Tina vs. Amy; Tigress vs. Princess

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Re: Tina vs. Amy; Tigress vs. Princess

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Tina saw this action by the official and instead of piling on she backed off, letting the official see if Amy was knocked out. This may be the fastest win of Tina's career if Amy was knocked out. She watched as the official raised Amy's arm and let it flop to the mat a second time. Tina leaned against the ropes and watched. Was Amy out and would her hand fall a third time or would she spring back to life? Only time would tell as Tina kept watching.

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Re: Tina vs. Amy; Tigress vs. Princess

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Most people in the audience already knew that Amy wasn't going to win the fight, before an attack had even happened. Nobody that theatrical and bombastic would just appear in LAW and then be able to take down a seasoned wrestler, even if they had been on a bad run of form. But nobody would have thought it would have been quite THAT bad of a demolition.

The referee brought up Amy's arm for a third time and, like the previous two occasions, it flopped down like a wet noodle. Amy was done, to the surprise of literally nobody. The cheers amongst the crowd were nothing to write home about as the inevitable conclusion was confirmed. But the real questions were still unanswered. Was Amy okay, and why did she join LAW if she had any clue what she was getting herself in for?

As it had for a few moments now, Amy's body was nigh motionless on the mat, and she was utterly silent as the referee held Tina's arm up to announce the winner. It was clear that this albeit short fight had completely finished the young woman off.

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Re: Tina vs. Amy; Tigress vs. Princess

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The bell rang and Tina won, but she felt like it was empty. She beat.... allegedly a wrestler? They were on the LAW roster yes but Tina couldn't take this woman seriously. She knelt next to Amy and waited for her to wake up. Tina wanted to check on her and at the very least walk her to the back so she could talk to her and see if this woman really understood what womens wrestling was...

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Re: Tina vs. Amy; Tigress vs. Princess

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It took her about 10 minutes, at that point all had left but Tina herself, but Amy soon came around. Her vision was cloudy, but she could see some figure standing over her, but she had no clue who they were. She weakly lifted her arms up and lightly nudged Tina's shoulder, murmuring slightly as her consciousness gradually restored itself.

Another minute passed, and Amy was a bit more alert. She could at least speak properly again, though her vision was still blurry. "Who is that...? W-Where am I?" She said, still a little bit confused about where she was, and why she felt so weak. Her strength had restored a little more to the point where she could move her torso around as well as grab onto Tina's shoulder weakly.

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Re: Tina vs. Amy; Tigress vs. Princess

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Tina finally saw Amy move and she helped her up to her feet. "You are in a wrestling ring. Even without being knocked senseless I really don't think you fully understand what that means. How the heck did you get signed by LAW?" Tina asked as she helped Amy along towards the area backstage. Tina wasn't sure what Amy's dead was but hopefully she would find out soon enough. At least if Amy would give her straight answers when she asked her something. Either way Tina wasn't entirely sure that Amy belonged here based on what she saw in the ring.

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Re: Tina vs. Amy; Tigress vs. Princess

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As Amy got to her feet, she broke free of her illusion and looked at Tina with sorry eyes. She recalled her past and thought about what to say next. Tina was right, Amy wasn't fit to be a wrestler. At least, not in her current guise.

"Its... a long story. And I know I was in a wrestling ring. I dont really want to explain it in a public place though..." She replied, in a slightly more high pitched tone, as long as losing her egotistical demeanor. It certainly seemed like Amy had come to her senses. The embarrassment on her face was plain for Amy to see as well.

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Re: Tina vs. Amy; Tigress vs. Princess

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"OK then, once we get backstage we'll fi d a quiet corner and then you can tell me what the heck ya thought was gonna happen out there." Tina said as they marched along.

Now she was extra curious and eager to hear this story. The Tigress looked around and tried to find a nice out of the way spot for the two to sit down and have a little chat.

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Re: Tina vs. Amy; Tigress vs. Princess

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Amy was still weak from her match, so she languished behind Tina as they walked backstage. She had mostly regained her vision at this point, so she knew where Tina was. She was still embarrassed about what happened, but she had promised to tell Tina everything, and she intended to follow through.

Upon reaching the changing rooms, there was a corner where there was nobody nearby. It was a little dark there, but Amy didn't care, she didn't want the world to know about her past. She weakly pointed to the corner and started to stumble over

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Re: Tina vs. Amy; Tigress vs. Princess

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Tina stood with her arms crossed leaning against the wall as she looked over at Amy. "Okay, so how did someone so unprepared for wrestling get a contract with LAW to wrestle? I am in the dark and have no clue how in the world this could have happened." Tina said. She waited to hear what Amy would say and already had a few theories bouncing around her head. She kept quiet though, waiting to hear what the woman was going to say.

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Re: Tina vs. Amy; Tigress vs. Princess

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Amy took a long deep breath and turned to look at Tina. "Now before you say anything, I am not trying to defend myself or anything of the sort." She started, before thinking about how to explain. "My full name is Amy Schmidt, and I was born and raised in Germany. My parents were rather, ignorant of me, and I very rarely was allowed out, with the exception of school. At school, I was bullied for my looks and it took its toll on me. I began to read random fantasy novels, and came one that mentioned a world called Verurteilung."

Amy paused for a second. "Naive as I was at the time, I believed the place to be real, and I became obsessed, taking the moniker Prinzessin Der Verurteilung, meaning princess of Verurteilung. And well, it took over. Unfortunately where I wanted it to help me, instead it garnered more hate. I had no friends leaving school, very few qualifications and no hope. I was also blacklisted by my family, meaning I was out. I found out about LAW in an article in a paper I got, and I found out a way to get an invitation. I just wanted somewhere to be."

Amy began to break down in tears. "I did not know what I was getting myself into, I just, did it. And for some reason, they accepted me, likely due to my name and using me as promotion material, or some shit like that... But, if I am being honest, despite what just happened, I kind of liked it. You are right. I am not currently anything like you or anybody else. I mean, look at me." She flexed her arm at Tina, her lack of any muscle being painfully apparent.

"And I have been using the Prinzessin as my curtain from my true self. I couldn't do anything like that as I am now. I'm frankly too scared of my own issues." Amy said with a deep sigh. "I, need a lot of help here."

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