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Sheila Morgan vs Kuroi Kamikaze II - Bound by Bloodlust

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 6:23 pm
by PuroQueen
Match Type: Hardcore Hentai
Rules: Victory can only be achieved by forcing your opponent to orgasm after scoring a pinfall, submission, or KO. Hentai moves before a fall are allowed, but will not count towards victory. No disqualifications.
Continued From Here

There weren't a lot of women in Kuroi's life that she had considered enemies. Most of them had been met, fought, and disposed of on the many mats of the many underground fighting circuits Kuroi had competed in during her lifelong martial career. But none of them came close to the sheer intensity of hatred she harbored for Sheila Morgan. Maybe it was this new league that was the problem, and its innate inability to provide her with the bloodthirsty satisfaction she so desperately craved. But judging by tonight's stipulations, LAW was hardly to blame. Nope, it was solely Sheila that she detested, only Sheila that she sought to destroy. True, her tenure in LAW was only just beginning, but Kuroi doubted whether any future foe would be able to match the pure, unbridled fury that consumed Kuroi whenever she thought about that bitch.

Kuroi gritted her teeth, her mind racing with even more thoughts of her opponent. Sheila's face was burned into her memory, every inch of it etched into her mind with a clarity that was almost painful. She remembered their first match, the wave of euphoria that washed over her at the sound of Sheila's creaking bones, the vibrations of her twitching muscles, the feel of her supple breast mushed between her fingertips - only to have it all taken away by a means most antithetical to the spirit of combat: Disqualification. What the fuck did that even mean? Luckily, that wouldn't be an issue tonight.

And then the subsequent encounter in the dojo, the spark that had ignited this very match in the first place. Ever since their first fight, Kuroi knew the two were bound to meet again, but to do it so brazenly, in her own sanctuary! This bitch must have had a death wish, and that night, Kuroi was close to delivering it. But Kuroi had demonstrated an ill-practiced virtue: Patience, and for that, she had been rewarded. The memory of Sheila's touch still lingered on her skin, a ghostly reminder of the shared intensity and fire that had threatened to consume them both. But now, that passion had turned to rage, and Kuroi was determined to make Sheila pay for every slight, every insult, every indignity. She grinned devilishly, imagining the look on whatever was left of Sheila's face when she finally broke her spirit and claimed her victory... and her body.
Kuroi Kamikaze
Finally, the moment arrived. Kuroi's music blared over the loudspeakers, and she burst out onto the ramp to the roar of the crowd. A match as deviant as tonight's naturally seemed to attract only the most depraved of patrons, a fact that was not lost on Kuroi as she was greeted with a cacophonic mix of cheers and merciless boos. But she bathed in it all. She strutted down the ramp, flipping birds and insults at the audience, reveling in the chaos she was creating. She climbed into the ring and stood in the corner, staring down her opponent's entrance ramp with a manic gleam in her eye. The tension in the arena was electric, and Kuroi fed off it like a drug. She could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins, fueling her for the battle ahead. She knew that this was the moment she had been waiting for. The moment when she could finally prove herself to be the superior fighter, no, the superior woman.

Re: Sheila Morgan vs Kuroi Kamikaze II - Bound by Bloodlust

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 7:16 pm
by BlackAkuma
Kenji Takamura sighed as Kuroi made her way into the ring, already not liking the look in her eyes. He hadn't been on duty for her last match with these two, but he’d watched it backstage with the other referees, and he hadn't envied the poor woman they’d sent in to officiate. While it had been a standard match, it was about as wild and insane as you could ever expect one of those to be, with the wrestlers in the ring more closely resembling wild animals than human beings. It wasn’t a welcome environment, and they’d all gotten the impression that, freed of constraints, they would’ve gone much further.

So when word came out that there was going to be a rematch between the two, no one was in a hurry to take the spot, with every referee that management found refusing outright. In the end, straws had to be drawn, and Kenji had the unfortunate luck of picking the shortest one.

And thus, here he was. Standing in the middle of a future bloodbath.

