The Subtle Art of the Golden Lotus: Madeleine Citronelle vs Yifei Liu (D)

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The Subtle Art of the Golden Lotus: Madeleine Citronelle vs Yifei Liu (D)

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Ladders of Love Match: The winner will bring the loser to orgasm using a vibrator hung sixteen feet above the ring. A 12-ft ladder is available at ringside.

"Yes, I think I like her very much."

Madeleine had been backstage for half an hour, sitting and listening, biting her nail, painting in her mind's eye the match to come. She could hear the spectators past the curtain filing in and finding their seats, as the volume rose from a murmur to a rumble to a rush. Packed.

She held a stuffy under her arm—Valentina Stuffletina, so named because the silky golden fur on the stuffed mink reminded her of the concert pianist Valentina Lisitsa.

"Welcome, ladies and gentleman! We're coming to you LIVE from..."

"She was just..." Madeleine bit her tongue. How did you describe Yifei, exactly? "...Cute, of course. You know my type, Val. Not just sweet to look at, but. Sweet. Like just my presence lit up her entire evening."

As usual, Madeleine's instincts had proven keen. The hook was so small, most people would miss it. A cute and interesting new wrestler is arriving in Tokyo tonight, says Twitter. Ah, but does she have a ride? Does she know how to get to LAW, where to settle in, where to eat? These are not small details for the newcomer. The Countess had pulled the thread of each question and found at the end of the rope—a ride with Yifei. Dinner with Yifei. A movie with Yifei, and long conversations about the gym where she'd received her training and the principles of Kung Fu she, as a fresh fighter, hoped to embody.

Details! Thoughtfulness. Organization. It's the little virtues that made the woman.

"...At five foot two and one hundred and twenty pounds, Madeleine...Citronelle!"

It had felt like sex the first time she heard her name announced—a sweet shock to the system, yet so natural. Several matches later, and that sound still made her light up. That, and the dozen spotlights. A flash of gold, red, white! Her hair streamed behind her. The crowd cheered.
Entrance Theme
Stuffletina—alas. This one really hurt. The mink had become a quick favorite. But as Madeleine jogged down the ramp, she spotted the right someone. Their eyes met for a flash of a second, and Madeleine made sure for that second, that audience member—red-head with long hair, pale, dressed in black wearing black eyeliner with a lollipop in her mouth—was the only woman on the planet. Then Madeleine TOSSED Stuffletina. The red-head caught the toy. It was a tradition by now, and the crowd ate it up.

You'll be missed, sweet.
The Countess
How to enter the ring? She was feeling springy. She grabbed the top rope, leaned back, and launched herself in. She never liked high-flying moves much for combat, but they could sparkle for an entrance. She landed on the mat, curled into a happy little ball of golden energy, and then sprung to her feet, hands out to the audience.

All the while, the vibrator hung on a string sixteen feet above, pink with a vaguely phallic shape. The Lelo Soraya, high-end luxury vibrator with flesh-like material and an internal heater. Word on the street was the winner got the keep this little treasure after they'd used it to reduce their adorable, sweet, kung-fu obsessed opponent to a drooling puddle.

God. It was going to be such a lovely night.
Last edited by Malkavia on Mon Apr 01, 2024 4:17 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: The Subtle Art of the Golden Lotus: Madeleine Citronelle vs Yifei Liu

Unread post by Out_Of_Ramen »

Breath in. Breath out. Think only about the match ahead of me. This sex fight is a fight. Not sex. This is a martial arts competition. Not sex...

Yifei had been silently meditating backstage for what seemed like a short time to herself but much longer to anyone who passed. She sat cross-legged and alone on the cold concrete floor. She wore athletic shorts and Chinese-styled fighting clothes that fit unusually tight against her toned body. Of course, the tightness provided tension and gave stability to her muscles when performing strenuous activities.
Yifei's fighting outfit
The tightness provides stability
Yifei knew she was about to face a formidable opponent. One who was doubly armed. The Countess's first weapon: expertise in Savate kickboxing, a French footfighting martial art. Yifei had done her best to study and learn as much as possible about Ms. Citronelle's fighting style before the match. Yifei even had the privilege of watching Ms. Citronelle train in the gym a handful of times. Oh, how the Countess's legs nimbly slice through the air! Yifei's meditation posture wavered slightly...

