Kennedy Lee vs. Alizeh Midori (2-out-of-3 Falls Match)

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Kennedy Lee vs. Alizeh Midori (2-out-of-3 Falls Match)

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Match Type: 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
Rules: The winner is determined by scoring 2 falls out of a possible 3. The falls can be won via pinfall, submission, knockout, count-out, or disqualification.

The crowd was excited for tonight’s marketed main event of the first taping since Kennedy Lee announced in eight more years, she would finally retire on the spot. It seems management wanted her first match to be a banger so Alizeh stepped up to deck to challenge her friend. Though, even if they were friends, Kennedy still had a pretty snake in her ear named Ana and the rumblings were that Kennedy had a special entrance planned for tonight. There were rumors in the dirt sheet that she was finally going to put on her Cyber Legacy attire, maybe go as a full heel Jungle Queen, or maybe she would become some idol herself to match Ana. However, nobody could’ve expected what was to come.
Kennedy’s Old Theme Song
The crowd gave a mostly booing reaction as Kennedy Lee’s theme hit and the boos mostly came from her becoming apart of Cyber Legacy early last year and even if Kennedy hasn’t done much with the group since then, she’s helped the group make headwaves. The crowd was gearing up for Kennedy to make her way out as the crowd was shown putting up their signs for Alizeh to support her as the crowd favorite. However, no Kennedy would be seen for at least a few minutes, but the crowd noticed what sounded like a radio being changed. This would perplex them until….
Kennedy’s New Theme Song
Kennedy’s new entrance video showed her relaxing at her condo in California and she sipped an umbrella drink in her pure red bikini before it showed multiple green bills shuffling out into a tub and soon, more luxurious shots of Kennedy are shown as she steps out of a limo and she poses as a model in a silver glittery dress. Multiple magazine covers show Kennedy as they were from TIME, PEOPLE, GQ, and Vanity Fair along with some German and Japanese labels. The time would come where Kennedy Lee presented herself coming out with her blonde hair done up in a shiny blonde color wearing black sunglasses, a sparkly black see-through robe, knee-high pristine white boots with black laces, a gold sparkly wrestling bra with a boob window, gold trunks, white elbow and knee pads with a gold cursive “G” on them, and “GLAMOROUS” written on the back of her bra in white cursive lettering.

The following contest is a 2-out-of-3 Falls Match where one wrestler will have to score 2 falls out of a possible 3. Introducing first, representing Cyber Legacy, hailing from Santa Monica, California, standing 5’6, weighing 180 lbs., she is “Glamorous” Kennedy Lee!

Kennedy came down as she opened her robe and blew kisses to the crowd as she did slap some fives, but mostly got booed. Kennedy couldn’t care less as she made it ringside going to the south apron and sitting on it crossing her legs smiling at the crowd. She motioned for the camera people to get their shots in like paparazzi as she did multiple poses sitting and laying down before rolling into the ring. Kennedy slipped off her robe and twirled it around before sending it outside as she took off her glasses revealing sparkly green contacts as they lit up her eyes. Kennedy set the glasses in the corner ready for action.
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Re: Kennedy Lee vs. Alizeh Midori (2-out-of-3 Falls Match)

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Alizeh was on a tear as of late. Ever since her loss against Kyoko at Fight The LAW she was on a quest to prove herself, to fight her way back to a title contendership status. Trying to do whatever she could to cement her status and ascend to where she felt she belonged. Now her path took her to a familiar face, one who Alizeh had encountered before and had been wanting to face for a while in the form of Kennedy Lee.

Of course she had expected to face the Jungle Queen Kennedy Lee. What she hadn't expected was a whole new side of the woman, a glamorous, hollywood styled look and entrance, complete with new entrance music, surprising Alizeh who was watching from the back. At first she wondered if maybe Ana had gotten into her head, or maybe it was with her retirement pending? It was hard to say.

