Match Type: "Standard."
Win by scoring a pinfall of three seconds on the opponent, forcing a wrestler to submit, or knocking the wrestler out. Additionally, if a wrestler remains outside the ring for too long, they will be disqualified after a ten count. Furthermore, if a wrestler performs an illegal move and is caught in the act by the in-ring official, they will be disqualified.
Standard rules - DQs, Count-outs, and the submission or pinfall MUST happen within the confines of the ring.
"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, IT'S TIME TO RAISE OR FOLD...ALL BETS ARE OFF...FOR AN ACE HAS ARRIVED!!! Entering the ring first, hailing from Bangkok, Thailand...standing at 5'10 and weighing in at 140 lbs...THE ACE OF SPADES, KAEO AMARIN!!!"
Kaeo arrived at the top of the ramp, dressed in her gear. It felt weird and different. She wasn't entirely a fan. The tan-skinned young woman was used to more traditional gear, not this. However, the world of pro wrestling was the world of Kaeo needed to shake things up a bit. Her gear was mostly based around standard Muay Thai apparel. She had her fists and feet wrapped up with black sports tape. She had tightly padded, fingerless MMA gloves on both hands. On her head and arms were a Mongkhon and a pair of Pra Jiad, respectively. These were the finely woven head and armbands. They hold a great deal of significance to Thai traditions. She had on standard boxing trunks with some fishnet mesh bottoms underneath. A fancy bra that was designed more for form rather than function. All of this was colored in black, red, and white with an 'ace of spades' theme, as per her moniker. The Thai woman looked around with disinterest, unable to muster up anything more than a neutral expression as she walked toward the ring.
This was her first match in LAW. It was her first match outside the decrepit and illegal rings back home in Thailand. She was given two 'orders' by her employers. Win and make it look good. What mattered most was entertainment value, not so much bloodshed. Of course, these people seem to like a bit of violence now and again, but it wouldn't be ideal for Kaeo if she were listed as an overly violent fighter. This could make booking future matches difficult. This had to be a showcase of her skill and prowess in the ring. Additionally, she had to see if she could get the crowd behind her. This operation had to be surgical. No screw-ups...She didn't have much information about her opponent...but it wouldn't matter. It didn't seem like this Tracee Martin was a big-time, champion-level wrestler, so Kaeo shouldn't be worried.
Kaeo entered the ring by sliding under the bottom rope, gesturing half-heartedly to the crowd, who seemed semi-interested, but they weren't fully behind the woman yet, much to the girl's dismay. She needed to do something entertaining, so she stood in the center of the ring. She paused momentarily before hopping off the ground slightly, delivering a massive stomp upon landing and releasing a warrior-like shout as she broke into her fighting stance. This seemed to get the crowd riled up and intrigued. far. After that, Kaeo returned to her corner, bouncing on her feet, keeping herself warmed up as she shadowboxed in the corner.