Storm in the Valley: Alizeh Midori vs Valley Doll III

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Storm in the Valley: Alizeh Midori vs Valley Doll III

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Standard Match: Winner to be declared by pinfall, submission or knockout.

Continued from here

It had been around forty five minutes since Alizeh had made her open challenge for anyone and everyone to come out and fight her. It was a simple objective with a simple intended goal in mind. Show that the results of Apex had no bearing on her goal to becoming a champion, if it took some extra time then so be it, but until then she wouldn't be sitting on her hands waiting for an opportunity, no she would actively do whatever she could whenever she could to earn it.

Now after having a talk with the officials in the back about her promise Alizeh had delivered on her promise to make the match with Valley Doll the main event. Now with the fans anticipating the bout for the rest of the show hype had been fairly well built, largely in part thanks to Alizeh's endorsement of the largely unknown Valley Doll. Either way the fans were hyped, if nothing else to see Alizeh, but if Valerie lived up to the expectations Alizeh had set for her, than that certainly wouldn't be a bad thing at all.
For the second time that night a familiar song would sound out and just like when it started the first time the fans would cheer loudly in response, knowing that this time it would not just be a impassioned speech and strong words, but that they would manage to see some action this time around as Alizeh came out once again, still in the dark kimono entrance attire she had worn before, even doing a little twirly for the fans this time who cheered and wolf whistled in appreciation.
Finishing her pose after not too long Alizeh would start to make her way down the ramp, a bit of bounce to her step as she did so, high fiving the fans on her way down before breaking into a spring towards the ring and leaping up between the bottom and middle ropes! Landing into the ring in a roll Alizeh would pop up to her feet and do another spin for the fans. As she did so Alizeh would reach behind herself to undo the knot of her kimono and pull it apart, sliding it off herself and tossing it out of the ring before turning and running up to a corner, climbing it and removing her mask, smiling at the crowd as she did so while posing for the fans one more time.
Hopping down from the corner and rolling her neck and arms a bit, preparing herself for what she knew would be a tough fight, the exact kind of fight that she wanted. Bouncing a bit on the balls of her feet, practically vibrating in excitement for what was about to happen. Looking up at the entrance ramp while leaning forward and resting her hands on her knees Alizeh would smile, waiting for the third valley doll to come down!

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Re: Storm in the Valley: Alizeh Midori vs Valley Doll III

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”And remember, you need to stay on her. You’re both in the middleweight range, but you’re only a hop away from the heavyweight class. She’s not weak, but you’re stronger, probably by a good margin. If she’s smart, she’ll avoid taking you head on. Press that.”

”Makes sense.”

”Keep her close, keep her on the move. You might get outfoxed a few times, but don’t let a few falls bother you. Don’t worry if the match goes on a little while longer than normal. You have great stamina, so that favors you. Take her into deep water.”

”Deep water, right.”

”Try not to go for too many suplexes. She’s experienced enough to counter those if you rely on them too much. If you have the choice between a throw and getting her on the ground, always go for the ground. You’ve got superior height and weight, use that to get on top and grind her down.”

”Right, right.”

Despite her Valley not being able to see, Valerie was nodding align with every word that her mother said, giving her undivided attention, even as Alizeh’s theme music came blaring out through the gorilla position. She’d taken her opponent’s advice to heart, slipping into her singlet as quick as she could, so fast that she came close to ripping the damn thing and ruining the entire affair. The next step had been to call Valley Doll Sr. up, and after she’d stopped gushing about her baby main eventing a show, they got down to strategizing. There wasn’t time to go anywhere near as in-depth as she would’ve liked, but as it turned out, the older Doll was fairly familiar with Alizeh’s storied career in LAW. It would have to do.

Valerie was doing her best to hold it together and keep out the butterflies, but some things were hard to hide, especially for a woman who’d helped bring you into the world. While Valley Doll wasn’t the woman who gave birth to her, she’d been the one Valerie looked up to the most growing up, whereas Garfield tended towards Haley. Their choice of clothing styles and monikers wasn’t an accident.

”But above all else, honey…” There was a long pause from the other end, as if she was taking a deep breath. ”Just have fun. You take things too seriously sometimes, and it gets in your head. You’re getting thrown into deep water, no one’s going to blame you for flailing around a little bit. Don’t overthink things, okay?”

Sadly, that ship had long since sailed, but Valerie appreciated the sentiment. It was hard not to look at the challenge before her and recognize the massive opportunity that had fallen on her lap. This was the biggest thing she could have asked for, short of a title match. ”I won’t, Valley.” Her head lifted as the opening beat of her
started to play. It was her time. ”Love you, Mom.”

”Love you, too, MiniMe.”

Valeri emerged from the curtains a few seconds later, coming down the ramp with her head held high and her eyes focused ahead, locked onto Alizeh with unbreakable focus. The audience was a distant din to her ears, barely registering them. Only one person mattered, right now.

