Dizzy Belti vs Samiya Pedroza (D)
Dizzy Belti vs Samiya Pedroza (D)
First night. Big night. The biggest really.
Was she supposed to feel nervous? Samiya Pedroza pondered the idea as she awaited her cue in gorilla, eyes down as the crowd’s faint roar drifted back to her. Because she didn’t. Not really.
Sure, there was a little buzz of tense excitement in the pit of her stomach but she knew that’d fade the second she got through the curtains. But that was it.
And, for the biggest break, the peak of her short career to date, Samiya had… she didn’t know, expected more. It was almost a bit of a letdown.
She cocked her head slightly, listening. Were those…?
One of the techs caught her attention, signaling she’d got five seconds.
Samiya took a deep breath and let it all out, clearing her mind of everything except the impendent beatdown she was about to dish out.
And then…
Stalked out onto the big stage as if she’d done it a thousand times before, the curvaceous fighter’s every deliberate step seeing her smoothly shift her weight from one foot to the other in a hip-rolling gait that was almost – but not quite – a swagger.
At the top of the ramp, she paused to strike a pose to the vocal approval of the fans, stretching her arms out and running them up her body to lift her loose hair, pivoting one leg back before she fell deep, deep into a combat stance, one leg fully extended, the other bent so deeply that her calf pressed against the back of her thigh and arms poised and ready. The Schoolgirl Assassin held the pose for a long moment with a fierce smirk, casting her gaze over the audience as though searching for anyone with the gall to challenge her.
One smooth motion saw her standing once more. Hands at her side, the young woman stalked down the ramp with that same sinuous strut, head tilted at a confident – even haughty – angle. If she even noticed any of the fans yelling, struggling to draw her eye, snapping photos as she passed, she gave no sign; her gaze was fixed somewhere in the middle distance, her mind otherwise occupied.
When Samiya got to ringside, she barely paused. A box jump took her straight from the floor to the apron where she ascended the ring post with as much ease, standing with one foot on the turnbuckle and one on the second rope as she stared out at the crowd with a predator’s imperious sneer for a long moment. Just soaking it all in before she threw herself into an aerial cartwheel to land centre of the ring with hands thrown up, posed like the gymnast she was.
A glance at the ref told her which corner was hers and the purple-haired vixen strutted over to it as if she owned the ring, casually pulling her long mane back into the ponytail she favoured for combat with a band she’d pulled from her top.
Waiting. Just waiting with a casual confidence that belied her age. If she was even slightly nervous, it didn’t show.
“Showtime,” she whispered to herself.
Was she supposed to feel nervous? Samiya Pedroza pondered the idea as she awaited her cue in gorilla, eyes down as the crowd’s faint roar drifted back to her. Because she didn’t. Not really.
Sure, there was a little buzz of tense excitement in the pit of her stomach but she knew that’d fade the second she got through the curtains. But that was it.
And, for the biggest break, the peak of her short career to date, Samiya had… she didn’t know, expected more. It was almost a bit of a letdown.
She cocked her head slightly, listening. Were those…?
One of the techs caught her attention, signaling she’d got five seconds.
Samiya took a deep breath and let it all out, clearing her mind of everything except the impendent beatdown she was about to dish out.
And then…
Stalked out onto the big stage as if she’d done it a thousand times before, the curvaceous fighter’s every deliberate step seeing her smoothly shift her weight from one foot to the other in a hip-rolling gait that was almost – but not quite – a swagger.
At the top of the ramp, she paused to strike a pose to the vocal approval of the fans, stretching her arms out and running them up her body to lift her loose hair, pivoting one leg back before she fell deep, deep into a combat stance, one leg fully extended, the other bent so deeply that her calf pressed against the back of her thigh and arms poised and ready. The Schoolgirl Assassin held the pose for a long moment with a fierce smirk, casting her gaze over the audience as though searching for anyone with the gall to challenge her.
One smooth motion saw her standing once more. Hands at her side, the young woman stalked down the ramp with that same sinuous strut, head tilted at a confident – even haughty – angle. If she even noticed any of the fans yelling, struggling to draw her eye, snapping photos as she passed, she gave no sign; her gaze was fixed somewhere in the middle distance, her mind otherwise occupied.
When Samiya got to ringside, she barely paused. A box jump took her straight from the floor to the apron where she ascended the ring post with as much ease, standing with one foot on the turnbuckle and one on the second rope as she stared out at the crowd with a predator’s imperious sneer for a long moment. Just soaking it all in before she threw herself into an aerial cartwheel to land centre of the ring with hands thrown up, posed like the gymnast she was.
