The First Lesson: Leila Johnson vs Capri Clarke (Completed)

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The First Lesson: Leila Johnson vs Capri Clarke (Completed)

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Standard Match
Victory is achieved through Pinfall, Submission or Knockout

The LAW arena was abuzz tonight as the packed stadium sat impatiently in their seats for the match to begin. Their eagerness could be understood, for this match was unique in that both the women competing tonight were making their debuts on the LAW stage. With two unknown wrestlers about to arrive, fans were unsure of what to expect, but were excited all the same! After all, two new faces to the league could promise anything, especially in LAW. Whether they were destined to fizzle out or become the next big thing, debut matches were always a treat to see! And thankfully, they wouldn't have to wait much long, because the entrance music of the first contender started to play!

With the entrance music peaking, a new face would emerge at the top of the ring. She was a young black woman wearing a modified schoolgirl uniform; an outfit that hugged her curvaceous form quite magnificently. She wore torn up stockings and a mesh undershirt, with little skull earrings dangling from her earlobes. There was a confident smirk on her lips the minute she had arrived, totally unfazed by the massive audience and the spotlight now shining down on her.

Her name was Leila Johnson, and she was here to kick everyone's ass!
Wrestling Attire
The young woman would make her way down to the ramp with a wiggle of her hips in every step. As she walked, all eyes remained glued to her spectacular assets, namely her bouncing chest and her wide behind. The woman had curves for day, and the audience couldn't get enough of it. The first newcomer of the evening turned out to be a real knockout, and they hadn't even seen her fight yet!

Reaching the ring, Leila would climb through the ropes and make her way inside of it. "Ya'll ready to see something special tonight?" she shouted with a grin, a question that the audience met with elated cheers. "Well, keep watching! Cause what I'm about do to this girl will be mighty special indeed!" Smiling to herself, Leila would make her way to her corner to prepare for the arrival of her opponent. She was curious to see who her first victim would be....
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Re: The First Lesson: Leila Johnson vs Capri Clarke

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Steel Aika Sakata
Capri Clarke had a big smile on her face backstage as she flashed a selfie of herself, eager to post it on social media, fingers firing away. Over her shoulder was the much taller Aika Sakata, clearing her throat gently. Capri continued to type rapidly and Aika cleared her throat again to no response still. Finally, she said in a cautious voice, "Capri...?"

Looking surprised at first, Clarke looked back and then smiled. "Oh! Sorry. I didn't even notice you there! What's up girl?" asked Capri in a chipper tone before focusing on her phone again.

"I just know your match is starting soon... And I just wanted to know if you were worried... or you wanted to talk about it... share any feelings you might have...?" offered Sakata, looking worried herself.

"Hmmm..." hummed Capri, thinking on that briefly before almost instantly saying, "Nope! I'm good. Thanks though."

"You're... good? You're not nervous at all or anything?" balked Aika, not sure if she could even believe Capri right now. She seemed more nervous than the girl wrestling now.

Nodding once, Capri Clarke held her phone out to Aika. "I'm fine! Hold this though."

Aika took the phone and then groaned a bit. "But... you don't know what you're doing!"

Pausing, Capri took that in. And then out instantly. "Ah, that's fine. I'll pick it up as I go. See you after the match!" called out Capri as she walked to the stage, ready to get her fight on. Aika went to say something before hugging the phone against her chest, letting out a worried whine for her tag partner.

"Iron" Capri Clarke, meanwhile, was thrilled, stepping out onto the stage as Body Talks by The Struts w/ Ke$ha played and Capri seemed like she was completely in her element. She danced her way down the stage, slapping hands with fans on the way as she grooved down to the music cheerfully. It was a great time as far as she was concerned--if the rest of this was as fun as the entrance was, she was going to have a great time!

The muscular girl would then jog up the steps and enter through the ropes, holding her arms up in joy, barely even paying attention to her opponent at all. Instead, she was just enamored by the lights and fanfare and lights of it all. It really did hit when they were on the big stage. And after taking a brief peak at the titantron, she threw up a muscle pose, flexing that bicep and taking in just how damn good she looked in a wrestling ring. This would be great, Capri thought. And then finally, she focused on her opponent, smiling at her. "Hey girl!" said Clarke. "This is going to be awesome! It's my first match though, so be gentle!" She let out a playful laugh, heading to her corner after the referee had directed her there.

