Devilish Love: Octavia Venus vs Yamamura Kaori

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Devilish Love: Octavia Venus vs Yamamura Kaori

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

'Love Incarnate', Octavia Venus vs 'The Devil', Yamamura Kaori
Match Type: "Standard Best Two out of Three."
Win by scoring a pinfall of three seconds on the opponent, forcing a wrestler to submit, or knocking the wrestler out. Two falls are needed to achieve victory in this match. Additionally, if a wrestler remains outside the ring for too long, they will be disqualified after a ten count. Furthermore, if a wrestler performs an illegal move and is caught in the act by the in-ring official, they will be disqualified.
Standard rules - DQs, Count-outs, and the submission or pinfall MUST happen within the confines of the ring.


"...Entering the ring first, hailing from Rome, Italy...BRINGING ABOUT A TENDER WARMTH WITH HER RADIANT SMILE AND GORGEOUS FIGURE...SHE IS THE INCARNATION OF LOVE ITSELF ...standing at 5'0 and weighing in at 110 lbs...OCTAVIA...VENUS!!!"

The dazzling and darling diva of passion had arrived!!! Standing at the top of the was there to make love, not war. Her method of 'fighting' was far different from what some may expect. As the ''Incarnation of Love'', her fondness and tender attitude knew no limits. She harbored a deep affection for all she came into contact with, and tonight would be no different. She jovially skips down to the ring, a delightful pep in her step as she circles the perimeter before climbing atop the apron, posing for the many cameras and prying eyes that looked upon her visage. Her slightly oiled-up, silky-smooth, creamy-white skin glistened under the intense arena lighting. Her eyes sparkled like brilliant jewels, glittering like stars in the night sky. Her hair flowed like a calm forest river...everything about the woman was immaculate, picture-perfect...BEAUTIFUL. She existed to fulfill her self-ordained purpose as ''Love Incarnate''...And tonight, she couldn't be happier to be in the ring with her opponent.

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Re: Devilish Love: Octavia Venus vs Yamamura Kaori

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

When Kaori lerned who she was to face, she exploded in laughter, so much so that the person delivering her that information must have decided that it was better for their safety if they disappeared post haste. They were not however in any danger, contrary to what one might think, she loved the idea. getting to go out there and destroy some helpless little thing with all the world watching, it was perfect. As if someone was offering up a sacrifice to her. Only fitting as she was the Devil.
Entrance Music:
"And her opponent! From Osaka, Japan, standing at 5'5 and weighing in at 155 pounds!!! THE DEVIL Yamamura Kaori!!!"

Finaly making her entrance, Kaori would nonchalantly walk to the middle of the stage, spreading her arms to the sides with a sly grin on her face as she continued forward, completely unbothered by some boos she got from the audience. She wasn't here for them anyway, the only important thing was that she was the match and the victim between the ropes who looked to all the world like she had no idea what was about to happen.

Taking a step between the ropes, Kaori would walk straight to the centre of the ring, put her hands on her hips and laugh for a second as she looked at her foe. "Oh, you have no idea what you got yourself into lover-girl. I hope you like it rough~"
Last edited by ThatPolishDude on Sun Jun 04, 2023 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Devilish Love: Octavia Venus vs Yamamura Kaori

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"Oh my~" Octavia responds, taken aback by her opponent's nature. It seems this young woman was VERY straightforward with her remarks. A crass and cruel kind of of Octavia's FAVORITE types to play with. She looks Yamamura up and down, blushing at the sight of her. "Well now, I must look positively stunning tonight. You're my opponent, darling? I must be know that someone so beautiful will be so rough with me tonight...I can't wait to see how you 'express' yourself in the ring~" She said, grinning eagerly...this might be a new experience for Yamamura, someone EXCITED to be on the receiving end of punishment? Interesting...very, very interesting. How would the woman react to a willing victim so eager to be her plaything? "I wouldn't be able to call myself the 'Incarnation of Love' if I didn't like things rough~...So without further ado, come~...Show me. The first move's yours, 'luv~..." She said, beckoning Yamamura forward with a gleeful look in her eyes.
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Re: Devilish Love: Octavia Venus vs Yamamura Kaori

