A surprise spar request - Fern Blackwell vs Fubuki

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A surprise spar request - Fern Blackwell vs Fubuki

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Fern Blackwell vs Fubuki

Match type: Apartment Match
Location: Fubuki's house
Attire: Casual

It wasn't long after Fern's debut victory over Tamaki when she got a strange note coming through her door. The note was written well, but she wasn't sure who would be interested in meeting her, especially since she was a new fighter in LAW, and her debut match wasn't watched by many. But nevertheless, she was requested to spar with somebody, and so she would accept.

She looked at the note closer, and noticed that the writer had signed her name. It was scruffy, but she could make out the name Fubuki on the bottom of the note. Fubuki's address was on the back of the note.

She took a deep breath, and got into her casual attire, before taking the 35 minute journey to her apartment. She was nervous, as she had not expected to be requested for a fight, but she could not say no. There might be money involved, and she desperately needed money.

Upon arrival at the address, she took one more deep breath, before ringing the doorbell that was on the right side of the door.

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Re: A surprise spar request - Fern Blackwell vs Fubuki

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Fubuki had already made her mark at LAW and was interested in one thing, fighting other busty women and, jackpot, she found the perfect woman for that, her new prey, Fern Blackwell. Fern was a new wrestler who only had one match at LAW, a little shy, but skilled enough to catch the attention of Fubuki who invited her to her home for private sparring.

So the Japanese girl was at her desk, analyzing Fern's first and only match on her computer until her house doorbell rang. She got up from her desk and opened the door, welcoming her sparring partner with a big smile on her face.

"Hello Mrs. Blackwell, please come in~"

She let the older woman go home and closed the door behind her, welcoming her opponent properly by offering to sit on the couch before standing in front of her, smiling at her innocently and with a smile. always so warm.

“Would you like something to drink?~”
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Re: A surprise spar request - Fern Blackwell vs Fubuki

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To say Fern was apprehensive about this was an understatement. She had no idea who Fubuki was, and what sort of a person she was. She was also curious about how she found her, and why she called her over. But she could ask those questions later. For now, she had to meet her.

As the door opened, she saw a lovely woman in the doorway. Considering she called her by name, she knew it must have been Fubuki. She smiled at Fubuki, before nodding her head to the offer of entering her house.

"Thank you Mrs Fubuki, you are too kind."

Upon entering the house and walking to Fubuki's lounge, she noticed how well decorated it was. It was clear that Fubuki was living in the lap of luxury, which made Fern a little bit envious, but she swallowed her thoughts as Fubuki offered her a drink.

"Would you mind making me a coffee with 2 sugars please?" She asked politely, sitting on the couch and making herself comfortable

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Re: A surprise spar request - Fern Blackwell vs Fubuki

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Fubuki kept her smile in front of Fern and nodded before going into the kitchen, preparing a coffee in a few minutes and bringing it back in front of her guest, with a bowl of sugar and a stirrer. She took two sugars and put it in the coffee before sitting across from Fern, pulling out a paper from her chest.

"Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Fubuki Azama, I'm a fairly well-known wrestler in LAW and I invited you here for a sparring... With a few conditions..~"

She placed the paper she had taken out of her breasts to place it in front of Fern, smiling widely at her.

"My services are free but I offer you the opportunity to earn money, if you can beat me of course!~ I'll let you sign.~""

The conditions of sparring and the amount won in case of victory were written on the paper which looked more like a small contract now. Fubuki noticed something was missing and searched between her breasts for a few seconds before taking out a pen which she placed next to the contract.

"My apoligies, I forgot to pass you the pen~ Don't hesitate to ask me any questions if you need to know more or even want to change something in the contract, like the amount of the reward ~"
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Re: A surprise spar request - Fern Blackwell vs Fubuki

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Fern smiled as her partner for the evening obliged her request, and soon came back with a cup of coffee with 2 sugars. She set about putting the sugar in the coffee, and started to stir it well, before Fubuki gave her a piece of paper which looked like a contract. She did not know exactly what was on the paper, but she was hooked when Fubuki mentioned that she would give money for winning against her.

The paper itself was slightly damp from the sweat produced by Fubuki's breasts, but there was still plenty of room to sign. She picked up the pen and proceeded to sign her name on the paper, before handing both the pen and the paper back to Fubuki. Fern then picked up her coffee, gave it a quick blow to prevent her from burning her lips, then took a sip of the coffee, which tasted divine.