Capri Clarke was sure this was going to be a great time.
Capri Clarke

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Re: The First Lesson: Leila Johnson vs Capri Clarke

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Leila lounged herself casually in her corner as she awaited the arrival of her opponent, looking like she didn't have a care in the world. Though, truthfully, she was pretty curious herself on who would be her first opponent would be in LAW. She had hoped to go against on of the bigger names in league for her debut. After all, there would be no better way to make herself known then by beating and humiliating a veteran favorite. Well, that just meant she'd have try to make her first match memorable in a different way, and she already had quite a few ideas on how to do that!

When her opponent did arrive to make her way to the ring, the first thing Leila noted was the obvious spring in the woman's step! From the look of it, she looked pleased as punch to be here tonight. The second thing she noticed was the woman was absolutely fit! Her skimpy outfit brought her muscular body into full focus, showcasing the clear effort the woman put into it. And when she flexed for the audience, her biceps really popped! Other wrestlers might have been nervous preparing to face off against such a strong looking foe.

Leila, however, knew it that besting such a foe would only make all the more satisfying.

As her opponent, Capri Clarke, came to greet her, Leila would smirk and emerge from her corner to meet her in the ring center. "SO nice to meet you," Leila greeted with a seemingly friendly smile. "But I'm afraid I can't be gentle with you tonight. This is my first match after all! If I don't go all out against you, then what's the point, right?" Leila's eyes would roam over Capri's muscular form before grinning. "But you look tough. I'm sure you'll be fine...." With that last ominous statement, the bell would ring to signal them to start, and both women's debut matches would begin!

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Re: The First Lesson: Leila Johnson vs Capri Clarke

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Capri Clarke put her focus back on Leila Johnson as she spoke, smiling happily as she also walked to the center of the ring. "Girl, I get it, girl," said Iron, nodding in understanding. Obviously she couldn't go easy on her--it was a competition after all, and Capri had gathered that much about this whole wrestling thing. She had no doubt that Leila had more experience, but that would be fine. She'd be able to figure out something. Her chiseled physique would have to help with that much.

She rolled her eyes though at the compliment at her toughness. "I don't know if I'm that tough, but thanks!" she said exuberantly. First match! Coming up! It was an exciting time! Clarke sort of stood there, no sort of stance or pose even thought of to get ready. She did clear her throat, looking at Leila expectantly. "Do... you want to go first?" suggested the buff girl, shrugging her shoulders.

She wasn't sure what going first meant exactly, but she was sure to find out. At least her opponent seemed nice enough about the whole situation. Capri had a strong feeling this would be a great person to have her first match with, especially as a fellow rookie herself, or so she claimed.

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Re: The First Lesson: Leila Johnson vs Capri Clarke

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When the had rung, Leila had raised her hands at the ready for whatever Capri Clarke might throw at her, already having several ideas on how to put her on her ass if she did. However, such an attempt never came. In fact, Capri looked completely lost about the situation, causing Leila to raise her eyebrow in question. If wasn't until Capri asked Leila if she wanted to go first that the thicc woman realized that Capri had no idea what she was doing! She was a rookie in every sense of the word. Oh, this was going to be so much fun then!

Slipping out of her ready stance to a more casual one, Leila would give Capri smile, one that would hide her devilish intentions of the naïve woman. "Oh, yeah sure! I could totally go first!" she said, starting to approach Capri head-on. "You just let me know when you've had enough, and we can work it out from there, okay?"

That was the last friendly thing Leila would say to Capri before she would suddenly lash out with her leg in order to deliver a heavy boot to Capri's stomach! Though her opponent obviously had abs, Leila's kick would have quite a bit of power behind it, for her intention was to make Capri double over in response. If she succeeded in this, Leila would quickly follow up her attack by swinging her knee up into Capri's face, delivering nasty blow to her opponent with the intention of stunning her!

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Re: The First Lesson: Leila Johnson vs Capri Clarke

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Capri Clarke beamed happily as Leila offered to go first, even being kind enough to let her know when she had enough! She felt fortunate to be paired up with someone who was going to be so understanding. The Iron girl was adopting what might be some kind of fighting pose with her hands in front of her in fists, nodding with a grin on her face. She was ready to get this thing started.

But what came first had shocked her. The boot to Capri's stomach made her eyes go wide as she gasped out loud, stumbling back a couple steps as she doubled over. Her legs folded over one another as she held her hardened abs with a soft whine, biting her lip. However, a knee was soon to follow, blasting her in the face and sending her head over heels onto her back!

Now with one hand on her face and the other on her toned stomach, she started to scoot back towards the rope and then said, "Okay! Ow! Darn! I had enough. Give me a second!" Capri winced, but still sounded like she was in good spirits despite it. She understood it was a competition, after all. But her opponent seemed like she had a little bit better of an idea how to fight than she did. Capri Clarke was confident she could get back into it though!

