Gabriel Vinlee vs. Desdemona 'Dizzy' Belti - Just A Touch

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Gabriel Vinlee vs. Desdemona 'Dizzy' Belti - Just A Touch

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Match Type: I Quit
Match Stipulations: Victory can only be obtained by verbal submission.


The crowd perked up as Dizzy’s
theme music played and the tiny Italian came strolling out for her next match…alone. While she was typically flanked by her helicopter mother, today she was strolling solo, making her way to the ring with a knowing smile on her face. Odd as it was to see, the reason behind it was simple:

Dizzy needed to get laid. She needed to get laid in the worst way possible.

She hadn't gone completely dry since she’d come to Japan - she’d managed to sneak away from her mother a few times long enough to get in a few flings with some LAW groupies. There had been her fun night with Alix Jacques, which had gone a good way in tiding her over, but even that could only satiate someone with her appetite for so long. But far and wide, the six month period since her debut had been the most sexless period of her entire life, and considering that she was routinely around the sexfighting mecca of the world, that was completely unacceptable. And while her trainer, Millicent, was fun to work with and kept her strung along while they trained, she remained frustratingly out of reach.

Hentai matches might have been out of the question, but that didn’t mean she couldn't have some hentai-adjacent matches, that she couldn't have some fun. And wouldn’t you know, Dizzy had completely forgotten to mention this little match up to her mother, which meant she had to come out all alone and defenseless, by herself for once, with no one to guide her - or watch or direct or nanny - from ringside for once. Whoops.

Of course, her little conspiracy might not mean anything if her opponent wasn’t up to have some fun, but Dizzy was confident enough in her skills that she could work something out. She didn’t know too much about her opponent, Gabriel Vinlee, but the pictures she’d scanned over online looked promising enough. A hot blonde, strong and imposing, especially compared to her. Could lead to a fun time.

And if it wasn’t and things went sour, she could always quite early. Wouldn’t be the end of the world.

Confident and eager, Dizzy rolled into the ring and skipped over to her corner, where she began some light stretches while her music died down. Whatever came next, she would need to be limber for it.
Dizzy In Action

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Re: Gabriel Vinlee vs. Desdemona 'Dizzy' Belti - Just A Touch

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

Soon it was her time to step to the top of the ramp and introduce herself once again in law and the announcer gave her a rather boastful entrance as she waited impatiently from behind the curtains. Not that she liked to show off, but, even if her character didn't go along with that idea, she loved to be the owner of a lot of attention and the host of good matches.

"BROUGHT FROM A PUB IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. THE FIRST WRESTLER TO BE PART OF THE LAW FOR HER FACTION AND TO REIGN AS THE STRONGEST IN HER COUNTRY AND CLUB. THE ONE WHO BECAME THE UNANIMOUS QUEEN IN HER FIRST HOUSE FROM HER FIRST YEAR OF HER CAREER..." The presenter had to take a big breath of air without any dissimulation to go on. "THE ROYAL VIPER!!!... GAAAABRIIEELLLLLLL...VIIIINLEEEEEEEEEEE!" With that energetic howl, the crescendoing beats of her titantron synchronised with the din of the crowd to further enliven her imminent arrival in the arena.

The blonde crossed the curtains as if beginning a catwalk 15 steps before stopping in the middle of that end of the ramp, in a pose as if waiting for the biggest cheer the world can give. She turned her neck from side to side as if looking for something in the crowds, peppering them with her jade gaze in awe of them all before standing on tiptoe and stretching to remove the burden of nervousness from her shoulders. Then the daffodil-looking blonde shrugged her shoulders, peeking out a mischievous grin as well. Sticks out her tongue and bites it as if she had gotten away with a prank only she knows about before running impatiently towards the ring. She didn't stop to shake hands or even to thank anyone, she wanted to get to the ring as quickly as possible, and only then did she give Dizzy a bewildering look before climbing the steps at the corner.

It didn't seem like a look to incite fear or one to heat things between them before the big show Gabriel hopes to play with her, nor was it a predictable hint from a woman as manipulative as that queen. It seemed more like a disconnected gesture disguised as a smile. As if she wanted to say something half-heartedly to someone to plant doubt and leave them intrigued until they met to steal their attention in advance. It might or might not work.

