Madeline Christiansen vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Snakes & Ladders
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 7:56 pm
by Lightman
Match Type: Hardstyle Hentai
Victory Conditions: Victory is achieved by Pinfall, Submission or Knockout, but only after forcing the opponent to orgasm. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
With the days heating up, so too did the competitors. While some found themselves unable to handle the heat, Madeline did not shy away from that, however. Instead, she embraced it. From day one, she desired to test herself against the very best LAW had to offer. Although her actual targets would be among the most highly valued commodities in LAW at the moment, there have been some hidden gems that have pushed Madeline to that sweet spot of satisfaction. Total victory. Absolute Domination. Despite the notable handful that were...questionable in terms of quality, the Englishwoman would be lying if she said she didn't get her fill thus far. And yet, that hunger grows all the more, demanding to be quelled. The rise to the top offered more delectable options and this offering would be among the more exotic.
If there’s one thing the Englishwoman hates, it is the idea of being an air-headed, disrespectful ignoramus. Unlike most, Madeline took time to get the name of the opponent correct. Not too long. Aspasia El-Shenawy. A fascinating name for a fascinating person. While not much could be shown to make a complete and definite evaluation of this woman, the sight of Asp is something to behold. Mind you, Madeline could only see Asp through a screen. The same screen she was staring at while she was waiting in the gorilla position. The Brit was imagining all the ways this night could go, running through all the possibilities, but the ending was the only thing that was constant. The stagehand would bring Madeline back to reality, letting her know it's time. Doing a double check on her attire, Madeline would pass the phone for safekeeping, before climbing the steps to the top of the stage. To make dreams into reality. Attire
A different vibe...
While Madeline was no stranger to having unique entrances, she'd forgive the masses for the complete whiplash once the mesmerizing strains of Middle Eastern music began to fill the air. The stage was bathed in a soft, amber glow, casting a mystical aura upon the scene. And then, with a graceful sweep of the curtain, Madeline appeared—a bewitching vision in a shimmering, jewel-encrusted costume that shined like the stars above. As the haunting melody continued to weave its spell, her feet glided effortlessly across the ramp, hips swaying sensually. Madeline wouldn't dare to say that she's a complete expert in terms of belly dancing. She only took one lesson just for fun. However, with her flexibility, as well as the way her body undulates with a fluidity that seemed to defy the laws of physics, Madeline was convincing enough that it gave the crowd a good show. And for now, that is all that mattered. Every subtle shimmy, every sinuous twist added a certain flair while she approached the ring. It was a rare sight, and like many of her performances before, Madeline carried her head high with every step taken on the steel steps. She moved with serpentine grace through the ropes, her body put on such a captivating display that everyone in this audience couldn't look away. Imagine if Madeline was a master of such a mesmerising, intoxicating and sensuous style of dance.
Well, they'll soon get that and more in a few moments, but as Madeline executed a deep split, the audience gave a standing, thunderous ovation that seemed to last an eternity. The Brit gracefully acknowledged their adulation as she rose up, making her way towards the further side of the ring. Madeline was just the appetizer. But now it's time for the main event...
Re: Madeline Christiansen vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Snakes & Ladders
Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 9:24 pm
by BlackAkuma
The darkness poured over her.
Strong arms around her waist, crushing her.
Hot breath on her skin, lustful moans ringing in her ear, struggling for every breath she took.
Even as Asp sat in the gorilla position, days after her harrowing torture at the hands of Dominique Renaud, she could still recall every moment of that horrible night as clearly as if it had only been seconds ago—the moments where she had been awake, at least. The monstrous woman had knocked her out so many times that keeping track of the time was impossible. There just flashes, looped in an endless cycle. Awakening, then came the pain. She couldn't breathe, and she went out, over and over…
She was safe now, surrounded by security, with her pets slithering about her lap, but they brought little comfort. The event was a stain in her mind that refused to wash out and try as she might, she couldn't get it out of her head, even as she strove to prepare for her next match. She needed a distraction, something to redirect her focus. She needed…
That music.
Asp perked up at the sound of it, as she thought it was her theme for half a second, that she’d utterly missed her cue. It wasn’t, but the vibe was similar, and while she couldn't recall the artist, she was confident she’d heard this particular track before. It was most likely in the playlist she reserved for her classes. Sensuous, seductive, serpentine, the sort of track that would’ve served as a perfect complement to any routine - a routine like the one she was witnessing on a nearby presumed, by a woman she assumed was her opponent.
