Gabi vs Cathy - Fight of the Jungle!

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Gabi vs Cathy - Fight of the Jungle!

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Gabi Green vs Cathy - The Jungle's Pride
Submission match
Best of 2 out of 3
Victory via submission

Gabi was excited as she was about to have her second match in LAW! Even if her first match had proven the rookie Brazilian that matches here at LAW could be quite different from what she had used to before, especially the standard ones were far from her usual standard, she was still eager to perform in more matches and try to do her best and give a great match for the spectators!

Besides, she was actually feeling a bit better about the match tonight. This was going to be a submission match, and that sounded definitely like being closer to the types of matches that she had been used to! And even if this match wasn't going to turn into anything erotic or a sexfight, Amor da Amazônia was feeling much more confident about her strengths, and her legs, when it came to a submission type of match.

Gabi Green - Amor da Amazônia
Entrance theme: Anitta feat. Jhama - Essa Mina É Louca

Completing her final stretches, Gabi could hear her Brazilian tunes beginning to play. The rookie proceeded to promptly make her appearance, walking determinedly down the ramp. She was giving a few more waves at the crowds than last time, but still wasn't really engaging that much with them either. The curvy girl made her way somewhat unseremoniusly inside the ring and proceeded to her corner to wait for the arrival of her opponent, while continuing to complete some more stretches, taking advantage of the ropes as well to show off some of her flexibility, and her delicious body as well.


Now, the question remained, who exactly was she going to be facing tonight?
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Re: Gabi vs Cathy - Fight of the Jungle!

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Cathy waited patiently in the back, listening to her opponents theme music as she stretched and warmed up inside the locker room and slowly made her way to the entrance to take a peek of her opponent making her way to the ring. Then suddenly Cathy hears her music playing and she steps out looking around at the crowd

She calmly walks down the ramp with her arms behind her head casually walking and eyeing opponent in the ring. She heard that her opponent was a fellow amazon and from the looks her body does match an amazon description. She has curves just like Cathy and Cathy makes a note to herself to try to avoid her legs they look dangerous. Cathy continues down to the ring and slides into the ring

Cathy watches her opponent stretching and getting ready and walks up to her opponent and says "Wow you are really flexible and nice to meet you! My name is Cathy and I look forward to this match!" she gives a small bow and smile

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Re: Gabi vs Cathy - Fight of the Jungle!

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The first hints of how her opponent might be like were given to Gabi with their entrance theme, and it actually sounded quite familiar! The tunes were certainly sounding like coming from the jungle, a familiar place for Gabi.. And as her opponent started getting closer to the ring, Gabi straigtened her form to see her opponent better. As she watched her sliding into the ring, she could tell that she was faced with another curvy woman tonight...

Going to meet her opponent in the middle to greet her, the Brazilian got an even better look of her opponent. Her outfit clearly looked like she was coming from the jungle, and it was a nice outfit as well... She turned out to be a bit taller than her which could have been a disadvantage for Gabi, but while the woman's body was curvy as well, Gabi did note that her legs didn't seem to be quite as thick as her own... Which was obviously good news for the Brazilian!

"Well hey Cathy, and thanks! I'm Gabi..." she proceedded to answer Cathy's greeting, while positioning herself right in front of Cathy so that it would be easy for the viewers to compare their bodies next to each other. "I'm looking forward to this too! I actually come from the middle of the Amazon... And you look like you come from somewhere in the jungle as well?" she tried to engage her opponent in some friendly chatter, hoping to build a bit better rapport with her than her previous opponent.
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

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Re: Gabi vs Cathy - Fight of the Jungle!

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Cathy listens to Gabi's reply and remark back excited "why yes, I grew up in the jungle. Was not until about 4 or 5 years ago that someone found me and taught me a little bit about the outside world" Cathy looks Gabi up and down nearly forgetting that she is in the ring for a match until she hears a bell.
Waves at the crowd with a smile.

"well looks like chit chat would have to wait" Cathy says with a smile and small giggle then takes 2 steps backwards and takes a stance watching Gabi. Preparing her first move.

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Re: Gabi vs Cathy - Fight of the Jungle!