Gabriel would climb with some elegance up these metal steps to access the ring properly, crossing one straight leg over the middle rope, followed by the upper half of her body—almost brushing the skin of her chin with the middle rope in the process—and culminating in bringing her other leg next to the first. The viper was finally where she belonged.

She winked at her opponent from that safe distance before deliberately fanning her hair and turning her back to climb up to her corner and wave to the fans from as high as she could, sending them a flying kiss with a wink of her own, having no qualms about how much of her shorts showed for any camera or how round her curves were from her current position as she leaned flirtatiously forward. All she cared about was having fun today. And everything about her exuded it.

All it would take after here would be for the two of them, Dizzy and her, to meet face to face in the centre of the ring when the bell ordered it.

"Dizzy Belti, isn't it?" she would say when that was the case; always with that slightly sombre look through her fringe accompanying her words.
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Re: Gabriel Vinlee vs. Desdemona 'Dizzy' Belti - Just A Touch

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Dizzy looked on as the announcer did her bit, not paying it all that much attention. She’d been around wrestling long enough to know that 90% of what the announcer said was just BS meant to hype up the crowd, a little fluff to make the wrestlers seem a lot more important than they actually were. Still, she had to admit, there were quite a few accolades attached to this woman’s name, far more than she would’ve expected. Granted, Dizzy wasn’t all that sure what any of it meant, but she supposed it hardly mattered all that much - the woman herself was what she was most interested in. And, on that note…

Dizzy whistled from her corner as her opponent made her way out to the fanfare and rushed her way down to the ring. While she wasn’t quite as big as the ladies that the Italian preferred to tangle with, she was no small fry, either, looking solidly built with a good deal of muscle, a strong and athletic frame. She dug her long blonde hair, her strong legs, the outfit, all of it.

But most of all, Dizzy liked the confidence that the woman brought into the ring, strutting around like it was her own personal property. She just watched from her corner as Gabriel scaled the ropes and mugged for the crowd, eating it all up in grand style. Remind her a little bit of her Mom, in that way. Bit of a showwoman.

When it was all done, she made her way to the center of the ring to meet her opponent, nearing the bigger woman with a hand on her hips and a confident swagger. The size difference was clear between them, no question who was the favorite here, but Millicent had taught her better than to be fazed by such things. If you went in acting like you were going to lose, you were already done.

”Desdemona, actually, but everyone calls me Dizzy, so go ahead.” She looked her up and down, then nodded with approval. ”Gabriel, hm? Pleasure meeting you.”

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Re: Gabriel Vinlee vs. Desdemona 'Dizzy' Belti - Just A Touch

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

The Queen would notice the scrutiny placed upon her - not the scrutiny of the doubting public who are so demanding of those who make up the limelight of every performance, which was the two of them in this ring at the moment; rather, she would immediately notice the scrutiny of her partner in this dance of two, Dizzy. Gabriel was already used to receiving those kinds of curious eyes, but she could distinguish the questioning eyes of someone immediately who, perhaps, wanted to see if the female wrestler standing in front of her with such confidence and momentum was as interesting and good an opponent, character or woman as swaggering as her Queen's entrance was.

Flattered was Gabriel to have the other woman's attention so quickly, that boded well for her matches. However! On the Queen's side. Her eyes would become shrewd. Gabriel wanted to know how much of Desdemona she had on herself before the ring bell, so the Queen to give Desdemona much to analyse if she were to see her with such evaluative eyes, lifting a heel to subtly show off one of her legs—without abusing her figure or self-confidence—slyly puffing out her chest as she arches her back inwards to increase the volume of her bust. Also bringing her hands elegantly to her hips as she slyly lifts her gaze over her shoulder. Nothing about the pose seemed mechanical. Just cheeky.

That was also the moment where those two lionesses studied each other before challenging each other. And maybe one of them hadn't noticed, because instead of challenging her, Gabriel was...flirting with her to counter her feigned disinterest with which Dizzy concealed her true intentions.

