Newbie Nuo vs Chika Fujiwara
Match Type and Rules - Last Woman Standing, the match only ends till the participant can no longer within the ten second count. Both participants are allowed to continue outside of the ring without disqualification.
The crowd waited in suspense, Nuo's theme began to play as she exited the backstage and entered the stage. She struck her usual pose with one hand on her waist while the other clenched into a fist and raised in the air. Once that's done, Nuo then strut down the ramp and towards the ring. As she stood in front of the ring, she climbed on top of the apron using the ropes before bending down and slipping through the top and middle ropes. Rubbing her feminine assets all over the middle ropes in the process. Of course, as she entered the ring she couldn't help but to turn and wave at her fans to see if they can wave back.

After Nuo finally entered the ring she took a quick lap around the center and then stopped to her respecting corner. She leaned back with her arms rested over the top ropes beside her, waiting for her opponent join her.