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Gabi's goal was mainly to engage in some friendly chit-chat, but she was also a bit curious about Cathy's background based on her entrance theme and the outfit. But how she replied was something that really blew her mind! "Oh, really?!? Wow..." the Brazilian responded to her opponent's claim of being found only recently, and was left wondering whether it was in fact true at all...

But she didn't have time to wonder for long before the bell rang, and it sounded like Cathy was all ready to go! She took two steps back and took a stance, but Gabi wasn't that keen to gain some distance between them just yet... She wanted to get to know her body and capabilities first even better! "Sure! Are you ready to show me what you've got then?" the girl from the Amazon challenged her opponent, while closing in on her, attempting to take hold of her wrists and smoosh her body against Cathy's own, wanting to find out which one of them could push the other one backwards in such a position!
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

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Re: Gabi vs Cathy - Fight of the Jungle!

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Cathy watched as Gabi moved closer and reached out her arms. Seeing what Gabi's intention was she reached out her hands to meet Gabi and presses back against Gabi's body. Cathy would then plant her feet to and push. knowing she has a slight height advantage, which she plans to use. As Cathy pushes she is trying to win the strength contest and force both hers and opponent arms downward.
Last edited by shadowcathy on Sat Sep 30, 2023 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Gabi vs Cathy - Fight of the Jungle!

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Gabi wanted to find out about how strong Cathy would turn out to be, especially as she was a bit taller than her, but her body didn't seem to be quite as thick as hers... The Brazilian was actually having her hopes up a bit, but when their hands met and bodies smooshed against each other, she had to admit that pushing Cathy backwards right from the start like this wasn't going to be easy at all! In fact, she seemed to know how to use her height advantage, and soon Gabi had to be taking steps backwards...

Noticing that she wasn't going to achieve clear superiority in the strength contest, Gabi decided to decrease her own efforts, and let herself get pushed backwards instead, all the way to the ropes. "So, you're pretty strong, huh?" she said when she could feel her back hitting the ropes, in hopes that it could convince Cathy to release the lock-up. And if she did, the Amazonian's plan was to immediately launch a counter-attack by taking support from the ropes with her hands, and jumping her legs up so that she could squeeze her thick thighs around her opponent's sides who was still standing right in front of her!
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

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Re: Gabi vs Cathy - Fight of the Jungle!

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Cathy felt herself gaining an advantage in the strength contest slowly pushing Gabi to the ropes feeling less resistance in the process. Cathy responds back to Gabi "I am very strong, had to be to survive the jungle!" Cathy knew once against the ropes that she had to release her grip but had an idea.

Before she released her hold on Gabi's hands she quickly pulled backwards to pull Gabi towards her and quickly lets go and goes to wrap her arms around Gabi for a bearhug!

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Re: Gabi vs Cathy - Fight of the Jungle!

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Gabi could clearly tell that she wasn't lying when she said she was strong, but she still had her hopes up for overpowering her in some other kind of scenario! Besides, Gabi had already formed a plan on how to lure the jungle girl who was winning the strength contest into a trap, but at the last second, Cathy seemed to, as if acting on an instinct, nullify her plans with pulling her away from the ropes!

For a moment, the Brazilian was confused as she couldn't get the support from the ropes behind her that she had been expecting for. But soon enough the situation turned into a more dire one, as the taller jungle girl lifted her into a bearhug hold! Gabi's arms and legs were flailing helplessly in the hold, and now she was at Cathy's mercy, trapped in the bearhug! "Nnghhh!"
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

Jaystar's Quests
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Re: Gabi vs Cathy - Fight of the Jungle!

Unread post by shadowcathy »

Now that Gabi was caught Cathy redoubles her efforts and tightens her grip to try to squeeze some more air of her opponent . Although Gabi was definitely fighting the hold moving and wiggling Cathy says teasingly "hold still will you." as Cathy tries to move her head back and forth to try to keep from being hit in the head.

Cathy then again tries to maintain the pressure then says "you know you are quite hug-able!" maintaining this hold is difficult, Cathy can feel how strong Gabi is being so close to her.

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