Rise of a star! Kanako vs Chiaki

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Rise of a star! Kanako vs Chiaki

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Standard Match
Victory decided via pinfall, knockout or submission

Kanako Sawatari's breath was caught in her throat as she stood backstage, awaiting her return to LAW after a long long time. The last time she had been here she had been doing so as her idol persona of Rise Kujikawa, and though she'd brought heart and passion to every match she was a loser, suffering defeat after defeat with only a small handful of wins to her name. Since then she had gained the proper training and in-ring experience she had been sorely missing out on in the indies and had earned her way back to the big leagues of LAW, but even after all this preparation she still felt as in over her head as she had during her initial jobber run.

What was especially of note about this match was that her opponent was Chiaki Nanami; the last woman to defeat her in her initial run in LAW. She also was responsible for some firsts for the young woman, but she couldn't let herself get distracted by those kind of thoughts right before a match. When last they'd fought Kanako had done pretty well by her standards at the time given that Chiaki was an opponent on a similar level physically, but the gamer girl was by far the better technical fighter and had defeated the former idol relatively easily, teaching Kanako an important lesson.

The loss had humbled her and was one of the main reasons Kanako had realised she needed to start again without skipping the tutorial. Kanako was still nervous but knowing that Chiaki was her opponent calmed her at the same time; that Chiaki was her first opponent back in LAW had to be nothing short of destiny; the most definitive way of seeing how far Kanako had come. This was her chance to show LAW that the woman who was shackled by her expectations as an idol, Rise Kujikawa, was no more, and in her place was a woman with boundless potential; Kanako Sawatari!

With her inner pep talk giving her confidence Kanako would stand tall just in time for a ring assistant to tell her it was time to go on. Kanako would flash the assistant with a brilliant smile before marching her way out of the gorilla area and into an arena that was being shaken by cheers, strutting confidently to the top of the ramp and giving a vivacious wave to the crowd. Although it had been all too long since she had last stepped foot in a LAW arena the fans were still ecstatic to see her, they had been waiting patiently for her return and now that she was here the excitement was through the roof!
After a few more moments of fanfare Kanako would begin to make her way down to the ring, marching with a confidence that the fans had never seen from the brunette. It was clear just from the way she walked that this woman was an entirely new beast from the pretty girl idol they knew before, rather than prancing around like a dancer she was holding herself like a fighter! When Kanako reached the ring she would hop up onto the mat before grabbing the top rope and using it to vault herself over and into the ring, once inside she would make a lap of the ring with a light jog while waving to her fans and blowing kisses to get them hyped up for the match ahead.

Once she was done Kanako would head into one of the corners and settle down as the lights dimmed, allowing the crowd's attention to instead be directed to the woman she was facing.
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Re: Rise of a star! Kanako vs Chiaki

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Chiaki Nanami was a woman who held very little concern for winning and losing. She could just as easily be disappointed over a victory as she could be happy over a loss, it all depended on whether the competition that got her the the point of victory or defeat had been fun. This was a rare situation where Chiaki's view on a competition would be directly influenced by its outcome.

Chiaki wanted to lose to Kanako Satawari. If any of the gamer girl's friends were with her backstage, they'd probably call it fitting that the one time Chiaki cared about winning and losing, she would actively desire the worse end of it. That was because Chiaki knew what Rise Kujikawa had been through as a wrestler, and she desperately wanted Kanako to be something greater. For her hard work, dedication, and sacrifice to pay off.

There were two trains of thought which Chiaki of course related to Pokemon for her own benefit once she caught wind of them. The skeptics thought that Kanako would be to Rise what Pokemon Crystal had been to Gold and Silver; "yeah, it's an upgrade, but nothing too special. At its core, it's just the same game, and the same wrestler. Maybe she'll go 2-7 in her first 9 matches back instead of 1-8.

But Chiaki didn't want to believe that. She chose to put faith in Kanako, and in the belief that Kanako was Rise's evolution. A whole new wrestler, that has better stats, moves, and can rise to heights and accomplish feats far beyond what her pre-evolved Rise stage could ever have the power to achieve. And Chiaki knew that she, above anyone else, would be the perfect indicator for who was right.