If Asp were being critical, she would take points off for Madeline’s form. The woman had a great body, there was no denying that, and she would wager she had taken a class or two, but her movements were amateurish. She had seen worse, however, mostly from women who tried to emulate the style on TikTok, and Asp could appreciate the effort behind it. It was enough to bring a smile to her face, the first one she’d had in days.
She was looking forward to this. Yes.
started up as soon as Madeline’s faded away, and she slipped through the ropes with Nag and Nagina wrapped around her arms. She held her hands high as she made her way down the ramp, undulating with every step, her every movement in time with the music. She controlled every limb and muscle with practiced finesse, showing the sort of economy in action that her opponent had been striving, all while she kept her half-lidded eyes focused on the ring.
She reached the end of the ramp, kneeled, and let her babies slink off and rest beside the stairs, which she promptly made her way up onto after they were safely laid. Asp’s entered the ring with her long, lean legs leading the way, and strode straight towards Madeline with a hand on her hips.
”Before we begin,” She moved in close, just shy of Madeline’s personal space. ”I would like to give you something. Would you close your eyes?”
The referee looked between them, unsure of what to make of this, but Asp didn’t falter. Would Madeline extend her trust?
Re: Madeline Christiansen vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Snakes & Ladders
Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 5:35 pm
by Lightman
“Oh, so that’s how it’s done.” Madeline couldn’t help but witness Asp’s entrance, not as a spectator, but from an analytical lens. Her hips moved subtly, as if trying to mirror the same deft movements of the redhead. Usually, someone in Madeline’s position would appraise their opponent, sizing them up as they approach the ring, drawing up strategies, and imagining all the things one can do to their foe.
But not this time. Madeline was studying. The way Asp’s hips moved in a slow, undulating motion, acutely aware of her body, its curves, contours and the sensual power they held. Intrinsically isolating each muscle group and controlling every subtle sway, the recognisable differences between the two were notable. Madeline wasn’t entirely perfect, but she slowly grasped some of the fundamental movements. It helped that the music got her in the right mood.
Once she left the two pet snakes outside of the ring, Asp made her way towards Madeline. The dress, a lovely emerald that complimented the richness of her hair, swayed with every step, revealing glimpses of toned legs that seemed to go on for miles. Asp’s slender, elegant frame exuded a quiet confidence, and as she stood close, there was an air of magnetic allure that was impossible to ignore. Her fiery locks cascaded like molten copper down her back, capturing the light in a mesmerising dance of shade. The delicate curve of her lips was a shade of crimson that echoed the same fiery spirit. Skin so creamy and flawless, adorned with just a touch of sun-kissed warmth.
All of this, just for Asp to ask Madeline to close her eyes.
An odd request, even the Englishwoman noticed the referee’s hesitance to it. “Hmm…” Quite the conundrum we have here. There were two potential outcomes if Madeline closed her eyes.. 1) Something good would come out of it, and 2) a sneaky cheap shot. It didn’t help that there wasn’t much to give a good reference to Asp’s character—a question of trust.
“Okay.” A single word would leave Madeline’s lips, deciding to take that leap of faith. Although she may lack sufficient knowledge of Asp to make that decision with confidence, Madeline believes Asp knows the risk of acting in impertinence. She’ll extend her trust in good faith. But will Asp respond in kind?
Re: Madeline Christiansen vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Snakes & Ladders
Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 8:22 pm
by BlackAkuma
Though Asp made the request, she had no way of knowing whether or not Madeline would honor it. After all, She had just met this woman and knew nothing of her prior experiences in the league. That was how she approached all her matches, having never been the type to study an opponent, preferring the surprise and challenge of learning of a foe on the fly. But the inherent risks were obvious - as much as she’d enjoyed this woman’s spirited dance, that wasn’t enough to glean anything about her character.
She could’ve rejected the idea. She could have decided to mistrust Asp. She could’ve backed away and chosen to start the fight in earnest. Madeline would’ve been right to take such a stance.
But she didn’t. She closed her eyes and gave her trust, and Asp knew this was precisely the match she needed. She would tell her as much, too, after she made good on her promise.
Asp stepped forward, leaned in, and brought her lips to Madeline’s for a kiss. A light one, a delicate touch, nothing compared to the more passionate ones she intended to share later, but there was a tenderness. Her tongue flicked out and slid along her lip, taking a quick taste, and a soft moan reverberated between them as her nostrils flared. It was like a handshake with her mouth - personal but quaint, friendly but passionate.
It lasted for only a moment before Asp stepped away and sighed. All the tension seemed to come away along with it - her problems wouldn’t disappear, but she could forget about them until the bell sounded. ”That’s my way of thanking you for the dance.” She brushed a few hairs away from her face so Madeline could see the full extent of her smile. ”I’m going through a difficult time. It was good food for the soul.”
