A Show of Strenght: Britanny Ysé vs Amaya Kanagawa

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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A Show of Strenght: Britanny Ysé vs Amaya Kanagawa

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Britanny Ysé vs Amaya Kanagawa
Last Woman Standing
Win by Knockout, no count out

The fight was scheduled and the crowd was excited about this kind of fight. After all, a last-woman-standing match is known to be particularly intense and brutal, especially when the fighters are not limited to the ring, but can be anywhere. But the fighters themselves were also interesting, as this would be a battle between giants. Once thoughts were settled, silence fell in the arena before a theme song played.
A black-haired woman then stormed out, looking all excited and happy as she jumped and waved into the crowd, sending out nothing but positive energy besides the brutal fight that was probably about to take place and her own theme song. But even if the crowd was excited, hardly anyone knew if it was her true view and personality, after all she was known as the "Actress". After all, everything she showed was just an act, because the only real thing about her was her excitement about the fight. Not her cheerful manner, not her smile, not even her looks.

But as she jumped into the ring with elegance and put on a show for the audience, waving at the crowd, she wondered if her opponent would be able to crack her mask and reveal her true self. After all, acting was just because she loved to act and the audience liked it, while she was annoyed when she would be booed all the time.

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Re: A Show of Strenght: Britanny Ysé vs Amaya Kanagawa

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A laugh was heard as Amaya's theme ended, announcing the arrival of the most famous wrestler this evening. Britanny's theme started right after her laugh. She then walked towards the corridor that led to the ring and appeared in front of everyone, smiling confidently at her fans while still greeting them as little as simply shaking her hand as she walked towards the ring.

A woman as elegant as her should not keep her opponents waiting, who must have already been waiting for her for a good minute now. She quickly climbed into the ring and took her usual pose, staring at her opponent, displaying a smile as mocking and confident as ever while her opponent seemed to be up to the task.

Literally, Britanny's opponent was almost her size and she already knew it because she always learned about her opponents before climbing into the ring. She slightly approached her adversary while keeping her mocking smile and looked down at the older woman, seeing herself already in a difficult match where she would be forced to surpass her limits.

"Good evening Miss Kanagawa, I hope you're not weak, even if it's your first match~ Don't restrain yourself, I may be elegant but i'm not scared to take punches !~ Ohohoh~"

The Frenchwoman laughed softly as she put her hand to her lips, she wasted no time in opening hostilities before the match started. She wanted to make sure her opponent would go all out against her, she only wanted this match to be as easy as some she's been able to pass.
Last edited by Bearhug Goddess on Mon Sep 11, 2023 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Show of Strenght: Britanny Ysé vs Amaya Kanagawa

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Amaya looked at Britanny, because she already felt the arrogance coming from the French woman. It was very irritating, but for Amaya it was especially irritating for a reason.

"....4/10 for your behavior and mockery. Your laughter ruins the purpose of the mockery and you hold up your posture to show dominance."

Amaya's facial expression and tone changed from a cheerful and energetic voice to a cold and emotionless one at this sentence before returning to her original tone.

"It's nice to meet you, Miss Ysé. But I would prefer if we were on a first-name basis. Nor would I hold back, after all, it would contradict a good fight and a good show, and what's better than beating up an arrogant opponent?"

Amaya said cheerfully, not skipping a bet to taunt her back.

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Re: A Show of Strenght: Britanny Ysé vs Amaya Kanagawa

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Britanny looked her opponent in the face and raised an eyebrow feeling judgment in her opponent's gaze. Why is her opponent so serious and cold after a simple provocation? And above all, why was she graded as if she were in the middle of a class?

This slightly irritated Britanny who frowned slightly seeing her opponent change personality as if she were changing socks. She took a step towards the woman who was almost the same height as her and pressed her chest against her. Her gaze was piercing and serious, she looked straight ahead, towards the actress's eyes and she laughed again.

"Ohohoh~ You're kind of weird but you look like fun!~"

She smiled and leaned forward slightly, now looking to push her opponent away with her chest while looking at her defiantly.

"What's better than beating an arrogant person? I don't know, I don't see the difference in my victories~"

The provocations being now over, the referee intervened between the two giantess and ordered them to return to their corners. As soon as the two wrestlers return to their respective corners, the match will begin.
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Re: A Show of Strenght: Britanny Ysé vs Amaya Kanagawa

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Amaya, unprepared for this, was easily pushed away when Britanny's chest bumped against hers. The woman took a few steps back and gave the Frenchwoman a cold look, but it quickly changed back to a cheerful expression, her mask.

"This is boring! Where's the excitement when you put yourself in a boring state where you see every result the same. No wonder your roguish and arrogant demeanor seems so bland."

Amaya summarized her reasoning before allowing the referee to separate her and both women to walk to their side of the ring before the bell sounded, signaling the start of the match. Amaya smiled broadly before slowly approaching the center of the ring with her hands raised.

"How about we start this show with a classic. I think a connoisseur like you wouldn't turn down a good old show of strenght."

