. She grinned at that and took out her outfit. For this match she wanted to put on something special. Her normal uniform would have been good to but they where in the laundry right now.

She took out her ribbon from the locker and started to bind them all over her body.
"I think that I can even find another purpose for this during the match."
Himiko said to herself while putting on her ribbon and thinking about a battle plan.

Shortly after she was done someone came to her room and said that she had to go. Himiko walked to the entrance and her theme started to play. While she was walking down the blond thought about her theme. It suited her but it didn't really get her into the mood. She thought about changing it. As she was then nearly at the ring she noticed the cage hanging from above. She loocked up
"This is good but why are the toys at the roof."
Himiko was kinda dissapointed that she had to get ontop of the cage to get to the fun items. After she inspected the cage the blond climbed inside the ring and saw her opponent.

"Hello kitty. Are you my next victim? I hope we can have a fun time."
She sait to her and imagined the things she wanted to do to her.

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Re: Love must hurt: Locura vs Himiko

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Locu would watch her opponent coming down to the ring with a happy look on her face under the mask. Today must have been Christmas and her birthday at once, because her opponent was warped up like a present. The Mexican woman would walk up to her opponent, she would love to go for it directly, but she wouldn´t. Instead she would stand in front of her opponent smiling down to the little girl, with a smile that was visible through the mask. Then the cage would be lowered until it would finally go to the ground and the two women were locked inside.

Now locu didn´t had to wait any moment longer. She would pull up her hand pulling it backwards and throwing it forwards. She would try to let her fist fly right towards the head of her opponent smashing it into the head of her opponent with all she got. She would then pull it back and throw it forwards again over and over again, trying to hit the other girl as hard as possible.

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Re: Love must hurt: Locura vs Himiko

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Himiko was watching as her opponent was going towards her. The girl didn't say something back to her as she talked to her. Maybe she wanted to shake her hand or something but it could even be that she wanted to do an attack. As the blond saw the cat standing in frot of her she saw a visible difference in their size. Himiko had to lean back a bit to even see her face.

She could see through the mask that her opponent was smiling. Himiko started to prepare herself in case locu would do something funny. The cage was coming down and now both woman where locked inside the arena.

Himiko saw that her opponent was pulling her hand backwards and was ready to punch Himiko. Because of their difference in size and her speed Himiko was able to dodge the attack pretty good. The blond would then reach forward with her hand to grab the cats crotch and would then start to squeeze hers.

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Re: Love must hurt: Locura vs Himiko

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Locu´s first punch would miss the opponent quit by a bit. She would need to stumble a bit to stop herself from falling. Maybe she packed a bit too much strength into that punch… before she could catch herself fully and get back into a stable stand she would suddenly feel a hand grabbing her crotch and squeezing it hard. The big woman would scream out for a moment before the sound would change very much.. from painful crying into a enjoying moaning… she would slowly move her head side to side.  

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Re: Love must hurt: Locura vs Himiko

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Himiko had her opponents crotch in her grip and thought she would cry in pain but her cries turned into moaning. The blond was at first kinda confussed. She didn't know what to do in this situation. Normally people would go down on their knees but the cat seriously enjoyed it.

"Seems I caught myself a masochist."
She licked her lips and smiled as she found out that Locu was maybe a masochist. She would keep up her grip and apply a bit more presure to it. Himiko thought that her first orgasm would come pretty fast if the blond would continue like this but she didn't want her opponent to get so easy away.

Himiko enjoyed her moans for a bit longer before she would let go. After this she would immediatly do an uppercut against the cat girls crotch. She hoped that this would make her go down to her knees. If the cat would go on her knees then the blond would start an attempt to grab her head with both hands and pull her in the direction of her knee. With her knee Himiko would kick her opponent right into her face to give Locu some pain.

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Re: Love must hurt: Locura vs Himiko

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Locu could enjoy that touch for a little bit longer… these little hands were feeling so great down there. And if they were making her feel so good already when she was trying to hurt her, the Mexican woman could only dream how great that would feel when her opponent was trying to actually pleasure her… but the thoughts about this would suddenly cut short when a fist would lowblow her making her scream out again but this time much louder. The Mexican woman would drop onto her knees holding her crotch while grinding her teeth. That didn´t fell great. The Mexican woman was slowly leaning forwards when she suddenly felt to hands grabbing her head. She would look up to see the little brat holding on to her head before pulling it down. The head of the cat was hitting the knee of the blond making it snap backwards before her whole body would fall down. She would drop slowly backwards onto the floor with her lights turned off for a moment.

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Re: Love must hurt: Locura vs Himiko

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Himiko laughed like a maniac as she brought the cat down to her knees. The blond thought that if she would continue beating her up like this that this match would be over sooner then she could reah one of the toys one the roof and again she wondered why they where one the roof of the cage. However this was one thing she could take care later. Right know the blond had to think on how to make the cat her dog or just her pet.

"In case you thought this would hurt or pleasure you, I don't really know how you masochist people work, it will get a lot better or worse. Again it kinda depends."
The blond said as she was going into her knees grabbing both her opponents legs and raising them up

Then the blond would put her feet right onto her opponents hurting crotch and rub with her toe in a circle over her sex. She would continue that for a while and as soon as Locura would show any signs of pleasure the blond would press her whole feet onto her opponents crotch. With this she wanted to make a good balance between pain and pleasure.

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Re: Love must hurt: Locura vs Himiko

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Locu would be laying on the floor moaning in pain. Her nose felt like it almost broke… luckily she could tell that it didn’t happen… that would have been a much worst pain for her. The Mexican woman would try to slowly sit up when both of her ankle´s were grabbed and pulled upwards into the sky. She couldn´t hold her upper body up and would fall back down. She would shake her head looking up to the blond punk standing above her smiling down. Before the Mexican fighter could do anything she was forced to moan out loudly. She would slowly struggle and wiggle on the mat trying to hold her body under control.

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Re: Love must hurt: Locura vs Himiko

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Himiko laughed as her opponent wiggled under her as she worked on Locu with her feet. As she was done with pressing and rubbing her feet all over her opponents sex the blond would deliver one final stomp right into her crotch.

She smiled about the current situation. She thought that she would have more problmes because of the size diiference. Maybe Himiko would have had bigger problems if that would not be a hardcore match.

After Himiko stomped her opponent into her sex she would walk around her to her face. The lightweight would then grab Locu by her hair and lift her up on her feet. She would then walk with her to the door of the cage. Himiko would start an attempt to push her opponent against the cage door with her face first. She wouldn't know what to do then as she was looking at her opponent thinking about her next step

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