Lovestar (D) vs "Miss Long Legs" Aubrey Maddison (D)

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Lovestar (D) vs "Miss Long Legs" Aubrey Maddison (D)

Unread post by Weonna »

Standard Match

Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent

Previous Thread

It has been a week since Lovestar had met up with Aubrey again as the two had some history together during the Florida independent circuit scene. The two started off as enemies, then Rivals, to tag partners and now back to Rivals although in friendly terms.

Lovestar was in the back already dressed in her wrestling attire.
Today was also the day Aubrey and Lovestar would settle the score as both girls believed that they were one win ahead of each other. Tonight in there first L.A.W. Matches was gonna determine which of the two are currently superior and Lovestar had no interests of backing down and losing to Aubrey. This was a match for bragging rights!

"Lovestar! It's almost time~ get ready behind the curtain now."

A staff member would say to Lovestar as the pink masked Luchadora responded with a nod and a smile on her face as she heads to the curtains and waits for her music to que.

Making her official debut in L.A.W.! Wrestling from Carolina, Puerto Rico! Give it up for LOVESTAR!!!!!
When Lovestar's theme was starting to play, the pink luchadora came out with her hands on her hips and started to hip sway her way to the ring. She gave some blow kisses to the people in ringside as she walks up the steel steps and swiftly climbs to the top turnbuckle. She stared around the arena delivering another blow kiss before jumping inside the ring.

Once her enterance was completed Lovestar would wait in her corner and wait for Aubrey to make her grand enterance.
Last edited by Weonna on Tue Feb 27, 2024 3:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lovestar (D) vs "Miss Long Legs" Aubrey Maddison (D)

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"Also here tonight, making her first debut in L.A.W.! Give it up for "Miss Longlegs" Aubrey Maddison!" The Announcer yelled out as Aubrey came out walking to the ring in her one piece athletic leotard. As she walked by the fans, they began to whistle at her long sexy legs. Aubrey decided to show off her by climbing to the ring apron and doing the splits while flexing to the crowd. This got a positive reaction as she then rolled inside the ring with her hands on her hips, staring at Lovestar from afar before going to her corner.
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Re: Lovestar (D) vs "Miss Long Legs" Aubrey Maddison (D)

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Lovestar couldn't help but stare at her former tag partner's long sexy legs. They were pretty impressive to see as the Pink luchadora couldn't help but giggle and throw in a conpliment at Aubrey.

"Damn girl~ those legs are killer~"

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Re: Lovestar (D) vs "Miss Long Legs" Aubrey Maddison (D)

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"Yeah there definitely killer. Cant wait to scissor you again Lovestar." Aubrey would talk back and put in a grin m, tapping at her legs to remind Lovestar the first time she beat her in kne if there many matches. The referee would give the wrestler's a couple of seconds of preparation before starting the match off.

The bell would ring and Aubrey would circle around Lovestar. She knew that Lovestar lives to go fast and Aubrey decides to take a slower approach and counter off of Lovestar's mistakes.

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Re: Lovestar (D) vs "Miss Long Legs" Aubrey Maddison (D)

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As soon as the match started Lovestar dashed her way to the center to meet up with Miss Long Legs. These two had so many matches together, that they knew each other's movesets pretty well. The Pink luchadora was trying to bait her opponent to throw a strike as she would dart back and forth, feinting each step till Aubrey would throw something!

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Re: Lovestar (D) vs "Miss Long Legs" Aubrey Maddison (D)

Unread post by Maledomfan »

The match started off slow with both ladies hesitant to go on the attack. Aubrey was waiting on Lovestar to do something wild while Lovestar was trying to bait Aubrey to whiff an attack. Aubrey grew impatient as she decided to rush in real quickly and jump on the air for a Lou Threz Press.

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Re: Lovestar (D) vs "Miss Long Legs" Aubrey Maddison (D)

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Just as Lovestar wanted...her former tag partner ran at her and jumped in the air for a Lou threz Press as the Pink Luchadora went low and underneath her opponent! Once Aubrey landed on both knees it was Lovestar's turn to attack as she swiftly dashed to the opposite ropes to bounce off of for a running Euro Uppercut!

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Re: Lovestar (D) vs "Miss Long Legs" Aubrey Maddison (D)

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Aubrey's attack missed, but she quickly got back to her feet and quickly turned around to see Lovestar coming back to her with a Euro Uppercut. Aubrey would side step out the way and watch Lovestar land on the ground. Aubrey would then go behind her, wrap her arms around Lovestar's waist, and lift her up for a German Suplex!

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Re: Lovestar (D) vs "Miss Long Legs" Aubrey Maddison (D)

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As Lovestar was going in for the Euro Uppercut her former tag partner would side step out the way, causing the pink luchadora to whiff at the air and land on her knees.

As Lovestar was beggining to get back up she felt her opponent's arms around her waist! As Aubrey went for the lift, Lovestar reacted by placing her foot behind Aubrey's legs to stop her from completing the German suplex! Lovestar was lifted in the air and she quickly reacted by placing an elbow shot right on Aubrey's face to force her to let go!

If successful, Lovestar would land on her feet, turn around to grab Aubrey's arm, and Irish whip her to the ropes! The Pink Luchadora would then fake out her attacks by dropping low and when Aubrey would go for the second bounce, Lovestar would then leapfrog over her, and when Aubrey would bounce for the third time, Lovestar would attempt to throw her with a Hurricanrana!

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Re: Lovestar (D) vs "Miss Long Legs" Aubrey Maddison (D)

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As soon as Aubrey had her arms wrapped around Lovestar, she was met with an back elbow to the face causing Aubrey to lossen her arms and stagger back. Lovestar would follow this up by grabbing Aubrey's arm and whipping her to the ropes. Once Aubrey would be rebounding back to Lovestar, She would duck low to avoid whatever Lovestar was planning. Little did she know however Lovestar would leapfrog over her and this causes Aubrey to run to the opposite ropes to rebound off from and when she returned back to Lovestar, Lovestar would wrap her legs around Aubrey and throw her around with a Hurricanrana.

Aubrey grunted as she landed on her back, but quickly rose to her feet clenching her back and getting right back to her fighting stance. She gritted her teeth and stared at Lovestar seriously, circling around her before running in to lock up with her again.

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