Luna vs Keira Robinson

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Luna vs Keira Robinson

Unread post by LuigiN64 »

Luna vs Keira
Match Type: underwear hentai match
Victory Conditions: climax-pinfall
Oh well, looks like tonight whoever scheduled those matches was kinda horny, because we have a couple of hentai matches to enjoy! Without spending more useless words, let's get into the first match of the booking-! The first one to get on the stage, is Luna! our well known witch!- and my my, she's wearing her lingerie! I love my job, people!

"Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first: Standing at 5'9 tall and weighing in at 150lbs,Coming from Italy...! The Night's witch... LUUUUNAA-!"

The woman, even if...attractive! is still one of the heels of LAW! and of course, she gets more boos than anything! yet looks like she doesn't even care, actualy, maybe she likes it, weird. While walking on the ramp, she waves her hips sensually, without even caring for the crowd on each side of that ramp. She finally reaches the ring and slides inside trough the lower rope, standing on her nude soles while fixing a bit her tight latex stockings that quite conveniently squeeze her thighs in.
Then she finally rests against her corner, waiting for her opponent!- some toys for the match are already well placed on the soft ring's mat.

Sexy goth Luna
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Re: Luna vs Keira Robinson

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It wasn't often that Keira faced a true heel. She'd had her unpleasant opponents before, of course, but none since switching promotions. Keira hadn't been able to find much regarding her opponent's style or history pre-fight, so her intel was limited. It wasn't going to be an easy fight, that was a given, but that would make victory all the sweeter!

Luna got plenty of boos as she entered the ring, but in true heel fashion, she looked like she was having the time of her life with them, swaying seductively as she walked and making a show of 'fixing' her tights for the crowd. Really hamming it up. Well, two could play that game.

For her part, when it was time, Keira strode confidently towards the ring, doing her best imitation of Luna's hip sways while putting a fist in the air and making a traditional sign of horns with her pointer and pinky fingers. No twirls this time, as the match called for more intimate attire, so Keira lacked her pink skirt. But if anyone objected to her showing some extra skin, it was hard to pick them out among the rest of the approving cheers. She did, however, keep her spiked choker; it fit the vibe.
Outfit, sans gloves, + spiked collar
When she got close, Keira climbed up into the ring, casually rolling underneath the bottom rope. She took mental notes of the toys already scattered around while she got to her feet, then gave her opponent a once-over. Keira wasn't sure what to expect from Luna, other than this was probably going to be one of her rougher nights in the arena. Of course, that wouldn't deter her. She was eager to see the rougher side of LAW for a change.

"Love the look," Keira said by way of greeting. "I'd say it's a shame it'll all have to come off, but... well, then I'd be lying."
Last edited by ThurmanMermanPlx on Mon Feb 05, 2024 3:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Luna vs Keira Robinson

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Luna grins widely as she sees her opponent sliding in from the lower rope; as she sets herself in and speaks out, Luna would slowly start chuckling, then, going louder, before starting to laugh in a deep tone, she'd clap her hands while crossing a bit her legs, eyeing up and down the other girl.

"oh my my, is that christmas? looks like I have been a hell of a GOOD GIRL if that's my NEW toy! hmhm, oh fuck..." She'd grin in a mad and lewd way, while licking her lips. "oh have noooo much I am going to ENJOY making you squirt, moan, scream...moan again..hmhmm, maybe at the same time-"
She keeps talking with the low tone, before stretching her neck on each side of her shoulders, resting her hands on her hips. Meanwhile, the crown keeps booing her, and the more they boo, the more she smiles, turning around and waving at them, sending some kisses and winks-
"hmhm right you see this woman here? she's alllll mine...and YOU can only watch...losers! gahhahha." She teases,before turning again toward Keira.
"oh sorry...maybe I have been...a little too unsporty huh? oh well...sorry about that...let's have a WONDERFUL match huh?"

She smiles in a weirdly kind manner, while starting to walk for the center of the ring, and moving forward a hand, ready to shake it in a friendly way-

of course...she isn't going to just...shake it.
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Re: Luna vs Keira Robinson

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There was no lack for confidence in Luna's threat, that was for sure. Keira had some experience playing seductress by now, too, and eagerly responded in kind.