Chiaki had beaten Rise, but it had been a good fight. The gamer girl would say that while she had been on control for most of it, Kanako really didn't give herself enough credit for how close the match had been. There were moments where the former idol really could have won if just a little more had gone her way. Chiaki had definitely gone up a few levels since then of course, but if Rise really had evolved into Kanako, then the streamer knew that the stats and abilities of the now full-time wrestler should now far outstrip her own.
Theme Music
Chiaki's music came on, and the gamer girl made her entrance into the arena. Applause roared for both wrestlers, swimming in anticipation for Part 2 of some premiere LAW lewd wrestling. Chiaki couldn't have wiped the smile of her face if she tried as she stepped into the ring and faced Kanako. [color=#FF00F]"Hey hey, Kanako,"[/color] said Chiaki. "Aww, I thought we'd match if I wore a bikini this time. Guess that's my fault for not thinking you'd upgrade your gear. I guess we'll just have to go to the beach together sometime, then we'll definitely be able to match!" While still smiling, Chiaki's face grew a bit more serious before she spoke again, "Joking aside, as much as I can mean this while still trying as hard as I can to win; I hope you kick my butt, Kanako. Anyone who's been following you knows that you've earned it."
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Re: Rise of a star! Kanako vs Chiaki

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When Kanako first laid eyes on Chiaki again she felt a tinge of anxiety despite herself. She had grown by leaps and bounds since the last time she had fought Chiaki, and yet knowing that she was about to fight someone who had bested her before took a toll on her confidence, of the two of them she was by far the one who had the most to prove and so she felt like she was on the back-foot before the fight even began. Even so she was happy to see the gamer girl again and would smile at her as they came face to face in the ring "Don't worry so much about matching Chiaki-chan, your bikini looks so cute! Besides, if we matched all the time people would think we were a couple" she teased, giving a singsong giggle.

The tone of the conversation would grow more serious however as Chiaki told the brunette that she wanted her to win. Kanako was quite surprised to hear that, as Chiaki would clearly see from her expression, but after a moment she would shake her head "It doesn't matter how much anyone thinks I earned it if I don't win" she spoke in a surprisingly serious manner considering how usually upbeat and high energy she was "Don't get me wrong, I do intend to win, but I'm not owed anything just because I tried hard. I'm gonna earn it with what goes down in the ring!"

Even so her smile would return "But thank you. It means a lot."

Soon after this brief conversation ended the bell would ring, signalling the start of the match. Kanako knew just fine how skilled a grappler Chiaki was so she didn't intend on starting with any kind of lock up, instead she would dash at the gamer as if she intended to collide right into her! And that's just what it would look like until the last second, where she would instead reach to grab her and leapfrog over her to get behind her. If she was able to successfully surprise Chiaki with her dazzling speed then she would leap up and flip back while sticking out her leg, intending to strike her opponent in the back of the head with a Pele Kick!
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Re: Rise of a star! Kanako vs Chiaki

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"Hey hey, it's not like you have to worry about staying single anymore, Kanako," Chiaki said with a sly smirk before breaking out into a poorly concealed laugh. The gamer girl certainly wouldn't turn down the former, and probably future, national heartthrob if things ever ended up turning that way between them, but a relationship with Kanako wasn't something that Chiaki was actually pursuing.

Then once things turned more serious, Chiaki liked what she heard from Kanako. "You're exactly right," she said. "That's exactly why I'm still going to give this match everything that I can to win." The bell rung, and while the person in question may have felt this sooner, to the world, Rise Kujikawa, Risette's curtain well and truly fell for the final time. And the curtain of Kanako Satawari began to rise.

Chiaki knew that Kanako's charge was fake from the moment she'd try to show it. It was through no fault of her opponent's technique, but because of Chiaki's understanding of Kanako. For someone who had put so much time, effort, and preparation into this exact moment, and doing so against someone the auburn-haired wrestler knew feasted on opponents who put too little thought into how they fought, it simply wasn't believable to Chiaki that Kanako would open her comeback with such a basic, unskilled, thoughtless attack.

Having said that, for as right as Chiaki ended up being, she still had no hope of stopping Kanako tonight. The streamer stanced herself low, trying to prepare herself as well as possible to defend against Kanako's real attack, but the former idol just used Chiaki's low profile as an excuse to leapfrog her. The gamer girl tried to rise up to collide with Kanako to ruin her aerial balance, but the faux debutante just went higher. Chiaki immediately shot a kick out behind her where Kanako landed, but as if she had the power to know it was coming in advance, Kanako had hurdled Chiaki's leg before it even came out, and then floored the gamer girl in a single hit on the way back down with her Pele Kick.
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Re: Rise of a star! Kanako vs Chiaki

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Kanako would give LAW it's first display of her immense speed as she would leapfrog over Chiaki before the gamer could properly counter her, getting behind her in the blink of an eye. To Chiaki's credit she didn't allow herself to get too surprised and would quickly throw out an attack in retaliation, but Kanako was quicker on the draw as she lept up and threw a kick back that took Chiaki off her feet. If Kanako was to be honest it was complete luck that her choice of attack was such a good counter to Chiaki's kick, but she knew better than to look a gift horse in the mouth and would thank her lucky stars this match was off to such a good start.