She slipped in under the ropes, put her hands on her hips, and stood tall.
Valley Doll III
Valerie approached, rolling her shoulders as she walked, and stuck her hand out for a handshake. Assuming Alizeh took it - a safe assumption, given their demeanor from earlier - she would use the hold to pull her in close, pressing their foreheads together and looking her straight on.

”I appreciate what you’re doing, here.” She gave her hand a tight squeeze, just enough to demonstrate her strength. ”But I am winning this.”
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Mon Oct 16, 2023 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Storm in the Valley: Alizeh Midori vs Valley Doll III

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Alizeh watched with a focused gaze as her opponent finally came through the curtains accompanied by her entrance music. Grinning in anticipation at this Alizeh had to actively suppress her excitement, after all Valley Doll III was the embodiment of everything Alizeh wanted to face in an opponent from her open challenge and a win would go a long way in what she wanted to do in the future.

That being said a win wouldn't be a easy thing to come by in this match given the sheer size and athletic prowess of her opponent, not to mention the skill that accompanied said power. All that being said, even as Valerie entered the ring and made the size difference between them all the more clear, Alizeh would look up with nothing but confidence in her eyes.

Approaching the woman as she approached her Alizeh would meet the blonde in the center of the ring, reaching out with her hand to shake Valerie's own, even as she gave an extra hard squeeze and pulled her in close so their foreheads pressed against one another.

Grinning at this little display Alizeh would let out a little chuckle. "I like the fire, but don't think it'll be so easy to beat me. Especially when I'm pretty fired up as is." She let out, squeezing Val's hand just as tightly before letting go and backing up in preparation for the match to start.

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Re: Storm in the Valley: Alizeh Midori vs Valley Doll III

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Valerie liked Alizeh. They’d only known each other for a short time, sure, but she could already see a lot of qualities in this woman that they shared. She was a little more flamboyant with her attire, with this whole ninja thing she had going on and the green hair, but aside from that, she could tell they had the same kind of competitive nature, the same desire to test themselves against someone who could keep up. The absolute last thing she wanted was someone who’d go easy on her because of her ringname, who’d be wowed by the glitz that came from the pedigree, and she was glad she found that in Alizeh.

Ryo had been a great opponent, but he’d made the mistake of thinking she cared about her mother’s name once the bell ring. Alizeh was under no such illusions.

She wasn’t about to get into some kind of taunting war with her - that was a contest she’d lose and lose badly. Instead of a verbal reply, she gave her opponent a sage bow as she stepped back, and brought her attention to everything about her opponent’s form. The way she stood, where her eyes were going, her posture, all of it. Any detail could tell her a story before the bell rang, and she needed all the data she could get.

The referee gave the signal, the familiar gong rang through the arena, and Valerie came rushing out from her side with an aggressive stride, taking her mother’s advice to heart from the get-go. She brought her hands up and tried to engage with Alizeh in collar-and-elbow tie up, attempting to muscle her all the way into her own corner.

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Re: Storm in the Valley: Alizeh Midori vs Valley Doll III

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Alizeh smirked at Valley Doll as she stood across from the slightly younger woman. This was what she had wanted. Someone, anyone to fight her just for the sake of fighting. Continuing to prove why she was worthy of the title picture, why she deserved a shot sooner rather than later and Valley Doll would be absolutely perfect to helping her achieve that goal. First and foremost to that end though she would have to actually beat Valley Doll, and that was much, much easier said than done.

Just from the opening moments of locking up with the blonde Alizeh could tell that this would be no easy feat, already Valley Doll's strength was starting to push Alizeh back, forcing her step after step towards the corner. As is it would take everything she had just to match the blonde and keep from getting totally overwhelmed, and even then it might not be enough to actually win such a contest of strength against the girl, ultimately making such a thing a wasted effort.

Hence why Alizeh didn't even bother with it, only using just enough strength to make it look like she was trying. Letting herself get bullied towards the corner before looking up at Valley Doll with a smirk. Smirking because she would suddenly jump up, placing her feet on Valley's hips as she did so before tilting backwards, using the blonde's own force against her as she pulled the blonde over her before kicking up with her legs to try and send Valley Doll flying into the corner with a monkey flip!

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Re: Storm in the Valley: Alizeh Midori vs Valley Doll III

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

One step.

Two steps.

Three steps.

Valerie forced Alizeh further and further back across the ring, claiming the real estate for herself and establishing the strength difference. The green-haired woman was by no means weak, but it was clear that she was on a different level of power, packing the kind of strength that you didn’t see too often out of the heavyweight classes.

It was a good advantage, distinct and destructive, but there were ways to deal with it. Alizeh being the veteran she was, however, she had answers. Good ones.

