Rules: This match includes a lot of condescension in favor of a more fluid and fun wrestling, and that goes from allowing the entrance of objects inside the ring to elude the modesty to apply lewd maneuvers. However, disqualifications are the order of the day. If the referee catches one of the contestants doing a low blow, raking the eyes of the other or using a closed fist, a warning will be given. If 3 infractions occur in a row the contestant will be automatically disqualified.
There will be no 10-count if the fight is continued outside the ring, but a pinfall or submission will only count if it occurs inside the ring.
Victory by: Pinfall, submission or K.O.
Gabriel hadn't had an encounter this irregular since her stay in the UK. And there was so much nostalgia and pleasure coursing through her that she would be giggling like a little girl in her dressing room as she expanded in her special seat - she was almost going to be drunk with ecstasy. Besides, someone backstage might have been intimidated by hearing her laugh like that. The lonely laughter of a heel has never meant anything good in LAW, much less if their names have to do with snakes.
But Gabriel was far from that reality- she would have no desire to hurt whoever was her rival too much this time, she just wanted to have fun reliving her best time, no animosities or roles to keep and also, she wanted to play. This would be the opportunity she was waiting for to wear something different from her usual gear here - which was nothing more than a casual outfit she put on for mere leisure - this time she was going to debut something more in line with her pub-club closet, something she really wears and it screams who she is when she shows up for a wrestle!
Music Entrance
After that, she would trot down to the ring - winking and biting her tongue for anyone she made eye contact with - where she would then climb up the stairs, step through the ropes one leg at a time before crossing her torso, and go up to her corner immediately to stir the crowd with her fists in the air along with her diva smile. She wanted to keep a bit of that whimsical personality and bring out that susceptible side in everyone today, so she would rotate her arms in two large half circles that would meet in front of her chin to give another slow blow to everyone and finish infecting them with her real joy.
Once sadisfied, she would end her presentation by getting off the top and leaning back on the turnbuckles while her opponent arrived.
Gear of the First Pub-Club Queen