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Kaori expected a whole plethora of responses, fear, aggression, some mix of both coming from all sorts of different kinds of buttons being pushed, but the excitement was something new. She tilted her head and looked the girl up and down. "I see, you're one of the crazy ones. For your sake I really hope you will like it 'cause I plan to enjoy myself." She said in a disregarding tone, rolling her shoulders a bit and getting in position before the bell rang.


As soon as that happened, she would dart forward to stop abruptly just inches from Octavia's face. "Booo!" She let out a grin as she'd plant her hands on the woman's shoulders and jump up, letting them both fall back as she would then kick up with both of her feet to send her opponent flying with a monkey flip!

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Re: Devilish Love: Octavia Venus vs Yamamura Kaori

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"Oh trust me~...I'm sure I'll LOVE whatever you have in store for me. I'm so excited~" Octavia said, blushing at the thought. The bell rings, and the match begins...Kaori wastes no time rushing forward, closing the distance between herself and the Italian beauty, surprising Octavia with a sudden scare to rattle the nerves of the 'Incarnation of Love'...However, Kaori's attempt only fascinates Octavia as her blush grows, curious and intrigued by this so-called devil's she was REALLY curious as to what Kaori would do to her. However, 'The Devil' would cut Octavia's thoughts short, interrupting her with a sudden lunge as Octavia began to speak...

"Oh my~!!! How very scar-IIIEEEEE!!!!" Octavia began to say before being TOSSED to the wayside by Kaori's Monkey Flip, sending the petite Italian into the air for a second or two of hang time before crashing across the canvas with a soft grunt...given her penchant for taking abuse more than dishing it out, Octavia was accustomed to taking her fair share of bumps. She rolled with the momentum and got to her knees, letting out a brief pant as she stared at Kaori with a bright twinkle in her eyes. "Wow...magnificent~..." She said, feeling a tingly feeling throughout her body as she grinned with delight.
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Octavia Venus:

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Renee Winters:

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Maeve Harlow:

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Umi Yamamoto:

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Kairi Yamamoto:

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Re: Devilish Love: Octavia Venus vs Yamamura Kaori

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Octavia's grin coming right after the toss worked only to irritate Kaori. She wasn't here to indulge someone's masochistic fantasies, she was getting in the ring to break people, to make them wish they never stepped between the ropes with her. She'd yet try to do just that but that would prove impossible, at the very least she'd enjoy hearing the woman scream. If she truly was the sort of person Kaori pegged her for, it might be even better, she might get to savour screams for longer before Octavia gives.

To begin on the path of breaking the woman down, Kaori would get up and break into a run straight at her while Octavia was still on her knees before jumping and spreading her legs to wrap them around the woman's neck. If successful, the momentum should carry her forward and take trapped Octavia down to the mat where Kaori would start squeezing, paying careful attention to not actually choke the woman out. at the same time she'd grab one of her opponent's arms and without much preamble bent Octavia's wrist back while looking her straight in the eyes

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discord: @_zawal

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Re: Devilish Love: Octavia Venus vs Yamamura Kaori

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Octavia felt an intense wave of pressure coming from Kaori's gaze. It felt like she was staring down a wicked, vile creature intent on harming her. The masochist within her felt overjoyed, but her more sensible side felt a tinge of fear bubble up inside of her. She was sure Kaori recognized that because, like a shark smelling blood in the water, Kaori bolted straight at Octavia once the Italian gave off a hint of fear in her heart. In a flash, the self-proclaimed incarnation of love found herself ensnared within the legs of the so-called 'Devil' as she was knocked off her feet and taken down to the mat with a thud. The Italian woman began to writhe and struggle as she blushed slightly, feeling Kaori's warm legs lock tightly around her head and neck, leaving barely any room to breathe through her now constricted airways...and then, without any notice whatsoever, Kaori bent Octavia's hand at the wrist, looking her dead in the eye with a gleeful expression as she terrorized the red-eyed, rosy-cheeked wrestler, eliciting groans from those soft lips.
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Akari Ito:

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Anya Young:

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Isabelle Romero:

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Carmelita De Leon:

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Giselle Beauregard:

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Octavia Venus:

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Renee Winters:

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Grace Moore:

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Maeve Harlow:

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Umi Yamamoto:

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Kairi Yamamoto:

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Nia Orion:

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Beatrix Briar:

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Lynda Jäger:

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Jade Cho:

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Aoi Hoshino:

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Re: Devilish Love: Octavia Venus vs Yamamura Kaori

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Having insnared Octavia, Kaori chuckled looking down at her opponent's face, now that was much better. Though there was one distinct thing missing from the equation and that was struggle. Realizing that She would loosen her hold on her opponent's neck so as to not struggle her too quickly and transition to squeezing down on Octavia's head to elicit more pain. "Now now darling, you are welcome to try and free yourself~... I doubt you will but miracles happen from time to time" She taunted still looking into her opponent's eyes and slowly bending her wrist further back.

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Re: Devilish Love: Octavia Venus vs Yamamura Kaori

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Octavia squirmed and struggled, feeling the sweet yet bitter sensation of agonizing pain coursing through her wrist and neck as her devilish foe continued to apply intensive pressure upon both areas. However, Kaori was actively encouraging Octavia to resist and fight back...Oh? Was she the type who liked a struggle? Octavia could understand from her perspective. How foolish of her to simply lie back and take it. It's no fun for an apex predator to just dice up their meal and be done with it. They need their prey to squirm, to struggle, to writhe helplessly like the worm they know there's no escape...and even if there is a chance at freedom, that you could never run or hide for long. And so, Octavia began to struggle as if her life depended on it, becoming more frantic and trying to break free, scrambling to reach out for the ropes somehow, looking for options like a desperate mouse with its tail caught between the claws of a playful, hungry cat!!!
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Jiyuu June:

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Miyuki Iwata:

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Yamato Ayase:

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Lilith Lenoir:

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Satomi Saito:

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Anya Young:

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ChaCha Luana:

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Isabelle Romero:

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Carmelita De Leon:

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Giselle Beauregard:

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Secondary Character Text Colors (For Ease of Access)

Octavia Venus:

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Renee Winters:

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Grace Moore:

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Maeve Harlow:

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Umi Yamamoto:

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Kairi Yamamoto:

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Nia Orion:

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Beatrix Briar:

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Lynda Jäger:

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Jade Cho:

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Aoi Hoshino:

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Kyoko Matsumoto:

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Re: Devilish Love: Octavia Venus vs Yamamura Kaori

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Seeing how Octavia caught on to what Kaori wanted, the devil's smile become just a bit warmer. Now, that was a good toy to chew on, savour as she tried to get free, every time she slipped her grasp just bringing her closer to the ultimate end. But it seemed they were both getting their kicks out of it one way or the other. Usually, Kaori thrived on her opponent's really fighting as if their life depended on it, treating spite as a healthy helping of spice to her meals. But seeing someone enjoying playing a roll of her toy was a change of pace which she now found quite entertaining.

And so, Slowly but surely, she would allow Octavia to get more freedom, to get them both closer to the ropes until her prey grasped them after which with a faked disappointed sigh she would stand, releasing the woman and looking at her as she stood up. "Now, that was a commendable effort, I think worthy of a little reward~" Kaori trailed off, tapping her lips as she pretended to be deep in thought. "Prey, tell, what would you want to do to you next?" She said in a seductive tone, adding to the air of inevitability in it all

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