Match type:Hentai Match
Winning Conditions:Make the opponent to cum or give up.
Entrance Music
As the song hits the crowd is cheering to see and welcome a brand new wrestler to compete.And then goes the classic phrase:
"The following match is scheduled for one fall ... On the way to the ring ... from Tokyo,Japan ...weights 165 pounds ... YAMUROTO SELEEEEEEEEENE!"
Selene is making her entrance and a pose or two for the audience,the blonde girl is clearly excited to start her first match ever and does not hide it from the audience.
Starts to go down the ramp and gives a few winks along with some waves to the crowd.Does not look like the new girl is trying to draw much attention from the crowd as she enters the ring by sliding below the bottom rope and prepares herself by going to her corner, while her opponent is about to take place with her own entrance at any moment.
She is making small hops back and forth due to her huge excitement.The music then stops and everyone falls in silence ,waitting for the second participant.