Discipline - Returning to the Crusade (Avenging Angel vs Princess Elizabeth Ganevil Grunmada)

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Discipline - Returning to the Crusade (Avenging Angel vs Princess Elizabeth Ganevil Grunmada)

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Match Type: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission, KO, or Disqualification
The lights in the arena dimmed as the opening quote featured in Biohazard's "Punishment" signified the coming of the Avenging Angel, with a singular reddish purple spotlight shining on the stage to coincide with Dolph Lundgren as The Punisher's "Here, in me."
As Isabella Marques
She's not wearing the glasses, and her hair is tied back in a ponytail.
Wrestling Attire
...For the most part. Her boots are properly laced and they don't have heels, and she has a black and purple scheme as the Avenging Angel. And yes, she does have that kind of musculature, combined with the curves seen in her casual picture.
She slowly stepped out into the light with a face of stone that showed nothing but focus and determination, seemingly oblivious to the lively crowd that was eager to see her do what she did best.

Angel was of two minds about it herself, sort of. She was more than ready to get back to her crusade against the villains of wrestling, and glad to see that her first two matches didn't have the LAW Universe expecting something else from her. Making a call to management was the first order of business after showering following her match against Persephone. As fun as that was, it wasn't the sort of action that she was really here for, and she wanted to nip that in the bud before it became a problem. And the management listened.

But the problem with that was who they lined up for her: This Elizabeth Ganevil Grunmada.

Princess Elizabeth Ganevil Grunmada. Sounds like she belongs to a family who tortured peasants for shits and giggles back in the medieval days.

Elizabeth was very young. Not even in her twenties yet. Angel knew all too well that this didn't exclude her from being a lousy human being, but she couldn't help but feel a bit hesitant. But from what she heard of her, however, Little Miss Grunmada needed to be in the ring with someone like her. She needed to learn that wealth didn't make her invincible, nor did it give her the carte blanche to treat those on the lower rungs of the social ladder like garbage.

Her parents have failed to instill discipline in her, as the wealthy are wont to do. So she would have to do it for them.

Angel cracked her knuckles and rolled her neck. But only for effect, just in case her opponent was watching from a nearby television screen backstage; she'd already made all the necessary pre-match preparations and loosened up. And then she advanced, slowly at first before picking up her pace in tune with the song. No flash. No more psy-ops. Just her making her way to the mission, which to many was a psy-op in and of itself.

After stepping through the ropes and to a corner of the ring, she crossed her muscular arms underneath her breasts and waited for the princess to "grace" the ring with her presence.
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Re: Discipline - Returning to the Crusade (Avenging Angel vs Princess Elizabeth Ganevil Grunmada)

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Elizabeth would come out of the curtain and would be met with silence and/or laughter from the crowd. Before the match was scheduled, she was told that she needed a fresh new start with an opponent. Elizabeth was also told that she needed to, y’know, actually learn how to wrestle. She took the person’s first advice, believing that her record would be wiped clean and she was starting again at a blank record.
She confidently walked down the ring, ignoring the laughter as she knew they were all peasants that didn’t live the rich life she brags about to everyone she meets. Once inside the ring, she took a glance at Isabella and was disgusted by her look.

“Ew. Is this commoner really wearing that? She looks like she’s one of those lazy people I see in my city in Malta. Y’know. The ones that are always holding up wooden tablets with words. Ugh. Royal advice from me but you look fucking ugly. I recommend you grovel at my feet and I’ll actually help the poor out and give you some products to help yourself become better.”
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Re: Discipline - Returning to the Crusade (Avenging Angel vs Princess Elizabeth Ganevil Grunmada)

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The Avenging Angel let out a sardonic chuckle, her brown eyes fixed upon Elizabeth with an unflinching gaze that was as cold as the Antarctic. With a dismissive tone, she replied, "That's real cute, kid." When the referee motioned for both competitors to come forward to the center, Angel did so readily. After intentionally closing in just within striking distance -- stopping right before he held an arm out to stop her -- she adopted a modified Muay Thai stance and responded with a nod when he asked them if they were ready to get this underway.

There was no time wasted. The moment he signaled for the bell was the same moment a jab sped towards Elizabeth's nose, with an uppercut right behind it. If the blows were to connect, Angel would clasp her hands at the back of the noble's head and pull, just as she whipped her forehead forward.

The wrestling vigilante was a tough woman. She had to be: Beatings were a constant for her growing up. At home. At school. Sometimes in the streets, or in the houses of other relatives. The pain was something she learned to endure. A task that got easier little by little as her body reformed into a stronger, harder version of itself.

