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Vega Nakai vs Julie Dykstra-Liao - Apartment Submission POW Match

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2023 10:24 pm
by Suika
Match Type: Apartment POW match
Win Conditions: Verbal submission, the victor gets to keep their opponent as POW for a bonus round that extends after the match.

A soft tap echoed through the hallway after each step as Vega navigated the dim apartment corridor. She wore a simple outfit of charcoal gray sports top and bottoms and a pair of sneakers - comfy and practical - but the hall was rather chilly and she was beginning to wish she had brought a hoodie to wear. Hopefully the room itself is a bit warmer.
Her dark eyes bounced from each passing number plate until she stopped at her destination: Room 126. The noirette placed the keycard given to her from the front office onto the door until she heard it unlatch, before opening the door and strolling inside.

Inside, the apartment was fairly plain, with neutral walls and modern - albeit maybe a bit sterile - furniture that one would expect to find in a mid-range hotel. Vega continued to explore the apartment to see if her opponent had made her way here yet, though it did appear to be the case. small kitchen with a sofa and couple chairs and a table made up the living space, while the bedroom - presumably where their match will be held - featured a king-sized bed in a fairly spacious room. Plenty of room for activities!

In the meantime, Vega rolled her shoulders back before she sat down on the sofa to wait for her opponent to appear.

Re: Vega Nakai vs Julie Dykstra-Liao - Apartment Submission POW Match

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 6:39 am
by FreestylePoet
"Hello, hellooooo, my beautiful Clique!" Julie Dykstra-Liao strutted down the hall, all smiles for the phone's front-facing camera. "So. Get this. I finally get a new ring outfit commissioned, and LAW doesn't even want me to use it yet! No, they book my first match as an apartment catfight sort of deal. Today, I'll be going more for cute and casual than the MMA badass you all know I am~" She giggled to punctuate the statement and put her outfit in-frame.
Julie Dykstra-Liao, the Notorious J.D.L.
"Anyway, I'm not complaining. I've seen the girl they've got me against, and let me tell you, Clique, she is Hot. Like, Capital H Hot. You'll see soon enough, but I am not gonna complain about a chance to get rough and sweaty with a chick like her. Aaand..." She flashed the camera a sultry gaze. "There might be a little something-something happening to the loser... Anyway!" She kicked the door open. "Let's get to it, yeah?"

Julie did a sweep of the room. "Whoaaa..." Maybe a bit of an overreaction to an unoffensive, generic apartment, but it was impressive how LAW had the perfect place for every match. Tonight's tete-a-tete would be no different. "This. Setup. Is awesome!" All sorts of basic but appreciably modern furniture -- and a bunch of cameras set up all over the place. A few bigger, more cinema-quality pieces up in the corners, and a bunch of smaller, mid-2000s-style hand camcorders set up on tripods around the place, no doubt to get some more amateurish-looking film. Julie wouldn't have been surprised if there were hidden cameras in a few places, too.

She set down a black duffel bag. "You'll see what's in here after the match~" she said with a wink. Then, right there, in the center of the room! "And heeeeere she is!" Julie turned around, tossing up a peace sign and leaning back to get Vega in frame. She plopped herself on the sofa, right next to her opponent-to-be. "OMG, don't you think she just looks so darn cute? I bet she'll look even cuter when I've got her at the end of my fave toy~!" She angled the phone to get a good cleavage shot of both casually-dressed women, then turned to Vega. Camera back up, of course. "So... Wanna introduce yourself real quick?"

Re: Vega Nakai vs Julie Dykstra-Liao - Apartment Submission POW Match

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 5:17 am
by Suika
Vega pulled out her phone and began aimlessly scrolling through various apps to pass the time. Hopefully her opponent won’t take long to arrive. It wasn't long, however, before the sound of a woman’s voice began echoing through the hallway, growing louder by the second before stopping right outside the doorway. Vega drew her gaze towards the door, but couldn’t really make out what was being said.

Suddenly, the door swung open with a loud bang, and into the room strutted a fairly toned figure holding a duffel bag and a phone held out in front of her face. Vega's eyes widened from the sudden noise before her brow furrowed in annoyance to the commotion engulfing the room. Her eyes shifted to the duffle bag being plopped onto the ground before returning to the woman approaching her, drawing a confused look as Julie plopped onto the sofa next to her and stuck her phone in front of her.

Vega froze, unsure of what to make of the sudden tsunami of chatter that was Julie, nor did she really expect to be put on the spot with a phone camera, despite knowing the room was likely being filmed already from the various cameras littered across the apartment.

“Uhh…hey...I'm Vega?” she answered rather dumbly as her mind buffered trying to find something clever to say.

Vega was excited that her opponent was well-toned and of similar build to her; she was anxious to find out how the two of them would match up together. But in a way Vega was rather annoyed - not just by the commotion from her opponent’s entrance - but at herself for being caught off guard and not being able to really have a ready response.

As her mind spun thinking of a response she processed the end of Julie’s playful taunt near the end of her introduction. Oh is that so? Her brow crinkled again, though this time less in annoyance and moreso in determination, as she pivoted on the sofa to face directly towards Julie.

“Oh, you are totally going down” she responded, albeit in an awkwardly cold tone with her eyes locked onto her opponent. She was unsure if the match was supposed to begin now or in a different part of the apartment but stayed ready regardless, anticipating what Julie next move would be.