He sighed as Kuroi made her way into the ring, taking the time to antagonize everyone in the immediate vicinity. He was sure to steer clear of her as she made her way to the corner, giving her all the space she could crave. From the looks of it, she was more than ready to go…

…hm. That was odd, they were starting up Sheila’s theme music fast, not even waiting for Kuroi’s theme to fade out. And the crowd was starting to get a little louder than he’d anticipated, as if something was up. And what was that noise he heard? It was like distant screaming, but it was getting louder real fast, and-


Kenji looked down the ramp and leaped to the side just in time to avoid Sheila, as she came barreling down at full speed, slid into the ring, popped to her feet without missing a beat and threw herself at Kuroi like a bat out of hell, not waiting for the bell and barely waiting for her entrance. She dashed in with arms swinging, not even caring what she hit in the flurry so long as she hit something, clearly wanting to start this whole thing off on the wildest note possible.

Re: Sheila Morgan vs Kuroi Kamikaze II - Bound by Bloodlust

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 11:19 pm
by PuroQueen
Kuroi's heart pounded with anticipation, her muscles coiled and ready to spring into action. She had been waiting for this moment for so long, dreaming of the day she would finally get her hands on that bitch and make her pay for daring to share the ring with her. But something felt off. The music was starting up too fast, and the crowd was getting louder. Kuroi felt a creeping sense of unease gnawing at her gut.

Suddenly, there was a blur of movement, and Kuroi felt a sharp pain in her side. She stumbled forward, her eyes widening in shock and confusion as she tried to process what had just happened. Her head swiveled around in search of her attacker, but the only other breathing soul in the ring was the referee and...


At least, Kuroi thought it was her. It was like a specter had appeared out of fucking nowhere, soaring across the ring at the speed of light. She was moving so fast, her face a mere blur, even as the distance closed between them. Kuroi had never felt so vulnerable, so completely caught off guard. She had trained for years to be prepared for any eventuality, but nothing could have prepared her for this. Sheila was fast, and she was strong, and she was angry. Very, very angry.

She gritted her teeth and spun around, her fists raised in a defensive posture. Sheila was already on her, her fists a blur of motion as she rained blows down on Kuroi's guard. She tried to block as many as she could, but each punch felt like a hammer blow, driving her back against the ropes. She could hear the crowd roaring, could feel their cries for blood rising as they watched the mad woman pound into her over and over again.

For the first time in a long time, Kuroi was overwhlemed. What happened to that famous fighter's instinct of hers? Had she really been so blinded by her hatred that she had left herself open to such a crude attack? "GAARGH!" Kamikaze cried, her fists tightening, fingernails digging into the palm of her gloves as she tried to protect her face with upright forearms. Her body was being pushed against the ropes, crumpling against their elastic embrace as wave after wave of unmitigated fury crashed into her.

Re: Sheila Morgan vs Kuroi Kamikaze II - Bound by Bloodlust

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 6:24 am
by BlackAkuma
Sheila didn’t care about the entrances, didn’t care about the cheers, didn’t care about the music, didn’t care about the pageantry of it all. After she’d left that dojo, she’d been stewing, running over the match in her head, thinking about the way Kuroi dismantled her and tried to do much worse. She’d boiled over with raw hatred, seething, and it all came out as she charged down to the ring like a woman possessed. One thing mattered and one thing only - getting her hands and feet and elbows and forearms and any body part she could use for striking all over this walking stain of a human being.

That this turned out to be a good strategy was just happenstance.

Kuroi tried to block, but there was only so much impact those arms could absorb, as Sheila brought the quantity over quality. There wasn’t much technique to her blows, nothing but wild brawling, but the strikes came out fast and furious, a nonstop onslaught that shut down any attempts to fight back.

Bit by bit by bit, blow by blow by blow, Sheila drove Kuroi back and hammered her in the corner, forcing her to the mat. She punched so much that her arms grew tired, but that was no big problem - her legs were still good to go. She grabbed the rope for balance and unloaded a flurry of kicks, slamming them into Kuroi, battering away at her and punctuating every hit with a righteous yell.