Either way... it didn't matter. Alizeh was here for one thing and one thing only. That was to win, relationship with Kennedy or not, whatever she was going through be damned, experience, strength, whatever, Alizeh needed to win. Taking a deep breath in preparation the crackle of lightning would echo out through the arena before her music started up in earnest, prompting Alizeh to walk out, pumping her arm in the air as she did so!
Immediately the crowd reacted to the Emerald Storm's entrance with cheers and whoops, signs raising up, Kennedy's association with Cyber Legacy doubling the attention for Alizeh's already normally loud reaction. Coming down the ramp with a confident look on her face and high fiving some of the fans on the way down to the ring she would hop up on the apron, slipping between the ropes and into the ring proper to now be face to face with Kennedy, dressed in her usual white and orange gear Alizeh would walk right up to the center of the ring, expecting to meet Kennedy there.

"So... new look? That's fine, I'll still beat you regardless, just like I promised all that time ago." Alizeh said regardless if Kennedy met her in the center of the ring, if she did though Alizeh would step forward, pressing her chest and head against Kennedy's own as she stared the woman down.

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Re: Kennedy Lee vs. Alizeh Midori (2-out-of-3 Falls Match)

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Kennedy saw Alizeh make her entrance and on the inside, Kennedy had to give Alizeh her props. There was no denying she had risen through the ranks and she’s one of the hardest workers LAW has ever seen. This was good enough to get her a main event match against Kyoko Akan for the LAW MIddleweight Championship and even if Alizeh lost that match, it wouldn’t keep her down as she just had to climb back up the ladder to get another one. However, Kennedy saw this as purely futile and amusing as she truly believed Ana had the potential to get a championship herself and Kennedy was willing to help the Murder Princess achieve her goal of getting up to Kyoko. She was a Heavyweight, she wasn’t vying for the championship so Ana wasn’t in the way and it would pay respects to someone that finally showed her the missing piece to her career she has searched for.

Conflicting emotions had plagued Kennedy ever since her loss to Cyber Legacy. She had saved Gil from a merciless beatdown which saw the little goat join their ranks and now, she was a protege. Many fans criticized her still for even joining the faction knowing their destructive path and it ate away inside her. She was tired of being held to some standard like Astrid or Alania probably would and to be honest, what does Kennedy care anymore about what the stupid fans want? Kennedy glamoured up and rejected her jungle roots for the glitz and fame. Ana got her commercials, magazine shoots, modeling gigs, and a part in her new anime series. This was what she needed to feel alive again and on the cusp of retirement.

So, when Alizeh wanted to step up to the Glamorous One, Kennedy met her in the middle pushing nose to nose with the daughter of the Queen of the Skies. Kennedy was less than impressed with Alizeh’s confidence.

Thanks for noticing….new look and new attitude. I frankly got sick and tired of joining Cyber Legacy being held against me and these morons sitting in the crowd just couldn’t get past the fact that I was moving forward with them. In my time off,Ana visited me in California and told me being the Jungle Queen wasn’t getting the job done anymore. I had an undefeated streak, yes, but she wanted to prevent me from losing big again like I did against Alania. Ana used her connections to get me a glow up and make me a whole new person,” Kennedy explained as she displayed herself to Alizeh and turned around in her new attire.

Kennedy then launched an unprovoked slap right across Alizeh’s face knocking the taste out of her mouth with the crowd gasping in surprise!

And your sulk story about losing to Kyoko is getting rather old. You lost. Deal with it and move on. Maybe post a memoir of how shitty it made your life. I don’t know, but just shut the hell up already. Ana’s next in line and getting her there will be my thanks for showing me my true colors. Hey boys, when I beat this loser, make sure it becomes front cover of the next issue of LAW Magazine. I want to embarrass Alizeh more than Kyoko ever did,” Kennedy explained to the camera crew as she cracked her knuckles and got into a fighting stance with a smirk.

Kennedy had turned heel. It was on now.

