Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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Match type: Standard

Alaina was finally cleared for action agian after a hellacious battle at the PPV. She felt good, as good as she could anyway. Some said she was rushing back but she wasn't just going to sit around. Tonight she was uo against a middleweight meaning the match was obviously a non-title match but her pride was on the line. She had to show that a heavyweight champion could beat anyone regardless of weight class.

Clad in a tiger print one piece swimsuit, tiger print kneepads and tiger print boots Alaina came out into the arena with the LAW Heavyweight championship title over her shoulders. She was all smiles as she strut her way down the ramp, flexing and smiling. She high fived a few fans and made her way to the ring, walking up the ring steps before climbing through the ropes. She held her title high before handing it to the referee. Alaina bounced from foot to foot in her corner waiting for Eve. She was going to show she was back to form eager to tank whatever Eve threw her way while landing dominant crushing offense of her own.

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Re: Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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The crowd were already on their feet for the 'Amazon', but when her entrance finished the crowd remained in high tempo knowing the next match would feature a fellow fan favourite who was facing her in this exhibition match.

The moment Eve Summers' entrance theme exploded onto the PA system, was the moment everything became official! Naturally the watching audience began to roar out in anticipation for the appearance of the world famous DJ turned wrestler. The announcer had already done his job at setting up her entrance, and all that was left was for the woman herself to appear. Soon enough, the British beauty stepped out from behind the curtain, making her way down towards the ring with high energy. Her features were angelic as always, complimented by the beaming smile spread across her soft lips as she began to move with energy. She spread her arms outwards as she walked down the entrance ramp, before throwing them upwards in time for some fireworks to begin popping upwards from alongside the ramp in a marvel of colours. Soon enough Eve was tagging as many hands from reaching fans as she could as she made her way down to the ring with energy and gusto to the celebration of the watching audience.
Entering the ring mere moments later, her movement still full of energy and motivation. She cleared the ropes in a single leap, showing off her impressive athleticism, before she bounced and strode her way into the middle of the ring, once more spreading her arms out to drink in all the energy of the cheering crowds. Eve made a few cheering like gestures, before she made her way to the nearest turnbuckle, scaling upwards with one swift leap... an action that only seemed to increase the volume of the watching audience when the beautiful wrestler and DJ threw her arms into the air. She could not wipe the smile off her face, feeling humbled by the reception.

Things did not seem to die down even when Eve slipped down back to the canvas. She made a few gestures towards the crowd in thanks for the reception pacing around the ring as she revelled in the energy coming from tonight's crowd! Soon she turned her attention to her friend Alaina Sanders, who had been one of the first women to greet Eve into the federation some years ago.
"Good to see you again. I hope I give you a good match." Eve spoke out in a pleasant tone, offering her fist for a fist bump with the experienced wrestler. Eve recalled sparring with her when she first arrived... now she was having a match! Eve could not deny that she was a little nervous knowing Alaina Sanders was one of the most successful wrestlers in the world and still at the top of her game!

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Re: Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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Alaina watched Eve come out and she knew that Eve was quite popular with the fans before but the crowd reaction really solidified that in Alaina's mind.

She smiled to Eve and nodded. "I am sure you will, but I will not go easy on you." Alaina said with a smile. As the bell rang Alaina waste no time in trying to surprise Eve by running right at her and trying to open the match with a running cross body block!

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Re: Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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Eve managed a smile as Alaina approached her, glad to see her friend once more but a little apprehensive that she had to face her in the arena for real this time as compared to their last spar together.
"I would not have it any other way. I want to see the full strength of the Amazon. Don't hold back just because we are friends. I'll be really upset if I found out you did go easy on me." Eve warned in a playful tone, giving Alaina a firm point against her chest in an equally playful and teasing manner. She managed a pleasant giggle before she slipped back a few steps away from Alaina, listening as the crowd chanted for both wrestlers. Eve was aware she was in an uphill struggle, but so long as she gave a good showing she could live with defeat today.

The bell soon rang out, signalling the beginning of the match. Eve gave Alaina a nod to let her know she was ready to begin, before she took a wrestling stance, standing firm and waiting for the legendary wrestler to come at her.

