Marzia Servelli vs. Sherri Kimura [D]

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Marzia Servelli vs. Sherri Kimura [D]

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Match Type: Normal Match
Rules: Victory by submission or pinfall
After the last match she was in, Marzia stood backstage rubbing her head as she let out a huff under her breath. She had been sore for a few days after that one, and she was just happy that a week later she had stopped aching enough to justify showing back up at the LAW Arena for another day of work.

As she stood in the locker room, Marzia looked over the card in her hand. Fresh off her debut, it looked like they wanted to use her to introduce another girl this time. She could only assume that they wanted to keep her with the rest of the new recruits, at least for a while - maybe to test her skills before they sorted out where they'd place her in the rankings later on. While she could at least breathe easily at the thought that she wouldn't have to fight anyone on a major winning streak while she was still new here, it was keeping her on her toes, as she hardly knew the wrestlers they were putting her up against. Without any chance to study how they fought and anticipate what they'd do - a tactic Marzia had learned from her time in engineering school, and that proved readily applicable here - the Italian girl was stripped of one of her favorite techniques, and without it, it was all a gamble when it came to planning her moves. And Marzia was hardly the gambling type. All she could do, she thought, was see what happened in the ring and plan things from there.

At last, one of the backstage technicians gestured Marzia towards the hallway leading into the arena. It was time for the match to begin.

"The following match will be scheduled for one fall! Coming first to the ring...from Rome, Italy...MARZIA SERVELLI!
Marzia gripped her hands tighter to try and steel herself as she made her way down the entrance ramp to the sound of her music, lights flashing green and yellow on the floor with every step she took. After her last match, she had been thinking of how she'd make her entrances more memorable, and this time she wore a zipped-up leather jacket, which, she had to admit, felt a little more comfortable to wear in front of everyone when she had more skin covered than in her ring attire. Gulping and biting her lip, and hoping that she didn't look too stupid, Marzia glanced back and forth at the audience around her, waving to them tentatively, but shrinking back a little when she heard them cheer her on. While she had known to expect cheers from her time in the indie circuits, she was still getting used to drawing crowds like these, and the thought that people were actually paying to watch her made her blush. She just hoped that it was for her wrestling, and not so much for her...assets.

As Marzia reached the ring, she put a foot up on the apron, bracing her weight against it before kicking up and flipping up towards the ropes, then grabbed the middle rope and rolled under it to enter the ring, landing flat on her feet. She unzipped the front of her jacket in one swift motion as she bit her lip before whipping it off her shoulders and throwing it back out of the ring. That drew some cheers from the spectators, as well as a few wolf-whistles that made Marzia instinctively reach to cover her cleavage as her face flushed a vivid red. She might have to work on that part. Nevertheless, she took a deep breath to calm herself down in preparation for the match, running off the ropes to spring herself back towards her side of the ring and catching the ropes there to hold her into position. All she could hope now was that the new girl didn't have an entrance that would make her look like an idiot. Again.
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Re: Marzia Servelli vs. Sherri Kimura [D]

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As the music hits a brand new girl shows up in the entrance going down the ramp slowly walking dow and reaching the ring with no expression in her eyes.The look is pretty cold and is possible to tell that she has one goal in her mind and that is to make an entertainting and exciting first debut match by winning.The growd is not cheering nor booing just watching the girl calmly getting into the ring and prepare herself to wrestle.As the girl going up the little corner stairs and enters the ring between the top rope and middle rope the growd poped and started cheering for the match to begin.And after the ring bell there is a moment of awkward silence since the girl is not reacting and waitting for the opponent's first move.

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Re: Marzia Servelli vs. Sherri Kimura [D]

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Marzia paused, looking a bit quizzically at the new girl as she descended the entrance ramp. Was she wearing a maid outfit? Really? She expected to wrestle in that? No, Marzia thought, that had to be her entrance attire. After she got into the ring and just stood there, Marzia stood for a while, waiting. She was going to take that off, right?


Apparently not, as she just stood there, cold and emotionless. Marzia had to admit, the whole thing was creeping her out. Ordinarily, she'd be analyzing her opponent right now to figure out what their style, strengths, and weaknesses might be, and what she could use or anticipate. But Sherri wasn't giving that to her. She wasn't even doing anything - and that meant she wasn't making any tells. She could have anything up her sleeve. Or, as far as Marzia knew, she could just be as nervous as she was. Whatever the case was, Marzia was going to have to do something to kick this match off one way or the other.

Taking a breath, the Italian moved in closer to Sherri, getting in a stance and holding up her hands. "Well...ready or not, here I come!" she said, barreling towards Sherri with her hands readied to strike. If she got close, she'd be ready to shove at Sherri's shoulders, or catch her in a test of strength if she got her hands out too. That was, if the mysterious girl would let her get close.
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Re: Marzia Servelli vs. Sherri Kimura [D]

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Sherri gives at Marzia a cold stare into the eyes and right after that stare she dashed forwards at full speed attempting to land a quick spinning roundhouse kick to her belly with the purpose to send her back and keep a safe distance between them.Waitting for the next move Sherri has frozen again and is watching carefully her opponent like if she is testing her opponents strenghts,weaknesses and interaction in their clashes.