A glance at the ref told her which corner was hers and the purple-haired vixen strutted over to it as if she owned the ring, casually pulling her long mane back into the ponytail she favoured for combat with a band she’d pulled from her top.
Waiting. Just waiting with a casual confidence that belied her age. If she was even slightly nervous, it didn’t show.
“Showtime,” she whispered to herself.
- BlackAkuma
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Re: Dizzy Belti vs Samiya Pedroza (D)
”-are you paying attention?”
Oh, no, there was that tone. In truth, Dizzy hadn't been paying attention. She and her mother had been talking strategy before the match, with the elder Belti going over things she wanted her to try and stuff she needed to improve on. While she appreciated the advice, it wasn’t anything she hadn't heard a hundred times before, things they’d drilled on excessively over the past few months. With Millicent out of the country on business, she’d been spending a good deal of time with her mother in training, going over the basics and she’d heard it all so many times.
Keep your chin up. Mind the ropes. Keep an eye out for the corner. Ring awareness. Stay near the sides. Spread your arms to minimize impact. Blah, blah, blah.
So, when they got to the gorilla position and her mother started going over it again, her natural reflex was to sort of zone out and look for something - anything - to draw her attention. As it so happened, she didn’t have to look hard to find it, either.
There was a television screen behind her mother, showing the live feed from the arena, and well…she was impressed. She hadn't been sure what to expect from her opponent of the evening, only having a name to go off of, but if what she saw was any indication of what the woman was like, she was in for a treat.
A strong, muscular form? Dizzy liked that.
Legs that looked like they could crack a coconut? Dizzy loved that.
She might have liked Samiya more if she were a little taller, but that was far from a dealbreaker. She was still taller than Dizzy herself, small bar that was, and her mind was already racing with possibilities as she watched the woman make her way down to the ring, showing off her body with every step. There was some confidence in that step, focus in those eyes, a wild glint that made her curious to see-
Her mother brought her back to reality with a snap of the fingers, drawing all of Dizzy’s focus. ”Yes, Mom, yes! I hear you, I hear you!” She waved her arms about, then settled. ”I’m just trying to focus on the match ahead, you know? Eyes on the prize and all.”
Her mother’s skeptical eye roamed around the room, moving from Dizzy to the screen just in time to watch Samiya leap up onto the apron. The cameraman understood the assignment and made sure to get a good look at her butt, too. Give that man a raise. ”Uh-huh.”
”Mom, relax. You’re going to make me nervous with that.” Dizzy brought her arms up into a triceps stretch. ”Look, do me a favor? Stay back for this one. Take a seat at ringside, but I don’t need you barking orders across the canvas. Let me fly a little.”
Her mother seemed skeptical about that, folding arms and looking down at her tiny offspring, but she relented after a moment and let her shoulders sag. ”Fine. Just…take it seriously, Desdemona.”
Dizzy spun about and turned to the curtain as they gave her the signal and cued up her . ”That’s me.” She gave her a thumbs up. ”Super serious.”
The Super Serious Desdemona Belti made her way through the curtain with a light skip, waving out to the fans as she descended the ramp, with her mother following a few steps behind. While she wasn’t exactly a big name, she’d won a few fans in her short time the company, though she was pretty sure they were less interested in watching her win matches and more into getting off on her loses. Not that she blamed them - she enjoyed watching the LAW squashes, too, and she loved being on the receiving end when the right woman was dishing out the pain.
She made her way up the steps as her mother rounded the ring and took a seat next to the announcer’s table, watching from a distance. Dizzy nodded a silent thanks her way, before she hopped up onto the apron, slid through the ropes, and made her way around the ring to get a good look at Samiya. Yup - she was every bit the woman she’d been eying up on the screen. Even better - from this distance, she could really appreciate the definition on those legs. This woman hadn't missed a gym day in a long, long time. In contrast, Dizzy wasn’t out of shape, but still on the skinny side. Nowhere near this woman’s league.
You wouldn’t have known that from the way she sauntered around the ring, though, looking Samiya up and down, like she was the predator, here. ”Ciao, bella.” She gave her flirty wave with the fingers. ”Look at you, tight package. Is all that for me?”
Oh, no, there was that tone. In truth, Dizzy hadn't been paying attention. She and her mother had been talking strategy before the match, with the elder Belti going over things she wanted her to try and stuff she needed to improve on. While she appreciated the advice, it wasn’t anything she hadn't heard a hundred times before, things they’d drilled on excessively over the past few months. With Millicent out of the country on business, she’d been spending a good deal of time with her mother in training, going over the basics and she’d heard it all so many times.
Keep your chin up. Mind the ropes. Keep an eye out for the corner. Ring awareness. Stay near the sides. Spread your arms to minimize impact. Blah, blah, blah.
