Drinks Night: Fans' Wishes - Gabriel Vinlee vs. Nicholle Flanagan

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Drinks Night: Fans' Wishes - Gabriel Vinlee vs. Nicholle Flanagan

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

Type: Fanservice match
  1. Each wrestler was given a set of letters written by fans. These are not necessarily fans of either wrestler but are fans of their themes. Each wrestler's job is to fulfill the wish of each letter before seeking to win by getting a verbal submission.
  2. Each wrestler has 5 randomly chosen cards.
  3. The theme of the fan letters is: What do you want the queen to do to the milf? And What do you want the milf to do to the queen?
Other rules
The match enjoys many liberties in terms of what can be done inside and outside the ring:
The break-rope is in effect, but is ified if a hentai manoeuvre is applied to the defender; the wrestlers can go outside the ring, however, they have to go back inside if they want to go for the verbal submission. If both are knocked out, there will be a 10 count, whoever gets up and stays on their feet until the end of the count will win as the last option.

Special thanks to the users who gave us their suggestions
@Blade ocs, @CaptainL, @SuckerPunch, @Albentes, @DarknessMaster, @ThurmanMermanPlx
. These were very good suggestions.

Club music to welcome one of their gals.

The queen would not be excited, she would be anxious. She had never seen herself having the privilege of facing one of her first idols from her high school years; but here she was, stepping into the ring and waiting to receive the one miss who made her realise what she longed for most as a profession - to subdue others.

If this event were to take place in an arena from Law or through a tour or special event it would not have the same impact on this sophisticated, steely-tempered blonde that it is having now. Because Gabriel wasn't going to have to face her in their federation, she was going to confront her at her first home. The place that now broadcasts small fights on the Law channels. The place that gave her the nickname and her position in this small pyramid of amateur night owls! The Gart's pub&club! And the Queen plan to devour her in front of all these diners.

The Queen to be alone with her in the ring- that was her wish as a fan.

"WOOOOOOOOHHHHH!" The First Queen of Gart's pub made her entrance with her arms raised in the air, opening the curtains explosively and letting out a shout of jubilation to light up the atmosphere to own shocking howl! The stunning fighter of the gorgeousโ€”eyed pair trotted like a schoolgirl up the top ramp, her hands clasped behind her hips, prancing with every step and wearing an uncharacteristic grinโ€”usually, that grimace of hers is more...overbearing, regal, and indomitable. Right now it's just euphoric, in love, and intoxicated.

The queen made her way down the purple carpet without returning any of the appreciation she was given by the diners; as usual. It seemed cruel and ungrateful, but that was her character and she loved to keep things as they were when she started. She climbed up the dark canvas ring via the steps in one of the corners and trotted quickly to her corner, where she would sit on the middle turnbuckle and cower, biting her nail, giggling, and impatient to get a front-row view of the entrance of one of her biggest idols as a teenager
. The excitement of devouring her within the walls of Gart's pub&club like a queen was taking her out of her usual role.
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Mon Jan 08, 2024 12:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Drinks Night: Fans' Wishes - Gabriel Vinlee vs. Nicholle Flanagan

Unread post by Willy ham 7 »

Nichole tonight received a special invitation to a fancy dress drinks event , to which her and another woman grappling and competing for dominance would be the nightโ€™s entertainment though apparently she had heard that this Gabriel vinlee was a fan of hers , and even emulated some of her looks and mannerisms

Nichole would watch Gabriel make her entrance and how she giggles to herself like a giddy schoolgirl , โ€œhmmmm this bitch looks like a cheap knock off of myselfโ€ nichole thought to herself โ€œ after Gabriel made her entrance Nichole made her way to the ramp and her entrance music blasted and diners heads were turned towards the entrance โ€ฆ.
Nichole sauntered down the ramp eyeing Gabriel like a lioness watching an insubordinate cub her long legs were highlighted by fishnets and stylish heels and her body donned a shiny black skintight leotard that was one size too small, making her ample chest and ass jiggle with every step and off course Nichole made sure to show every man her assets

As Nichole made her way to the ramp she squatted down on the apron and did her signature pose

The crowd went wild and Nichole noticed Gabriel quite giddy watching this .