Ms. Citronelle's second weapon: her irresistible charm. So kind. So beautiful. Yifei owed so much to Ms. Citronelle for giving this bright-eyed but nervous girl from California the warmest welcome to a new life in Japan. Last week, they even watched a movie together on Madeleine's couch! Yifei remembered how Ms. Citronelle casually stretched her body out and laid her bare legs across Yifei's lap. Between the Netflix stream on the TV screen and the Countess's smooth skin rubbing against Yifei's thighs, there was no competition between which cinematic delight would steal Yifei's gaze for the majority of the runtime. It was all Yifei could do to keep her hands to herself that night.

Yifei remembered worrying whether Madeleine could hear her quickened heartbeat and heavy breathing. Ms. Citronelle's gorgeous legs had weighed heavy on Yifei and made the tender area beneath her bottoms ache. At one point, Yifei couldn't wait any longer. While a guest in the Countess's home and with the Countess laying on top of her, Yifei tried to sneakily slide her fingers down her shorts to relieve herself without Madeleine noticing...
During a casual movie night hangout, Madeleine teased Yifei all evening with her bare legs...
"Ms. Liu! Your wires and lights are ready! Please come up to the upper landings."

Yifei opened her eyes and snapped back to reality. She looked down and saw her fingers had slid halfway down her shorts. She quickly pulled her hand out of her pants and popped up to a standing position. The pleasant memories of Yifei and Madeleine's movie night had broken her pre-match meditation. Shoot! Shoot! Nuts! But... I did manage to stop myself just in time... And I've successfully controlled my pre-match urges and avoided masturbating all day! Ok! You know what? Those jerks from the rival school back home who told me off before I left for Japan are wrong. I can do this! Time to show this crowd what Belle Vista Dojo martial arts has to offer! What Yifei Liu has to offer!

Yifei turned to the LAW crewman.

"Wonderful! Thank you. I'm on my way!"
The pleasant memories of Yifei and Madeleine's movie night had broken her pre-match meditation
Yifei climbed up to the upper areas of the stadium and prepared for a high flying entrance she had been practicing for quite some time...


The announcer's voice managed to barely break through the cheering of the crowd that followed Madeleine's charismatic entrance.

"And now! Please welcome the newcomer to the scene! The high flying martial artist from Oakland, California. Yifei Liu!"

The arena goes dark. An exotic melody form a far away land begins to play.

The spotlight shone not on the entrance door, but on the rafters up above! The audience looked up and searched for signs of the new fighter... There! The nimble and cheerful Yifei was perched on top of the steel joists high above the ring. Yifei gave a signature peace sign salute for the lovely audience before she launched herself into space.
Yifei gave a peace sign to the crowd before her high flying stunt!
A jump thrice as long as an Olympic long jumper, Yifei seemingly sailed through the sky above the ring. She reached a wall above the stands and began deftly running along its vertical face as if gravity meant nothing to her. Yifei scaled downwards towards the top row of seats until she nimbly landed on the stair handrails. With the grace of a cat, Yifei slid and ran down along the narrow handrails until she reached the edge of the ring. A final jump and somersault landed her squarely in her designated corner. Yifei turned to the crowd and gave another signature peace sign. The audience roared at the breathtaking performance. Yifei radiated the joy and youth of a fighter eager to put on a show for the good people in the stands who have come to witness an unorthodox but bonafide contest of martial arts.

Yifei did her best to control her heavy breathing. That's a lot more exhausting to perform live. But... gosh that was fun! The crowd loved it. I hope she's impressed too...

Yifei turned toward the Countess. Madeleine's enchanting figure and gaze immediately affected Yifei, who abruptly bowed and addressed her respectfully. "I-it's an honor to meet you in the ring, Ms. Citronelle!" Yifei hoped the Countess hadn't seen her blush.
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Re: The Subtle Art of the Golden Lotus: Madeleine Citronelle vs Yifei Liu

Unread post by Malkavia »

Shortly after Yifei landed, Madeleine realized how heavy her breathing had become. She felt frozen to the mat, like a taxidermied bird nailed to a branch. Her arms were crossed tightly over her breasts.