So, when they got to the gorilla position and her mother started going over it again, her natural reflex was to sort of zone out and look for something - anything - to draw her attention. As it so happened, she didn’t have to look hard to find it, either.
There was a television screen behind her mother, showing the live feed from the arena, and well…she was impressed. She hadn't been sure what to expect from her opponent of the evening, only having a name to go off of, but if what she saw was any indication of what the woman was like, she was in for a treat.
A strong, muscular form? Dizzy liked that.
Legs that looked like they could crack a coconut? Dizzy loved that.
She might have liked Samiya more if she were a little taller, but that was far from a dealbreaker. She was still taller than Dizzy herself, small bar that was, and her mind was already racing with possibilities as she watched the woman make her way down to the ring, showing off her body with every step. There was some confidence in that step, focus in those eyes, a wild glint that made her curious to see-
Her mother brought her back to reality with a snap of the fingers, drawing all of Dizzy’s focus. ”Yes, Mom, yes! I hear you, I hear you!” She waved her arms about, then settled. ”I’m just trying to focus on the match ahead, you know? Eyes on the prize and all.”
Her mother’s skeptical eye roamed around the room, moving from Dizzy to the screen just in time to watch Samiya leap up onto the apron. The cameraman understood the assignment and made sure to get a good look at her butt, too. Give that man a raise. ”Uh-huh.”
”Mom, relax. You’re going to make me nervous with that.” Dizzy brought her arms up into a triceps stretch. ”Look, do me a favor? Stay back for this one. Take a seat at ringside, but I don’t need you barking orders across the canvas. Let me fly a little.”
Her mother seemed skeptical about that, folding arms and looking down at her tiny offspring, but she relented after a moment and let her shoulders sag. ”Fine. Just…take it seriously, Desdemona.”
Dizzy spun about and turned to the curtain as they gave her the signal and cued up her . ”That’s me.” She gave her a thumbs up. ”Super serious.”
The Super Serious Desdemona Belti made her way through the curtain with a light skip, waving out to the fans as she descended the ramp, with her mother following a few steps behind. While she wasn’t exactly a big name, she’d won a few fans in her short time the company, though she was pretty sure they were less interested in watching her win matches and more into getting off on her loses. Not that she blamed them - she enjoyed watching the LAW squashes, too, and she loved being on the receiving end when the right woman was dishing out the pain.
She made her way up the steps as her mother rounded the ring and took a seat next to the announcer’s table, watching from a distance. Dizzy nodded a silent thanks her way, before she hopped up onto the apron, slid through the ropes, and made her way around the ring to get a good look at Samiya. Yup - she was every bit the woman she’d been eying up on the screen. Even better - from this distance, she could really appreciate the definition on those legs. This woman hadn't missed a gym day in a long, long time. In contrast, Dizzy wasn’t out of shape, but still on the skinny side. Nowhere near this woman’s league.
Dizzy Belti

Re: Dizzy Belti vs Samiya Pedroza (D)
It might not be immediately apparent but Samiya liked to know who she was about to dance with. It hadn’t exactly been an option back in Miami but, when the viewing figures were measured in the thousands, she liked to know if management were going to try and feed her to a six feet something giantess.
Operative word being ‘try’ but still.
So, as soon as they’d told her who she’d be fighting, Samiya had put her research cap on. Now, leaning in her corner, she ran it back again because she still wasn’t quite sure what to make of Desdemona ‘Dizzy’ Belti. She wasn’t any further forward when the girl herself made her entrance – mother in tow. Samiya’s eyes narrowed a little at that – Momma Bear Belti was exactly the sort of six feet something giantess she’d like some notice of – but the elder Belti instead headed for the announce desk, leaving her diminutive daughter to step into the lioness’ den solo.
Samiya had known going into this she’d have five inches in height and a good 30 lbs of muscle on her opponent. She just hadn’t expected it to be so obvious.
She had watched enough tape to expect the attitude though.
Samiya smiled a lazy smile back, bearing sharp canines as she ran her smoky violet gaze up and down Belti’s petite physique. Without warning, she pushed out of her corner and advanced on Desdemona directly, pushing straight into her personal space until they were almost nose to nose (or would have been if Samiya hadn’t been staring down her nose with that predatory sneer quirking her lips).
”Oh, I’m way too much for you to handle, Dizzy. They call you Dizzy, right?”
The Schoolgirl Assassin’s voice was pitched low, a lazy drawl. She laced her hands together and brought them behind her head to the base of her neck, playfully showing off her toned biceps and the swell of her ample chest.
”’Cause you’re going to be way more than dizzy when I’m through with you, chica.”
