Standard match
Victory via pinfall, submission, KO, count-out, or disqualification
The first night at the office!
That's how Gabi Green felt like as she was waiting backstage for her first appearance in LAW! It had been an intense past couple of weeks for her. Traveling outside her home country for the first time, the culture shock of having arrived in Japan, the mess that had been trying to find end establish her place of living... Luckily, that had been arranged by LAW, but it still hadn't made anything seamless or easy. Now, when she was about to get into the ring for the first time, Gabi could finally feel that she was about to do something that was familiar for her.. Something that she knew how to do, and something that she needed no help with!
Of course, the LAW arena was going to be the biggest that Gabi had ever wrestled in so far. But she wasn't really thinking about it... She was here to complete her job, to give the crowds a good show and make some money out of it! And a bigger arena could only mean bigger profits... Win-win!
Gabi Green - Amor da Amazônia

Entrance theme: Anitta feat. Jhama - Essa Mina É Louca
Completing her final stretches backstage, Gabi could hear her Brazilian entrance theme beginning to play for the first time in the LAW arena! Taking a deep breath, the newcomer promptly began making her way down the ramp towards the ring. Her gait was stern and decisive, and she had a content look on her face... Until she began to realize how big the arena actually was. Gabi couldn't help having a slightly amazed look ending up on her face as she closed in on the ring, and gave a few subtle waves at the crowds who were cheering her on - if not overly enthusiastically, but at least giving a positive reception for her.
Climbing inside, Gabi made her way to her corner without too much theatrics. When finding her spot, she tried to ignore all the crowds and the arena, and focus on her task at hand... Beginning to stretch a little in her corner aided by the ropes in preparation for the battle - and some unintentional fan service - Gabi was getting keen on finding out who she was going to be facing tonight.