Submit a sudden submission debut! - Yuè Hé (D) vs Ivy Aster

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Submit a sudden submission debut! - Yuè Hé (D) vs Ivy Aster

Unread post by MsIshtar »

Submission only match
Victory awarded by verbal submission or tap-out
No strikes allowed

It felt strange, Yue had just signed up to LAW or well, was made to sign up to LAW when she inmediately was booked for a match with the Japanese league, she didn't even had time to finish packing out her things on the place she would be staying! She hadn't received no prior notice, it felt almost as if things had been rushed out. The Chinese girl was almost sure that this was thanks to her *benefactor* and *contractor*, to put it in way more milder terms than Yue could come up with. Which was meant to say, Yue feared the worst. And soon her suspicions were confirmed as she was abruptly told that with a phone call that her debut match in LAW was to be a Submission only match, with no strikes on top of it, Yue's biggest weapon. And worst of it all? It had been re-scheduled for the next hour, at the last second. Not even giving her time to settle in her new place before Yue bolted out of her house!

Quickly heading in towards the dressing room with no time to lose, Yue ran down the hallways with some very casual clothing, a shirt and black pants, nothing out of the ordinary besides the dog collar wrapping around her neck. Panting, and with a sheen coat of sweat covering her forehead already, Yue headed out towards her locker room... she NEVER had to wear nothing specific for her fights prior to wrestling, and while Yue would have absolutely prefered to fight her first wrestling match, or well rather ALL her wrestling matchs with the clothes she was wearing right now. She had been forbidden to do so, and since she was obligated by contract, there was nothing she could do. Nothing but pray that whichever outfit was behind this closed locker, her arranged one, was one proper one and didn't expose too much of her skin! So, gulping down nervously, Yue opened the iron lit of the locker slowly...

And was left in utter shambles.

"I'M SUPPOSED TO WEAR... THIS?!" The Chinese girl LOUDLY shouted, her hands trembling as they held the skimpy red fabric of the leotard she was supposed to wear. "NO WAY, NO WAY!... NO WAAAY!!" Yue freaked out as she reached out for her cell phone of her backpocket, getting it out and inmediately making a hurried call! A serene yet mischievous voice softly speaking out "Oh? Miss Yue? I'd have thought you'd be busy with your match right now, since it starts in 15 minutes~" -- Yue gritted her teeth in anger "That's because you didn't told me anything about my fight being rescheduled until now Ha-yoon!!" The Chinese girl was almost sure she heard a soft giggle coming out from the other side, she was sooo pissed! Even though Ha-yoon always spoke to her with politeness, each word she send her way seemed to be of utter ridicule, she couldn't stand her.

"Sorry, sorry! I must apologize Miss Yue, this matter has caught us by surprise as well. Perhaps you should complain about the LAW administration when you've the time. But I'm guessing this isn't the reason you're calling me right?" The dark haired girl bolted out, her crimson eyes glancing around disturbedly at the leotard she put aside. "Y-yeah! I'm not supposed to wear THAT... red thing right?!" Another amused giggle "My... and what's the problem with it? I personally picked that leotard out, I think it'll suit you quite well! You'll look positively cute!" Inmediately Yue shouted back a complain "It doesn't even cover my legs!! Nor my shoulders!! And it exposes a lot of my... chest area in the middle!!" This time Ha-yoon didn't even try to bother hiding out her laughter.

"Don't worry Miss Yue, a lot of wrestlers wear such similar outfits" Reassured the voice softly, although not quite having the effect on the small looking girl "B-b-but this is shameless, this MUST be Min's idea right?! There's NOTHING else I can wear?! Anything at all?!" Yue asked almost in a panic -- "Actually, since LAW's outfit rules are quite... lax, let's say. Miss Min, proposed for you to wrestle wearing a microkini, I *dissuaded* her of that idea hoping you'd be more grateful for it, but if you're so keen of wearing her suggestion, we can QUICKLY send it your way~" Yue gulped down at those words. WHAT THE HECK WAS A MICROKINI?! She didn't know, and didn't want to find out if it was supposed to be worse than than this thin looking clothing! "N-no. That won't be necessary..." Yue resigned herself out with a sigh. "In that case, I'll remind you that your match starts in 10 minutes, good luck Miss Yue~"

