Gabi Green (D) vs Celine Mercier - The Amazon Arrives!

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Gabi Green (D) vs Celine Mercier - The Amazon Arrives!

Unread post by Jaystar »

Gabi Green vs Celine Mercier
Standard match
Victory via pinfall, submission, KO, count-out, or disqualification

The first night at the office!

That's how Gabi Green felt like as she was waiting backstage for her first appearance in LAW! It had been an intense past couple of weeks for her. Traveling outside her home country for the first time, the culture shock of having arrived in Japan, the mess that had been trying to find end establish her place of living... Luckily, that had been arranged by LAW, but it still hadn't made anything seamless or easy. Now, when she was about to get into the ring for the first time, Gabi could finally feel that she was about to do something that was familiar for her.. Something that she knew how to do, and something that she needed no help with!

Of course, the LAW arena was going to be the biggest that Gabi had ever wrestled in so far. But she wasn't really thinking about it... She was here to complete her job, to give the crowds a good show and make some money out of it! And a bigger arena could only mean bigger profits... Win-win!

Gabi Green - Amor da Amazônia
Entrance theme: Anitta feat. Jhama - Essa Mina É Louca

Completing her final stretches backstage, Gabi could hear her Brazilian entrance theme beginning to play for the first time in the LAW arena! Taking a deep breath, the newcomer promptly began making her way down the ramp towards the ring. Her gait was stern and decisive, and she had a content look on her face... Until she began to realize how big the arena actually was. Gabi couldn't help having a slightly amazed look ending up on her face as she closed in on the ring, and gave a few subtle waves at the crowds who were cheering her on - if not overly enthusiastically, but at least giving a positive reception for her.

Climbing inside, Gabi made her way to her corner without too much theatrics. When finding her spot, she tried to ignore all the crowds and the arena, and focus on her task at hand... Beginning to stretch a little in her corner aided by the ropes in preparation for the battle - and some unintentional fan service - Gabi was getting keen on finding out who she was going to be facing tonight.

Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

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Re: Gabi Green (D) vs Celine Mercier - The Amazon Arrives!

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Celine was in her locker room, carefully preparing herself as any soldier would do. She changed efficently and looked herself into the mirror. "Hmm seems all good! Ok, this is my second match here, i need to give a good performance! While she was waiting the time for going in she thought all the patterns the match could have, but first she needed informations on her opponent! "Hmm maybe i can ask the staff who is my opponent?" She went out and asked some staff.. They said her opponent was Gabi green.

Celine was so happy she couldn't contain herself anymore, she rushed into the arena as her music kicked in.
She waved at all crowd, slowly giving some highfives to the kids and people,while approaching the ring.Then she started to showing her muscles and salute all the people watching her, even the ref. After that she went to her corner and waited her opponent. Finally she could see Her opponent upclose"Can't wait!!! Hope i can have a good match with her!"Celine than putted her magazine under the turnbackle.
Last edited by Albentes on Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:47 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Gabi Green (D) vs Celine Mercier - The Amazon Arrives!

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Gabi was still keen to do some stretching, but she had to get fully back up again as she could hear her opponent's music playing in the arena. It was a magnificient sight, and really struck the Brazilian again with how much bigger the LAW arena was than the ones that she had wrestled in before... And how difficult it was to properly see your opponent before they had made their way inside the ring!

Gabi could see her opponent interacting with the fans, showing off some of her muscles - which probably had to be quite impressive then, she noted - and slipping something by the turnbuckle after she had made her way into the ring. The Brazilian watched all of this quite carefully as she was trying to assess how her opponent was like... But one thing was for sure already. She looked very big and strong!

Amor da Amazônia wasn't entirely sure what to make of her opponent. She seemed to be very much at home in this kind of arena, and she was probably going to be quite a tough opponent... But there was only one way to truly find out! Making her way to the middle of the ring, Gabi settled there and was expecting her opponent to do the same, so they could finally get their bodies next to each other for the viewers to make some comparisions...
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

Jaystar's Quests
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Re: Gabi Green (D) vs Celine Mercier - The Amazon Arrives!

Unread post by Albentes »

Celine saw Gabi going into the middle of the ring, and decided to go for a test of strenght. "So you want to compare? Fine let's give the audience what they want!"
Celine took Gabi arms and started the strenght contest, but with her military training, she clearly had advantage... "Mhh? Seems your speciality... isn't power? Oh.. no... no NO! Are you one of the pervy ones? Celine was a bit mad, she had a good look to Gabi and decided that she will try to finish quick. She wasn't at easy with that type of opponent. So she decided to go for a quick suplex!

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Re: Gabi Green (D) vs Celine Mercier - The Amazon Arrives!