Re: Madeline Christiansen vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Snakes & Ladders
…Is the right line of thinking in this circumstance. It was a challenging choice to give everything to an unknown person. There is no right or wrong answer in this situation. Madeline could have declined and gone straight into the match. She didn’t forget the real reason she was here. And with how unbelievably tantalising Asp looks as she stands in front of her, Madeline could have followed her animalistic urges and performed a deep experiment on that alluring body.
Even if she decided to close those eyes, it would leave Madeline wide open for a sneak attack. Asp had many options to gain momentum if the Briton assumed. A vulnerable body can offer a vast number of choices. Agonising, excruciating and unpleasant choices.
Despite that, Asp would reward Madeline for taking that leap of faith. A kiss. Expected, yet still a pleasant surprise. Those scarlet lips that Madeline had been eyeing would plant on the Englishwoman’s rosy ones, elegant to the touch. A kiss you would share for a dearest lover, not for a combatant. But still enjoyable. Shown by how Madeline reciprocates the kiss, letting her own tongue relish in the taste of Asp’s ruby lips. The tongues move in unison like dance partners. Something close to belly dancing, perhaps.
One hell of a handshake.
Madeline would give a chuckle as Asp would acknowledged the Brit’s dancing. “It seems that one hour at beginner’s class was worth it, after all.” Madeline quipped. Prideful as she may be, the English native wouldn’t dare claim to boast of skills she did not have. A braggart, Madeline is not. But even if Madeline really isn't at the level of experience that Asp has, she'll take that compliment. “Hearing this heartens me truly. This doesn't mean I'll let my guard down or lose sight of my mission. I still intend to conquer you. Just as I hope you seek the same.”
Re: Madeline Christiansen vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Snakes & Ladders
Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 10:48 pm
by BlackAkuma
Asp had only known Madeline for a sum total of two minutes, including the entrance, but she already found the woman immensely likable. She supposed that wasn’t a great statement by itself, since it took a good deal to make her have any real negative feelings to a beautiful woman - say, nearly being crushed to death by her, for instance - but even with that in mind, she could tell this was an easy person to get along with.
It wasn’t simply the long, flowing hair that danced around her body, or those gleaming green eyes. It wasn’t simply her tall, striking figure or the muscular beneath her supple skin. While she was beautiful on a superficial level, truly an elegant marvel, there was regal air about this woman, enhanced by her silken accent. She could see in her the same sort of exotic aura that many often attributed to herself, and it made her all the more eager to begin this match. To feel her. She was sure she could have stared at Madeline for hours, but why do that when there were so many more intimate ways to engage?
”Money and time well spent, in my estimation.” She let her eyes roam over Madeline, scanning the regal wonder from head to toe and back again. ”If you’re ever of a mind to learn more, I do offer classes for my fellow wrestlers. At my apartment.” She raised her arms high and stretched as she spoke. She arched her back briefly, putting it at an angle that would’ve had most women screaming before she straightened up without the slightest hint of discomfort. ”The first is free. I believe you’d find it quite edifying.”
The lust in her voice was unmistakable, but the offer was genuine. Green as Madeline was, her potential was obvious. Asp was genuinely stunned to learn that her experience was that little - she would have pegged her for two full classes with a competent trainer. With proper time, she could grow into a shining student, she had no doubts.
Thoughts for later. The referee moved between them, called for the bell, and Asp immediately moved into her signature fighting stance. With arms raised and legs spread, her body undulated as if a wave was moving through it, swaying about, a serpent ready to strike. All the while, her soft smile stayed constant - she was going to enjoy this, she could already tell.
Re: Madeline Christiansen vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Snakes & Ladders
Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 2:12 pm
by Lightman
Madeline’s hungry, emerald gaze watched as Asp stretched and flexed, seeing more of the trained flexibility of this exotic redhead. The Englishwoman already knew she wasn’t working with someone stiff. The dance routine showed that much. But this gave a small window of the vast possibilities Madeline could explore. As the Brit witnesses Asp further, the more she grows excited and wishes to get straight into the action. No doubt her green-clad opponent agrees.
“Well…I might take up on that offer.” Although she’s only basing her thoughts on the first two minutes, Madeline can see herself taking up some lessons. The first lesson she did was for fun. If a teacher like Asp sees such potential, then it could be a venture worth pursuing. Mind you, Madeline has her ways of keeping limber, but it would hurt to get some extra tutelage. Especially with a woman like Asp.
