Challenge Accepted - Mina Morgan vs Renee Steinhauser

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Challenge Accepted - Mina Morgan vs Renee Steinhauser

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Match Type: No Disqualification

Renee was in her locker room, preparing for her match. She was placed against someone who was a different weight class than her but she inquired to be put into a match like this. This would also be a no disqualification match, which Renee was somewhat experienced in, especially during her rivalry with her rival turned lover, Kaelyn. She was wearing her new gear as she was still pissed off about the events transpired last month. She then heard a knock at the door.

Renee answered the door and it would be a LAW Staff Member that was knocking to tell her that they were ready for her to make her entrance. Renee nodded as she placed on her black gloves and started walking down the hallway. She then waited at the show curtain as her music was being queued to start playing. A few minutes later, her music started playing.
Renee waved to a mixed crowd as she walked down the ramp. She was met with some cheers and boos as she walked towards the ring. Renee then climbed up the steel steps and entered the ring through the middle ropes. Renee would then start stretching on the turnbuckle as she waited for her opponent to make her entrance.
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Re: Challenge Accepted - Mina Morgan vs Renee Steinhauser

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While Renee made her entrance, backstage, Mina was making some last-minute preparations. She had long been a fixture of the apartment wrestling circuits, and her career there had even seen her taking on a few LAW wrestlers, but when it came to competing in the ring, she didn't have quite as much under her belt. But that was about to change. Mina had every intention of dominating the world of pro wrestling just as much as she had done in apartment wrestling, and elevating her family name back into the spotlight, cementing the Morgans as the wrestling dynasty they rightfully were. To do that, she needed to make sure everything she did was honed to perfection, and she had to be ready to bring forth the best of what she was capable of. But Mina was ready for that. When she was faced with a task that meant as much to her as this one did, she was going to give it her all.

As Mina sat on a bench in the locker room adjusting her gear, Cynara Morgan - her mother and manager, and the woman who had once held the same AHW United States Championship Mina herself boasted of - was right there at her side, leaning over her shoulder. She pat her daughter on the back, flashing her a warm smile. "Don't forget, Mina," she explained, "I'll be watching. Make me proud, mmkay?"

With her eyes focused in a cold, precise stare, Mina nodded her head. "You don't need to worry about that," she said. "I'm going to win, or I'm going to die trying."

A smug grin played across Cynara's face as she chuckled to herself, patting Mina on the head. "Ahh, that's my girl...~"
Mina Morgan
Cynara Morgan
At last, it was time for the Morgans to make their entrance. Mina entered first, keeping her back straight and her gaze focused ahead of her, while Cynara stayed close behind, looking out at every cheering fan and camera flash she passed by with a smirk. While her mother basked in the attention, however, Mina only had eyes for Renee, the woman who was in the ring right now - the woman who had dared to challenge her, and who was now about to reap what that sort of cockiness won her. The promoters - with no small amount of encouragment from Cynara - had been quick to arrange the match as soon as Renee had made her desires known, and it didn't take long for expectations to escalate until the two women found themselves in a no-DQ match. But that only made Mina all the more excited - this meant nothing could stop her from tearing Renee apart, and making it known in no uncertain terms who reigned supreme.

Crossing her arms, Mina stepped up onto the apron to fix a pointed glare straight into Renee's eyes. "You'd better know what it is you're getting yourself into," she cautioned. "I won't play nice."
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Re: Challenge Accepted - Mina Morgan vs Renee Steinhauser

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Renee checked out her opponent and also her opponent’s mom. She haven’t heard much about what her opponent’s mom did but she knew how to make fun of her and her daughter. She then walked up to Mina.

“You seriously brought your mom to your match? She gonna babysit you on the outside and make you suck on mommy milk to make grow stronger?”

Renee cackled before looking at Mina’s mom.

“Sorry ma’am, but it seems like you’ll be experiencing your daughter losing. I wouldn’t take it to heart, however. I’m sure she’ll be fine after a such humiliating defeat.”

Renee went back to her corner and waited for the bell to ring. Once the match began, Renee would circle around the ring, looking for an opening. Few seconds later, Renee stood dead center of the ring and challenged Mina to a test of strength. She also taunted her to accept her challenge

“Cmon Mina. I wanna see if your mom actually gave you strength. But maybe the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”
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Re: Challenge Accepted - Mina Morgan vs Renee Steinhauser

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Even before the match had begun, the contempt on display from Renee was palpable. When she mocked Mina for having her mother in her corner, a few cries of "Oooh" went up from the fans, who were now more intrigued than ever to see how far this match would go. So too, it showed Renee's cockiness. Even when Mina was a champion in her own league, and even when she had shown herself to be a force to be reckoned with in both AHW and LAW - with her name coming to strike fear into the hearts of some would-be challengers - Renee didn't seem the least bit concerned. She was already convinced that she could take Mina on, no questions asked!