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Re: Marzia Servelli vs. Sherri Kimura [D]

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Sure enough, Sherri's steely gaze turned out to be hiding a devious trap. As Marzia grew close, her foot kicked out, and the Italian girl rammed straight into the blow. Her eyes went wide and she gagged from lack of breath, crumpling over the maid's foot. A second later, the momentum carried her off, and she collapsed into a seated position on the ground, landing so hard the mat shook under her. She had to take a moment to shake herself back to her senses, still barely registering what had just happened to her.

Panting, and looking back up at her opponent, Marzia saw that once again she had gotten into a motionless stance, eyeing her without even blinking or flinching. The Italian bit her lip, going tense. It seemed almost unreal how Sherri carried herself, as though she wasn't quite human - how she could be completely still one moment, and then retaliate with a crippling blow the next. It was starting to freak her out now, and not in the least because it left Marzia with nothing to go off of if she wanted to anticipate what she was plotting. As she stared back at Sherri, she figured that the best course of action would be to wait and see what she might do next, so that she might have a better idea of what to do. If it worked so well for the maid, she was fully prepared to wait it out and see who would crack first.
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Re: Marzia Servelli vs. Sherri Kimura [D]

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The crowd is surprised and Sherri realises that her surprise attack caught Marzia offguard.Looking at Marzia panting is making even Sherri a little surprised that her move did such damage.She probably didn't actually calculated the power she had put into it.And now she is taking the opportunity and rushes at Marzia to attempt a running jumping high knee to the jaw.As the girl started her run towards her opponent the crowd is getting shocked by her speed.At the moment Sherri is in close enough position to perform her signature move her expression turned full of joy but she barely is displaying her emotion since that's her sadistic side of her.
Last edited by Urarettin on Mon Jan 22, 2018 10:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Marzia Servelli vs. Sherri Kimura [D]

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As Sherri ran in towards Marzia, the Italian girl leaned in a little, going tense as her eyes widened, her fingers tightening against the mat beneath her. It looked like Sherri was getting lined up for something, and closing in with blinding speed, but still, Marzia couldn't read her face, and she had no way of anticipating what could come next.

Well, she thought, there was nothing Sherri could do to her that wouldn't be worth avoiding, so she wouldn't take any chances. Marzia ducked down just as the grey-haired girl was coming near, throwing herself onto her stomach on the mat and then rolling to the side to let her opponent whiff by her, and hopefully into the ropes behind.
Last edited by CaptainL on Mon Jan 22, 2018 2:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Marzia Servelli vs. Sherri Kimura [D]

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As Marzia ducked down and rolled to the side Sherri got her leg cautch up in the top and middle ropes.While Sherri is trying to free her leg off the ropes she hears two footsteps behind her and turns around to see Marzia standing up and preparing herself by taking her fighting stance with a small grin in her face.The crowd is now cheering and awaitting for Marzia's next move.By the looks of it things are about to turn around and the crowd is hyped up to see some more back and forth action.
Last edited by Urarettin on Mon Jan 22, 2018 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Marzia Servelli vs. Sherri Kimura [D]

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With Sherri tangled up in the ropes, it was Marzia's time to strike. At last, she thought, this was a situation she could be in control of. Closing in behind the maid, Marzia suddenly wrapped her arms in place, one going around the grey-haired girl's neck while the other wrapped around her head. Yanking Sherri back off the ropes so she couldn't take advantage of the rope break, Marzia squeezed down harder on both arms, putting on the pressure.
Last edited by CaptainL on Mon Jan 22, 2018 2:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Marzia Servelli vs. Sherri Kimura [D]

Unread post by Urarettin »

Marzia performs and locks her rear triangle choke as it is called.And starts to squeeze Sherri's neck giving her no chance to take a single breath turning Sherri's face red,as Marzia makes her hold tighter and tighter by the pass of the time.Unfortunatelly the attempt to pull Sherri off the ropes was almost impossible since Sherri took advantage of her already trapped leg and wrapped the rest of her whole body around the ropes to make a rope break.

Marzia realises that she is not gonna make it but tries to inflict as much damage as she can until the referee calls for the rope break.Sherri meanwhile coughs and desperately is fighting to take a breath but it was the referee who saved her.Now that her opponent backed off Sherri is trying to catch her breath back while she is staring Marzia in the eyes.After a several seconds Sherri recovered and taunted Marzia by making a figure with her finger telling her to bring it on but took instead of waitting her she took another step forwards and attempted to hit a low kick followed by a high kick straight to the head with the other leg and quickly making sidestep and tries to hit a powerful spinning roundhouse kick to her middle section.
Last edited by Urarettin on Mon Jan 22, 2018 2:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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