Flashing a smirk, she finished her stretch and took a quick step back before the referee could interpose herself.
This, it seemed, was going to be fun.
Operative word being ‘try’ but still.
So, as soon as they’d told her who she’d be fighting, Samiya had put her research cap on. Now, leaning in her corner, she ran it back again because she still wasn’t quite sure what to make of Desdemona ‘Dizzy’ Belti. She wasn’t any further forward when the girl herself made her entrance – mother in tow. Samiya’s eyes narrowed a little at that – Momma Bear Belti was exactly the sort of six feet something giantess she’d like some notice of – but the elder Belti instead headed for the announce desk, leaving her diminutive daughter to step into the lioness’ den solo.
Samiya had known going into this she’d have five inches in height and a good 30 lbs of muscle on her opponent. She just hadn’t expected it to be so obvious.
She had watched enough tape to expect the attitude though.
Samiya smiled a lazy smile back, bearing sharp canines as she ran her smoky violet gaze up and down Belti’s petite physique. Without warning, she pushed out of her corner and advanced on Desdemona directly, pushing straight into her personal space until they were almost nose to nose (or would have been if Samiya hadn’t been staring down her nose with that predatory sneer quirking her lips).
”Oh, I’m way too much for you to handle, Dizzy. They call you Dizzy, right?”
The Schoolgirl Assassin’s voice was pitched low, a lazy drawl. She laced her hands together and brought them behind her head to the base of her neck, playfully showing off her toned biceps and the swell of her ample chest.
”’Cause you’re going to be way more than dizzy when I’m through with you, chica.”
Flashing a smirk, she finished her stretch and took a quick step back before the referee could interpose herself.
This, it seemed, was going to be fun.
Last edited by Liesmith on Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- BlackAkuma
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Re: Dizzy Belti vs Samiya Pedroza (D)
Dizzy wasn’t the type of woman to take her time when flirting - both she and life were far too short to mess around with. She liked to throw her bait out early, see who nibbled at it, and spare her the trouble of striking out later on. Maybe they would go for it, perhaps she’d be rejected. You’re bound to miss some fish when you cast a wide net. She didn’t mind - if there was one thing she’d learned in her pickup game, persistence counted for a lot.
So, she had no idea how the woman would react when she tried to reel Samiya in, laying out all her intentions with a come-hither stare and blunt innuendo. Fortunately, what she got back was both positive and positively engaging.
Dizzy’s eyebrow rose at the mention of her name - or, rather, her nickname. ”Oh, doing homework on me.” That might have been the first time someone had called her that name without her first telling them to. It wasn’t a typical play on her real name, especially not for an Italian. She wasn’t even sure where Samiya had heard it from, but she might have mentioned it in an interview, or her mother had called her that name when a camera was nearby—no need to bust out the stalker alert.
For now, though, she stood back and enjoyed the showing, folding her arms and whistling Samiya’s way as she brought her arms up and showed her body. Not bad, not bad at all, and the woman had no qualms of showing it off. That accent even reminded her a little of Alicia, a playmate she’d been fiending for since she left LAW. Not quite as thick as the Hollywood Siren was, but still a killer form
”Oh, haven’t heard that one before.” She chuckled at the typical American humor. Cute, in a way. ”You’re off to a good start. Let’s see if you can keep it up, hm?”
She curled her finger Samiya’s way as she moved in, nearing the center of the ring at the referee’s discretion. Once the bell rang, she brought her arms and moved towards her opponent, looking for a collar-and-elbow tie up. A contest she would definitely lose, but it didn’t matter. She wanted to see what her opponent would do with it.
So, she had no idea how the woman would react when she tried to reel Samiya in, laying out all her intentions with a come-hither stare and blunt innuendo. Fortunately, what she got back was both positive and positively engaging.
Dizzy’s eyebrow rose at the mention of her name - or, rather, her nickname. ”Oh, doing homework on me.” That might have been the first time someone had called her that name without her first telling them to. It wasn’t a typical play on her real name, especially not for an Italian. She wasn’t even sure where Samiya had heard it from, but she might have mentioned it in an interview, or her mother had called her that name when a camera was nearby—no need to bust out the stalker alert.
For now, though, she stood back and enjoyed the showing, folding her arms and whistling Samiya’s way as she brought her arms up and showed her body. Not bad, not bad at all, and the woman had no qualms of showing it off. That accent even reminded her a little of Alicia, a playmate she’d been fiending for since she left LAW. Not quite as thick as the Hollywood Siren was, but still a killer form
”Oh, haven’t heard that one before.” She chuckled at the typical American humor. Cute, in a way. ”You’re off to a good start. Let’s see if you can keep it up, hm?”