"The only toys you'll be getting are these," she said with a sultry tone, accompanied by a vague hand gesture at the sex toys scattered around their ring. "But if you continue to be a good girl, I'd be more than happy to give them to you! And then you could sing for me! Doesn't that sound like fun?"

Keira had no doubt that Luna could and would have her way if she wasn't careful. She wanted to hear Keira scream, and her body language suggested she knew how to make it happen. That was fine; Keira hadn't had a good rough-up in a while, and who better to rough-up than the woman who expected to be doing the roughing?

While Luna addressed the crowd - flaunting her, no less - Keira played along. She put on her best fake pout, her bottom lip quivering. She leaned forwards, bending over to ensure the crowd a good view, regardless of if they faced her back or front; To top it off, she set a finger on her lip. "You'd dangle me in front of them like money on a string? Oh, how naughty! Maybe when I'm finished with you, I'll pick out a few lucky ones to come down here clean the mess I'm going to leave you in! A little consolation prize, for teasing them like that!"

When Luna started forwards, Keira stood upright, teasing smirk back on her face. Her expression slipped for a moment, however, when Luna offered a handshake. Keira herself would normally have done so by now, had she not been too busy playing Luna's game. Red alarm bells flashed in her mind, every instinct screaming TRAP. Taking that hand was unquestionably, no doubt, 100% guaranteed some kind of bait.

The moment passed, and Keira confidently reached out and grasped the offered hand firmly. She knew the risks, but she was nothing if not respectful. To the crowd, the only hesitation they'd have noticed was the single second it took for her to look down, see the hand, and extend her own. They'd never know Keira was fully expecting some kind of fake-out; they'd never see the nerves or anxiety or anticipation that had built up inside her as she waited for whatever Luna was about to try to hit her with.
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Re: Luna vs Keira Robinson

Unread post by LuigiN64 »

Is she playing along? Oh even better! The crowd cheered out for Keira as she mentions the prize, it's evident she is the face of the situation ~! Too bad this paladin is going to face quite a wall.
After reaching the center she'd keep her hand there - in the noises, some people in the crowd wont buy it and start yelling things out, some insults for Luna, and some warnings for Keira...but as soon as the girl approaches and eventually stretched in her arm for a shake...

Luna performs the most cruel, evil, filth, depraved,vile, corrupted and worse move she could possible do!
As Keira is about to grab her hand, Luna suddenly moves her own hand away making a step back! Instead she fixes her top with no-chalance.

The crowd roars after a second of silence in total rage against the heel-!

Yet, the bell rings after a couple of seconds which means...

Luna would start off with a vile, hard slap for Keira's face!
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Re: Luna vs Keira Robinson

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Ah. Not the kind of fake-out I expected. Shoulda seen that one coming, but at least it didn't hurt.

Keira internally relaxed as Luna stepped away, fiddling with her bikini top. She'd been expecting some kind of finger-crushing monster grip, followed by a low blow or some kind of trip. The not-handshake was almost worse, in some ways. A blatant show of disrespect, not just for the opponent, but of the sport. A heel classic. Luna played her role well.

But again, Keira would not be discouraged. She crossed her arms over her chest, her head shaking slightly, with her eyes closed. When she opened them again, she'd look back to Luna with her pouting expression, and say, "Aww, you don't even want to touch me? After all that talk about making me moan and scream? What a horrible, horrible tease you are!"

At the very least, Luna did indeed wait for the bell to begin dishing out punishment. But the moment it did, Luna's hand lashed out! The sudden sting actually caused Keira to take a step back to keep her balance, not prepared at all for the strike at her face. Her own hand reached up instinctively to feel the spot. Still, it felt... petty. Like Luna was trying to goad her into attacking back.

Well, if that was what she wanted, Keira would be pleased to oblige.