She then expertly excited a backflip over the ropes to enter the ring and eyed Gabriel intensely

Get ready baby, at the end of this match your going to be calling me mommy in front of all these good dinersโ€ฆ.

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Re: Drinks Night: Fans' Wishes - Gabriel Vinlee vs. Nicholle Flanagan

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Gabriel had practically melted into their seat. Hidden in the shadows that broached every corner while the small remote-controlled ceiling lights maintained a decent degree of illumination over Nicholle. The official queen of the pub watched her idol's entrance as if she didn't want to miss a single second of this imposing entrance. Gabriel had all but disappeared from the world's interest as Nicholle marched off to attend to her like another queen, what an honour, and herself was delighted not to overshadow her one bit this minute.

She gave a sly smile back to the veteran when she turned to look at her in mid-insertion to the ring but did not applaud her for that acrobatic stunt over the rope-she didn't see the need for it. Instead, she walked like a whimsical young lady, one deceptive step at a time, to stand on one hemisphere of the painted circle in the centre of the ring. Responding to Nicholle's intense stare with a smile and her bright, shrinking eyes. The most genuine smile she has ever given against a contemptuous stare. And you couldn't tell who was being more arrogant.

"Well? That scornful little look you don't just give just like that to anyone, ma'am?" Gabriel asked without lowering her vanity one notch, then would raise her arms towards Nicholle with open hands for a test-of-strength.
๐†๐€๐‘๐“'๐ฌ ๐๐ฎ๐›&๐’ž๐“๐“Š๐’ท ๐“ก๐“ธ๐“ผ๐“ฝ๐“ฎ๐“ป
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K&K - Katima Karisma:

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Re: Drinks Night: Fans' Wishes - Gabriel Vinlee vs. Nicholle Flanagan

Unread post by Willy ham 7 »

Nichole listened to Gabrielโ€™s response and narrowed her eyes โ€œ no I certainly donโ€™t little girl , Iโ€™m going to humiliate you darling I may be your idol but your just one of a countless number of fans and after our little tango youโ€™ll just be nicholles bitchโ€ฆ โ€œ Nichole said as she blew Gabriel a kiss meanwhile the ref was splitting the two arrogant blondes apart .

The bell then rang and the match began ! Gabriel took a stance as to initiate a test of strength , Nichole watched on an arrogant look on her face as if asking the queen if she was being serious

Nichole then accepted Gabrielโ€™s offer of a test of strength and pushed against her in a lockup with all her might .

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Re: Drinks Night: Fans' Wishes - Gabriel Vinlee vs. Nicholle Flanagan

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

Gabriel bit down on that flying kiss with a snap of their front teeth; the referee had to separate them, yes; but she would have been more than happy to hiss at her in crescendo if it had been necessary to force her to say much more - this was her chance to show their idol how skillful she was and she wasn't going to waste it by holding anything back or being inhibited by her magnetic character.

Her cautious brain had a lot to prepare for after hearing that declaration of war. Excellent.

Once everything was restarted and made official, the queen began with the typical invitation to a test of strength. She only gave her a smirk as Nicholle underestimated her, but she agreed to participate in the test of strength, but the mother's lunge pushed Gabriel back two steps indisputably!

The grip of both hands of trembled, but Gabriel did not seem to be intimidated by the clear silent power threat of regal opponent; on the contrary, she squeezed harder. Nicholle wants to prove herself, she's upset and maybe it was the fault of Gabriel, she has to do better if she wants this tango to be the most successful of her dreams.

So she glanced sideways at her hands on either side and tightened her grip as she struggled to step forward and assert herself as she should as a representative of this venue. Then, she would seek to lessen the impact of her recoil by widening her smile in front of Nichole's face, closing the distance between her and hers so that the milf could see her grimace much better than anyone else.

The First Queen would also stop anchoring and start pushing forward, wanting to make up lost ground and daring her to give her more of that pair if she had any to spare.

"I may be one of a countless number you have, but I'm the one you need to attend to today before all your cards. ma'am." She mumbled arrogantly, accentuating that last word very condescendingly. "Therefore, I hope you keep flattering me like you're doing now~ or this is going to be very...disappointing. Ma'am." She said, smugly, squeezing that last word again.