Knowing that the kick wouldn't keep Chiaki down for too long Kanako would turn on a dime and make a beeline for the nearest ropes, turning around at the last second so that she'd be facing in her opponent's direction when she hit them and was rebounded towards her. With the speed granted by her rebound she would charge at Chiaki who was hopefully halfway back up to her feet and leap up moments before colliding with her, tucking her legs in so that she could shoot them out at the last second in an attempt to smash Chiaki with a Front Dropkick!
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Re: Rise of a star! Kanako vs Chiaki

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Chiaki was sent sprawling to the mat, dazed by Kanako's kick. But the former idol had not managed to land a one-hit KO, so the gamer girl recovered easily enough since it was only the first hit of the match. Even still, Kanako was coming up on Chiaki fast with a follow-up. The streamer lifted her head to see her opponent charging in with great speed aided by the ropes.

"Woah!" Chiaki gasped as Kanako hurtled towards her through the air. As Kanako took to the skies, Chiaki went back down to the floor, using her gamer's reflexes to lay back down so that the high-flier's attack soared well above its target. But whether Kanako had planned it or not, she had a second attack coming that would land. As she came down from the Dropkick, Chiaki would be right beneath Kanako, and the former idol's ass would connect with Chiaki's chest for an impromptu Senton that would leave her sitting atop the gamer girl.
Last edited by deezcastforms on Thu Oct 26, 2023 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rise of a star! Kanako vs Chiaki

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Though Kanako was fast her speed was not outside of Chiaki's ability to react to, and thus the gamer was able to duck underneath Kanako's dropkick and avoid it entirely. Or at least she was able to dodge Kanako's intended attack, but as Kanako was coming down from what both fighters believed to be a missed attack she would unintentionally come crashing down ass first onto Chiaki's chest "Woah!"

For a moment Kanako was just as surprised as Chiaki, but her instincts kicked in and she'd immediately grin with satisfaction as if she meant to do that. Then she would shuffle forward so that her legs were by Chiaki's head and her crotch was hanging above the gamer's face, giving Chiaki only a moment to realise what was going to happen before Kanako attempted to mount her face for a front facesit pin. Of course Kanako didn't actually expect to get the three count after landing two moves, but she wanted to fluster Chiaki and hopefully throw her off her game.
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Re: Rise of a star! Kanako vs Chiaki

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Had the Senton that Chiaki had just gotten hit with actually been Kanako's intent, the gamer girl may very well have gotten pinned for the 3 count on the spot. But the moment the former idol took to process what she did, was the moment Chiaki needed to recover and prepare to deal with having Kanako on top of her and ready to continue on with her attack.

Chiaki was able to get her arms beside her head and up underneath Kanako's legs as she came forward. To be honest, it wasn't an amazing defensive tactic. The debutante still came forward as she had wanted to, and the gamer girl hadn't even stopped Kanako from planting the thin, glittery crotch of her wrestling attire onto the streamer's face.

But Chiaki had managed to at least block Kanako's attack enough to not end up with her shoulders pinned to the mat, her one saving grace in the position. So from there, the gamer girl pushed up and back with her arms and chest until she was able to throw Kanako forwards onto her stomach. It didn't get the former idol's crotch off of her face, in fact the new position gave Kanako even more coverage. But it did get much of the faux debutante's weight off of the pinkette.

Chiaki would next continue to push Kanako's legs while trying to pull herself out from under the auburn-haired wrestler to complete her escape. Though not without having to slowly drag her face across Kanako's crotch to do so. Chiaki turned towards Kanako's back as she stood up and made sure to grab one of her legs. If the gamer girl was going to turn this around, the time likely had to be now, before the high-flier's momentum got beyond control.