Though her smirk remained, her voice had lost all the snark when she next spoke, replaced by venom: "For your sake, that had better not leave a mark." And then she retaliated with a hand of her own - chop aimed at Luna's chest, between the breasts and collar bone.
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Re: Luna vs Keira Robinson

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After landing her initial slap, the match actually begins for obvious reasons; Luna gasps ligtly at the counter-hit on her chest, her tits of course jiggle up and down after the impact, with a camera strategically zooming on the scene, causing her to smirk and grit her teeth while looking at the other girl.

"oh I am going to leave more than a mark, bitch..."

She says, stretching her neck on each side before getting ready for another slap! this time a harder one for her other cheeck, followed by a sudden left uppercut for Keira's exposed belly-!
"hmm, that lovely navel was asking for some punishment." Luna would murmur in her opponent's ear if she'd fall for it, bending forward due the heavy punch; The goth wrestler would keep her fist in there rotating a bit her wrist to dig more the it in, before slowly moving it back and striking again in the same spot!- meanwhile, Luna would bite her lower lip, anticipating in enjoyiment what will happen inside that ring!-
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Re: Luna vs Keira Robinson

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Keira couldn't help her eyes from wandering down to Luna's breasts bouncing in response to her chop, licking her lips. The witch was very well-endowed, likely rivaling Keira's own.

She'd been about to respond to the insult when a second slap connected with her other cheek, harder than the last. She'd been expecting that one, but Keira still had to take a step back to brace herself... and got a deep jab into her gut for her troubles!

As the air was forced out of her lungs, Keira bent forward over her opponent's fist, her eyes wide in surprise from the sudden blow that lifted her briefly off her feet! Her hands shot to her stomach - clutching at Luna's wrist, because rather than withdraw, she twisted her punch to really dig it in!

And Luna didn't stop there! Keira's grip did nothing to stop the witch from finally pulling back... only to rocket her fist back into Keira's gut once again!


That second punch made Keira wince through grit teeth, her eyes screwed shut. She stayed on her feet only because Luna's fist propped her up; should she withdraw it, Keira would collapse down to her knees.

She did manage to force one eye half-open to glare up into Luna's face. But she offered no words, no snark. She had no air in her to use. But it was clear through the pain that Luna made her angry. She was down for the moment, vulnerable, and she knew it - but there was nothing she could do!
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Re: Luna vs Keira Robinson

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Luna smirks while enjoying every moment of those punches, the feeling, the noises, the full contact and of course... Keira's face and her body staying on her feet just because she's leaning against Luna's torso. The gothic woman stays silent, wanting to hear Keira's breath getting back in her lungs, keeping her fist in her belly for some more moments before grinding it on her navel, and then, slowly pulling it off, using the same hand to grab Keira's chin, and move her face up, giving a deep look in her sore half closed eyes.

Biting her lower lip, suddenly Luna strikes up a violent Knee shot for Keira's exposed belly and crotch at the same time, while their eyes were still engaging; after the hit, she'd move backwards, wanting to enjoy even the show of her opponent inevitably collapsing on the mat, chuckling lightly while resting her hands on her hips.
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Re: Luna vs Keira Robinson

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Keira choked in a breath while Luna pulled her fist free; a dry, raspy sound. Her body sank down, but Luna found her chin, essentially keeping Keira upright by her head. She wanted to look down on her victim, right in the eye. Keira simply let her, more than content to return her glare, releasing her wrist with the intent to cradle her sore stomach...

Which, of course, Luna would not allow. Keira wasn't sure which hurt worse; the knee to her already sore gut, or the impact to that sensitive spot between her legs! There's that low blow she'd been expecting earlier... The witch finally stepped back afterwards, allowing Keira to crumple to the ground, one arm wrapped around her stomach and her other hand rubbing at her crotch!

With some space between them, Keira curled in on herself a bit, then rolled from one side onto her back and then the other side, taking a moment to recover some oxygen! Eventually, she rolled onto her knees, bracing herself with one hand - the one from her crotch, deciding the triple heavy blows to her gut needed further tending to - as she tried to get back to her feet with a grunt of exertion.

While she struggled to stand, she sent another glare toward Luna. "Alright... so you like it rough. Noted. I promise to not be gentle when I get my hands on you."
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