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Re: Kennedy Lee vs. Alizeh Midori (2-out-of-3 Falls Match)

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Despite the new look Kennedy didn't seem to change much in terms of personality, wasting no time in getting up in Alizeh's face and talking her down from the start. Talking about the reason for her change and how it was Ana's idea and meant to make her a whole new person for the masses. Something that made the greenette roll her eyes. "In other words you couldn't live with losing so you changed everything about yourself. Very impressive." Alizeh responded back dryly, not caring much for Kennedy's explanation and eyes narrowed as Kennedy then insulted her after her loss to Kyoko. "You got no place to talk you bi-" Before could finish talking she was smacked across the face with a slap! "Agh!" Alizeh cried out in pain, stumbling away from Kennedy holding her, face, glaring and clenching her fists as she turned and immediately charged Kennedy with a war cry, trying to take her down to the mat!

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Re: Kennedy Lee vs. Alizeh Midori (2-out-of-3 Falls Match)

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Kennedy braced herself as Alizeh tackled her down, but she managed to push Alizeh off of her quickly. Kennedy chuckled as she stood opposite of The Emerald Storm getting back on her feet. This was going to be good and Ana taught her a thing or two about mind games. She hated to admit it at the time, but it worked on her so someone as young and fiery as Alizeh will a cinch to royally piss off. Kennedy got into a lockup stance.

No right to talk. I didn’t complain after Alania beat me. I accepted things as they were and Ana figured we could change things up. You’re the one crying “But I won at pure wrestling!” Let me lay the gospel on your mind. Wrestling is about winning at any cost no matter the lengths. That’s the undeniable truth and Kyoko understood it perfectly. You need to understand it as well, you sad patch of grass for hair, ” Kennedy insulted.
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Re: Kennedy Lee vs. Alizeh Midori (2-out-of-3 Falls Match)

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Tackling Kennedy to the mat Alizeh was prepared to lay a beatdown on the blonde but was shoved off before she could. Rolling after and getting up with a glare Alizeh would listen to what Kennedy had to say and it only fired her up more. "I don't accept things as they are, and I'm not complaining about anything, only pointing out facts, and I'm doing things about it like kicking your ass!" Alizeh snapped as she darted forward to try and lock up with Kennedy, pushing and forcing against her, attempting to get the edge over her!

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Re: Kennedy Lee vs. Alizeh Midori (2-out-of-3 Falls Match)

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Kennedy met with Alizeh locking their hands together in a fierce battle for the top spot. She may have gone with a more touch up on her gimmick, but her strength would never leave her. Kennedy tried hitting a Headbutt to Alizeh in order to knock the young Midori off her. If she succeeded, Kennedy would try raising her right boot to go for a Big Boot in an effort to knock Alizeh down!
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Re: Kennedy Lee vs. Alizeh Midori (2-out-of-3 Falls Match)

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Getting back up and charging Kennedy to lock up with her Alizh would push and grapple against her, trying to gain an edge against her but damn if Kennedy wasn't still strong. Despite this she still went for a head but to Alizeh! "Ngh!" Alizeh groaned out, stumbling away from Kennedy, holding her head, looking up in time to be met with a big boot that took her off her feet and to the mat with a grunt of pain that left her stunned on the mat!

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Re: Kennedy Lee vs. Alizeh Midori (2-out-of-3 Falls Match)

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Kennedy smirked and pouted her lips looking at the crowd making sad whimpering noises clearly mocking Alizeh. She grabbed the young Midori up and went to whip her into the ropes and on the rebound would try for a back elbow to the forehead! If Kennedy landed the hit, she would stand over Alizeh letting the boos soak into the atmosphere and she made crying eyes mocking everyone around her.
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Re: Kennedy Lee vs. Alizeh Midori (2-out-of-3 Falls Match)

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Alizeh had gotten off to a very rough start in this match, and now Kennedy was looking to further that lead. Lifting Alizeh up and sending her running towards the ropes, bouncing off them and back at Kennedy, getting bashed with a elbow on her way back and falling to the mat as a result of the blow! "Ugh!" Alizeh groaned, clutching her head and rolling against the mat with a hiss of pain, trying to get her bearings in the wake of that impact.

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