A wild night with the queen - Alba Garcia vs Gabriel Vinlee

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A wild night with the queen - Alba Garcia vs Gabriel Vinlee

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

Type: Modified Standard.

Rules: This match includes a lot of condescension in favor of a more fluid and fun wrestling, and that goes from allowing the entrance of objects inside the ring to elude the modesty to apply lewd maneuvers. However, disqualifications are the order of the day. If the referee catches one of the contestants doing a low blow, raking the eyes of the other or using a closed fist, a warning will be given. If 3 infractions occur in a row the contestant will be automatically disqualified.
There will be no 10-count if the fight is continued outside the ring, but a pinfall or submission will only count if it occurs inside the ring.

Victory by: Pinfall, submission or K.O.

Gabriel hadn't had an encounter this irregular since her stay in the UK. And there was so much nostalgia and pleasure coursing through her that she would be giggling like a little girl in her dressing room as she expanded in her special seat - she was almost going to be drunk with ecstasy. Besides, someone backstage might have been intimidated by hearing her laugh like that. The lonely laughter of a heel has never meant anything good in LAW, much less if their names have to do with snakes.

But Gabriel was far from that reality- she would have no desire to hurt whoever was her rival too much this time, she just wanted to have fun reliving her best time, no animosities or roles to keep and also, she wanted to play. This would be the opportunity she was waiting for to wear something different from her usual gear here - which was nothing more than a casual outfit she put on for mere leisure - this time she was going to debut something more in line with her pub-club closet, something she really wears and it screams who she is when she shows up for a wrestle!
Music Entrance
When her music track started, she walked through the entrance posing in front of it with a stretch of arms to show off as she should her whole body in the fabrics of this new pub-club gear, then gracing more by taking one hand to her hip while the other became a ramp for her lips - she was in such a good mood that she would blow a kiss to everyone from side to side to hook them into her corner from the start with something more than showing off what her previous gear didn't explain well.

After that, she would trot down to the ring - winking and biting her tongue for anyone she made eye contact with - where she would then climb up the stairs, step through the ropes one leg at a time before crossing her torso, and go up to her corner immediately to stir the crowd with her fists in the air along with her diva smile. She wanted to keep a bit of that whimsical personality and bring out that susceptible side in everyone today, so she would rotate her arms in two large half circles that would meet in front of her chin to give another slow blow to everyone and finish infecting them with her real joy.

Once sadisfied, she would end her presentation by getting off the top and leaning back on the turnbuckles while her opponent arrived.
Gear of the First Pub-Club Queen
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Tue Jun 20, 2023 2:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A wild night with the queen - Alba Garcia vs Gabriel Vinlee

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The arena had gotten quiet as the lights dimmed while Dare by Shakira rang out in the arena. Alba Garcia then came out, looking confident. A confidence that usually wasn't seen with someone of her win-loss record. But she had to remain optimistic. She's gotten so close to a win in the past, and it just took one win to take her out of her funk. She fueled her energy into performing Spanish dance, spinning and elegantly moving to the beat of her song while she made her way to the ring! This was the match! This would be the first win! She knew it!

Eventually, she made her way with a flourish and dance down the ramp and then up the ring steps until she could spring over the top rope and sashay towards the middle of the ring with a bright smile. And finally, she struck a pose, garnering a loud cheer from the crowd, which Garcia was thrilled with! Staying in the center of the ring, she looked over at her opponent in the corner, looking determined!

"You better be ready, because I'm taking you down!" yelled Alba, pointing at her as she waited in the center of the ring for Gabriel Vinlee to meet her there and get this match started off immediately. She was ready to get the action started and beat Gabriel and get that W!

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Re: A wild night with the queen - Alba Garcia vs Gabriel Vinlee

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The portrayed First Queen waited reclining in the corner, with one leg on the turnbuckle and her arms on the ropes as her opponent walked through that entrance and came to start this. And, although she doesn't usually have expectations to avoid unnecessary disappointment, Alba had all the makings of what the crowd feeds on in popcorn matches, and that would have killed Gabriel's interest, but the queen wasn't coming to hunt anyone down, she was coming to experiment with other methods of domination, and ring rats are the best and cheapest for alpha testing.

She snorted with her clement smile as Garcia moved closer to the ring with her submission and swooped inside with a well-crafted pirouette, then pointed and called out to her. The woman's entire body and demeanour exuded 'jobber, treat me nice.' And that was already testing Gabriel's competitive nature. But no, she's not going to lose her temper so soon without testing it first. She was coming to have fun and to recapture the spirit had in the early days of her career, not to look for tenacious fighters with more than just the looks to show off.