Wires are cheating, she thought as Yifei undid her harness and posed for the crowd.
Take a big breath, Madeleine, focus on how it fills your lungs—
You can’t fight from wires. It goes against the nature of the sport. It’s…

It was a standing ovation. Or at least, the closest thing a LAW audience could offer. Wild cheers, with catcalls and whistles sparking out of the noise, kept going and going. Madeleine felt cold sweat as her skin turned damp and her thighs flashed hot.

What you’re experiencing, Madeleine, is jealousy. The first step in conquering a feeling was to name the feeling. The Countess felt her grip on her arms loosen. Her teeth ground together, and then she licked her lips. She practiced her smile. Breathe—and don’t you dare let these good people see you sweat.

For a while longer, the spotlight hovered on Yifei, who was just as…delightful as the day before. A sparkle in her eyes, a smile that made your heart melt. She was still…

"My sweet sugar plum!" As the bell rang — DING DING — Madeleine began to bounce from the balls of her feet. A kickboxer's gait. Yes, Yifei was a beautiful bird. She had brilliant, violet feathers unlike anything Madeleine had seen, and she could dance. But the Countess was no mere canary. "That was...Incredible. I won't say I'm surprised, not after everything you told me about your dojo, but I am impressed." She bounced towards Yifei and extended her hand for a shake. "Now…let’s give your little butterflies back home a reason to cheer!"
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Re: The Subtle Art of the Golden Lotus: Madeleine Citronelle vs Yifei Liu

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Ms. Citronelle called me Sugar Plum and was impressed by my entrance! Double win!! Heck yeah! Yifei had to stop herself from instinctively punching the sky. However, Yifei's excitement and the deafening ovation from the audience couldn't hide the soreness in her tailbone. Yifei had slipped up once or maybe more times during her entrance practice sessions. Totally worth it. I just hope the bruise isn't noticeable in case Madeleine... disrobes me... ohh... Yifei's mind started to wander to distracting thoughts, but she quickly shook them away.

Yifei rose from her bow and gave a big "Thank You! Your kind words honor me and my school!" Yifei reached out and shook the Countess's hand. So soft... I wonder if she used that same lotion I saw in her bathroom... and I think she's used this same perfume before... hnnng
Yifei energetically accepts Madeleine's praise
Yifei collected herself. "Ah, yes! My eager pupils back home. In fact, I've instructed my fellow adult students to watch and study our match closely for training purposes. They're particularly excited to see you! They better show me their notes on detailed combat observations later. Little do they know, they're gonna be graded! hehe" Yifei gave a lighthearted wink to Madeleine. Yifei knew that there would at least be some undisciplined students who would watch the match without proper respect.

Yifei let go of Madeleine's hand. The Countess's manicured nails slid across Yifei's palm, making her shudder. One final bow. "Best of luck, Ms. Citronelle!"

Yifei backed away and dropped her bubbly demeanor as she entered into her fighting stance: Yifei raised her arms, centered herself, and then sharply brought her arms down to her waist in a readied position.
Yifei's takes her fighting stance
Wushu southern style. Her master’s specialty. Yifei used to hate it, but she learned to love it. Short, quick movements. Solid, powerful, fast. Also screams, which Yifei learned to be comfortable doing. Time to show Ms. Madeleine and the crowd even more of what I can do! Now... Generate power from the ground, up through the body, and into my fists!

Yifei charged like a tiger at the beautiful Countess. The match began with a flurry of fist strikes and shouts!
The match began with a flurry of fist strikes!

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Re: The Subtle Art of the Golden Lotus: Madeleine Citronelle vs Yifei Liu

Unread post by Malkavia »

What a sexy little rabbit.

Madeleine raised two fists, bending at the hip as she assumed her Savate upper guard. Where Yifei favored a low, stable horse-stance, Madeleine was a boxer dancing on her toes. Yifei fired a left palm at Madeleine's jaw, then right punch at her throat, then kneeled and swung her fist at Madeleine's gut — one! two! three! — in less space than a breath. Madeleine leapt back to dodge the first, batted away the second strike with her arm, and shifted sideways to let the third pass in front of her. "Good!"