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Re: Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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As soon as the bell rang Alaina sprang into action. She was trying to catch Eve off guard and this was either going to work well or fail miserably. Alaina rushed right at Eve jumping up and flying through the air parallel with the ring canvas! Alaina's goal was to crash into Eve's chest with a running cross body block, leveling her and flattening her to the mat underneath the bulk of the flying amazon! After sending her to the mat Alaina's plan was to stand up and jump extending her leg to crash back down onto Eve with a big power thighed leg drop!

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Re: Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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Despite being ready, there was little Eve could do when Alaina sprang into action. Though the Brit had her guard up, the full power of the Amazon came clashing into her lithe form, with Alaina managing to throw her body at her own for a running Cross Body Block! Eve went down hard, landing on her back as her legs curled upwards near making her roll backwards before she flopped down flat on the mat. For a moment, Eve thought she had been knocked down by a truck, but just as she was getting her bearings, Alaina came crashing down towards her, managing to outstretch her thick legs, before her massive thigh came down against her neck and chest for a massive leg drop!

Eve's lower body flinched whilst her chest was crushed against the ring, making her groan out. With the wind knocked out of her, Eve could only gasp and try to catch her breath, leaving her open for more assault as the crowd began to cheer on both fan favourites!

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Re: Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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After crashing down on Eve with the big leg drop Alaina actually wanted to completely prevent Eve from catching her breath. In fact her plan all along was to clamp her powerful thighs around Eve's head and squeeze, applying as much pressure as she could locking in a choking headscissor hold on Eve! Alaina used all her strength to crush away with the hold while she held her arms out posing for the crowd. She would smile and nod before flexing her biceps, kissing them while showing off to rally the crowd behind her while poor Eve's head was stuck!

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Re: Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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The match had only just started, and Eve knew she was in trouble already. Alaina was not holding back... nor did Eve expect or want her too, but her assault was relentless. No sooner had Eve attempted to catch her breath from the crushing leg drop, were those same legs ensaring her neck and head with a powerful looking headscissors. Alaina's ankles locked, her boots creaking together as Eve gagged out, feeling her air supply suddenly cease. She gasped out, grasping at Alaina's massive thighs, trying to break free from the strangle hold her legs had upon her.

She tried to bridge herself to make it awkward, but the weight of Alaina's thighs made it hard. Eve tried to look around, finding it hard to think or even breath, hoping that perhaps the ropes were nearby as she tried to search with her barefoot, hoping to hook an angle onto a nearby rope if one was nearby!

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Re: Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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Alaina was off to a good start and she knew the headscissor was sapping Eve while she was stuck. The posing amazon was feeling good about everything until she heard the official shout loudly. "ROPE BREAK!" Alaina let go of the hold and got up, grabbing Eve by the hair to haul her up to her feet. Alaina would keep hold of the hair with one hand while her other fist smashed the abdomen of Eve three times before the amazon shift gears hooking both of Eve's arms while lifting her up and holding her, putting her on display before sending her crashing to the mat with a double underhook suplex!

After Alaina would shift and cover Eve for a pin, hooking a leg and pressing down as hard as she could while the official slid into place.


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Re: Eve Summers vs. "Amazon" Alaina Sanders

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Alaina was an honourable wrestler, and as such, the moment she heard the referee call for a Rope Break, she honoured the conditions and rules of the match, quickly unwrapping her legs from Eve's head and neck. Despite the hold being released, Eve was still reeling, her jaw sore, her lungs starved of oxygen. If she had been in a worst position in the ring it might have been over already as she was struggling to gain control of the match.

There was little time to recover, as Alaina continued her assault, showing why she was one of the best in the business. Pulling Eve up by her hair, she groaned out as a clenched fist rammed into her bare stomach in quick succession, making her double over before Alaina managed to hook her arms, before going for a big suplex. Alaina's larger form soon pressed down on her own lithe and alluring form, before she began to lift her leg and initiate a pin attempt!


Eve managed to snap into her senses, throwing her shoulder up to break the pinfall before there could be a three. She was in trouble, she was left breathless... but she was tougher than that to be defeated in the first minute of the match!

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