“Let us dance, shall we?” A different kind of dance, but one that will still offer a vigorous workout. Madeline slid into her stance, legs spread, arms raised, body slightly crouched. The brunette studied and appraised Asp, looking for opportunities to get in. Poised and ready to strike like the snake itself. The brunette woman circled towards her opponent, careful steps so that she wouldn’t be on the back foot when she needed to react. While Asp outranks her in terms of belly dancing, Madeline sees no qualms in leading this dance.
With the leading arm, Madeline cautiously approaches Asp, using her reach to gauge the distance from her opponent. Once she’s close enough, Madeline lowers her centre of gravity, and with a sudden burst of speed, attempts to wrap her arms around those taut thighs for a double-leg takedown.
Re: Madeline Christiansen vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Snakes & Ladders
Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 2:47 pm
by BlackAkuma
Asp sincerely hoped that Madeline would take her up on that offer, loving the idea of the woman coming for some private time. Though no small part of it was a desire to expand her business, she loved having guests over and relished sharing this aspect of her life with others. It was an excellent way to get to know others, as her time with Sophia had show, and the prospect of fostering another such relationship left her giddy.
But she tempered those thoughts for now, focusing instead on the task. Kinship could come later. Now, there was the match, and a potentially interesting one, at that. While she had been far too wrapped up in her troubles to do a proper studying of Madeline’s technique, she could surmise exciting things at the onset. ”Yes. Let us.”
Right away, she pegged Madeline as a more cautious, thoughtful wrestler, not unlike herself. Where others would have rushed in, favoring an offensive approach, she held back and came in cautiously, respecting Asp’s space and danger. She took cautious steps to the side as her opponent neared, knowing the attack could come at any second and wanting to be ready when it did. Closer. Closer…
Madeline moved in and went low with her arms wide, wisely targeting her two greatest weapons to try and bring her to the mat. In response, she leaped to the side, letting her foe pass by, and lashed out with a quick, low kick meant for her opponent’s thigh, trying to take away some of her speed and stay one step ahead.
Re: Madeline Christiansen vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Snakes & Ladders
Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:41 pm
by Lightman
Any grappler worth their salt must be cautious when approaching an opponent, especially strikers. Madeline may have the reach advantage, but she knows not to be on the outside when attempting to close in for a takedown. The Briton could recall many grapplers in her class who were too afraid to take a punch or a kick, thus staying out of distance. And then, out of desperation, they shoot in too far outside and get caught.
In that respect, Madeline did a lot of things right from the get-go. However, Asp’s speed and reactions were not something to be underestimated. Which wasn’t a surprise, Madeline could tell as much. Someone who has “snake” as a nickname wouldn’t match someone that is as slow as molasses. The only thing she got out of that failed takedown attempt was a kick to the thigh, which was something Madeline could take. Even if that kick left a stinging mark on her thigh.
“Slippery.” One word came out of Madeline’s lips, which was an apt description for the Water Snake. If close grapples don’t work, then she’ll have to pull out other tricks to catch her.
Madeline gets back to her feet again, resuming back to her stance and approaches Asp with careful, forward steps. Once she was in the right distance, Madeline would lower herself again, her arms shooting low as if she were planning for yet another double-leg takedown. However, her hands would plant on the coarse canvas, upper body pitching forwards before a leg swings from behind, attempting to hammer that heel towards Asp’s head.
Re: Madeline Christiansen vs. Aspasia El-Shenawy - Snakes & Ladders
Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 5:45 pm
by BlackAkuma
Asp’s little kick might not have seemed like much, but it fed into her overall strategy. While she didn’t have a problem taking hits from this woman and knew that there would be no avoiding it in the end, her aim was to trade as little as possible, wanting to hit without getting hit. A slugfest never suited her - she needed speed. Fluid, functional speed.
”As a snake.” She added her taunt to Madeline’s words as she slipped away, dancing on the balls of her feet. They played a wild game, but Asp tried to stay weary. Her opponent was no doubt beginning to under the sort of opponent she was dealing with, and with that realization, there would be adjustments as she tried to come up with plans to catch. It was how matches typically went; the onus was on her to counter such scenarios.
She was on the lookout when her opponent tried another takedown, and sure enough, that was only the setup - no, the real attack came in the form of a kick, one delivered with surprising speed and skill. It was too closed for her to dodge in time, but she had two arms that could protect her, even if such things weren’t ideal. She brought her forearms together and let the blow slam into it, absorbing the force of the blow.
Of course, there were only so many things arms could do against legs, especially strong ones. Her guard was knocked away, but it gave her enough time to move back and retreat, giving up some space as she backpedaled. Still, she kept a calm expression on her face, eyes locked on Madeline’s as she skipped away.