The Countess hit back with a pump of her knee, but Yifei was ready, blocked her leg with her palm, and backpedaled. They continued trading blows. Madeleine's long golden hair bounced and swayed as she searched looked for an opening. Yifei's feet carved lines like calligraphy on the mat, with a style that favored thick, hard brushstrokes. Together, they dodged and blocked and struck and whirled, feeling each other out in a chain of strike-and-counterstrike with barely a pause between blows. When they separated, Madeleine was breathing heavily through her mouth. "Very good. Immaculate. Nanquan footwork is beautiful to see, my sweet, sweet little bird."

For the first time since she had joined LAW, Madeleine sensed an opponent who spoke her kickboxing language fluently. Not just fluently—with style. As Madeleine spun, aiming a spinning fist at Yifei's head, Yifei ducked the blow...and The Countess let her eyes slide over the girl below her. She admired her long, bare legs, which moved with precision as graceful as it was explosive. As Madeleine hopped backwards to avoid Yifei's two-punch attempt at a counter, she grinned and bit her lip.

Madeleine wasn't the only one who was impressed. The audience felt the tension rising, cheering as every strike missed its target by a hair's breath. Yifei and Madeleine began to circle each other, the Countess sliding fast on the longer, outside edge. The audience pounded their feet on the ground. Thrum, thrum, thrum, they formed a drum beat, picking up speed, waiting for one of the fighters to burst forward and break the stalemate.

The Countess would take their cue. Southern Wushu, or Nanquan, focused on developing powerful, flexible stances centered on the wide-legged horse stance. The stability in such a style was difficult to break with a takedown or legsweep, but that same grounded power limited the fighter's mobility. Up to this point, Madeleine had used modest, conventional strikes to feel out her opponent, but as the heat from the audience rose, she darted forward, then pivoted and put all the power in her hips into a spinning kick directed at Yifei's beautiful face!
Roundhouse Kick
Last edited by Malkavia on Mon Apr 01, 2024 2:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Subtle Art of the Golden Lotus: Madeleine Citronelle vs Yifei Liu (D)

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The Countess's pithy praise in the wake of the initial flurry of blows awakened a momentary nostalgia in Yifei. Yifei blilnked. And when her eyes opened, she wasn't in the LAW arena, but back in California at Bella Vista Dojo, crouching in proper stance in front of her master. At that moment, Yifei was a concoction of elation, sweat, and heavy breathing. Yifei had struggled with horse stance more than anyone else in the dojo. But after many months of practice, she had finally performed her first flawless demonstration of "Thrust Fists from Horse Stance"! Yifei's proud master looked down at her. The piercing gaze and beguiling smile offered few clues for what would come next. Her master's knee rose without warning, and Yifei barely had time to block the strike with her palm before stumbling back. On that day so long ago, Yifei had earned her first official sparring match with her master.
Yifei recalled an old sparring match with her master
Yifei blinked again. She was back in Japan. And the beautiful Ms. Citronelle was giving no quarter in her counterattacks. Yifei's heart pounded with excitement, and the pace of the blows increased with the growing roar from the crowd.

"Very good. Immaculate. Nanquan footwork is beautiful to see, my sweet, sweet little bird."

"You bring out the best in me, teacher!"

Yifei caught her Freudian slip too late. Oh, shoot. "I mean, Ms. Citronelle, haha", quipped an embarrassed Yifei. If Madeleine knew just how much Yifei admired her, surely the glaze would get tiresome, and Yifei would come across as an unattractive kiss-ass. Oh, but I do wish I could kiss her there...

Yifei's shameful eyes lowered down to the bottoms of Madeleine's black outfit. Yifei couldn't help but swoon as Madeleine's paradoxically soft yet steely legs continuously bobbed and carried the Countess about. The drapery across Madeleine's backside occasionally jumped up to reveal glimpses of the Countess's perfectly sculpted, bouncing ass. Yifei's tight athletic shorts stretched against the area between her legs, and she felt a wetness in her groin other than sweat. Yifei bit her lip and moaned softly, imagining what it would feel like to deliver a gentle but firm palm strike to Ms. Citronelle's cheeks...
Yifei fantasized about delivering a gentle but firm palm strike to Ms. Citronelle's backside
Yifei snapped back to reality in time to see that Ms. Citronelle had slightly deepened her stance and had begun to quickly swivel. Savate spinning kick! Yifei had no time for an orthodox dodge or counter. Barely avoiding the Countess's flying column, Yifei abondoned her stable stance and fell backwards onto the mat. Yifei could feel Madeleine's leg slice across her suspended hair as she back fell onto the mat.