Gabriel had a very simple methodology in wrestling, looking to push the right button with Nicholle to start working on her weaknesses, and irritating her was her way of starting by looking for that weakness. Maybe being so pretentious would set her up for a very painful fall if Nicholle was too much to handle for this queen regent, but if she was going to be with her idol, she wanted the full date!
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Wed Jan 10, 2024 4:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Alice Evans:

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Cyan Twin - April:

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Gabriel Vinlee:

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K&K - Katima Karisma:

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Leona Chase-Arawn

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Re: Drinks Night: Fans' Wishes - Gabriel Vinlee vs. Nicholle Flanagan

Unread post by Willy ham 7 »

Nichole felt Gabriel being pushed back and a sly grin adorned her face , sheโ€™d destroy this little slut pretender and make an example of her to this establishmentโ€ฆ

She then however โ€ฆ felt the queen pushing back against her and nicholes advance came to a sudden halt . โ€œNnnhuuhโ€ Nichole listened to Gabrielโ€™s taunts that implied that nicholes presence alone flattered the queens โ€ฆ โ€œletโ€™s get one thing straight bitch , youโ€™ve blatantly stole my look and are just a cheap fucking knock offโ€ Nicholes buttons having been successfully pushed by the young regal lady pushed with all her might and started to make progress again โ€ฆ.

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Re: Drinks Night: Fans' Wishes - Gabriel Vinlee vs. Nicholle Flanagan

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

Gabriel was mentally ready to receive the verbal outburst that would come from hitting a nerve. Nicholle spat more of her bile over that smug smile, pushing harder and harder to cloud and overshadow Gabriel's damned confidence and vanity. Showing her what was in store for her if she didn't regulate her disrespectful temper in front of the Italian-or so she hoped it would happen! Because inside, the queen was being a spoiled brat to have her idol in the bag!

Nicholle pushed her part of the lockup so hard that the house representative's arms began to recoil impugned, looking as if they would not be able to respond in kind as Nicholle became relentless.

"I-I'm not a copy of you. I don't have your style of clothes, I don't think you were the first blonde either...And even if you are a ma'am, you lack the character and the patience." She contested her and, when it was enough of a shock to the audience, the Queen played her card- allowing herself to be knocked down by her opponent!

Gabriel's back was heading towards meeting the canvas, but at the same time, she was going to drag Nicholle down with her! She wouldn't let go of her grip on their hands for anything in the world and hoped that her strong fingers would back her up. She would also contract her legs so that her hips would touch the canvas first and then, taking advantage of the transition, she would stretch her legs straight against the guest's abdomen to kick the air out of her system, but also to move her over herself at the other side of the ring with a monkey flip!

If the acrobatics were not interrupted, the queen would grace the takedown by rolling on top of Nicholle to sit on her abdomen, with her legs on either side; never letting go of her hands because she wanted to pin her to the canvas just like with a rookie! "And the personality has been with me for as long as I have existed. It was always mine, nothing but mine and mine alone. It's not my fault you were born first. Grandma."
Title: She Wolf vs Grappler Bunny II: Grapevine Pin
From: TormentorAngelripper - devianart
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Wed Jan 10, 2024 4:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Alice Evans:

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Cyan Twin - Hellen:

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Cyan Twin - April:

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Gabriel Vinlee:

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K&K - Katima Karisma:

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Leona Chase-Arawn

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Re: Drinks Night: Fans' Wishes - Gabriel Vinlee vs. Nicholle Flanagan

Unread post by Willy ham 7 »

Nichole was pushing and shoving Gabriel further and further back โ€œ thatโ€™s right baby give mommy this victory , mommy needs thisโ€

She then felt Gabriel fall backwards and onto her back , โ€œweak slut โ€ฆ.โ€ Nichole remarked , she decided she would stand back up again but she was pulled along with Gabriel โ€œ w-wait what are y-you ??! NO ! โ€œ it was a trapโ€ฆ a trap Nichole fell for , during her prime she was known as a dominating wrestler but not an intelligent one โ€ฆ something Gabriel was going to punish her idol for she felt her legs press against her abdomen and felt herself go flying in a monkey flip and went flying accross the ring in an embarrassing display

โ€œOooooh uuuggโ€ Nichole then felt Gabriel push her hands down onto the canvas and Gabriel was over her in a position of dominance and could do nothing as Gabriel had her way with her and called her a grandma , โ€œ LLEt ME G-Go!โ€
Last edited by Willy ham 7 on Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Drinks Night: Fans' Wishes - Gabriel Vinlee vs. Nicholle Flanagan

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

The crowd howled in excitement as the veteran spun through the air on her way to landing flat on her back on the canvas in a thunderous whip; starting the whistles as the queen settled on top of her with the same grace with which she took her down in that monkey flip, sitting comfortably on her belly as she held her hands against the canvas, her gaze on Nicholle's annoyed face, so too, Nicholle could have eyes only for her. Or so Gabriel would like.