Amaya offered, making it clear that she wanted to start the fight with their hands clasped together to overwhelm each other.
Last edited by saasländer on Thu Sep 14, 2023 11:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Show of Strenght: Britanny Ysé vs Amaya Kanagawa

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"It's actually very boring! But that's why I'm at LAW, to find women who match me~"

Britanny seemed amused at provoking her opponent, especially when she noticed the changes in expression on the other giantess's face. Her new objective was clear in her head, in addition to winning this match she will do a kind of show the true face of her opponent to all the spectators present at this match. It would make the match more fun to watch, especially if it was going to be as simple as some of her matches.


She backed towards her corner and the referee didn't waste a single second, ringing the bell for the match to begin only seconds after her back touched her corner. She then walked towards her opponent, raising her arms slightly, in case if her opponent decided to charge her like a bull, but she seemed to be waiting for the Frenchwoman in the center of the ring for a fight of strength. You really had to be confident to dare to challenge Britanny in a test of strength, she had already proven several times that she was extremely strong.


Yet this made Britanny smile, if her opponent was so keen to lose according to the rules of the art, Britanny was going to offer her this spectacle. She walked towards the actress and grabbed her hands, wrapping her fingers around hers so that the two women found themselves clinging against each other then she began to push her opponent away using her arms and her legs to give maximum strength without getting too tired, even taking the opportunity to launch a little provocation.

"Sooo, do you plan to show your fake smile for much longer? You look like a hypocrite when you smile, my dear~"
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Re: A Show of Strenght: Britanny Ysé vs Amaya Kanagawa

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Amaya was glad that Brittany showed enough pride and backbone to accept the challenge and not use it for her own advantage. After all, a good show and a good match always has a great impact when two strong and proud wrestlers accept a challenge of strength. This was a show she always enjoyed watching. Her face was already forming a wide smile, a smile that was definitely not her mask.

But soon her eyes widened at the sudden display of strength as Britanny pushed the Japanese woman back a few steps, surprised at the burst of power. She was on the verge of happily congratulating the Frenchwoman if not for her next words.

"Well. Maybe I would drop my show smile if you could deliver a decent challenge and show. After all, only those who are worthy for once can see my true nature. Show me you have it."

Amaya demanded, before with a burst of strength she was actually able to push the blue-haired woman back, and even as she let go of her, mustered enough force to possibly send the blue-haired woman stumbling back into her ring side.
Last edited by saasländer on Sat Sep 23, 2023 2:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Show of Strenght: Britanny Ysé vs Amaya Kanagawa

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Britanny’s provocation was a little more effective than the first times, she had aimed just as it seemed. But her opponent did not let herself be, she even gave an interesting condition to the French who begins to laugh gently.

"Ooooooh?~ Because you think I’m using all my strenght now ?~"

Britanny boasted clearly of her power and she could, everyone had seen in her last matches that she was able to lift heavy weights and inflict huge blows with her fists, She was clearly one of the best pwoerhouse and striker in her weight class. But her opponent did not allow herself, pushing Britanny a few steps so that they are now at the center of the ring, it was not often that a person managed to do that.

"Well, I’ll show you my power!"

The ojou winks at her opponent and leans slightly forward. Her fingers tightened around the actress’s fingers and she stepped forward. One step, then two, then three... Britanny’s strength was colossal, as if Amaya’s strength were useless against her. There were now only a few steps left before Amaya found herself against the ropes.
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Re: A Show of Strenght: Britanny Ysé vs Amaya Kanagawa

Unread post by saasländer »

Amaya's eyes widened as the Frenchwoman began to push her back again. Step by step she was pushed further away, getting closer and closer to the ropes, alongside her own pushback. Even though the Japanese woman didn't want to admit it and definitely didn't make it easy for the French woman with her fight, she had to admit that her opponent was physically a bit stronger than her. Her expression quickly turned into an excited smile.

"Well. You won our strength duel. I guess we can start actually wrestling now to give the audience a show!"

Amaya said before dropping herself with a quick maneuver. Using the French woman's strength against the blue-haired woman, she rolled her body to the side to trip the blue-haired woman and make her fall into the ropes behind her. If successful, the Japanese woman would quickly jump on her back and use her body weight to choke Britanny in the ropes.

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Re: A Show of Strenght: Britanny Ysé vs Amaya Kanagawa

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The Frenchwoman smiled devilishly at her opponent as she gradually took the advantage thanks to her brute strength. She once again showed the public how powerful she was physically, thanks to her height and weight but especially thanks to her hard training when she was a boxer.

She even showed a satisfied smile and a small laugh when her opponent claimed that she was the strongest, it was a good start if her opponent understood how much better the magnificent Britanny was than her.

"Ohohoh~ I already know, no one is stron-?!"

But Britanny didn't even have time to boast and finish her sentence when her own strength turned against her, throwing herself against the ropes until she found herself hanging on them. A small sigh of surprise was heard but her misfortunes did not stop there, for the first time the Frenchwoman found herself in difficulty from the start of the match by finding herself suffocated by the rope which was on her neck.


She gritted her teeth and held the ropes with her hands, patiently waiting for the referee to intervene so she could take revenge for such a shameful technique!
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