And with that, the viper only further sharpened her tasteful gesture, peeling out of her corner to come to where the other woman stood with a dramatic stride to face her with her poise and somewhat mocking, yet predatory, eyes. Afterwards, she would continue to bring one of her hands behind her back while extending the other to the ceiling in an invitation for Alba to clasp it. If she reached for it. If she did, she would continue with the same tease but with the other hand, and begin their challenge of strength. One where Gabriel would have the advantage, and wouldn't bother to hide it from the other spotlight. Squeezing hers hands with her powerful fingers without needing to push, and keeping that wicked grin on top of it.
𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐓'𝐬 𝐏𝐮𝐛&𝒞𝓁𝓊𝒷 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻
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Re: A wild night with the queen - Alba Garcia vs Gabriel Vinlee

Unread post by Dubski »

Alba Garcia kept a determined gaze on her opponent. In return, she received a familiar look back. That taunting look. A look that said her rival didn't take her seriously. That she seemed less than her. That she didn't deserve to share a ring with her. It was something that Alba Garcia was getting quite sick of, and she was determined to change. She was so close to getting all of that and more. Alba just needed to beat Gabriel here and she would finally be taken seriously.

Her gaze was hardened as Vinlee approached Alba now, raising a hand up to meet her opponent's hesitating at first, she would eventually clasp her hand with her opponent's, holding onto it tight. Garcia was very clear that she wouldn't win this--she had become far more aware of her limitations, and strength was certainly one of them. Still, she looked determined.

The dancer would then move her other hand, wiggling her fingers as she got ready to meet Gabriel's other hand. She looked right into the smug face of Vinlee, sucking in a deep breath. But Alba did know where her advantages laid. And Garcia would then made a swift move, fucking under her opponent's risen arm and go to her back. And then she would grab Vinlee around her waist and attempt to lift her up with a waist lock and attempted to lift her up and slam her down in a waist lock takedown, aiming to put her opponent on the mat and keep her there. She wanted to show Gabriel she couldn't just blow her off or not take her seriously. She wanted to prove the blonde wrong entirely, and it would all start here!

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Re: A wild night with the queen - Alba Garcia vs Gabriel Vinlee

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Gabriel was prepared to have fun stooping to Alba's level tonight. This wasn't a match where she had to prove something to herself, send a message, or fulfill some request from her managers on behalf of her career or her faction's ambitions. Today she could take it easy before the next match, and this would be it.

And that same serenity would be the same serenity that let her be surprised when Alba went from being in front of her to her back, lifting the blonde up with a sudden Greco-Roman wrestling move and then throwing her to the canvas with her hands and knees first, sucking her into the referee's position!

The pub rep barely had a chance to let out a squeak when she was suspended in mid-air at that instant. Gabriel hadn't expected Alba to be so...interesting.

"Hey *huff*, don't let the desperation *huff* show so much, huh?." The blonde wouldn't have an easy time spreading her legs and getting up, but if her hands went into the embrace she was given, pushing forward so they couldn't suspend her again so easily - or escape her now that she was going to respond - and she could slip her fingers between Alba's padlock to open it, nothing would stop her from turning and hugging the Spaniard's waist with her legs at the same time as she slipped the back of the Spaniard's head under her armpit for a front headlock.

The manoeuvre she was looking to do was a guillotine choke, but for that, she has to escape the takedown first. And you can't say she was trying that with a lot of impetus. She wants to see more of this other woman if she can first before deciding on how you will treat her.
𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐓'𝐬 𝐏𝐮𝐛&𝒞𝓁𝓊𝒷 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻
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Gabriel Vinlee:

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K&K - Katima Karisma:

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Re: A wild night with the queen - Alba Garcia vs Gabriel Vinlee

Unread post by Dubski »

Alba felt great! She had nailed a proper takedown on Gabriel Vinlee and felt very confident so early in the match. It wasn't often that she had anything resembling a strong start in a match, so the Spaniard was feeling even more that this could be the night she wins! All she needed to do was keep it up and take down Gabriel. And Garcia certainly believed she had the training to maintain that now.

She was going to continue was another attach. She could transition into one of many holds from here and then really ratchet on some pain to her opponent. Alba Garcia considered what move to go with, briefly scowling after Gabriel made her comment. Desperate? She was desperate, but she didn't feel she was that desperate at this point. "I'm not desperate! You will be when I'm winning this match!" retorted Alba, feeling proud, yet again, at managing to sling back a proper bit of banter.

That confidence, however, felt short-lived as Gabriel was beginning to escape from the hold. Letting out a grunt of exertion, she tried to shift her way to block it, but Vinlee had her plan and was more than capable of enacting it. The guillotine choke was locked in and she squeaked out in panic, shaking her head as much as she could as she tried to pry those arms off. She tried not to panic. She knew she couldn't panic. If Garcia panicked, she knew that would be it. She focused, instead, of trying to pry away one of Vinlee's legs from her waist. Once she could get that away, Alba would be able to make another move to get away.

And so Alba Garcia would get that one leg away, then plant her feet. Her leg strength was key, and she used it to push up and away from the body scissor. Still trapped in the suffocating hold, she would float over top of Gabriel until she could put her feet on the mat, still having her head and neck being held as she planted her hands, pushing down on the mat to give her more leverage as she ended up getting Gabriel Vinlee's shoulders on the mat! She could get her first win right here, if she managed to keep Gabriel too surprised by her counter!