Chiaki would attempt to go for Dreamcast, a signature submission of her own design. The streamer would start by putting the leg she had hold of into an Ankle Lock before swiftly stuffing Kanako's foot into her cleavage, as the size of Chiaki's breasts allowed her to secure the foot in its twisted state with only one hand, leaving her other one free for the next part of the move. If Chiaki got this far, next she would walk forward, forcing Kanko's leg to bend backwards towards her head as it got caught between the gamer girl's legs. Finally, if she still hadn't been stopped, once Chiaki had a foot on either side of Kanako's back, she would bend all the way forward until she was using her free hand to brace herself against the mat.
The result? If Chiaki completed her hold, she would have Kanako in an Ankle Lock plus Pseudo Single Leg Boston Crab combination submission hold. "Hey hey, let me explain something to you about this move, Kanako," Chiaki would say if she could lock the former idol into her hold, being conveniently positioned for a conversation. "If you're thinking you can escape by taking out my arm that's holding me up, you'd be right. You can. But what will happen is that my entire body weight will come down on your leg, bending it all the way backwards and sandwiching between us. And even for someone as flexible as you are, it's gonna hurt if you do that to escape."
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Re: Rise of a star! Kanako vs Chiaki

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Even though Kanako wasn't expecting her face-sit to actually put Chiaki down for the three count it seemed as though she was taking the gamer girl too lightly, as she was able to very easily dismount Kanako before the ref could start a count "Woah!" Kanako grunted as she landed on her front, not realising that her crotch was still on Chiaki's face until she felt her stirring underneath "H-hey, don't get any ideas!" Since she had been too taken off guard to brace herself the impact had left her stunned long enough for Chiaki to stand up behind her and take a grasp of her leg.

Kanako didn't know exactly what kind of move Chiaki was setting her up for, but she knew from experience that the gamer favoured holds and that letting her tie her up was a bad idea. That was why while Chiaki was trying to put her captured leg into an Ankle Lock Kanako would get her arms underneath her and push off against the mat, attempting to thrust her free leg back to catch Chiaki with a kick to the chest. If her kick hit then Chiaki would hopefully get knocked over, or at least forced to release her leg, and allow Kanako to get back to her feet.

Although even if Chiaki failed to lock her hold in she would at least have achieved her goal of stopping Kanako's momentum, as the two of them were now in a neutral position "Come on!" Kanako would urge Chiaki on, inviting her to make the next move.
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Re: Rise of a star! Kanako vs Chiaki

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Chiaki was hoping a bit that Kanako hadn't trained her defense as well as she had the rest of her skillset. It wasn't an unreasonable hope; Kanako was a very offense-first wrestler, and defense was hard to train. Offense was a proactive skill, centered around getting the match into a number of practiced positions that one was comfortable and advantageous in. Whereas with defense, it was reactive, and you had figure out an answer from one of hundreds of positions that each had dozens of ways that they could go depending on what the opponent did. Even if one did train defense, it was still very easy to get dropped into something that was just different enough from what you practiced that your brain couldn't connect the dots in time and you get caught. It was something forged just as much in the fire of real matches as much as it was in practice.

And yet, Kanako's mind was able to simplify the position down, carving away all the extraneous details to see what was happening for what it was and react. Chiaki was standing behind her and going for her leg, so the former idol struck backwards with her other leg. "Guh!" Chiaki gasped as Kanako's kick broke the gamer girl's grip on her ankle before the pinkette could lock in her signature submission. Chiaki knew that she was supposed to have positioned herself away from the leg that she wasn't grabbing at, but she hadn't had the time to perfectly set herself after having just escaped Kanako's last attack.

Chiaki stumbled backwards, falling onto her butt before rolling onto her back and then over onto her side before quickly getting to her feet at the same time that Kanako did. The second time rookie then called for the streamer to go on the offensive, as if she wanted to show the gamer girl just how well she could play defense. Chiaki was happy to oblige, coming forward at a brisk walk before she shot forward, bring her hand down over the top with her fingers hooked, looking poised to grab onto the lace that held the two halves of Kanako's top together and yank it down, exposing the former idol's breasts once again, just as they had been in the previous bout between the two.

But as Chiaki often did, she had laced deception into her attack. As Kanako's hands presumably moved to protect her chest, the gamer girl would pull her hand back and instead lunge forward with her other hand, looking to grab the former idol's head and pull it down between her legs. Next Chiaki would wrap Kanako's body up in her arms, lift the debutante up, and then put her on the mat with a Powerbomb. If Chiaki succeeded, then she would put the debutante into a Figure Four Leglock.
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