She launched so many that she lost count, or maybe she just didn’t care. Whatever the case, when it looked like she finally had Kuroi down and unmoving, Sheila finally backed off with a triumphant yell as she stomped her way to the center of the ring and threw her jacket out over the ropes to reveal her entire for the evening, a skimper version of her usual look.
Heaving, sweating, she turned back to Kuroi and marched her way, tossing her hair back as she went. ”Just getting started, Kuroi. You hear me?” She spat off to the side, nearly hitting the referee and not giving a single shit. ”I am going to fuck your dumb arse raw, bitch.”

Re: Sheila Morgan vs Kuroi Kamikaze II - Bound by Bloodlust

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 8:21 pm
by PuroQueen
Never in her fighting life had Kuroi wanted a referee to actually interfere, but right now, it was hard to suppress the thought. Sheila would have to beat her to death to get that admission out of her, but c'mon, blindsiding your opponent before the match had even begun, wailing on them with unrelenting force without offering a millisecond of respite...

Come to think of it, Kuroi was a little disappointed she hadn't been the one scheduled to come out second. Chances are, she would have done the exact same thing.

Except, right now, she didn't have much of a chance to do much thinking. She was too busy being stomped into oblivion in the corner, teeth pressed so deep into her bottom lip that she was beginning to draw her own blood, all in an effort to at least deprive Sheila the satisfaction of a scream. But as the seconds ticked by, even that became a herculean task. "Fuck - GAGH!...shit, ARGH!" Kuroi winced and groaned, her body bracing itself as Sheila's foot pounded into her with the speed and force of a jackhammer. It had gotten to the point where Kuroi didn't even know what to block anymore. She resorted to protecting just the vitals, her body curled up into a fetal position against the corner with one arm wrapped around her head and the other around her midsection.

A loud, feral battle cry finally announced the end to the torrential downpour from hell. Kuroi lay crumpled against the corner, her expression an unrecognizable mix of shock, and yes, even a twinge of fear. She was a panting, gasping mess, parts of her body already a patchwork of black and blue. She gulped, clutching her neck as she tried to regain her composure. Slowly, Kuroi grabbed onto the ropes, using them as a crutch to shakily pick herself back up to her feet. She pivoted back around so that her back was slumped against the corner, catching the first true glimpse of her opponent in the process. It was Sheila alright, looking wilder than ever, and already on her way to delivering more pain.

"Oh, I hear you," Kuroi hissed, her voice ragged as she swiped back a clump of black and red hair to reveal an erratic and twitching left eye. "I just don't believe ya. Come and get it then!" she growled, her throat too raspy to say much else. But she didn't need to, her body language did most of the speaking. Hunched over and staggered against the corner, seemingly defenseless as her opponent marched ever closer. But the ruse would only last for a few seconds. Once Sheila was within range, Kuroi's body would snap back into action, her core tightening as veins burgeoned with newfound rage. With hands still gripping onto the ropes, Kuroi would swing her body upwards, attempting to catch her mad opponent right in her pretty face with a double jump kick from the corner!

Re: Sheila Morgan vs Kuroi Kamikaze II - Bound by Bloodlust

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 8:44 pm
by BlackAkuma
Goddamn, this felt good. It was a good thing that she had to get pinned or submitted before an orgasm could count as a win, because she was already damn close to it right now. Electricity surged through her body, fire ran through her veins, everything was supercharged. The crowd’s roar was already at a fever pitch, so loud that they almost drowned out the bell, and she swore, it was almost like taking a trip back in time. She was home again, back in Australia, back in her crappy rusty ring with the ropes that needed to be replaced and the canvas that threatened to collapse every time it took a good hit. But here, everything was bigger, brighter, better, and she was about to make it bloodier, too.

This was where she wanted to be. Where she needed to be.