But back to the outside, from the referee's angle.
Gabriel would respond to her correction in a very fluent and jocular French tone. "Oh, then I'll call you Desdémony for a change." Then she stepped back a foot at a time without taking her beautiful green gaze from Dizzy's even, brown eyes as she leaned towards her as well; raising one arm above their heads in an invitation for her to reach for. The other hand would be extended parallel downwards, repeating the invitation as well—though rather than an invitation to a hold of wrestling, it looked like an invitation to a waltz dance. But of course, eventually, both hands would be placed at the same level above their heads to close a test-of-strength hold. Besides, Gabriel wanted to start slow with this girl because there was something about Desdémony that was...interesting to her. And she wants to know what. Moreover, she has just noticed another problem.

"by the way, is there something wrong with your hair?" she asked without that pretentious gesture in between.
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:34 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Gabriel Vinlee vs. Desdemona 'Dizzy' Belti - Just A Touch

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Hm. Dizzy liked that look in Gabriel’s eyes.

She could always tell the fun ones at a glance, the ones she could have the most fun with in a match, and if that look was anything to go off, this woman definitely fell into that camp. There was an aura to her, a playfulness that she could have a lot of fun with, and she was eager to see which way this was going.

Dizzy looked her up and down and Gabriel did much the same. Approval all around. She wasn’t the biggest woman she had ever shared a ring with, but she was more than adequate. She did have to raise an eyebrow at the nickname, though - Desdemony? That was a new one. A bit of a mouthful, even more so than her natural name was, but if she was comfortable with it, it was no big deal. That was the French for you.

The bell rang soon enough, and Dizzy moved in to lock up with her opponent. She knew well that she probably couldn't match this woman in terms of strength, but screw it - she could have some fun, at least, and she would never pass on a chance to rub against a beautiful woman. She laced fingers with Gabriel and proceeded to push forward, putting as much energy into it as possible…which wasn’t saying much, really.

As she went, though, Gabriel asked her a curious question, one that had her looking upwards in confusion. ”Um…no?” She shook her head a times, letting her short hair bounce about. ”Why, is there something stuck in it?”

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Re: Gabriel Vinlee vs. Desdemona 'Dizzy' Belti - Just A Touch

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Gabriel had her doubts as to why a woman like Desdemona would enter the ring with her hood up. It didn't do much to match the confidence she displayed. Perhaps it was because she was shy? As to fill herself with confidence by wearing a hood. Shadowing her face to the point of generating a faint intrigue as to what lay underneath and, In turn, further capturing everyone's interest. And all for the same price.

But no, all her intricate assumptions came crashing down when Desdemona let out one of her brown locks with a shake of her head, revealing that it was nothing more than her style.

"Hmp." Gabriel snorted in amusement, feeling foolish. But still... "Yes. In fact...You do have something in your hair." She stated, narrowed her eyes slightly and letting a long pause of suspense pass before confirming what it was—not that she was neglecting her grip, her hands clenched tightly around Desdemony's in the grapple and, though her opponent lashed out to challenge the blonde portent, she seemed to make no headway against this British woman. Gabriel was good at weathering storms, and Desdemony looked like a mere puff wanting to topple a mountain. Though it was no slight to the blonde, it indicated to her that she was good at other areas of fighting. Or so her calculating conspiratorial side told her—Gabriel slightly tilted her lips towards her, close to the Italian nose as if she was going to give her a lovely kiss or as if she was going to tell the biggest secret she could to someone. And she exclaimed "My eyes..." in an exaggeratedly seductive and mesmerised tone.

She almost bit her lips to control herself from laughing at her own cheesiness.

After that goofy moment, she roughly pulled one of her opponent's arms, at the same time pushing the other one so that they spun over the centre of the ring, exchanging places. That was her first move. Then she would repeat the act but in the opposite direction and pull harder out of Desdemona, seeking to be closer to one of the corners. That was her second move. Then, Gabriel would twist one of Desdemona's hands into a wristlock to force her to release her grip on that side. If she could get it, she would hook her by the bicep of her still-retaining arm to throw her unceremoniously into the turnbuckles of the nearest corner post. This throw would be very similar to the Irish whip but with more brute force and less inertia. Gabriel was practically looking to whip her into the corner with a lot of force. And that was her third move to transition it to something more daring.