"I am sure you are probably aware, but I am Fern Blackwell. Mother of 2 and currently in, a lot of debt. That's why I joined actually." Fern admitted, thinking it prudent to give Fubuki an insight into why she actually joined LAW. "By the way, how did you even find me? I am hardly famous, and I haven't been here long..." She asked the larger woman curiously.

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Re: A surprise spar request - Fern Blackwell vs Fubuki

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Fubuki continued to look at Fern with a big amused smile and crossed her legs to make herself look a little more dominant, more than she already was at least because she was already at home, which could be a little embarrassing for her opponent. She sighed slightly and tilted her head at Fern's question.

“Is it that important?..”

She sighed lightly and stood up from her chair, walking a few steps around the corner of the room to open a door that showed a large, perfectly tidy bedroom, as if it had never been used before.

"Well, I would say that I'm paying attention to LAW's new recruits... And then, I especially want to see something..~"

Her angelic smile turned into an evil smile and her finger pointed in Fren's direction.

"I wanted to see why such a heavy slut with fake tits like you joined my league to get rich in my type of match? I'm the woman with the biggest tits in LAW, I'm the best sexfighter in LAW !~ Are you trying to steal my crown, bitch ?~ "
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Re: A surprise spar request - Fern Blackwell vs Fubuki

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Fern simply shrugged her shoulders and shook her head to reply to Fubuki's question as to if what she said was important. She knew it really wasn't, but she liked to be somewhat accommodating. Fern didn't seem embarrassed at all, she was used to meeting new people, though not necessarily meeting them in their own homes immediately.

"No, not really. Just wanted to break the ice, that is all."

Fern then watched as Fubuki stood up and walked to a large bedroom, which Fern suspected would soon become their battleground. She took a deep breath and followed her there, before entering the room. It was tidy and just as well decorated, but there was thankfully nothing fragile in there.

"Oh, so you like finding new people to challenge, interesting..."

It was then that Fern noticed the switch turn on Fubuki. She was stunned as to how quickly Fubuki had turned on her, as if aggravating her. Fern was clearly not happy.

"What??? Fake tits? How dare you! And I bet I could fuck you senseless! Right here and now!" Fern declared, glaring at Fubuki.

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Re: A surprise spar request - Fern Blackwell vs Fubuki

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Fubuki's provocation had worked, she had succeeded in imposing tension in the room and that was exactly what she wanted. The Japanese giant sought above all to provoke her opponents, even if it meant making herself hated, to make their fights a little more violent and exciting. Fern was no exception to the rule and Fubuki intended to push this woman to the limit.

“We are both mothers and yet I can assure you that you have no place at LAW.”

She crossed her arms under her chest, trying to swell her breasts that way before smiling with a proud and provocative look.

"I saw your match and it was completely bad! You already don't please the spectators with your fake body and your childish techniques! Forget our contract and get out and get out of my house immediately, I don't want to share my space life and professional with an incompetent like you, you will shame me and damage my magnificent career~"
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Re: A surprise spar request - Fern Blackwell vs Fubuki

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It was becoming clear that Fubuki wanted to stir up tension between the two of them. Either it was because she was trying to get into Fern's mind, or she was provoking her to get her to fight harder. Whichever it was, it was working.

However, Fern wasn't going to back down so easily. In fact, she used Fubuki's order to get out as a way to return the favour. She smirked and walked up face to face with her bustier opponent, before giving her a breast bump.

"You are just scared of me. You want me out of the house because you know I am going to fuck you up. If you are that much of a coward, fine, but rest assured, everybody will get to know this." Fern mocked, hoping that fighting fire with fire would rile Fubuki up.

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Re: A surprise spar request - Fern Blackwell vs Fubuki

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The two wrestlers' chests slammed together before crashing into each other. Fern looked angry and the latter's insolence also seemed to annoy the Japanese who simply puffed out her chest to make it bigger than her opponent's before touching her cheek with her finger.

“Ara ara~ You should learn to listen to women who are stronger than you..”

She lifted her finger from her cheek to raise her hand and gave Fern a powerful slap on the cheek, beginning the hostilities physically this time.

“Little slut.~”
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