While on her back on the floor, and for only a brief moment, Yifei gazed up at a panorama of wondrous sights. Front and center: Madeleine's black bottoms of her one-piece hugged tight against the Countess's pussy as her leg sailed across the sky. And in the periphery, the weapon that would decide the fate of the match: the vibrating dildo hanging above the ladder. Yifei saw her future path to victory. But she wouldn't get there by staying in a vulnerable position on the ring floor.
From the floor, Yifei could see Madeleine's black bottoms as her leg sailed across the sky
Yifei drew both her legs to her chest, rotated back onto her shoulders, and placed her hands on the floor next to her ears. Then, Yifei's hip and legs extended forward in an explosion of motion that sent her body airborne. The carp skip-up, also known as the Chinese get up, is used to transition oneself from a supine to a standing position, and it is one of the few kicking techniques in Nanquan. And Yifei's rising, extended legs would do just that: send a kick straight towards the Countess's head!
Yifei's carp skip-up sends an upward quick towards Madeleine's head!

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Re: The Subtle Art of the Golden Lotus: Madeleine Citronelle vs Yifei Liu (D)

Unread post by Malkavia »

One of the deep sources of satisfaction in Madeleine's life was her mastery over her body. How many people could — on a whim — crack their ankle through the air like a whip, hard and fast and golden, with enough speed to render a grown adult unconscious?



Then Yifei hit the deck, and Madeleine's ankle sailed inches over her nose. What followed was only a fraction of a second: Her kick finished the arc, slammed the mat, and just that much commitment to the movement left her open. Yifei uncoiled her body and slammed both feet into Madeleine's jaw.

Spittle flew between Madeleine's suddenly rubbery lips. Her hands wheeled in search of a non-existent bar to grab—then slammed into her hips.

Don't be a windmill.

Commit to the fall.

She had practiced for this—everyone practices taking hits, eating fists, crashing into a fall. That was just survival in MMA. She let her legs collapse and hit her thigh (not her tailbone, which could break, and NOT her head).

And don't you let your eyes off her!

Before she even hit the ground, Madeleine scrambled away from Yifei. Pain hammered on her skull, but she covered her face on instinct with both fists, her legs up and at the ready to lash out with a retaliatory kick if the wushu student got too close.

The Countess's sympathetic nervous system roared with fight and adrenaline and kept her moving with her claws out, eyes flashing, mouth in a grimace. She hissed, quietly, through her teeth. But another, more buried part of her mind heard the audience — their thunderous cheering — and seethed.
Last edited by Malkavia on Mon May 06, 2024 12:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Subtle Art of the Golden Lotus: Madeleine Citronelle vs Yifei Liu (D)

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The momentary weightlessness. The feeling that you had the avian gift of flight for a split second. That rush of elation came when Yifei reached the apex of her feet-first karp skip-up kick from the ground, and it stayed with her as her body arced in the air and then fell back down to earth.

Yifei stuck a solid landing worthy of a gymnast as the Countess fell backward from the heavy double kick to her jaw.

The audience roared


Yifei looked around in awe as seemingly the entire arena burst into cheers and applause. Yifei’s heart pounded. She had never seen this many people cheer for her before!
Yifei failed to hold back a big smile. Her concentration began to lapse.

“Focus and humility… Focus and humility…”

“Yo! Did she see her fly from the ground, man?”

That was it. Yifei couldn’t hold it in any longer. Full of energy, Yifei shot a big peace sign to the crowd!

“Thanks, everyone! <3”
Yifei poses for the crowd!
Yifei’s whole body jiggled with excitement, from her athletic tight shorts to her bobbing long purple hair, as she skipped over and around Madeleine. She jumped up to the second rope and spread her peacock feathers for the crowd:

“Let me show you! Bella Vista Dojo gives you wings!!”