If the show of strength was effective, Gabriel wouldn't take so long to dive after her to leap and turn in the air to smash her curvaceous, firm ass on Desdemona's Italian abs to find out what kind of girl this is.
Ass thrust
Image Katy vs Olivia 6A
by Jerlikins
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Mon Feb 12, 2024 9:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Gabriel Vinlee vs. Desdemona 'Dizzy' Belti - Just A Touch

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Despite being such an unashamed flirt, Dizzy had only been to France a handful of times and did not have that many lovers there, far fewer than the surrounding countries. Paris was a nice enough city, if a lot wetter than she would’ve liked, and she didn’t exactly hate her time there, but she often found it overrated in lovemaking and romance. A beautiful city, but the women weren’t any lustier than most, weren’t any easier to whisk away, and certainly weren’t anything special in the bedroom. The rumors paled in front of the reality.

Or so she had thought at the time. Now, with Gabriel, she was starting to wonder if this was merely a case of her not looking in the correct places. There was a playfulness to the woman that she was coming to like, straight away. A little bit of silliness that she was admiring. There was likely a language barrier there, which would explain the joke going clear over her little head, but that wasn’t a gap she couldn't bridge. There was some potential, here.

However, she would have to wait a moment to taste it as Gabriel went into action and proceeded to whip her around the ring, tossing her about with astonishing ease and surprising grace. Dizzy was tossed about like a kite in a hurricane, completely at Gabriel’s whims, until she was hurled into the corner with no small amount of force. She almost fell forward from the impact, but was able to catch herself at the last moment and stay standing, keeping her feet grounded.

Dizzy had no intention of staying in the corner, knowing how bad that could get for someone her size if she didn’t move in a hurry, but Gabriel wasn’t about to let that happen. She had only taken a step out before her opponent came rushing in, spun about and hit her in the stomach with that fantastic ass of hers. Needless to say, she wasn't exactly hating this.

Dizzy slumped forward and groaned, but she didn’t make too much of a move to get free. Instead, she took the opportunity to rub up against her opponent, only putting up some token resistance so as to not look too pathetic in the corner.

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Re: Gabriel Vinlee vs. Desdemona 'Dizzy' Belti - Just A Touch

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Gabriel hadn't held back one bit with that display of power, hurling Dizzy into the corner as if she were a sturdy object and not a fragile person. The girl could do nothing to stop her, seeming to resist stumbling to keep from falling flat on her face after bouncing off the corner, and before Desdemony could find the sense to step aside, Gabriel smashed her fantastic round British ass into her abs, knocking her back into the corner, putting her in a position against a rock and a hard place. And Gabriel's ass was the rock.

There was much cheering at the position those two wrestling beauties were in: Dizzy behind and Gabriel in front, one thrusting with her hips and the other on her way to become the deck for a royal seat. And it didn't look like they were going to change their plans any time soon, because Desdemona began to struggle without achieving anything more than rubbing delicately against the Queen's back.

Gabriel only responded by doing two things: hooking one of her hands around the middle rope for extra support, determined to nail her in the corner with the commitment of their quadriceps. And putting the bicep of the other arm under Dizzy's jaw to keep it level with queenly lips while stroking her red hood. while stroking the red hood and then adding a flirtatious kiss to the covered ear, driving the crowd wild with the show of affection and acceptance.

After that, the queen would bite with her fleshy lips into Dizzy's hood and begin to remove it as she continued to pamper it, and her ass would play along with Desdemony—this game of trying to get her off her back, but with other intentions in the nebulous attempt to move her—pressing harder to see how well those abs would hold up to the power of her quads. Gabriel's kisses would go from being on the fabric to circling Desdemony'sear before giving one to that area. That sensitive area inside the ear. One that turned into several slow, budgie kisses, applying various angles to savour her soft skin in multiple ways without involving her tongue...yet.

She would whisper in her ear in a very peaceful tone.
"You think I don't notice?" At that moment she gave her next kiss that would include her tongue, caressing directly to the inside of Dizzy's ear along with her warm breath; she would press that head to herself to prevent her from being able to escape this display of affection at the same time as her hips stop and stop grinding on Angela Belti's daughter's abs. "*kiss* I wanna believe you're letting me boss you around 'cause, honey. *Kiss*"

"But you're making me think *kiss*...I should be a little crueler to you." In that pause her hips began to buck up and down against the bare abdomen behind her, rubbing her round, smooth booty over Desdemony's belly at will, dancing her hips in a delicious, seductive, naughty massage rather than instead of the hammering she wanted to break down her defenses and demolish her from before launching another.