Besides, she was enjoying watching Nicholle try to shake it off and fail, maybe it's age slowing her movements, because for Gabriel it was just massaging her hips that half-hearted shaking. But the queen didn't seem to be...thinking about how to hit Nicholle now that she had her down.

"...Yeah and Well?" she asked ignoring every complaint Nicholle gave her, settling her hips better over those covered, firm, restless abs to remind her who was in control of this position, blatantly and to see if it would get their attention.

Gabriel was assuming that fall had left Nicholle numb, if so, she might have a chance to try something...different:

The queen would be sliding her thighs around the contours of that fidgeting waist to better engage her. But she wasn't wrapping her legs around her or anything; Gabriel was just sticking her lower half to the contours of her lower body, with the hisses of the crowd adorning Gabriel's intentions, as the British curved her own abdominals over Nicholle's mountains to flatten them. Making herself more comfortable as she continued to speak.

"Nothing to tell me about how I look, huh?" She flirted in a very light tone as if expecting a genuine and superficial observation, quite separate from the reality that was those jaded insults and counterarguments being given. Also, she was taking advantage of her control of the position to extend her arms over the canvas forward to continue descending until she put her chest under her idol's jaw in a divine position that made the crowds howl with the sexy sass of the queen!

Her breasts seemed small in comparison to her mother's, and yet they were among the largest in the pub; but it was an honour for Gabriel at this moment to be less than their idol in anything, given that she would have so much more to obscenely enjoy. "Because I'm loving every moment of the privilege it is to have a goddess in my ring. Against me." She would tell her, in front of her lips, but soon she would seek another part of her. "And I'm so thrilled to have the chance to see you blossom again, Nicholle." She whispered in her ear. "I'm even honoured to be compared to you. It is a pleasure. And you're almost making me consider letting you do whatever you want to me if you could stun me...Ma'am" Maybe her fangirl side come out too much. "But I have an insane desire to challenge you until I see you mad at me. Sorry..." That apology sounded like a child's apology, amused.
๐†๐€๐‘๐“'๐ฌ ๐๐ฎ๐›&๐’ž๐“๐“Š๐’ท ๐“ก๐“ธ๐“ผ๐“ฝ๐“ฎ๐“ป
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Alice Evans:

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Cyan Twin - Hellen:

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Cyan Twin - April:

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Gabriel Vinlee:

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K&K - Katima Karisma:

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Leona Chase-Arawn

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Liliel North:

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Willy ham 7
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Re: Drinks Night: Fans' Wishes - Gabriel Vinlee vs. Nicholle Flanagan

Unread post by Willy ham 7 »

Nichole kept writhing and wriggling around temporarily helpless in Gabrielโ€™s grasp her powerful arms pinning nicholes arms to the canvass , Nichole listened to Gabriel ask her if Nichole had any complements to pay her in regards to her looks โ€ฆ. โ€œ y-you look fine enough dear , but make no mistake mommyโ€™s still going to kick your assโ€ despite nicholes confident words an eagle eyed viewer could see a slight red blush on nicholes face as Gabriel shifted her weight over her breasts , squashing her biggest pride reducing them to nothing as Gabriel placed hers over nicholes face .

Nichole shivered as she felt Gabrielโ€™s hot air from her mouth in her ear and listened to hear whispers โ€œStop this farce girl and let me out , we both know Iโ€™m going to win anyway !!โ€ Nichole shouted before she was swiftly silenced by Gabrielโ€™s breasts smothering her face โ€œHHhhnNMMmMfff!!?!โ€ Nichole could only make these pathetic noises as Gabriel had her idol in a rather embarrassing hold , and for the moment she could do anything she wanted to her idol milf .

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