Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent
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It has been a week since Lovestar had met up with Aubrey again as the two had some history together during the Florida independent circuit scene. The two started off as enemies, then Rivals, to tag partners and now back to Rivals although in friendly terms.
Lovestar was in the back already dressed in her wrestling attire.

"Lovestar! It's almost time~ get ready behind the curtain now."
A staff member would say to Lovestar as the pink masked Luchadora responded with a nod and a smile on her face as she heads to the curtains and waits for her music to que.
Making her official debut in L.A.W.! Wrestling from Carolina, Puerto Rico! Give it up for LOVESTAR!!!!!
Once her enterance was completed Lovestar would wait in her corner and wait for Aubrey to make her grand enterance.