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Re: The First Lesson: Leila Johnson vs Capri Clarke

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The first strike that Leila blasted forward had the intended intention of doubling her fellow rookie over, setting her up nicely for the bully's followup attack; a nasty knee shot that would strike Capri directly in the center of her face! The quick but painful looking combo had the audience groaning in sympathy for poor Capri, who seemed to be completely unprepared for Leila's brutal attacks. It was now the crowd was getting an idea of just what kind of fighter Leila was, and how Carpri might have been in trouble because of it!

Watching her opponent tumble head over heels, Leila looked down at her with an arrogant smirk. The fit cutie might have had the muscles but it was clear she had no idea what she was doing in a fight. Even now, she was pleading with Leila to give her a minute! Hilarious! "Sorry, honey. No can do," Leila sneered, and would approach Capri as she tried to back away, closing the distance between them. "This is not that kind of fight!"

It was then Leila would jump forward into the air, sailing over top of Capri as she remained on her back! The brawling bully would then attempt to drop down onto the muscular woman, but she would do so with both knees first, aiming to drive both of them into Carpi's toned stomach along with the rest of her not inconsiderable weight!

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Re: The First Lesson: Leila Johnson vs Capri Clarke

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Capri Clarke gave Leila a confused look when she replied to her, absolutely flummoxed in her hurt state as she held out a hand. "But you told me to tell you when I had enough, and I have!" protested Capri, not understanding why Johnson would say such a thing if she didn't actually mean it. She was hoping to get more of a rest, but her eyes went wide when her opponent leaped into the air. She wanted to scoot out of the way, but she was a bit slow as she clenched her eyes tight. "No!"

Then, both knees hit into Capri's vulnerable stomach as she gasped out loud, eyes wide as her toned tummy was completely smashed with that double knee drop. Arms went to her midsection immediately as she gasped for air, kicking her feet and shaking her head. Her entire focus was on trying to breathe from that painful attack, breaths coming in heaving gasps. Capri wasn't in a good space now, not even a little bit. And she was starting to think it might just get worse from here.

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Re: The First Lesson: Leila Johnson vs Capri Clarke

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Leila's deception at going easy on Capri had lasted all of five seconds! Despite promising to let up on her opponent when she needed a break, the thicc schoolgirl only pressed her attack further, revealing that she never intended to give Capri any sort of reprieve! In this instance, it was when Leila leapt into the air and drove both her knees into the toned stomach of her fit adversary, sinking them deep into her gut and dealing massive damage in the process!

After landing the double knee drop, Leila came to rest on top of Capri, straddling the woman's waist as she coughed and heaved for breath. Seeing the naive suffer underneath her brought a sick sense of satisfaction to Leila, causing her lips to curl into a cruel sneer. "I thought about it," Leila would say down to Capri while she straddled her. "And I think I'd rather just beat your ass and win this thing. You only get one shot to make a first impression, right? I think it's time LAW learned what a bad bitch I am and what a pussy you are!"

It was after that declaration that Leila would would lean down towards Capri's face. Her big, swaying tits, barely contained by her dress shirt and mesh bra, would hover above the muscle woman's head, giving her just enough time to see what was coming before those breasts would envelope her face! Leila would aim to press her rack down over Capri's head and wrap her arms around the back of her head at the same time, pulling her deep into her cleavage for a massive breast smother!

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Re: The First Lesson: Leila Johnson vs Capri Clarke

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Capri Clarke's looked even more confused at Leila was taunting her, menacingly talking to her. Between gasps and coughs, at least, Capri was looking rather miserable so early on in this match up. She would then shake her head as she heard the cruel words from Johnson. She didn't understand how this girl who was so nice to her earlier was being so cruel. The buff rookie would look up at Leila, pouting. At least until she saw what Leila had planned.

Descending into her face, Leila's breasts began to cut off her air circulation, making her let out a shrill whine of panic while she rocked either way, trying to escape. Her legs kicked and she tried to grab and grasp onto Leila's body, trying to get her off. As she was feeling like she might actually start running out of breath sooner than later, Capri knew she had to do something. She wasn't technically sound, but she at least had her strength to fall back on. She grasped Leila by her ribs and Capri let out a loud yell as she shoved hard onto her body with enough force to send Johnson off of her! Clarke would then immediately go wide-eyed, taking loud gasps of air as she tried to crawl away. "You don't... need to be so mean...!" protested Capri as she tried to make a slow escape, the few moves in this match already taking a big toll on her already.

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