She curled her finger Samiya’s way as she moved in, nearing the center of the ring at the referee’s discretion. Once the bell rang, she brought her arms and moved towards her opponent, looking for a collar-and-elbow tie up. A contest she would definitely lose, but it didn’t matter. She wanted to see what her opponent would do with it.
Re: Dizzy Belti vs Samiya Pedroza (D)
Well, that was why they called her the Schoolgirl Assassin. One of the reasons anyway. She did her homework.
Samiya didn’t bother dignifying that comment with a reply except for that flash of her confident smirk as she backed up. She was more than used to being admired by her opponents though, if Dizzy expected her to return the favour, the Italian was destined for disappointment.
Among the other things looming in her near future, of course.
The fit and curvy wrestler’s eyes wouldn’t leave Dizzy as she backed up to the middle of the ring, giving her opponent space to join her, nor as the referee went over the usual spiel and called for the bell.
Back home and in her Miami fed, Samiya had been known for fierce, brutal aggression. On this occasion though, she felt like doing something else.
She waited to see what Dizzy would do. Hands at her side, shifting her weight absently from foot to foot and hip to hip. Eyebrows raised in invitation.
Luckily, Dizzy didn’t keep her waiting long. In she came, arms up, telegraphing her intent almost as clearly as if a collar and elbow wasn’t how something like 90% of wrestling matches got started.
Samiya rolled her eyes.
And then she lunged in, accelerating hard to slam into Dizzy before she could get her grips in, looking to send the smaller girl back as far as Samiya’s not-inconsiderable strength could send her tumbling.
Should she be successful, the Schoolgirl Assassin would casually brush some imaginary dust off her shoulder, her pose radiating amusement, before she crooked her fingers at her opponent to beckon her on.
C’mon, her smirk seemed to say, you can do better than that.
She’d give Belti one more chance. Then it’d be her turn.
Samiya didn’t bother dignifying that comment with a reply except for that flash of her confident smirk as she backed up. She was more than used to being admired by her opponents though, if Dizzy expected her to return the favour, the Italian was destined for disappointment.
Among the other things looming in her near future, of course.
The fit and curvy wrestler’s eyes wouldn’t leave Dizzy as she backed up to the middle of the ring, giving her opponent space to join her, nor as the referee went over the usual spiel and called for the bell.
Back home and in her Miami fed, Samiya had been known for fierce, brutal aggression. On this occasion though, she felt like doing something else.
She waited to see what Dizzy would do. Hands at her side, shifting her weight absently from foot to foot and hip to hip. Eyebrows raised in invitation.
Luckily, Dizzy didn’t keep her waiting long. In she came, arms up, telegraphing her intent almost as clearly as if a collar and elbow wasn’t how something like 90% of wrestling matches got started.
Samiya rolled her eyes.
And then she lunged in, accelerating hard to slam into Dizzy before she could get her grips in, looking to send the smaller girl back as far as Samiya’s not-inconsiderable strength could send her tumbling.
Should she be successful, the Schoolgirl Assassin would casually brush some imaginary dust off her shoulder, her pose radiating amusement, before she crooked her fingers at her opponent to beckon her on.
C’mon, her smirk seemed to say, you can do better than that.
She’d give Belti one more chance. Then it’d be her turn.
- BlackAkuma
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Re: Dizzy Belti vs Samiya Pedroza (D)
Dizzy didn't have high expectations for locking up with Samiya - at least, not in the way of providing an actual threat. Since she possessed two working eyeballs, she could tell that this woman was clearly stronger than her. Dizzy had toned up a bit since her wrestling training started, and she was at a level where she was quite a bit stronger than the average woman her size, but she was still a few miles off from having a body like this. Whatever crazy bodybuilding genes her mother had, they hadn't made their way down the pool.
Still, she was thinking this would go somewhat like last time. Get pushed up against the corner, have Samiya’s body up against her, and get a little rubbing in. Fun for all. Especially her.
Instead, she got knocked on her ass.
Dizzy was an easily throwable woman, and she went flying when Samiya shoved her, getting knocked off her feet and coming down flat on her back, her legs folding overhead. She stayed in that less-than-flattering position for a moment, too, as she tried to process what had just happened. Not quite what she wanted, but that was fine. Different fishes required different bait, right? Had to modify her approach. Samiya seemed to want this a little rougher than her last dance partner, so she’d need to put in some real effort here.