As she made her way over to the corner, she could already see Kuroi starting to rise up - battered, bruised, but still far from broken, and that was a good thing. She couldn't’ just bumrush the bitch, fuck her, then call it a day. No, Kuroi had to give her some back, too. Make this a real fight, the fight they should have had last time. She even had to say, not that Sheila cared all that much. She was coming, one way or another.

Sheila charged in, full bore, intending to pick up where she left off with the mudhole in Kuroi’s chest. Fist cocked back, hair flying, she soared towards her foe without a second thought - not the worst idea, but not ideal in all circumstances, this one being key among them.

She wound up running face first into both of Kuroi’s boots, as the woman raised them up kicked out, reacquainting Sheila with her bare soles. Her opponent had some strong legs, and wouldn’t you know it, they hadn't gotten weaker since the last time they fought. The blow had more than enough force to leave the Wild One seeing stars, and she fell back with her arms wide and eyes rolling.

Sheila came down on her back and rolled with them momentum, using it to fly herself all the way over off her shoulders and come back down on a knee. Stunned, but only for a moment, and she was already pushing her way back up.

Re: Sheila Morgan vs Kuroi Kamikaze II - Bound by Bloodlust

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 9:46 pm
by PuroQueen
Willpower and instinct alone carried the martial artist as she scored a double kick to her opponent's face, but as soon as her feet hit the mat again, Kuroi immediately began to buckle. There was just no understating just how devastating Sheila's initial barrage had been. Raw brutality mixed with lethal intentions and sprinkled with the element of surprise made for one hell of an opener, one that Kuroi couldn't simply just shake off. Chances were the effects of the unhinged attack would stick with her for the rest of the match.

If Kuroi didn't detest her so much, she might have been impressed with her opponent's initiative.

But the fact still remained that Kuroi was at a major disadvantage to start off with, one that she had to rectify quick. While she hadn't been completely sapped of all her prowess, as Sheila had come to learn with that kick, all she had really accomplished was managing to afford herself a few seconds more to catch her breath. But now, it was payback time.

With a deep breath, Kuroi quickly began to reign in her senses. All outside elements began to blur into the backdrop - the crowd was a muted roar, the referee a faded figure standing idly by. Only two things stood bright and clear above the rest - Sheila, and the ring itself. The former was her enemy, her bitch, destined to bleed out on the battle ground that was the latter. Nothing else mattered.

"AAAAAAGGGH!" Kuroi let out a feral scream of her own as she charged towards Sheila from the corner. Adrenaline muted the pain in her muscles as venomous hatred commanded her movements, propelling Kuroi to her kneeling opponent at breakneck speeds. Her feet pounded into the canvas, shaking the ring with every step, until suddenly, one bare sole dug into Sheila's thigh, using it as a springboard to launch Kuroi airborne with knee outstretched for a shining wizard to her face!

Re: Sheila Morgan vs Kuroi Kamikaze II - Bound by Bloodlust

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 3:11 pm
by BlackAkuma
Pfft. Lucky shot.

While Sheila would acknowledge that Kuroi had a lot of skill - their last encounter proved that beyond a doubt - she was long past the point of getting psyched out about it. It wouldn’t matter how good her strikes were if she took two for every one that she landed, and the Wild One was willing to bet that, at the end of the day, her stamina would win out. As long as she didn’t get caught in any of those stupid holds like last time, she could power through anything.

It would take more, far more, than some boots to the face to stop her, and she was about to prove that as she surged up and prepared to launch herself at Kuroi again, figuring that her foe couldn't recover fast enough to cut her off. It was a safe bet after all the damage she’d piled on, and it would’ve held true for about 99% of the women in LAW.

Kuroi, though, was in the 1%, and she proved that when she came shooting out of the corner before Sheila could even stand up all the way. A foot was placed on her thigh in the next moment, and while Sheila knew what that meant, there wasn’t a whole lot she could do to stop the knee from ramming into her skull at breakneck speeds. A hard shot to the side of her head, and she went down hard.