Mina knew she was being mocked. Her teeth clenched, and she growled under her breath like a cornered animal as she stormed a few steps closer to get into Renee's face. Her tense muscles rippled beneath her tight outfit, like she was already geared up to strike. "Shut. Up," she hissed. "I'm warning you."

Before Mina could do anything, though, Cynara cleared her throat. "Ahem. Mina, we don't need to do anything we'll regret, now," she urged, warning her daughter not to risk a disqualification. At that, Mina stopped, letting out a huff as she stood back up straighter and backed away a few steps. Then, Cynara looked back up at Renee with a smile on her face, folding her arms behind her back and standing a little straighter. "Oh, don't worry. I assure you, Mina doesn't need my help at all. She's perfectly capable of taking care of you by herself - as I'm sure you're about to discover." Chuckling, the former champion hung back with a smug smirk on her face. All she had to do, she was sure, was watch.

And indeed, as soon as the bell rang, Mina settled into a stance with a huff. For those first few seconds, the look on her face was cold and emotionless as she began to circle Renee, never letting her eyes off of her. But when Renee lifted her hands for a test of strength, Mina didn't reciprocate. Instead, it was at that moment that a wicked, maniacal grin split her face - and she took off in a charge to close in on her opponent! She would go to duck underneath Renee's outstretched arms, instead diving low to pull her legs out from under her as she tried to tackle her with a double-leg takedown!
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Re: Challenge Accepted - Mina Morgan vs Renee Steinhauser

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Renee smiled when Mina’s mom stopped her from pummeling her before the bell rung. It seemed like that was leverage for Renee to make fun of Mina as the bell rung. She was doing her usual fake test of strength niche but would be taken aback as she was taken down onto the mat with a double leg takedown. She then looked up at her, still feeling her cocky self.

“Seems like you got the better of me, Mina. But what are you gonna do now? I can escape this if I want to, or even counter. Whatcha gonna do?”

Renee was nearly ready for anything Mina was gonna throw at her. She’s been in the business for a long time and was prepared for any encounter when her opponent was looking down on her on the floor. This was a basic beginning of a match that Renee has been in.
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Re: Challenge Accepted - Mina Morgan vs Renee Steinhauser

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Renee wanted to be smug? Fine, then. So be it - let her be smug. Mina was still going to demolish her twelve ways from Sunday before she even had a chance to speak up about it. The blonde had come crashing down on top of her opponent, bowling her off her feet, and whether or not Renee wanted to talk big, it wouldn't change the fact that Mina had taken the dominant position. And she was going to press that advantage just a moment later!

She lifted her head, looking back at Renee with a scowl, but that was all the warning she gave. Just a moment later, her teeth bared in a snarl - and then, she lunged, looking to throw herself on top of Renee. Her arms shot out in front of her to grab for Renee's throat with both hands, looking to throttle her with a chokehold! To Mina, it didn't matter if Renee had it in her to escape or counter. If Mina could hit her fast and hard enough, that wasn't going to save her!
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Re: Challenge Accepted - Mina Morgan vs Renee Steinhauser

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Renee was on the floor as she was mounted by Mina still. This was turning out to be a small setup for a mma match for people not knowing what professional wrestling was. Renee obviously welcomed it with the mind of entertaining the crowd a bit. However, she didn’t expect her opponent to start choking her out on the floor.

In retaliation, Renee would also do some choking of her own, turning it into a choking battle. This would then put in play the battle between experience and brute strength. Renee had a good hold of Mina’s throat as Mina had on her. A minute went by with Renee starting to lose the battle of choking. However, Renee being a bit more experienced went out with a cheat of her own, jabbing her thumbs into the Adams Apple of Mina, trying to make Mina let go. If she was successful, Renee would be coughing up a lung but also taunt Mina with her words.

“Alright kid. I’ll give you kudos on giving me a good choke. Unfortunately, I’m already spoken for so you won’t be seeing a second date. Ha.”
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Re: Challenge Accepted - Mina Morgan vs Renee Steinhauser

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Mina, as it turned out, had no intentions of showing off - no pageantry, no theatrics, no self-aggrandizing. She already knew she was great, and she didn't need to convince anyone - she'd let her record and her accomplishments speak for themselves. No, when she threw herself down on top of Renee and her arms grabbed for her throat, the look in Mina's eyes was that of a madwoman, or a wild animal. It was only instinct that drove her. But instinct told her that the throat was weak - and that if she could take out the throat, Renee wouldn't be able to muster the strength she needed to carry her through the rest of the match. And that was the first thing she was going to go for!