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Gabi was expecting to greet and meet her opponent in the middle of the ring and maybe for some posing next to each other for the photographers, but as Celine began approaching her, the bell was already ringing! That might have affected on Celine's decision to actually go for the test of strength instead... Gabi looked at Celine's body as she was coming closer to her, and realized that she was actually much taller than her, and very muscular as well! Despite that, the Brazilian wasn't about to turn down the challenge.

"Oh, I'm all for it!" she responded to Celine as their hands locked together. "So, nice outfit.. Green vs blue... It's like the forest vs the river?" Gabi attempted to keep the atmosphere friendly, but it wasn't really helping her in the strength contest at all... Right off the bat Gabi could realize being in trouble! Sure, her core and leg strength was decent... But so was Celine's, and her taller form also meant that she had the leverage advantage in addition to her strength! And the Brazilian rookie was soon getting pushed backwards rather fast...

Celine decided to taunt her opponent a little for her inferior strength, but for some reason soon made the conclusion that she was some kind of a pervert! That just confused Gabi even more... "Wh-what?" But that was all she had time to say, before the taller woman had already changed the lock-up into another hold, one that easily sent Gabi flying in the Suplex! "Aghh!" the Brazilian cried out as her back hit the mat, and she had to take a moment for trying to recover...
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

Jaystar's Quests
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Re: Gabi Green (D) vs Celine Mercier - The Amazon Arrives!

Unread post by Albentes »

"You are strange" Said Celine,She thought Gabi was a pervert woman, but It seemed not! She took One Gabi hand and helped Her to stand up."im Sorry maybe we started with the wrong foot." Celine bowed, giving Gabi a moment to recover. "You can get a move since i was this aggressive."Celine was a bit guilty for that and remained still for Gabi
Last edited by Albentes on Sat Sep 30, 2023 5:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Gabi Green (D) vs Celine Mercier - The Amazon Arrives!

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Gabi had just been thrown around with the Suplex, and the resulting impact was on the harder side of what she had had to traditionally endure! Sure, by pro wrestling standards it wasn't a big deal, but pro wrestling standards weren't the ones that Gabi was used to... But she wasn't complaining though. She knew that wrestling in LAW was probably going to be sometimes a bit different...

Still, Gabi was surprised when suddenly Celine was offering to pull her up, and apologizing for being aggressive. Now, that was even more confusing for the debuting Brazilian! Wrestling was about fighting after all, so why was she suddenly being so nice?!? Gabi wasn't complaining though, and accepted her offer of help, and even letting her get in some move... Some of her matches previously had been scripted after all, so it wasn't such a new thing for her.

As Gabi had gotten up and was facing Celine, she began responding to the taller woman. "Oh, well, thank you, but I don't think you have to give me any mercy here... It's probably not what the viewers want to see!" she began, explaining her thoughts in a half-joking tone. "But sure, take this then!" she then stated, before trying to deliver a shoot kick from her strong leg right into Celine's midsection!
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

Jaystar's Quests
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Re: Gabi Green (D) vs Celine Mercier - The Amazon Arrives!

Unread post by Albentes »

"Nghh!! Nice kick! But i'm not going down just with this!" Celine kneeled up for some seconds but immediately countered with a belly punch. "Fine, if you want no mercy i wont give u any.." After the punch she picked Gabi up and slammed her body on her knee! "How's this then?" Celine wasn't playing nice anymore. Gabi wanted serious and she will become serious. She wasn't playing anymore, "Be careful now! I'm not gonna hold back anymore!"

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Re: Gabi Green (D) vs Celine Mercier - The Amazon Arrives!

Unread post by Jaystar »

Gabi had delivered the stiff kick to Celine's midsection, and gotten the taller woman kneeling! So, it was a great success... But Gabi wasn't about to leave it there! Instead, she closed in on Celine, wanting to then take a headlock of her, and down her to the mat...

But what Gabi hadn't been prepared for herself was the sudden belly punch! Instead of getting the headlock hold of her French opponent, Gabi had to start crouching down herself instead... And listen to Celine's words of giving her no mercy! But crouching down was what proved to be a dire mistake for Gabi, since Celine then proceeded to slamming her body on her knee! The impact was rocking Gabi's world once again, and the Brazilian flopped to the mat, reeling and in no shape currently to beware of anything that Celine might have had coming at her.
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

Jaystar's Quests
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Re: Gabi Green (D) vs Celine Mercier - The Amazon Arrives!

Unread post by Albentes »

"Time for some stretching! Since i saw you like it..." Celine went and sit on gabi's body! She started a camel clutch, wrapping her hands around Gabi's neck. "How about this? I think you'll like it...Maybe i'll stretch some legs too!" Celine after the clutch went for a while, she switched to a boston crab! Making Gabi scream in pain... She was a militar after all.. so no mercy for her opponent! Even if sometimes she forget to hold back...

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