Trisha Andrews vs. Emaline - Whatever It Takes

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Trisha Andrews vs. Emaline - Whatever It Takes

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

Trisha Andrews sought to improve her standing in LAW, winning more matches and increasing her prestige. She had just broken her losing streak last time when she defeated Ami Takeuchi, though she needed to do better than that in order to improve her own status as a wrestler in LAW. Tonight, she would be facing someone named Emaline. She had heard of her before, though this would be her first time meeting her in the ring. Of course, Trisha planned to win this, so she would get ready to make her entrance after giving herself one last check-up. As always, she wore her white wrestling outfit, showing off her impressive figure for all to see.

Soon, it was her cue to make her entrance, and her music played as she made her way to the ramp. The crowd cheered for the African-American wrestler. Despite the audience being mostly Japanese in nationality, LAW had enough international presence that foreign wrestlers were largely accepted by them. Smiling, Trisha made her way down the ramp, heading over to the ring where she would be facing Emaline in the upcoming match. Upon arrival, she would enter the ring and pose for the crowd, flexing her arms and showing off her figure. The cameramen didn't waste this opportunity as they would capture her images from every angle.
Trisha Andrews
After that, Trisha would wait at her corner, draping her arms over the ropes as she looked at the entrance. Despite her own confidence in her own ability, she would remind herself to not underestimate her opponent. From what she had heard, this Emaline was quite formidable, and if she wasn't careful, then the match might end with a defeat. A determined look could be seen on Trisha's face as she waited for her opponent to show up.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Emaline - Whatever It Takes

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As per usual, Emaline spent her time in front of her locker's mirror. Clad in her vivid lime green two piece, she lackadaisically combing her hair and displaying little concern for her upcoming match. Before long, a LAW staffer approached her and summoned her to the ring. After she ran her fingers through her hair and confirmed that their silkiness matched her standards before she set off.
Emaline Appearance Reference
Entrance Theme
The audience reacted to her theme via a variety of boos and jeers with some cheers thrown into the mix. Naturally, she remained unphased by her less than warm welcome as she sauntered onto the stage. With self-assured grin adorning her face, she strode down the ramp, walked up the steel steps, and grabbed the top ropes before she lethargically yet gracefully backflipped into the ring. Without deigning to even look at Trisha, the Viper simply went to her corner where she flicked her hair and stretched her back on the ropes.
Emaline Stretch Reference
(Based off Saki on the right)

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Emaline - Whatever It Takes

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When Trisha saw her opponent, she narrowed her eyes, thinking that she was about to face the same kind of wrestler as last time. Ami Takeuchi was a snobby woman who seemed to believe in her own superiority, and this woman, Emaline, seemed to be the same as well. She waited for her to enter the ring, observing her and the way she acted.

"Great... another snob," Trisha muttered as she would get herself ready for the match. Snob or not, she would not hold herself back against her. "Hey, hope you don't mind getting rowdy here, princess!" Trisha called Emaline out as she would wait for the referee to get the show going. All the while, her eyes would remain on Emaline, wanting to see how she would react to her words.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Emaline - Whatever It Takes

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"Hmm?.." Emaline responded to her opponent's words via an amused hum, her smug grin not faltering in the slightest. "You can rest assured that you need not worry over such a thing." She spoke in such an overly polite manner that it instead came off as condescending. "Although I appreciate your concern, 'getting rough' as you would call it is precisely why I am here."

Before long, the bell rang, prompting her to approach Trisha. "Shall we begin with a test of strength?" The Viper presented her open palms as she declared her challenge. However, it was a little more than a ruse. Should the African-American actually clasp hands with Emaline, she would take the opportunity to hop up, wrap her legs around her Trisha's abdomen, and squeeze.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Emaline - Whatever It Takes

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Trisha was expecting some kind of trickery from her opponent as she went for a lock-up with her. Sure enough, as soon as the two of them were locked up, Emaline suddenly hopped up and wrapped her legs around her body and started squeezing.


Trisha grunted as she felt the pressure coming from Emaline's legs around her abdomen. But she wasn't going to let her opponent do whatever she wanted as she would immediately free her arms before attempting to hammer her forearm right at her opponent's chest.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Emaline - Whatever It Takes

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Emaline let out a shocked gasp when Trisha almost instantly wrenched her arms free of the Viper's grasp. "Agh! Ack!" Worse yet, her opponent quickly followed up via crude forearm smashes to her chest, convincing her to drop the bodyscissor and hastily roll away. She bounced back onto her feet and quickly put on a show of bravado. Standing up straight, she dusted her shoulder and seemingly put down her guard. "Well, I suppose you are possessed of some talent." As always, it was all a facade. Should Trisha draw too closely, Emaline would twist her hips and swiftly execute a shoot kick to the head.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Emaline - Whatever It Takes

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Emaline let Trisha go from the bodyscissor, and Trisha huffed, knowing that she shouldn't underestimate this woman, pompousness aside. "Heh, at least you're not entirely blind..." She grinned as she would ready herself for her next move, moving closer towards her opponent, planning to execute her next move.

But it turned out that Emaline was good at concealing her own move as she suddenly executed a shoot kick the moment Trisha was within range. Trisha's eyes widened as she hastily brought her arms up to block the incoming kick. "NGH!" Despite her managed to protect her head, she was left staggered, with her arms aching from taking the blow, leaving herself unable to execute her own attack on her opponent.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Emaline - Whatever It Takes

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A serene smirk adorned Emaline's face when her shoot kick connected, despite Trisha successfully blocking the strike she also found herself on the backfoot. The Viper pressed her advantage and executed yet another shoot kick via the same leg, this time aimed at her opponent's thigh. And should that kick also connect, she would lunge forwards and swing her elbow out, attempting to clobber Trisha via a brutal yet precise blow to the side of her skull.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Emaline - Whatever It Takes

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Trisha found herself on the backfoot as Emaline pressed her advantage, this time coming to deliver a kick aimed at her thigh. Trisha was unable to protect her thigh from Emaline's attack, and this also contributed to her inability to defend herself from Emaline's next attack, which was a blow right at the side of her skull with her elbow!


The blow had left Trisha rattled, and she fell down to the mat, clutching her head. Things didn't go quite well for her at the moment, leaving herself vulnerable before her wily opponent.

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Re: Trisha Andrews vs. Emaline - Whatever It Takes

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A sadistic smile adorned Emaline's face as she sauntered over to Trisha, exuding arrogant pride every step of the way. With lethargic grace, The pinkette leaned down, pressed her palms onto the ground, and kicked her body upwards to perform a hand-stand. Then she coiled her knees inwards and let gravity do the rest of the work. Her knees plummeted down onto her opponent's abdomen for a vicious handstand knee drop.

Yet she didn't intend to stop there. From then on, she would remain mounted atop Trisha, winding a knee back only to ruthlessly and emphatically bash it into her midsection yet again, over and over and over. Emaline's smile grew wider and wider as she utterly brutalised her foe. "~Well?~" She asked in a posh sing-sing voice. "I recall that 'getting rough' is precisely what you envisioned."

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