An intensive training regimen that she undertook in preparation for her stand against Oakland's criminal element as an officer of the law, and her current war against the villains of professional wrestling pushed her limits even further. The war itself had pushed her even further beyond. It would destroy her physically, but she would always come back stronger.

So needless to say, when their foreheads collided with a loud thud that garnered a collective "OH!" from the crowd and made quite a few its members cringe, the Afro-Brazilian amazon would take the impact in stride.
Last edited by DSX93 on Fri Jul 07, 2023 3:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Discipline - Returning to the Crusade (Avenging Angel vs Princess Elizabeth Ganevil Grunmada)

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Elizabeth’s cocky smile would instantly be taken away after she was punched in the nose and then received an uppercut by her. As Elizabeth turned away to hold her face in pain, she felt her hair being tugged on. When she turned to her opponent, she would be met with a huge headbutt. That was when she stumbled to toe corner and would hold her head.

“Hey! That’s not wrestling! That should be a disqualification!”
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Re: Discipline - Returning to the Crusade (Avenging Angel vs Princess Elizabeth Ganevil Grunmada)

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The referee would say and do nothing in response to her protest. Knowing now that any harm that Elizabeth would do to her would be harm that she allowed, Angel dropped her stance and stood tall at her full 6'2. She shook her head, her beautiful features doing nothing to hide the disdain she held for her opponent. "It's not so fun when you opponent hits back, is it?"

She then pointed to her own jaw and issued a challenge: "I'll give you one shot. Make it a good one."
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Re: Discipline - Returning to the Crusade (Avenging Angel vs Princess Elizabeth Ganevil Grunmada)

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Elizabeth would look at Avenging Angel and smiled angrily. She would curl up her fist and then throw her best punch. However, it wouldn’t do a lot for the Angel’s expectation.
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Re: Discipline - Returning to the Crusade (Avenging Angel vs Princess Elizabeth Ganevil Grunmada)

Unread post by DSX93 »

As promised, Angel stood in place and let Elizabeth have her swing. The punch turned her head, but the rest of her would remain unmoved.

Yeah, this girl is harmless. Just a spoiled brat in need of an attitude adjustment.

Angel would aim to pick up from where she left off with a straight to the forehead. The targeting would be entirely intentional, with a wordless message there: "You hit me in one of the weakest parts of the skull, and you've got jack shit to show for it. I hit you in one of the strongest, and look at you now."

She would put a little extra in that punch to make sure that Elizabeth's royal ass was in that corner afterwards, whether it be because she fell back into it or was rocked too hard to put up a defense against another Thai clinch, in which case she'd force her back into it before lighting up her ribcage with knee strikes.
Last edited by DSX93 on Mon Jul 10, 2023 8:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Discipline - Returning to the Crusade (Avenging Angel vs Princess Elizabeth Ganevil Grunmada)

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Elizabeth would be coughing up blood a bit as those strikes really did a number on her. She was trapped in the corner after stumbling from that punch and literally had no way to escape or defend herself from those strikes.
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Re: Discipline - Returning to the Crusade (Avenging Angel vs Princess Elizabeth Ganevil Grunmada)

Unread post by DSX93 »

Angel would stop with the knees once she saw the blood coming out of her mouth. Its appearance meant that it was about time to put an end to this; the damage that had been done was damage that she'd be feeling for a good while after this is over. But first would come one last touch. Right around her neck, with both hands. Angel squeezed, hard. Stepped forward to trap Elizabeth between her body and the turnbuckle and pushed her weight forward, adding even more pressure to the strangling.

Angel fixed her with an unblinking icy glare as the referee began his count. "Do yourself a favor and stay down." Her low tone was dripping with the promise of something worse than internal bleeding if she didn't comply. She allowed the referee to reach the count of four before she left the corner and pulled Elizabeth along with her. Once they was far enough away from the ropes, she would attempt a quick hip toss to put her down on her back, setting a foot down on her chest afterwards.
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Re: Discipline - Returning to the Crusade (Avenging Angel vs Princess Elizabeth Ganevil Grunmada)

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Elizabeth would be fading as she was getting choked out in the corner. Being stuck in the corner also didn’t help as her mobility was restricted. After the referee got to the count of four, she would then be taken out of the corner and hip tossed onto the mat. Elizabeth then felt a foot being placed onto her chest as the referee started the three count


Last edited by ReneeCockyUndercard on Thu Jul 13, 2023 1:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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