”Oooooooookay, then.” Dizzy threw her legs up and rose to her feet with a quick kip up. A little trich she’d learned, though it honestly wasn’t that hard when you weighed next to nothing. She shook it off, looked at Samiya with a quirked eyebrow and rubbed her chin for a moment, contemplating her next move. It wasn’t like she had a huge repertoire of moves to choose from, so there wasn’t too much she could catch this woman off guard with the from the traditional playbook. But maybe if she mixed it up a little…
Dizzy wagged a finger Samiya’s way, then lowered back into her grappling stance and moved in again, once more looking for a collar-and-elbow. She moved in, drawing closer, closer, closer, until…
She waited until they were just in range of each other, then dropped down, leaped straight up, and shot both of her legs at Samiya’s chest, trying to nail her with a dropkick at point-blank range.
Still, she was thinking this would go somewhat like last time. Get pushed up against the corner, have Samiya’s body up against her, and get a little rubbing in. Fun for all. Especially her.
Instead, she got knocked on her ass.
Dizzy was an easily throwable woman, and she went flying when Samiya shoved her, getting knocked off her feet and coming down flat on her back, her legs folding overhead. She stayed in that less-than-flattering position for a moment, too, as she tried to process what had just happened. Not quite what she wanted, but that was fine. Different fishes required different bait, right? Had to modify her approach. Samiya seemed to want this a little rougher than her last dance partner, so she’d need to put in some real effort here.
”Oooooooookay, then.” Dizzy threw her legs up and rose to her feet with a quick kip up. A little trich she’d learned, though it honestly wasn’t that hard when you weighed next to nothing. She shook it off, looked at Samiya with a quirked eyebrow and rubbed her chin for a moment, contemplating her next move. It wasn’t like she had a huge repertoire of moves to choose from, so there wasn’t too much she could catch this woman off guard with the from the traditional playbook. But maybe if she mixed it up a little…
Dizzy wagged a finger Samiya’s way, then lowered back into her grappling stance and moved in again, once more looking for a collar-and-elbow. She moved in, drawing closer, closer, closer, until…
She waited until they were just in range of each other, then dropped down, leaped straight up, and shot both of her legs at Samiya’s chest, trying to nail her with a dropkick at point-blank range.
Re: Dizzy Belti vs Samiya Pedroza (D)
Samiya knew this wasn’t smart. But that’s what made it fun; she’d never deny being a bit of an adrenaline junkie.
And she’d got to think this through. Sure, she could probably run Dizzy down and squash her flat in two minutes but she wanted to make it look good. Sometimes, that meant letting the other side get a hit or two in so she could show how easily she could take it.
Show exactly how little of a threat she felt little Dizzy Belti was.
Fast though. Didn’t waste any time getting back up, good form on the kip up. For all she was the underdog here, she wasn’t acting like it.
Samiya just waited again, spreading her arms wide in an invitation. Come at me, come have a go. A classic gesture that needed no translation.
But what might it be this time? Belti’s tape hadn’t exactly impressed her with a wide repertoire of moves but, with a mother like La Donna Perfetta, surely she’d got some tricks to pull?
Or, of course, she could just go with the collar and elbow. Really, she was going for the same thing again?
Samiya readied herself and –
Took both Dizzy’s feet square to the tits as the pocket menace popped up and drove a dropkick square into the tattooed girl’s chest.
Though not taken off guard, Samiya’s footing hadn’t been anything like set enough. She went down, flat on her back.
She didn’t stay there though. Taking the opportunity to prove anything Dizzy could do, she could do better, Samiya rolled onto her shoulders and kipped back to her feet with a powerful flex of her body.
”Two out of ten, she drawled.
Then, taking a step closer, she chambered her kicking leg up and thrust it out in a sharp Muay Thai style push kick aimed squarely at the Italian’s centre of mass.
And she’d got to think this through. Sure, she could probably run Dizzy down and squash her flat in two minutes but she wanted to make it look good. Sometimes, that meant letting the other side get a hit or two in so she could show how easily she could take it.
Show exactly how little of a threat she felt little Dizzy Belti was.
Fast though. Didn’t waste any time getting back up, good form on the kip up. For all she was the underdog here, she wasn’t acting like it.
Samiya just waited again, spreading her arms wide in an invitation. Come at me, come have a go. A classic gesture that needed no translation.
But what might it be this time? Belti’s tape hadn’t exactly impressed her with a wide repertoire of moves but, with a mother like La Donna Perfetta, surely she’d got some tricks to pull?
Or, of course, she could just go with the collar and elbow. Really, she was going for the same thing again?
Samiya readied herself and –
Took both Dizzy’s feet square to the tits as the pocket menace popped up and drove a dropkick square into the tattooed girl’s chest.
Though not taken off guard, Samiya’s footing hadn’t been anything like set enough. She went down, flat on her back.
She didn’t stay there though. Taking the opportunity to prove anything Dizzy could do, she could do better, Samiya rolled onto her shoulders and kipped back to her feet with a powerful flex of her body.