Sheila flopped to her back and rolled to the side on reflex, a movement that took her all the way to the edge of the ring. Knowing she couldn't stay down for long, she grabbed the ropes and made a mad scramble to pull her way back, wanting to at least be standing when her opponent tried to follow up.

Re: Sheila Morgan vs Kuroi Kamikaze II - Bound by Bloodlust

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 11:12 pm
by PuroQueen
Kuroi's attack was as furious as it was uncoordinated. With her body still reeling from before, Kuroi had charged haphazardly at Sheila, with little consideration for the follow-up. Thus it wasn't much of a surprise when she quickly realized her downward trajectory would be far less pleasant than the upswing had been. She landed with a tumble, rolling over her shoulder and hitting the mat hard, her body skidding to a stop near the center of the ring.

She let out a loud grunt, fingers digging deep into the canvas as she tried to shake off the cobwebs and spot her opponent. Good news, Sheila had been sent hurdling to the edge of the ring herself. Bad new, she was already getting up.

With no ropes to lean on, Kuroi made it back up slower than her opponent, a hair too late to catch her while she was still down. That was fine; she still had other options, like... like -


The pounding in her head was still far too loud to form much of a battle plan, and her body still ached like hell. So she relied on the most primitive of all attacks, something she had, oddly enough, picked up from her opponent's repertoire: just throw yourself at the bitch. She tossed all tactical convention out the window and charged at her opponent once again, leading with her shoulder in an attempt to tackle her into the ropes and keep her pinned against the edge of the ring. She knew it wouldn't cause much harm, but at the very least, she might be able to keep her opponent trapped in place while affording herself some time to recover. If she was successful, Kuroi would attempt to transform the crude maneuver into something a little more refined. Her hands would loop underneath Sheila's arms, clasping together behind her back and keeping the two of them locked tight in a muay thai style clinch against the ropes.

The martial artist wheezed grunts of effort as she grappled to keep Sheila pinned in place. She had been far too preoccupied to notice before, but now that she was pressed tight against her opponent, Kuroi's skin could not help but tingle as it embraced Sheila's more exposed body. "I see you've dressed for the occasion - lucky me," Kuroi spat into Sheila's ear, moments before attempting to drive a knee straight into the woman's gut!

Re: Sheila Morgan vs Kuroi Kamikaze II - Bound by Bloodlust

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2023 5:36 am
by BlackAkuma

That was Sheila’s mistake in the last match, the biggest part where things went tits up. She’d let Kuroi get on top, and you couldn't do that with a psycho like this. Any weakness, any opening, and she’d run in and start her crazy MMA shit and probably catch her in some stupid hold or hit her with those damn kicks again. There was always a chance that she might give her an opening, too, but there was no guarantee that Kuroi hadn't learned her lesson from last time. Sheila had to be going full speed, the entire time.

That was her thinking as she made a desperate bid to get up, despite her aching skull, and it paid of…sort of. She was able to keep Kuroi from pouncing on her while she was down, but that didn’t mean she was out of the woods just yet, as the woman came charging forward and pushed her up against the ropes. Arms wrapped around her body, she was pulled in tight, and just like that, she found herself immobilized in a clinch.

Fucking MMA horseshit.

”Get the fuck off!” Sheila raged and struggled, but the hold shut down her movements, and without any countouts to stop it, she was trapped for the time being. Which wouldn’t have been the worst thing in the world, really - the feeling of this strong, wild woman gyrating against her wasn’t the worst experience of her life by any measure. She just wished it wasn’t Kuroi.

She also wished the bitch’s knee wouldn’t shoot into her stomach, but damn, that was precisely what happened, as she found herself taking a powerful strike that knocked the wind clean out of her. Even in this space, with so little room to work with, Kuroi’s strikes were lethal. Damned impressive. Sheila definitely couldn't do anything like that.

What she could do, though, was rear back then jerk forward, smacking their skulls together in a vicious headbutt. It wouldn’t be fun for her, but as long as it sucked for Kuroi, too, she could live with that.