Clara "The Shrouded" vs Lucy Grange
Match type: Apartment Match
Match rules: Normal apartment match rules apply, with the exception that no stripping or hentai moves are allowed.
Location: A LAW approved apartment
Attire: Lingerie
It had been a while since Clara had been summoned for an apartment match. In fact, the only one she had ever been in was with her mentors daughter, Mina Morgan. That time, she was defeated, but they saw promise, so they took her in and trained her up. Now was the time where she had to put her training to full use.
The match in question was ever so slightly different though. They were not allowed to remove each others clothing, nor were they allowed to do any kind of lewd moves to one another. It would be purely about their strength and pain tolerance. Not that Clara cared, she just wanted to win. She knew her opponents name was a girl called Lucy Grange, a name that Clara had not heard before. Perhaps she was new.
Upon arrival at the apartment where the battle would take place, Clara would show her ID to the security, who nodded. She then proceeded into the apartment, finding 2 baskets for them to put their clothing into, each with their own name. She then proceeded to strip down into just her bra and panties, before sitting on the couch, waiting for her opponent to arrive.