”Two out of ten, she drawled.
Then, taking a step closer, she chambered her kicking leg up and thrust it out in a sharp Muay Thai style push kick aimed squarely at the Italian’s centre of mass.
- BlackAkuma
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Re: Dizzy Belti vs Samiya Pedroza (D)
While it wasn’t the best dropkick in the world, Dizzy’s version of the move was far from the worst, either. It was about as much as you could ever expect from a woman her size, thanks in no small part to her mother’s drills. The elder Belti was obsessive about making sure her daughter had a handle on the fundamentals, and credit where it was due, she’d mostly succeeded in getting through to Dizzy’s thick head. She wasn’t a wunderkind, but she could execute most of the bread-and-butter wrestling moves in her sleep. The foundations were solid.
Against someone like Samiya, though, she might need a little more than ‘solid’.
The good news was that it actually knocked the woman off her feet. It was a shame she had to damage those lovely breasts in the process, but that was the game.
The bad news was that Samiya didn’t stay there for any real length of time. She was only on the floor for a few seconds before she threw her legs up and rose to her feet with a kip-up of her own, doing it quite a bit better than Dizzy had. With a little shade thrown on top, too.
”Hey, give yourself some credit.” Dizzy came rushing in, anyway, not wanting to waste whatever meager advantage she’d gained with that move. ”You’re at least a seven-”
Both Dizzy’s flirting and her forward momentum were brought to a screeching halt by Samiya’s boot, planting hard in her chest and sending her flying away. She landed hard on her back and kept rolling, taking her all the way under the ropes and onto the apron. She might have fallen off the sisw if she hadn't managed to grab the rope at the last second. Still, not a good place to be.
”Oh. Oh, that sucked.” Dizzy hissed and tried to pull her way back up, using the ropes for support as she rose, her feet balanced on the edge.
Against someone like Samiya, though, she might need a little more than ‘solid’.
The good news was that it actually knocked the woman off her feet. It was a shame she had to damage those lovely breasts in the process, but that was the game.
The bad news was that Samiya didn’t stay there for any real length of time. She was only on the floor for a few seconds before she threw her legs up and rose to her feet with a kip-up of her own, doing it quite a bit better than Dizzy had. With a little shade thrown on top, too.
”Hey, give yourself some credit.” Dizzy came rushing in, anyway, not wanting to waste whatever meager advantage she’d gained with that move. ”You’re at least a seven-”
Both Dizzy’s flirting and her forward momentum were brought to a screeching halt by Samiya’s boot, planting hard in her chest and sending her flying away. She landed hard on her back and kept rolling, taking her all the way under the ropes and onto the apron. She might have fallen off the sisw if she hadn't managed to grab the rope at the last second. Still, not a good place to be.
”Oh. Oh, that sucked.” Dizzy hissed and tried to pull her way back up, using the ropes for support as she rose, her feet balanced on the edge.
Re: Dizzy Belti vs Samiya Pedroza (D)
Samiya lowered her kicking leg slowly, regarding the effects with some satisfaction. While she was a grappler at heart and was looking forward to showing Dizzy what else her meaty lower limbs were capable of, that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy the simple pleasures of booting the scrawny Belti half way across the ring first.
Pausing to adjust her top and its contents, because that dropkick had stung, Samiya stalked after her tumbling opponent, intending to perhaps put the boot in again or maybe start twisting a limb or two. But, whether she’d hit Dizzy a little too hard or whether the smaller girl had some ring smarts, Dizzy had kept rolling all the way to the ropes.
And under them, which put paid to any thoughts Samiya might have had about dragging her back into the middle of the ring.
Still, that was a nasty drop right behind Dizzy. And audiences, in Samiya’s experience, enjoyed getting an up-close and personal view of the action. So maybe this could work to her advantage?
The Schoolgirl Assassin wasn’t quite sure how much attention Dizzy was paying to her surroundings but her chief focus seemed to be on hauling herself back up via the ropes. So perhaps she wasn’t keeping quite as close an eye on Samiya as she should…
Deciding to go with that, Samiya closed the gap with a slinky predatory gait, doing her best to get as close as she possibly could to Dizzy before the other girl noticed.
At which point…
”Hi,” Samiya said with a truly wicked leer splitting her lips, "Miss me?".
Then she whirled around on the spot, going to clobber Dizzy square in the face with a vicious spinning backfist. Nothing fancy, just a whole lot of speed and power meant to knock the smaller fighter down for a hard landing.