Valerie squawked as she was sent flying from the monkey flip. It wouldn’t have been that bad if it happened almost anywhere else in the ring, but throwing her into the corner was a cagey, calculated move that left her upside down, legs folded over, awkward and open. Sensing her vulnerability, she threw her legs forward, rose to her feet, and spun about with her back to the pads, hoping she would be ready for whatever Alizeh would try to follow up with…but she didn’t have high hopes on the matter.

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Re: Storm in the Valley: Alizeh Midori vs Valley Doll III

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Valley Doll was definitely as strong as she looked. No joking there. Alizeh could have definitely tried to match her completely, and she may even be able to do so for a while, but that would be a waste of energy she couldn't afford. Hence doing something all together different and less.. strenuous. Allowing the blonde to push her back, only to use the raw power of her opponent against her for a monkey flip!

Kipping up immediately to her feet following the successful execution of the move Alizeh wold turn and notice Valley already getting back up to her feet.

'Heh she really is tough.' Alizeh thought to herself, impressed thus far by the fellow legacy wrestler but not so much that she was going to let her off easy. Instead she would run forward before the blonde could straighten herself out, leaping up as she neared to go for a shotgun dropkick right into her chest!

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Re: Storm in the Valley: Alizeh Midori vs Valley Doll III

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Valerie had only known Alizeh for a sum total of, say five minutes, but she could already come up with three words to describe the woman.

Energetic, aggressive, fast.

The first two weren’t a problem, since she could also use those words to describe herself, but that last one was already proving to be a sticking point. Valerie was by no means slow, but she lacked the kind of blazing speed the green-haired wonder was bringing to the table, and it showed. She was only starting to work her way back up after the flip when her opponent was on her again - she started to stand up, only to be greeted by a shotgun dropkick to the chest, one that might well have launched Valerie off her feet if she’d been further from the turnbuckle.

At this distance, it was hammered her up against the pads, rattled the ring, and would’ve sent her falling flat if she hadn't managed to grab hold of the ropes with a spare hand at the last second. She was able to catch herself, but she still wound up taking a knee and slumping against the turnbuckle while she shook her head, trying to get her bearings.

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Re: Storm in the Valley: Alizeh Midori vs Valley Doll III

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Bam and bam, just like that Alizeh had sent Valley Doll into the corner after monkey flipping her there to begin with. Thus far fast paced, hard hitting offense was working quite well against the blonde, and Alizeh was keen on keeping it up. Especially given the size and power advantage the blonde had over her, so the more damage she could do to her early on the better.

Rolling backwards from the force of the dropkick Alizeh would pop up to her feet a couple of feet away from her opponent. Smirking a bit Alizeh would start approaching the blonde, grabbing her at the shoulders and pushing her up so that her back was pressed up against the corner, then if uninterrupted Alizeh would climb up to the second turnbuckle, bracing herself with one hand on Valley's head while her other arm reared up, before starting to unload with punch after punch to the blonde's head!

If the hits had managed to hit without her being interrupted than Alizeh would have one final trick up her sleeve. Rearing her leg up and hooking her foot behind the blonde's head, pushing forward to send her opponent out from the corner before turning around so that Alizeh was facing Valley Doll.. Before leaping forward to try and land a crossbody on her!

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Re: Storm in the Valley: Alizeh Midori vs Valley Doll III

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Stupid, stupid, stupid. If Valerie had the moment to spare, she would’ve kicked herself for getting suckered in so early on, by a Monkey Flip of all things. She could already tell that Alizeh was exactly the sort of opponent she struggled with - flashy, fast, innovative, clever. She’d always had trouble when Rail busted out moves like this, running circles around her whenever he put his thinking cap on. As much as she hated to admit, he was the craftier one between them, and that fact was bearing out here.

She shook her head, trying to recover from the dropkick, when Alizeh came over and made that impossible. Valerie was shoved up against the turnbuckle, mounted, and then came the punches, with the audience helpfully counting along.


”Come on-”





As much as it hurt, she was in no position to do much more than struggle. All she could do was hold on and try to focus through the pain. As much as she was getting thrashed, she knew that she couldn't let this set the trend. Someone with this kind of experience would run her ragged if she let them, and the match would be over before she knew what was happening.

The punches came to an end and Valley was shoved forward, stumbling towards the center of the ring. She spun about on her heel and turned around, only to be greeted by a harrowing sight: Alizeh was taking flight, and it was far too late for her to dodge it.

But that didn’t mean Valerie had no options. Her opponent crashed into her chest, but instead of falling flat from the attack, Valley threw herself back, rolling with the momentum. She let it take them all the way through, until she was on top with Alizeh beneath her, then rose to her feet while she clutched her opponent across her chest, lifting her with ease.

As soon as she was standing, Valerie took all the force she’d built up - from the crossbody, the roll, the sudden rise - and spent it all at once, as she jerked back and sent Alizeh flying overhead while she fell to her back, attempting to send her opponent hurling towards the opposite corner with a fallaway slam.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Mon Dec 11, 2023 2:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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