Submission match
Best of 2 out of 3
Victory via submission
Gabi was excited as she was about to have her second match in LAW! Even if her first match had proven the rookie Brazilian that matches here at LAW could be quite different from what she had used to before, especially the standard ones were far from her usual standard, she was still eager to perform in more matches and try to do her best and give a great match for the spectators!
Besides, she was actually feeling a bit better about the match tonight. This was going to be a submission match, and that sounded definitely like being closer to the types of matches that she had been used to! And even if this match wasn't going to turn into anything erotic or a sexfight, Amor da Amazônia was feeling much more confident about her strengths, and her legs, when it came to a submission type of match.
Gabi Green - Amor da Amazônia

Entrance theme: Anitta feat. Jhama - Essa Mina É Louca
Completing her final stretches, Gabi could hear her Brazilian tunes beginning to play. The rookie proceeded to promptly make her appearance, walking determinedly down the ramp. She was giving a few more waves at the crowds than last time, but still wasn't really engaging that much with them either. The curvy girl made her way somewhat unseremoniusly inside the ring and proceeded to her corner to wait for the arrival of her opponent, while continuing to complete some more stretches, taking advantage of the ropes as well to show off some of her flexibility, and her delicious body as well.

Now, the question remained, who exactly was she going to be facing tonight?