Pausing to adjust her top and its contents, because that dropkick had stung, Samiya stalked after her tumbling opponent, intending to perhaps put the boot in again or maybe start twisting a limb or two. But, whether she’d hit Dizzy a little too hard or whether the smaller girl had some ring smarts, Dizzy had kept rolling all the way to the ropes.
And under them, which put paid to any thoughts Samiya might have had about dragging her back into the middle of the ring.
Still, that was a nasty drop right behind Dizzy. And audiences, in Samiya’s experience, enjoyed getting an up-close and personal view of the action. So maybe this could work to her advantage?
The Schoolgirl Assassin wasn’t quite sure how much attention Dizzy was paying to her surroundings but her chief focus seemed to be on hauling herself back up via the ropes. So perhaps she wasn’t keeping quite as close an eye on Samiya as she should…
Deciding to go with that, Samiya closed the gap with a slinky predatory gait, doing her best to get as close as she possibly could to Dizzy before the other girl noticed.
At which point…
”Hi,” Samiya said with a truly wicked leer splitting her lips, "Miss me?".
Then she whirled around on the spot, going to clobber Dizzy square in the face with a vicious spinning backfist. Nothing fancy, just a whole lot of speed and power meant to knock the smaller fighter down for a hard landing.
Last edited by Liesmith on Tue Feb 13, 2024 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- BlackAkuma
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Re: Dizzy Belti vs Samiya Pedroza (D)
Dizzy wasn’t sure what brand of shoe that Samiya wore, but she was fairly certain that, if she wanted to know, all she would have to do was check her chest after the match was done. "Gesù Cristo, what a kick.
She felt fairly safe in saying that her lovely legs weren’t just for show. Yeah, Dizzy didn’t weigh all that much, but she couldn't see it mattering too much if she did when you bringing power like that into the equation. The only time she could remember taking a harder boot was from her Mom, and given the size difference, that was no small statement.
It was a testament to her training that she was able to get up at all after taking a hit like that - there was a time, not even that long ago, when a blow like that would’ve put her flat and kept her there for a good minute.While she wasn’t in the best of shape, Dizzy was able to bear through it and get to her feet with some help from the ropes, standing tall. Or tall-ish, anyway. A good thing, too, because Samiya was back on the prowl.
With one hell of a strut, too. Samiya had some great hips on her.
She perked up as the woman spoke, getting her full attention, before she shattered it with a clubbing blow to the side of her skull. It landed with a sharp, sonorous impact, with the crowd wincing and rattling her skull. There was nowhere else to go but down, and down she went, tumbling off the apron and collapsing on the floor, spread-eagled and staring up at the ceiling.
”Dizzy!” Her mother, who happened to be nearby, resisted the urge to get out of her seat, but couldn't help but lean closer. ”Dizzy, are you all right?”
Dizzy threw her mother a quick thumbs up, then continued to lay flat and unmoving. While she was pretty damn far from ‘all right’, she wasn’t quite as konked out as she was letting on, overselling it just a touch. She had a germ of an idea rolling, but she needed Samiya to think there might be a chance of her winning via count-out, hoping that was enough bait for her to come out and try to drag Dizzy in. A bit of a gamble, but that just made it more exciting.
She felt fairly safe in saying that her lovely legs weren’t just for show. Yeah, Dizzy didn’t weigh all that much, but she couldn't see it mattering too much if she did when you bringing power like that into the equation. The only time she could remember taking a harder boot was from her Mom, and given the size difference, that was no small statement.
It was a testament to her training that she was able to get up at all after taking a hit like that - there was a time, not even that long ago, when a blow like that would’ve put her flat and kept her there for a good minute.While she wasn’t in the best of shape, Dizzy was able to bear through it and get to her feet with some help from the ropes, standing tall. Or tall-ish, anyway. A good thing, too, because Samiya was back on the prowl.
With one hell of a strut, too. Samiya had some great hips on her.
She perked up as the woman spoke, getting her full attention, before she shattered it with a clubbing blow to the side of her skull. It landed with a sharp, sonorous impact, with the crowd wincing and rattling her skull. There was nowhere else to go but down, and down she went, tumbling off the apron and collapsing on the floor, spread-eagled and staring up at the ceiling.
”Dizzy!” Her mother, who happened to be nearby, resisted the urge to get out of her seat, but couldn't help but lean closer. ”Dizzy, are you all right?”
Dizzy threw her mother a quick thumbs up, then continued to lay flat and unmoving. While she was pretty damn far from ‘all right’, she wasn’t quite as konked out as she was letting on, overselling it just a touch. She had a germ of an idea rolling, but she needed Samiya to think there might be a chance of her winning via count-out, hoping that was enough bait for her to come out and try to drag Dizzy in. A bit of a gamble, but that just made it more exciting.
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