"Yes, I think I like her very much."
Madeleine had been backstage for half an hour, sitting and listening, biting her nail, painting in her mind's eye the match to come. She could hear the spectators past the curtain filing in and finding their seats, as the volume rose from a murmur to a rumble to a rush. Packed.
She held a stuffy under her arm—Valentina Stuffletina, so named because the silky golden fur on the stuffed mink reminded her of the concert pianist Valentina Lisitsa.
"Welcome, ladies and gentleman! We're coming to you LIVE from..."
"She was just..." Madeleine bit her tongue. How did you describe Yifei, exactly? "...Cute, of course. You know my type, Val. Not just sweet to look at, but. Sweet. Like just my presence lit up her entire evening."
As usual, Madeleine's instincts had proven keen. The hook was so small, most people would miss it. A cute and interesting new wrestler is arriving in Tokyo tonight, says Twitter. Ah, but does she have a ride? Does she know how to get to LAW, where to settle in, where to eat? These are not small details for the newcomer. The Countess had pulled the thread of each question and found at the end of the rope—a ride with Yifei. Dinner with Yifei. A movie with Yifei, and long conversations about the gym where she'd received her training and the principles of Kung Fu she, as a fresh fighter, hoped to embody.
Details! Thoughtfulness. Organization. It's the little virtues that made the woman.
"...At five foot two and one hundred and twenty pounds, Madeleine...Citronelle!"
It had felt like sex the first time she heard her name announced—a sweet shock to the system, yet so natural. Several matches later, and that sound still made her light up. That, and the dozen spotlights. A flash of gold, red, white! Her hair streamed behind her. The crowd cheered.
Entrance Theme
You'll be missed, sweet.
The Countess

All the while, the vibrator hung on a string sixteen feet above, pink with a vaguely phallic shape. The Lelo Soraya, high-end luxury vibrator with flesh-like material and an internal heater. Word on the street was the winner got the keep this little treasure after they'd used it to reduce their adorable, sweet, kung-fu obsessed opponent to a drooling puddle.
God. It was going to be such a lovely night.