But Renee, it seemed, had the same idea. Bringing up her own hands, she managed to throw them around Mina's neck, clamping down as hard as she could. The blonde hissed through a grimace of clenched teeth, the veins in her forehead bulging against the growing pressure. She could feel all that force bearing down on her, but she wouldn't quit. Her fingers only squeezed down tighter, trying to match every bit of force Renee could muster with her own - she had to outlast and overpower her foe. She couldn't let her win!

In the end, though, Renee was able to leverage her thumbs into the center of Mina's throat, and with it, she directed that extra bit of force at her target - force that Mina, much as she might've wanted, simply couldn't shrug off. Her eyes began to water and her knuckles went white as she held down her grip with tenacious strength, but the pain was growing by the moment. Even with Renee choking her she began to spasm and cough. Finally, she had no choice - she let Renee go, rolling aside.

As she rose slowly to her knees, Mina too let out a few coughs, her shoulders lurching with every sputter and groan. She clenched her teeth with a wince, and a shudder ran down her spine as one eye bulged out and the other one was pulled back in a squint. After a moment, she wiped some spittle away from her mouth, collecting herself enough to look back at Renee - where she heard the brunette's taunts. Mina was still trying to get the air back in her lungs, but she knew when she was being mocked - and she had no intentions of tolerating it. If Renee wanted to talk back, Mina would make her pay for that!

"Bitch..." she hissed, glowering daggers in her direction. But Mina had no intentions of giving Renee even a second to collect herself - she was going to keep on her as long as her stamina would allow! Once again she sprung, attempting to pounce on top of her foe. But this time, rather than going for a choke, Mina would start raining down punches aimed right at Renee's face if she could assume the position!
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Re: Challenge Accepted - Mina Morgan vs Renee Steinhauser

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Renee was still laying on the floor, trying to catch her breath. She wasn’t expecting her opponent to be that strong in the match but she could at least give her some credit for her strength and athleticism. She also held onto her throat and massaged it to make it feel a bit better.

That was when she was caught off guard by Mina as she lunged onto her and went to rain down punches onto Renee’s face. She played good defense and blocked most of the punches from Mina. A few seconds into the mounted punches, Renee got an idea on how to counter.

Renee grabbed onto the fists of Mina to make her stop punching her. She then struggled to cross her legs onto Mina’s legs while also pushing her arms back into Mina’s body. If she were successful in doing both, Renee would have Mina in a reverse ceiling hold. She also taunted her if she was up there.

“Enjoying the view up there? Great that you stood still so I was able to do that hold. Might as well give you a good stretching as a reward.”
Renee’s Undercarders

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Re: Challenge Accepted - Mina Morgan vs Renee Steinhauser

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Mina was going to show her opponent no mercy. No matter how much Renee fought back, or how many times she managed to slip out from her control, the blonde was just going to throw herself right back into the fray, taking every opportunity she could get to win the upper hand. Only moments after she had lost her grasp on the lightweight's throat, she had clambored on top of her once again - and she wasted no time in slamming punch after punch into her face, bludgeoning her left and right!

However, it wasn't long before Renee managed to bring up her guard. It took Mina a few punches to realize it, but when she looked down, she found that her fists were just landing on her opponent's raised forearms. For as much as Mina had blind aggression on her side, Renee had the edge in technique - it was all going to come down to which could outdo the other. For a moment, Mina raised an eyebrow and grumbled under her breath as she realized her predicament. But in doing so, she'd slowed down, and that was all Renee needed to grab hold of her fist - and take control over her body!

Mina hissed and growled, trying to pull her fist back from Renee's grasp, but the brunette would only double down on her offensive. She wrapped her legs around Mina's own, and pushed upward with her arms and legs, hoisting Mina into the air! Such an expertly executed counter, displaying the full brunt of Renee's technical aptitude, was a perfect illustration of how her style stood in contrast to Mina's own. It also won her no shortage of cheers from how well she'd been able to pull it off!

"RRGH!! God...DAMMIT-!!" Mina writhed and twisted as hard as she could in Renee's grasp, fighting a desperate battle to pull herself free. But Renee was holding firm - and Mina only swayed back and forth in the air, her teeth clenched and slavering with rage. She only stopped for a fleeting moment when she heard Renee taunt her - and that made her lock her eyes on her opponent's own, narrowing them into a hateful stare. Renee was mocking her now. But if she was going to talk back...Mina was fully resolved to make her regret it.

"You wanna strong I am..?" she hissed under her breath. "Fine-!" Puttng everything she could into it, the blonde bucked hard and kicked her legs, trying to shake off Renee's grip. She could only hope that, with Renee needing to support a larger woman's weight, her hold couldn't last forever - particularly when that woman was fighting as much as she was!
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