Leah Knight (d) vs Yusei Okubyo

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Leah Knight (d) vs Yusei Okubyo

Unread post by SleeperAgent94 »

Entrance Music
The moment the upbeat music began to play, a blue spotlight shone on the ramp. An athletic woman sprinted from backstage, nimbly flipping onto the ramp with a bright smile and a wink to the crowd. The moment she stuck the landing, the edge of the ramp lit up as her pyrotechnics shot up jets of blue and white sparks into the air! Based on the ovation, it seemed like the crowd was a fan of her style. Now she just had to dazzle them with her in ring actions!

Leah strutted down the ramp with her dazzling smile, waving to the audience as she did so. Her first match in a strange promotion....first impressions so far? Well...the crowd seemed energetic. So that was a plus! The announcer took to the mic, her voice booming out over the heads of the crowd,

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making her way to the ring, from Rhode Island, America! Weighing in at 135 pounds.....LEAH KNIGHT!!!"

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