In all this lustful ordeal, Gabriel's support arm would leave its position and climb onto Dizzy's head. With the wiggling of shoulders, the Queen hoped to move the brunette's head over her shoulder, and with her words, it was clear she sought to stun her if she had come this far in this courtship ring.

She would whisper one more thing before showing her priorities.
"Thus, do you want to be a bad girl for me...or a good girl...Sweetie?" Without waiting for the answer, Gabriel would rush forward to detach herself and Dizzy from that corner, leaping as high as she could to land sitting on the canvas in a thud that would not only ripple through the ears of the audience but also climb up her own body like a seismic wave to the shoulder where she had Dizzy's throat resting, hoping it would reverberate heavily on her opponent's neck. The Queen was applying a classic heel move known as a running stunner.
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Mon Feb 12, 2024 9:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gabriel Vinlee vs. Desdemona 'Dizzy' Belti - Just A Touch

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This was an I Quit Match, right? Dizzy didn’t have much faith in her ability to win this one. For starters, she didn’t have much in the way of submission holds. She could do the basic ones well enough, stuff like Boston Crabs and Camel Clutches, but those were easy for people to bust out of if you didn’t have the brute strength to apply them, and she really didn't have that kind of power. Gabriel didn't strike her as a big girl, but she was a good deal beefier than she was. Power wasn’t getting her anywhere in this match.

So, it was almost a foregone conclusion that she would lose this match, which Dizzy was okay with. It wasn’t like she was all that interested in shooting up the ranks, getting bonuses, or whatever the incentive was supposed to be. Her goal, first and foremost, was having fun, and she was getting a good dose of that so far.

Gabriel held her in place, but made it an enjoyable moment for the both of them, as she pressed their bodies together and went to work. A soft hand around her head made her shiver and the kiss came. Light, wanting, not too greedy, showing that this woman knew how to build tension and not go diving in the whole hog like some overly ambitious lover. The two of them had only just met, but Dizzy was already seeing qualities she would have liked to revisit in the bedroom, things she would’ve enjoyed if they had more private time together.

She had a soft, pleasing hum, as the woman worked her ears and gave her teasing words, making her hairs stand at attention. ”I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.” Dizzy brought out her most innocent smile, an easy thing to do thanks to her size, as Gabriel seized control of the situation. She put up a token resistance, but no, she was in no hurry to get out of this situation. Why would she?

Things came to an abrupt end, however, as Gabriel suddenly rushed out and flipped the switch, going from sensual to competitive. Dizzy didn’t know what was happening until it was far too late to do anything about it - she was pulled out of the corner and brought down hard, slammed with a stunner that knocked all the senses clean out of her. She flopped about in mid-air, then came to a rest on her back, staring up at the ceiling with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Gabriel Vinlee vs. Desdemona 'Dizzy' Belti - Just A Touch

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

Gabriel had not the slightest misgivings about showing Dizzy what was in store for her if she were to stay down, nailing them with a stunner that knocked Angela's poor girl to a rest on her back onto the canvas with a vacant stare and open to receiving some more. However, the Queen only turned on her hips once she was seated on the canvas, exchanging to a position on top of Dizzy: Gabriel would place one of her hands on Desdemony's top and the other on her abdomen to press down with her weight and draw out any air that might remain inside her and, moreover, also to see if it would prompt her to resist or come back from the stunner.

After, both of the Queen's legs would be extended backwards, suspending her body on her hands and the tips of both feet. It was a position much like a transverse push-up over her opponent's upper half, but with the difference that Gabriel had no plans to show how much energy and vigour she still had left in her big tank. She just wanted to gloat on top her partner while the referee started the count.

And, actually the count would be worthless, because it could only be won if Desdemona surrendered; but Gabriel urged her to play along in order to wake up the submissive girl and, at the same time, to feed the theatre she was going to start staging with her.
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Thu Feb 15, 2024 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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