The Royal Moan - Princess Elizabeth vs Lexi Morgan
Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 1:43 am
by ReneeCockyUndercard
Match Type: Hentai Match Stipulations: Make your opponent orgasm to win
Backstage, Princess Elizabeth would be strutting down the hallway until she bumped into Lexi. She actually pushed her out of the way while she was walking.
“Move bitch. Princess of LAW coming through.”
Re: The Royal Moan - Princess Elizabeth vs Lexi Morgan
Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 2:15 am
by Sigma Morgan
Lexi was walking in the hall backstage getting ready for her match that night before someone shoved her out of the way running past her. "Hey what's your fucking rush?" the cowgirl asked staring at the person who shoved her. Lexi generally was relaxed and confident but being shoved out of the way kind of pissed her off as she crossed her arms looking down the hall at the woman. Lexi
Re: The Royal Moan - Princess Elizabeth vs Lexi Morgan
Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 2:35 am
by ReneeCockyUndercard
Elizabeth would turn around and looked at the cowgirl.
“I said move it, bitch. What? You couldn’t understand what royalty said to you? Psh. Pretty common for a commoner to not understand me.”
Re: The Royal Moan - Princess Elizabeth vs Lexi Morgan
Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:00 am
by Sigma Morgan
Lexi was annoyed at this woman's arrogance thinking Elizabeth disserved a major reality check. She heard how this woman was all bark and no bite, a jobber if you will. Lexi put her hands on her hips as she walked towards the Elizabeth. "So you're that little self proclaimed princess brat I heard of, the names Lexi by the way and I'm your opponent for tonight" Lexi said with a smile.
Re: The Royal Moan - Princess Elizabeth vs Lexi Morgan
Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:14 am
by ReneeCockyUndercard
Elizabeth would look at her and dipped down a bit.
“Huh. Looks like you got a chest of a princess. How about you show me what you got in the ring and I’ll pop them. Just for you.”
Re: The Royal Moan - Princess Elizabeth vs Lexi Morgan
Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:21 am
by Sigma Morgan
Lexi was annoyed at the self proclaimed princesses arrogance. "Oh honey I don't think you're going to be able to do anything when you're a quivering mess on the mat five minutes into our match. I've made better women than you cum easily" Lexi said with a smile. "Now if you don't mind I have a pre match walk to finish" Lexi added turning and walking away.
Re: The Royal Moan - Princess Elizabeth vs Lexi Morgan
Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:26 am
by ReneeCockyUndercard
Elizabeth would groan loudly as she walked towards her locker room, getting ready for their match.
A few minutes later, Elizabeth came out under met music and would wave to the crowd. She would walk down the ring and she entered the ring herself. She wanted to make a point that she can defeat the cowgirl commoner in this match as she waited for her opponent to come out. Spoiler
Re: The Royal Moan - Princess Elizabeth vs Lexi Morgan
Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:48 am
by Sigma Morgan
Lexi waited backstage for her music to begin before she walked out onto the stage making a pose for the crowd before stopping for a second and smiling at all the cheering fans soaking it in as she skipped down the ramp high fiving a few fans on her way down to the ring. Lexi had always prided herself on her prowess for hentai matches even though she had taken a few losses along the way each one haunting her it never slowed her down. Lexi Morgan
Lexi took a lap around the ring before sliding inside. Going to her corner and climbing the turnbuckle to make another pose for the fans before hopping down and turning to face her opponent doing some last minute stretches as she stared at her opponent.
Re: The Royal Moan - Princess Elizabeth vs Lexi Morgan
Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:53 am
by ReneeCockyUndercard
Princess Elizabeth waited until the bell rung. Once she did, she would spring off of the turnbuckle and started punching Lexi in the corner.
Re: The Royal Moan - Princess Elizabeth vs Lexi Morgan
Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 4:01 am
by Sigma Morgan
Lexi saw the woman sprint out of the corner at her shaking her head before side stepping and slamming Elizabeth into the corner pinning her arms to the top ropes with her own hands. "You're very predictable for a so called princess you know that?" Lexi taunted with a smile before forcing Elizabeth into a kiss to kick off the match.