The dark haired girl, clenched her fist on the phone with extreme vexation as the call ended. Wanting to throw it down on the ground but finally gave up and hurried herself to dress in her new outfit. Quickly, she got her knee pads and arm covers after she finished putting her leotard down her lithe figure, feeling it was a size shorter than it should be as it tightened in some places... But not having time for more complains, she tied up her long dark hair in two twin-tails while also firmly putting in place the pair set of fake dog ears she was contractually obligated to wear, just having enough time to catch a glimmer of herself in the mirror before rushing out as fast as she came in!
Uuugh, so shameless!!
Getting just in the nick of time, the staff signaled Yue to hurry as she reached the gorilla position. Her entrance swiftly following after! Inmediately, Yue strided down the hallway, being amazed for a moment at the sight of LAW'S enormous stage. She had fighted in some crowded stages, but they definitely weren't of that size! The crowd cheered for her, but Yue pretty shyly just continued her way to the ring without too much fanfare, her face completely blushing red as she was outright EMBARRASSED of being seen in this leotard! Feeling extremely conscious of her exposed figure! That aside, she hoped onto the apron of the ring before sliding her frame between the ropes, hurrying herself to her corner where she would wait for opponent to come next!
Last edited by MsIshtar on Sun Nov 19, 2023 6:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Submit a sudden submission debut! - Yuè Hé (D) vs Ivy Aster

Unread post by deezcastforms »

Ivy Aster was officially "used" to being a LAW wrestler. She'd fought and won on her own and with her tag team, she'd fought at We Are LAW, the biggest PPV event the promotion had to offer. Ivy had even entered into her first feud with another LAW wrestler, though her partner Tiki was the one who actually had a match scheduled with Alice Rose. Then again, Ivy would be surprised if she didn't eventually end up in the ring with that woman too.
The biggest difference that Ivy noticed within herself once she was settled was how little her outfit bothered her anymore. When Tiki had first presented it to her as a gift upon her arrival in Japan, Ivy's face turned redder than the rose ribbon that she wore in her hair. It showed so much she had thought. So thin towards the hips and crotch, her cleavage and shoulders her practically bare. The closest thing to coverage there that it had were the two straps connected to the choker that her mentor had mercifully had included to help the leotard support the hefty weight of Ivy's bust and minimize the risk of a wardrobe disaster.

Nowadays, however, the most embarrassment Ivy got from her outfit was when her sister decided to make a jab or two at her over it. She was comfortable enough in her attire that not only did she no longer feel like she'd burst in to flames the moment she stepped out into the arena, but if given the option to switch to a more modest attire, Ivy likely wouldn't bother. She was used to her leotard.
Ivy's music came on, and she appeared with more genuine confidence and less self-convincing bravado than ever before in her time at LAW. The Englishwoman shortly pondered if this meant she had shed her status as a rookie in doing this, but soon shifted her focus to her opponent as she came into view. When Ivy did get a good look at Yue He, she couldn't help but smirk. It was like looking in a mirror of the past.

Ivy knew that Yue was a martial artist by trade who was making her debut as a wrestler. There'd been a lot more search results about some sort of family feud and debts than the purplette cared to sift through when she had been attempting to research her opponent, but Ivy found enough of what she was looking for to know that this was probably her opponent's first time wearing her attire. At least in front of a crowd.

Yue's face was just as red as Ivy's had been when the Englishwoman had first worn her own outfit. In fact, color aside, Ivy noticed that their leotards had similar designs. Yue had a bit more cleavage showing with the fishnet window, but her crotch was covered more by a wider build. The only major difference was that Yue's outfit didn't have the two straps connecting up to the choker collar.