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Re: A wild night with the queen - Alba Garcia vs Gabriel Vinlee

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Alba seemed to know very well what she was doing in the blonde's eyes. Not getting desperate and stealthily removing one of Gabriel's legs so that she could have some mobility - the Englishwoman was anxious to see how much this wrestler of hers could do. Where Alba lands a blow, she'll respond in kind, that's for sure. But for now, she believes she has the best route of action against what the bronzed wrestler is doing.

As soon as Gabriel was on her own shoulders and the back of her head, with Alba Garcia's hips up to apply a pin variation, the referee began the count. However, the queen would not be so vehement.

... One!
... Tw-

"Hmph! You're already going for it!" Her smooth, whitish legs got in the way of Alba's plans- stretching upwards like twin, calibrated masts before dropping heel first straight into Garcia's popliteal hollows to kneel her against the mat and return her to the guillotine choke! "It hasn't even been a minute and you're already going for the win? Hm! Desperate!" That last word I chant.
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Gabriel Vinlee:

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K&K - Katima Karisma:

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Leona Chase-Arawn

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Re: A wild night with the queen - Alba Garcia vs Gabriel Vinlee

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Alba Garcia had managed to flip her body up and back, starting a pinfall on her opponent in an effort to get her to release the hold. She felt confident that Gabriel would do so, especially after the two count. But her body went falling right back in front of her with movements from both of Vinlee's own legs, breaking the pin and forcing the dancer back into position again. With a frustrated groan, Alba grasped at the hand again with both hands, pulling on it. "Urk... shut up!" shouted Garcia, not having time for anything Vinlee had to say right now. She needed to break free entirely.

Breaking her lower half free again, she would let out a groan of exertion as she began swiveling her body around until she was able to get her feet close to the ropes. She'd just need to get a break from this the old fashioned way, it seemed. Pushing her hands off the mat, she used it to give her leverage to get the last bit of distance she needed to pinch the bottom rope between both of her feet for the rope break! Alba would be free of that choke shortly!

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Re: A wild night with the queen - Alba Garcia vs Gabriel Vinlee

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Gabriel was doing a good imitation of a real lock for Alba: stoic and well placed, letting the uke put all the effort into getting out of this situation, her being the equivalent of an intense dead weight. The blonde wasn't even tightening the guillotine as well as she could, just preserving herself in position so that Alba wouldn't come out of it with brute force - her main effort was to not let Alba get the move with her hands and her focus was on not trying to take advantage again to get out of this match before the five minutes were up.

Although it didn't take sacrificing much energy either, for Garcia was smart enough not to try and open the choke, but to try and roll to the side to try and reach the ropes, Gabriel didn't hinder her severely and that could be considered disrespectful, but she didn't want to treat it like this was a PPV, she had other moves she wanted to try that didn't require going for the win or submission right away to gauge their effectiveness.

So, when Alba got her rope break and the referee called it, Gabriel's eyes went white before let go at the end of the ref's statement. She would break the position and roll away, stand on her feet and shake off her skirt; then bend her knees a little and plant her hands on her own thighs as if lowering herself to the level of her opponent.

"Oh, what's the matter, are you tired, Alba's tired?" She purred a little too condescendingly. "Do you want me to let you take a break?"
Gabriel's idea was simple - to get her to approach her without having to move or wait for her, and to make matters worse, the pub rep wanted to cause Alba to pounce without taking care of her own welfare if she took the bait.
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Cyan Twin - April:

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Gabriel Vinlee:

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K&K - Katima Karisma:

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Leona Chase-Arawn

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Re: A wild night with the queen - Alba Garcia vs Gabriel Vinlee

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Alba Garcia was slowly running out of air as she got the rope break, hoping for a quick release. She was fortunate to get that much, putting a hand to her neck as she pushed up onto her knees, taking deep breaths. As she pushed up, she heard Gabriel's insulting tone and patronizing questions. Scowling, the Spaniard would use the ropes to help herself up, giving Vinlee a glare. "I'm just getting started. You should worry more about yourself!" bit back Alba, taking a deep breath. She didn't appreciate Gabriel's attitude, and she was more than through being people's punching bag in this league. She believed she was finally better than that, and all she needed was a win to prove it against one of these smug wrestlers.

She needed to make a move now or risk being on her heels again during this match. Alba needed to make a move before Gabriel could. No more defensive. She didn't want nor need to stay stuck in another hold like the last one. So Garcia sunk back into the ropes, ready to push off with an attack. She was going to wipe that smug look off of Gabriel Vinlee's face.

She sprung forward, letting her strong legs and speed carry her. Alba Garcia would then leap into the air and attempt to nail Gabriel with a front dropkick, looking to take her down with the hard strike with both feet! A move that would give her a chance to set the pace!

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