Yifei launched herself again, this time performing a backflipping moonsault to catch even more air and aiming to land with her two feet straight towards the Countess’s belly!
Yifei attempts a backflipping moonsault!
Last edited by Out_Of_Ramen on Mon Jul 22, 2024 5:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Subtle Art of the Golden Lotus: Madeleine Citronelle vs Yifei Liu (D)

Unread post by Malkavia »

A growl formed at the back of Madeleine's throat as her fingers pressed against the mat until the knuckles turned white.


The sound from the crowd was like ten tons of cement pressing down on Madeleine's lungs, squeezing the blood out of her skin, bending her ribs until they were ready to crack.

Breathe, Madsy.

The Countess focused her vision on Yifei. Her bouncing. Her flouncing. Showboat. That was annoying, but really Madeleine should have thanked her. This kind of bragadocious nonsense was the kind of rookie stuff that would give her a deadly opening if she waited with her eyes wide open.

When the moment came, the rational part of Madeleine's mind recognized it immediately. Yifei went for a second-rope moonsault! A huge, crowd-pleasing burst of energy that sent her lithe, beautiful body somersaulting backwards through the air...across three whole gigantic seconds. Plenty of time for Madeleine to curl her knees to her chest and to become a human caltrop and punish this girl for her hubris.

Unfortunately, besides the rational, calculating part of Madeleine, there was another piece of her that saw Yifei up there.

Six. Seven. Ten feet in the air.

She imagined herself at that height. Saw the ground yawning out below her. Fuck. Her body froze as she sucked in air, dizzy as everything in her curled away from that high place.

That was all the time it took to let Yifei's feet slam into Madeleine's gut. Her stomach collapsed, and spittle flew out of her mouth, and a sound like a cow in distress gurgled from somewhere deep inside the countess. She felt flattened. Steam-pressed. When Yifei bounced off her as if off a trampoline, she didn't bounce back, either. She peeled out of herself. Peeled off the mat.

She rolled onto her side and—coughed.


A shiver ran from her feet to her crown. And there...was the fucking crowd. Again. Her face burned beet red while the people in the stands went insane.
Last edited by Malkavia on Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Left me hanging at the station
But you'll be back for me soon
Madilyn Mei


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Re: The Subtle Art of the Golden Lotus: Madeleine Citronelle vs Yifei Liu (D)

Unread post by Out_Of_Ramen »

Yifei’s feet landed hard on the Countess.


Madeleine’s belly bounced like a trampoline. Another graceful landing and pose for the crowd. The energy. The noise. Yifei loved every second of it.
Yifei bounced off Madeleine’s belly like a trampoline. Another graceful landing and pose for the crowd.
Madeleine coughed and wheezed on the floor while Yifei preened for the crowd like a superstar musical artist after she performed her hit single.

The cheers hypnotized her. She forgot she was in a match until she felt an unfamiliar wetness on her legs. Yifei reached down and wiped up a glistening substance from her right thigh. A curious sniff. M-Madeleine’s spit! Yifei blushed. She didn’t realize just how hard her blow had landed.
Yifei blushed at the sight of Madeleine's spit covering her thighs
Yifei looked over at the defeated Countess, curled and coughing in the fetal position on the ring floor. Yifei grimaced at the sight of her beautiful friend in such pain, but such is the nature of martial arts. Yifei bowed to her downed opponent.

“Your Savat was excellent, Ms. Citronelle. Out of respect, I didn’t hold back.”

Yifei glanced up at the high-hanging dildo. A Lelo Soraya. High end. Luxurious. Truly fitting for Ms. Citronelle.

“I-I know that model! I've watched review videos. Don't worry, I’ll make you feel good really quickly, and then we can go out together after the match. I’ll treat you to dinner!” ^_^

Yifei excitedly jogged over to the ringside and pulled the step ladder into the ring. The crowd cheered in horny anticipation as Yifei set up the ladder below the dildo. Another peace sign for the crowd, and Yifei began to climb the ladder up towards the fuck toy.

Madeleine’s spit began to dry against Yifei’s skin, and she shivered in excitement as she approached the suspended fuck toy in the sky.
Yifei climbed the ladder and shivered in excitement as she approached the fuck toy.

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