Ivy did think it a bit strange though that Yue had the choker without it being connected to anything, but it could easily be a simple preference. But when Ivy got into the ring and was able to get a real close look at the martial artist, she noticed the collar had a buckle. A buckle like a dog's collar. Then Ivy shifted her eyes up to look Yue in the eyes, but then she saw the ears. Ivy would normally have a nervous attack as she wondered what kind of depraved individual would show up to a wrestling match dressed as the family pet. But today, the no longer rookie's composure was solid enough that she was able to simply ask, "Greetings, I am Ivy. So, is it your intention to get dog walked by me in this match, or are you simply that fond of them?
Last edited by deezcastforms on Sat Dec 07, 2024 10:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Submit a sudden submission debut! - Yuè Hé (D) vs Ivy Aster

Unread post by MsIshtar »

Yue stood there in her corner, dying inside from utter embarrassment as her opponent-to-be made her entrance. Unlike Ivy, the Chinese girl wasn't told anything from who would she be fighting but even so, she wasn't surprised about the lilac girl's much larger frame than her own. Already quite used to fighting bigger foes mainly thanks to the person who put a dog collar on her neck, Min. That said, this was the first time she would be wrestling publicly, with rules that wouldn't allow her to use her strongest specialty no less... The dark brunnette girl was uneasy, not comfortable by neither the setting, the type of fight or the outfit which in her eyes barely covered her figure. Besides that, there was also the fact that the overall purse for this fight would be determined by how long the fight lasted, so Yue was pretty interested to prolong this match for as long as she could since the more money she earned today, the less debt she'd have.

Those were the thoughts that were primarily coursing the girl's mind... well, until her opponent climbed the apron of the ring, giving Yue a good glance of her attire... which was ridiculously SHAMELESS for her tastes! Which kind of degenerate would wear something like this willingly?!... And publicly no less!! Even if it was for a fight, it was too much!! "E-eehhh?! She's going to fight wearing THAT?!" Totally in shock, the raven-haired girl's reddened face turned a shade deeper of crimson as she covered her face with her hands, not standing the sight of Ivy's unmodest clothing!

Her own vexation aside though, Yue's eyes followed Ivy around as she directed herself towards her. Making the Chinese's girl get her hands out of her face and clench them really tight into fists, trying to regain her composure with *trying* being the keyword here. That said, when the Brittish girl would ask her if she wanted to be *walked* this match, the smaller girl would loudly puff as her eyebrows frowned in an annoyed scowl at the taunting remark "Hmpfh!! Just so we're clear, I'm NOT wearing any of this because I want to!" She made a short pause as she tapped her foot against the mat repetitively with irritation. One of her fingers nervously pointing out towards the Brittish outfit! "I'm nothing like you! F-flaunting your body like this... don't you have any shame?!?!" Yue stammered as her crimson eyes glanced at the side, seeking to not look at Ivy, her arms crossing in front of her as they slightly pushed the flesh of her tits forward, gripping the fabric of her arm covers really tiiiightly way mortified from it all!
Last edited by MsIshtar on Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Submit a sudden submission debut! - Yuè Hé (D) vs Ivy Aster

Unread post by deezcastforms »

Ivy found Yue for and more vexing the more she continued to talk. The Englishwoman could only assume that her opponent must have lost a wager of some sort to be fighting in an outfit like the one she was wearing without wanting to. It certainly wasn't because of any restrictions on LAW's end, considering the massive variety of outfits wrestlers were allowed to wear for their matches.

It was what Yue said next that really caught Ivy's attention, causing her to shake her head and place it in her hand. "Oh please tell me you're not another Alice," she muttered. "To answer your question, I was flustered at first. But I got used to it after a handful of matches. If it's of any comfort to you, I imagine the same will apply to yourself." It occurred to Ivy that perhaps Yue was in a similar spot as she had been; perhaps a mentor gifted the Lightweight her attire, and Yue had not had the heart to refuse it. Though the dog aesthetic made that feel unlikely to Ivy.

"Well, outfits aside, I believe it's time that we begin, should you be ready," Ivy said as she removed her fascinator and handed it off to a stagehand. As the bell rung, Ivy stepped out of her corner, though she stayed close to the ropes. "Normally I prefer an offensive style of combat, but, to the debutante I grant the courtesy of the first attack."
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