Victory awarded by verbal submission or tap-out
No strikes allowed
It felt strange, Yue had just signed up to LAW or well, was made to sign up to LAW when she inmediately was booked for a match with the Japanese league, she didn't even had time to finish packing out her things on the place she would be staying! She hadn't received no prior notice, it felt almost as if things had been rushed out. The Chinese girl was almost sure that this was thanks to her *benefactor* and *contractor*, to put it in way more milder terms than Yue could come up with. Which was meant to say, Yue feared the worst. And soon her suspicions were confirmed as she was abruptly told that with a phone call that her debut match in LAW was to be a Submission only match, with no strikes on top of it, Yue's biggest weapon. And worst of it all? It had been re-scheduled for the next hour, at the last second. Not even giving her time to settle in her new place before Yue bolted out of her house!
Quickly heading in towards the dressing room with no time to lose, Yue ran down the hallways with some very casual clothing, a shirt and black pants, nothing out of the ordinary besides the dog collar wrapping around her neck. Panting, and with a sheen coat of sweat covering her forehead already, Yue headed out towards her locker room... she NEVER had to wear nothing specific for her fights prior to wrestling, and while Yue would have absolutely prefered to fight her first wrestling match, or well rather ALL her wrestling matchs with the clothes she was wearing right now. She had been forbidden to do so, and since she was obligated by contract, there was nothing she could do. Nothing but pray that whichever outfit was behind this closed locker, her arranged one, was one proper one and didn't expose too much of her skin! So, gulping down nervously, Yue opened the iron lit of the locker slowly...
And was left in utter shambles.
"I'M SUPPOSED TO WEAR... THIS?!" The Chinese girl LOUDLY shouted, her hands trembling as they held the skimpy red fabric of the leotard she was supposed to wear. "NO WAY, NO WAY!... NO WAAAY!!" Yue freaked out as she reached out for her cell phone of her backpocket, getting it out and inmediately making a hurried call! A serene yet mischievous voice softly speaking out "Oh? Miss Yue? I'd have thought you'd be busy with your match right now, since it starts in 15 minutes~" -- Yue gritted her teeth in anger "That's because you didn't told me anything about my fight being rescheduled until now Ha-yoon!!" The Chinese girl was almost sure she heard a soft giggle coming out from the other side, she was sooo pissed! Even though Ha-yoon always spoke to her with politeness, each word she send her way seemed to be of utter ridicule, she couldn't stand her.
"Sorry, sorry! I must apologize Miss Yue, this matter has caught us by surprise as well. Perhaps you should complain about the LAW administration when you've the time. But I'm guessing this isn't the reason you're calling me right?" The dark haired girl bolted out, her crimson eyes glancing around disturbedly at the leotard she put aside. "Y-yeah! I'm not supposed to wear THAT... red thing right?!" Another amused giggle "My... and what's the problem with it? I personally picked that leotard out, I think it'll suit you quite well! You'll look positively cute!" Inmediately Yue shouted back a complain "It doesn't even cover my legs!! Nor my shoulders!! And it exposes a lot of my... chest area in the middle!!" This time Ha-yoon didn't even try to bother hiding out her laughter.
"Don't worry Miss Yue, a lot of wrestlers wear such similar outfits" Reassured the voice softly, although not quite having the effect on the small looking girl "B-b-but this is shameless, this MUST be Min's idea right?! There's NOTHING else I can wear?! Anything at all?!" Yue asked almost in a panic -- "Actually, since LAW's outfit rules are quite... lax, let's say. Miss Min, proposed for you to wrestle wearing a microkini, I *dissuaded* her of that idea hoping you'd be more grateful for it, but if you're so keen of wearing her suggestion, we can QUICKLY send it your way~" Yue gulped down at those words. WHAT THE HECK WAS A MICROKINI?! She didn't know, and didn't want to find out if it was supposed to be worse than than this thin looking clothing! "N-no. That won't be necessary..." Yue resigned herself out with a sigh. "In that case, I'll remind you that your match starts in 10 minutes, good luck Miss Yue~"
The dark haired girl, clenched her fist on the phone with extreme vexation as the call ended. Wanting to throw it down on the ground but finally gave up and hurried herself to dress in her new outfit. Quickly, she got her knee pads and arm covers after she finished putting her leotard down her lithe figure, feeling it was a size shorter than it should be as it tightened in some places... But not having time for more complains, she tied up her long dark hair in two twin-tails while also firmly putting in place the pair set of fake dog ears she was contractually obligated to wear, just having enough time to catch a glimmer of herself in the mirror before rushing out as fast as she came in!
Uuugh, so shameless!!